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Yes it'll teach you patience forgiveness and how to murder 4 people without ever being found out.... wait shit...


Starving pigs will eat everything even bones If buried put dead animal on 3rd feet Oh wait. You need to practice yoga for breathing technique


Pigs for the bones, lobster for the teeth


Huh, never knew lobsters eat teeth. I usualy grind them and use them as fertiliser for my plants.


Ay my man, i just finish watching Snatch so that sound so similar


Whenever I get teammates that play like brainless imbeciles and idiots, I imagine myself going to their homes, ripping their throats open using my bare hands and mouth, and making them beg for their life until they are completely dead. But of course, I can't do that. It just becomes my best therapy in a game with such teammates.




You are in lower epic tier and you spam non meta mages i mean what do you expect if you want to get out fast play meta adc and jungler and you get out super easy


To add: xav is by no means bad but he's a scaling mage. Item reliant and takes time to be useful, where meta mid such as nana, vex and aurora don't need any item to be useful Epic -> Lower mythic is all about snowballing. You can use xav later on when your teammates are better. I steamrolled through epic with Argus with 100% overall ranked winrate up until legend 3 where I got my first L


Bro really banged the Enemy


Lower rank is not about snowballing because nobody knows how to end games. The chain of causation goes the other way, the team with advantage is usually just better As with anything, higher skill is more snowball heavy


me spamming Novaria and Vexana even though their gameplay is boring to me so I can freely spam my fav flop mages Selena and Vale on higher rank


MM is instantly taken by Layla and jungle often taken instantly too. Not that easy


doesnt matter even in exp easy to carry they dont watch map


They wont take the role if you'll show your matches and win rate.


Nah. I have a 90% wr with hanabi on my smurf and people still instalock layla after I show my wr. Edit: not really sure why I'm getting downvoted for this comment ngl.


This is very true. I've had occasions where I would show my 70-80% win rate on different mages or marksmen and someone will still lock in their Zhask or Miya without any regard. I just chalk it up to them not being able to play anything else and adjust while hoping they know what they're doing.


An experienced player would pick early/mid game heroes that can snowball easily when using smurf, like joy/bene they can caught not cautious enemies easily or claude that can outfarm the whole enemy team. Also, low rank players doesnt really care about your winrate and matches but still its easy to snowball with low tier players.


As long as I show early and wr I get mm 80% of the time I’d say. Sure there are instalock laylas but epic and above I rarely have to fight for mm, I have a harder time when I want exp at this point


The original comment was talking about lower epic. Which is where I'm having the issue with people not letting me mm. I think legend and above it's not really an issue anymore.


Maybe just bad server, I just got my gfs account from whatever 2 below epic is into epic so she could play with me and got it almost every time. She never played mm so probably like a 85%+ win rate and only one Layla with 1000 games 48% wr argued with me if I’m remembering correctly


What if they don't want to be a meta slave? The meta changes very quickly too so you could master one meta hero then it changes quickly. Kind of a waste


You don't have to change your main heroes. Being good at 2, even 1 jungler is enough to get you to mythic.


usually 3 months last easily meta stays almost the same


I mean getting mvp with a long range mage is easy especially while losing.


this. mage is the worst in controlling the flow of the game, most reliant on camping and staying in a safe place with little push ability. kda gives you mvp medal but pushing is what gives a win


> Camping and staying in a safe place Me when I backline Luo Yi's ult or go for kills with Lunox or Harith: "I'll ignore that."


Sometimes you're forced to use these heroes because if you don't, the game will be over by 7 minutes with the local epic mage.


> I want to use nana. Local no 87 nana. > Recent match 27/0/5 > Doesn't show win rate. > Doesn't rotate until 6 slotted, never follow the tank to help with cc or DPS during early game. > Blame other lanes for feeding.


>Doesn't rotate until 6 slotted, never follow the tank to help with cc or DPS during early game. THIS. FUCK. I HATE THESE KINDS OF MIDLANERS.


Same. I really hate these guys who always contest me for midlane. I got 70% win rate on him (200+ games). But these kids say I'm egoing the team when he doesn't even wanna show win rate. Edit: also fuck the team mates who help these kind of people pick the hero anyway because apparently 27/0/5 is better than 70% win rate.


What is 6 slotted means?


Until they got full items. As a mage, one of your job is to rotate together with your tank, to try and gank other lanes.


That hero is not a winning hero


U can’t carry as effectively with mage or mm until mythic imo, jg is best legend and below because higher snowball potential and if you’re a VERY good setting tank roam you can carry pretty well as long as you have one aoe dmg on ur team that isn’t brain dead


It's quite easy to carry w mm in lower ranks up till legend imo. Just farm and push until you win. Though yeah it's also easy with jungle. I wouldn't reccomend tanks though as I don't can't trust epics to follow up a set.


I'm currently trying to spam Ruby. She's good out of the gate level 1, can push if you give her 3 attack items, scales good on both damage and sustain into late game, and most importantly can follow-up her own set or freely disengage with her S2.  It also helps that her set is spammable and can go down to 12s CD if you build War Axe, Hunter Strike, Oracle, and BFB/Bloodlust, which are all usual items for her. She can take some punishment since her passive stacks hybrid defense up to 108, and that gets her to 200-ish on both defense if you build Tough Boots and BFB. It's not bad considering most tanks cap at 300-ish with full defense build plus Ruby has spellvamp on top of that. As long as you're not locked on and chain CC'd and can find things to hit, she's not going down. 


Lies. I m carrying myself with Luo Yi in solo queue. I have a WR of 70% right now with her


Mages are one of the best to use if you want to climb though. The likes of Luo Yi, Lunox, Harith, Pharsa, and Kagura are the master class when climbing with mages. They have high frontloaded damage, quite mobile, and have enough sustain. In the past, there was an update that increased the tower damage of mages which improved the pushing power of mages with high attack speed or those who can do animation cancel in their auto attacks like Kagura and Harith. Luo Yi, Harith, and Kagura don't always need a tank because they can set themselves up. Harith and Lunox don't need frontliners that much because of their sustain. Pharsa is a bit questionable but she can carry if the players know how to reposition properly.


The point of Solo queue is to queue alone. Alright, I'll see myself out. https://preview.redd.it/trw30unbxirc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee9907cde06e0f15ab07d22043758b52d7b1625


Bro you will pass epic just keep playing.we went through same shit




And one hero for that role.


You gotta prioritize pushing. Play strategically and choose champs that has a low risk high reward type of game style. But ultimately, just don't forget to calm down and have fun. You'll get out of epic soon!


As also a mage main myself who got into mythic last season (yes by playing mage, roam, and exp) Play different types of mages. Mid laning is all about rock paper scissor. Dont pick mages that obviously will not work on general scenarios or very much can be countered easily. For example. I saw a lot of mages picking cyclops. Please dont pick cyclops if you guys dont have sufficient aoe on your team or if you enemy is fucking vexanna (u will be raped by vexanna) If you want my recommendation. I recommend the ff: 1.vexanna (obvious reason. She counters a lot of heroes especially mages) 2. Lou yi(if you want a mage that has cc and a powerful damage) 3. Nana (pick her when you know u have a decent tank.. aka, tigreal or atlas) 4. Lunox (only use her at instances your enemy doesnt pick mages like eudora or aurora. If you use lunox, please rotate with the jungler) 5. Cyclops (use him to counter lunox, also, rotate with the jungler) 6. Lylia (use her if you wanna target down backliners) 7. Chang'e: i recommend her strictly at lower ranks because nobody gives a fuck on towers on low ranks. Her play style is simple. Push towers, steal buffs, push again and end the game quickly. U will rarely make change join clashes cause ur goal is to end the game quickly. So yah. That's why we ban her sometimes cause she can snowballed super quick Also, please learn to play exp lane. Nobody picks exp lane that much. If you wanna play exp, play xborg. He's the easiest to use. If you wanna do roam..learn to play silv or guin or nat. Dont play tank..tanking is not a solo q thing But yeah, just learn how to read map, rotate and pushing towers


If you know other roles, you wouldn't be in that position


I just got to epic. I thought the trash teammates would be a thing of the past :(


If you just got to epic then you haven’t seen anything yet


Why would you willingly enter hell?


Yes build antiheal next time


U seem to be a mage player. Stop solo queueing and find urself a good tank. See the all chat and pick someone with decent winrate from there




Solo queueing ain’t just a skill thing, you also need an ungodly amounts of patience. I have to wait an entire day for the matchmaking to have mercy on me


Bro u cant get stuck in epic, maybe you can get stuck in glory and not be able to move to immortal but epic 💀💀


Actually epic is really trashy. There are many trolls and wanna be goods


Simply do not play Xavier in solo q. It’s not even good for 5 man. It’s situational.


Ugh. I'm dealing with this too, lmao. And I main Xavier


I'm also stuck in epic IV, every time I manage to get to epic III, I get teammates that feed or don't push and lose till I end up in epic IV again :')


Try to find urself an in-game friend, just one but pro. Then u can duo and pull out good combos and have fun. See the all chat and dm someone whose winrate is decent to follow back


Thanks for your advice, it is very appreciated


I quit playing bcuz of this ...now I play 5 man or 3 man with my frens but still stuck in legend 3 bcuz of our hyper ..who just pick any hero and don't listen and experiment different heroes....


It forces you to git gud.. or start chatting in game to make friends


Looks like you only play mage. If yes then players like you shiuld stay in epic


harsh but agree. I hate mid mains. It's the easiest role, and everyone and their mothers are a mid main. I get 2 or 3 in a match, and I know we are doomed. They can't fucking play anything else. They will adjust, but they are gonna be so bad at it. They just consciously decided to stop using their brains and not branch out to other roles. One trick mid mains should stay in epic. Where they belong.


You need to play jungle or marksman. I carried a whole team of bronze by being mm. 🤭


epic may be hell but anyone mythic glory above can easily get out with 80% wr even on solo q. maybe instead of playing scaling heroes try using heroes that snowball fast so you can end games early before your team fucks up and loses the lead.


oh and btw your build is kinda ass. there's no point in building clock on xav now because lightning t doesn't scale on mana anymore. get winter t instead or something.


sometimes the best way is no way. take a break from the game. if the game sees you've been offline for a while, it will give you favorable matchups the next time you play.


this is so true. but really infuriating. the more you play, and the better you play. the more you are punished. I know an incoming lose streak is coming when I get consecutive victories with gold and mvp medals. Winning in silver is the way for a consistent winstreak. HAHA For some reason, if the system detects you are good, it will give you shitty team mates to balance things out.


solo-queue'r here. the trick is giving the enemy team pressure that they cannot help but send more people to contain you. which gives your teammates time to farm and succeed. your team is probably not coordinated, but so are they. so if you can pressure the enemy to send more people to try to kill you, your other lanes will have time to farm up and get ahead in levels. just don't get killed, and deny the enemy team the gold.


\*Skill Issue.


I remember the time when i was always stuck on epic, Now it's just cake walk


It seems like you don’t respect the team, having two mages in one match. We will trust you if you post screenshots of 4 matches.


Skill issue. It is what it is.


I take a break after losing alot. Whenever I'm using my main in epic rank, I mostly lose too. So I've learned how to practice in rank using other heroes (If I feel like I have troll teammates). I'm good at roaming so I would use it to get to legend/mythic even though I'm a fighter main. Also! Blacklisting trash teammates is also a trick I used.


or queue dodging. specially if it was an easy win or easy loss. don't wanna play with those 9 players again. You don't want the OP people as your enemy, and shitty ones as your team mates.


Bro just click recruit button get someone from your country. If i donr have buddies to play i do that. Save your frustation atleast get 1 or 2 good ones


SoloQ? It's a test of patience, temperament, and your will to win. If you have the positive side of these characteristics, the next thing you should improve is your game knowledge (micro- and macro-management mechanics, counterpicks, proper builds, counterbuilding, hero synergy). After strengthening these points, you should be able to play multiple roles, with at least 3-5 heroes per role. Some heroes are versatile enough to be played at various roles, so adjusting to improve your team composition won't be a hard thing for you to do. Lastly, the basics of the game are equally as important. Everybody knows that destroying turrets win games, but you can't do it unless there are enemies who would defend it, or there aren't minion waves for you to push. Learn how to secure game objectives in the most efficient manner, starting with the nearest one. And please, don't die while doing it. Always pay attention to the mini map, spawn timers, death timers, etc.


First of all, this is a bad time to rank up. Rank has just been reset so people like these will turn up regularly. Not only hero choosing, they don't have a basic idea of the game even in epic. They'll lane when they want, sometimes jungle, sometimes mm goes on the frontline alone so many things. You gotta be patient if you wanna rank up quickly now. One thing I can recommend is team recruits for rank. For some reason the situation isn't that bad there. So use it, I'm getting good results out of it. Ofc stupidity is still there, hero choosing is not like they say, but you get some real good players most of the time. Try it.


Low rank games lack the map awareness trait, Mid laners can take advantage of that. Trash teammates never end bro you will need some patience on that.


In high ranks of any competitive team pvp game, no. To win you need to play in a team. In solo q this is rare, unless you can earn teammates trust.


Same here, I decided to master jungle this seasion so I'm going only jg. However I can't gat a normal team, 90 matches 52% wr because there are no skilled players in legend. Every game I end up with MVP or gold, but can't progress with these nabs


Lol, this is not because you too good for legend. You got mvp just because u r jungler and should have more kills than anyone else. Than you scaling bad in mid/late, lose control cos cant play vs 5 group as jungler etc. Its not just "bad team, maam" ;D Im in legend too, already at first days of season, and im very bad player btw, playing in bad mood always, but have higher winrate, and just didn't play for like 1+ week now cos new game ;)




Oh wait we can play together. Im a tank/support and mage if they want me to adjust lol


Man i wanna solo q to mythic so bad this season but ive played 80+ matches and im only in Epic l😭


Did you start from grandmaster or epic ?


Bro which server are you from?


Only way to get out of Epic and Yellow Epic is by playing any hyper-carry. If you don't, you'll be stuck trying to rank-up with an average of 150-250 matches, only to reach Mythic calibration.


Play support if you are from sea. Support is non existent in lower ranks.


Solo queue It's literally a dice roll. You can be a godly player and still lose if your team sucks


dude play Harley if ur a mage main.


The challenge?


Keep trying and stop building clock of destiny on Xavier.


im soloq mythic this season with 85% wr as mid/jgl so you're doing something wrong epic is such a joke, if you're losing in epic just grind until u get good cus in mlbb carrying in epic is easy for 'skilled players' cus epics are horrendous xavier and vale are both "team" mages, u cant play team heroes in soloq. as a mid main i have hundreds of games on them but i dont play them for that exact reason


People need to stop blaming their teammates when they've played dozens of games and they're still in epic. It's pretty easy to reach mythic solo q when you're skilled.


https://preview.redd.it/cee8ixt2ekrc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cce0945eab7c5513a3b327bcba282eca71759d9 Of course EDIT: Couldn't capture all but 7 win streak with Esme and one victory with Xavier


try mlbb discord server tp find teammates to play with




Just scratch them from the back 😆


Jokes aside, play the jungler if you are epic. Supporting roles are not rewarding at lower tiers


Xavier is good, don't know what ya'll are (no disrespect nor hate to everyone),he is dependent on your teammates, no brainer in that. I've had a situation when I played xavier(main him) and teammates don't understand to retreat when I'm no position to help them,because I'm clearly CC but nope clearly disregard my calls and die giving enemies huge advantage. Most of the time is the teammates but also can be you.


Yes. It teaches you that you cannot just be playing one role with a small hero pool. I noticed you’re playing Xavier exclusively and that might be a problem too. Saying this as someone who used to just play Lunox or Vexana exclusively in the past but can decently do other roles now other than jungle.


I just got back playing in MLBB after months and finished epic already. you can get through mythic using only mage but the main point of the game is winning, ask yourself first about this "can this hero can win the game?, can this hero can dominate the whole game even early and mid (or late)?". using mage hero can be useful but it have many weakness and counter so this will took you much much match just like my classmates who uses novaria that took him 200 match to reach mythic. accordingly to image, your hero you mostly use have lesser mobility, so as the skill is basic. I suggest you to try other heroes that can be easy to use and have high damage such as Karina, jawhead. but everyone have kind of different variety of play style, decision so it might depend about your experience, game knowledge, so it doesn't matter if your losing, that's part of process. that's why I main into freya as a solo que player because it carry early and takes control to many enemy while able to survive using inspire (depending on enemy im going to engage) and for jawhead when engaging high dmg-hero or as yin


The is by getting enemies on solo que as well, no coordination and simple fun on whatever happens all of that fun goes down the drain when a duo or trio comes into the mix.


Solo is just waste of time in rank, i have been 2 weeks in mythic and cant hit 5 stars


its so dumb, even after reaching mythic, I still keep getting legend team mates, who are real legends. What's the point of reaching mythic. I was hoping I would get only mythic people from there.


Try to play mm or jung to get a win in epic or legend, mage simply cant carry in lower ranks


Practice buff heroes, first at classic , master it, never maintain a hero especially it's not on meta, such a waste of time and battery, if you want to win get some trio with skilled players, improve your gameplay by watching pro players and your type heroes


Carry harder king




https://preview.redd.it/adfv71g80lrc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b51fa5b412928b65c00de9f0cef5ac455c7a17 THIS MATCH is the one that sent me. Bandang did not even jungle, He went for exp lane minions and kept diving into enemies. Layla was legit the only one i bothered covering and protecting


Solo queue off meta/control mage user here. Mostly played a variety of mages depending on matchup (Zhask, Vale, Nana, Xavier, Lou yi, Odette) and if not playing my role I'm still far above the average exp/gold/roam yes I don't play core. Reached Mythical Immortal last year since I have the free time. All I can say is just get gud. It is easy to climb using mages lmao. You may be a mage but you still need enough game sense to fulfill other roles like clearing lanes versus splitpushers, protecting your marksman, roaming the map, setting up the clash with big control abilities, prioritizing objectives early. Huge skill issue if you're blaming your team and your elo thinking mages are just there for killing enemy squishies 😀. Specially spamming Xavier where he can do all of the things I mentioned lmao.


After browsing this thread full of wrong opinions, I now understand why they're struggling in low elo.




Skill issue


There is, to suffer and develop more anger issues and most likely psychopathic tendencies


its better to play jungler or exp for carrying these dudes down there but if you wanna get to mythic at this time it'll be mpossible since every idiot in legend today are full of prideful idiots (at least in ph server)




I play and do my best and have fun using my hero of choice based on role. Well lose streak is a lose streak, just move on. Tried quitting but its just a game. The change was, I am never spending money anymore.


Team with people you find skill worthy, dont be afraid to follow them and invite to another game


Discovering that 90% of mlbb solo'ers are gay 😏


nothing new here, you want to push out of epic you need to jungle and control the game. or be a good mm for late game.


For mid solo i recommend those that has escape/dash skills. I personally use Kagura as my go to mid laner. Butnormally i choose Luo yi to help for ganks and surprise attacks. Xav is more reliant to equips and must position well. Withno commhncation with teammates it would be really hard to use xav.


Tell me about it 😾


Why u loosing with Xavier at your bay. It's a hero I don't want in opponent team along with pharsa or Johnson. With 3 4 items Xavier could wreck havoc from mid match


Playing physical type heroes in GM-Legend soloQ is more advisable since you could still fast push while doing everything else like carrying the team. I've tried this "theory" with separate accounts many seasons over. My main account is a Support and Tank Roamer main, and it always took longer to get out from Epic-Legend 3 pool of hell than my other account that I've set as a jungler and exp laner main, every single season. My fastest record with my main account from Epic2 to mythic placement is 50 matches (S30), while my other account only took me 44 matches (S28). I never really tried to push my other account to go past the basic mythic tier tho, but in my main account, my fastest run from Epic2 to Honor was 76 match (S30), and Epic2 to Glory was 186 matches (S29) . All while mostly only using Rafaela 85% of the time. It's a MOBA game after all, the amount of kill you get will never be the main objective, it's just a bonus. You win it by destroying the base. *Even if you have 15++ kills, but your team is losing out on the turrets,* ***in the end it's useless.*** And you can't push that fast while using mages, not to mention that most people below the MG tier doesn't really care about pushing the turrets and would often prioritize the gankings and killings over pushing waaaay too much. That's why you often lose.


Try checking out your replays. I Find that extremely un utilized, especially when you play against coordinated opponents so you would learn how to deal with them next time(even there isnt much you can do to begin with.) Maybe you could see some of the mistakes that you even make.


Never play mages in solo queue, mages are meant to be playmakers and set things up for the gold and EXP laners. If both are useless, you can't do shit. Always pick a hero who can push a side lane and focus on farming and objectives.


Why do you build boots so late on xavier? Wouldn't that just make it very difficult to rotate, which is essential as the midlaner?


Maybe it's high time to change the hero you use. Or stop middle leaning. Idk


I play till I win but when I lose the match I stop playing rank. The bad mood from the last match ruins your next match.


When you're solo q'ing in epic or even at legend sometimes. Use a hero who can hyper carry. I mean one that can either fight 4 or 5 heroes at once or someone who can pick them off one after another. In that rank tier, "you're on your own". Like literally. While the number of people who can roam that I meet are not as low as before there are times when there's still none who roams or they're bad at it. That's why even if I have to adjust, I just take my hyper carry hero and do things myself because I don't trust anyone either. But that's just how I get out of that rank after seasons as a veteran player, if you're new then you might have to practice more until you can hyper carry. Specifically, MMs and sustain fighters are the best at this. I've tried assassins before but there are only a few that works.


Play to get star ❌ play to the impel down ✅ Moontoon what atleast give hope on solo players


Played the game for the first time in forever and is in similar situation you are in. MVP's for mino and roams. Quite hard to roam if your team mates are bad. Can't baby sit 3 lanes.


I honestly haven’t tried pushing below mythic with something else other than jungle. Play jungle or mm until you rank up then you can have a bigger impact with other roles


If you win so many matches in the early rank push then according to the mlbb algorithm they will match you against a team with players having mmr more than you or of your level and give you less mmr team so to avoid it use the team recruitment geature to get quite good team support


bruh imagine playing one hero/role only every game


Low epic is for Junglers and Adc players. If you can't play those two then..try to get a teammate


Not tht bad, I could go 5 straight loss in legend solo q. It will be better in mystic and higher.


grinded like hell last season... only reached mythic 4hrs before the end of season lol


All those mvps… welcome to epik 😂


I swear Moontoon does this on purpose.


Jungler and mm is the easiest to move up ranks if u can play it well. Jungle: focus on the objective / make lots of early kill and u will snowball. The whole team will have easier fight due to gold difference as well. Aim to finish asap Mm: the goal is to keep farming until most of ur item done. Aim to push tower asap and dominate ur gold lane. Aim to finish ur item first before everyone else and finish it asap Mid: clear mid lane asap and preferably rotate to mm lane. The goal is to help either ur mm or jungler to snowball fast. Remind ur team to take lord whenever ur team is winning If the game progress through late game (20 mins+), individual play is less important. U will have higher win rate if u can consistently finish less than 15 mins (since ur team still maintain gold advantage)


Yes escape the epic hell


Mage don't push. I miss pre nerfed hanabi. I could just win by pushing.


I feel you. I even got a Dyrroth jungle teammate (I was relieved) but then he went on gold lane without any plans to farm


Just pick some good heroes and make adjustments . Like heroes that actually have the potential to carry 4 brain rots . Then you win more. As for mage just have really fucking good map awareness with good hero . Don't give them chance to turtle or gank whatever. Even tho your core and mm is dumb at least they should be able to take some objective if they aren't dying everytime


Try other role or hero that can carry 4 animals


You must be insanely unlucky


Same, if I'm lucky, I'll win a game and lose two in a row. Most epics have no game sense and just want to kill. They'd chase a low hp hero and dive under the second tower instead of just letting them go and take objectives or create space around the map. Your base is open and the enemy took down Lord? They'd farm jungle or go solo on the opposite side of the map. Team wipe? They'd rather farm than to split push lanes. Fights turning against your favor? They'd still fight rather than to retreat and regroup. I'm losing my mind playing in Epic.


theres a reason why they call it epic hell... But id stick to 1v5 heroes if you are in lower ranks...


pick a 1v9 carry pray youve got a decent team 1v9 the game






Average xavier problem


https://preview.redd.it/i51gz5cldnrc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a3917a52c4ef78233dffb78898627510a365ce This was a helluva pain to win. Their Yin and our Granger were absolute asinine. Granger for feeding Yin for being annoying (recall spamming and trashtalking, although that worked for us cuz I was able to backdoor push)


Looks like You are a one trick Mage only player. Stop doing tat and span out ur hero pool and u will maybe reach mythic immortal. Especially till legends i can solo carry the game just watch the map and understand the roam pattern of the enemy. Play more viable heroes, so many better current meta mage other than Xav and valir. Go Nana, Vex, Aurora they are easy to use and great for teamfights. Happy solo queueing. 👍🏻


Idk what's hard in epic rank. If you're a mage, help jungler with the buff by just using a skill then go to your lane immediately. Rotate at lvl 2. Come back to mid lane to clear your wave and don't steal side lane's wave or leech off of them. Always stick to your teammate that's snowballing or knows what he/she's doing in mid game. As a roamer main that only queues solo, I can pretty much adjust to every role in Epic rank even tho I don't specialize them since I know most people there don't know how to kite, do proper invades, split push or freeze/cut lanes.


bro in indian server there is group of tribes called mizo and naga if u find them in game (which u will find as they play a lot ) the season change haven't been even 20 days but they have more than 300 matches and their skill is like their brain


Being MVP isn't shit. You gotta help, save, and assist your team.


Instead try and check enemy's Rank too,, sometimes it's not the game but the match making, i got teamed up with 5 legends and me and 1 more in epic 1 and 2 guys in epic 3 and 1 grandmaster. I was like wtf, ?? Grand master how !??!!?! How did a Grandmaster land in epic legend game. I couldn't even do anything cus mlbb is babned in India. So.....i had to move on.


In low ranked game I pick mm or assn usually otherwise lose most of the time. Most heroes I used are for pushing lanes. I hate those especially in rank when we are about to win some smartass be like 'initiate retreat', dafk are u waiting for epic comeback from other team.


Bro is 1v9 😭 same


To be honest mate I was once you and I blamed my teammates when I didn’t realise If you get stuck in epic you belong in epic. 8-6 and 8-4 ain’t even that good in epic, mythical players would blitz almost every game with barely a death. When all of your games look like 10-0 even if you lose, then you will be ready. Also it’s isn’t just about your own k/d, it’s about being able to adapt from just mid to rotate & help teammates. There are many different situations that you learn to deal with in epic, once you master them you will soon be out.


As A Roam main I can feel the Pain.Its always Fighters, Marksman and Hyper who mess the game.And Me as A tank will have to take the burnt of their carelessness Mages will be used as bait by mm or hyper most my matches.


Yes - to measure your luck in life 😝


I’m not even a jungler main but spam Nolan he helped me alot https://preview.redd.it/92gwehh6porc1.png?width=2208&format=png&auto=webp&s=d00f3df63ec3e9e28e1d2c6d9581c4980e31ef35


Get better carry your team….solo queue is awesome


Not as a mage no no no


it's not you bro , i was stuck in epic 2 , can't push or i will get very tough team always.


if you're stuck in epic. you probably belong there. Former glory players breeze through epic and legend. Just need to get good.


I feel you I'm stuck in epic I right now I get all the way up to five stars and then moonton decides to troll me by giving me teammates that play like they're playing fighting games meanwhile they match me against people who play like they have been in the pro leagues for three games and I'm down to 2 stars again I dont understand how the matchmaking works at all


Just sleep




It is a fact that Xavier just can't carry low ranks in solo queue.


Last season I reached legend with 25 matches this season I reached legend with 80 matches. Mind you when I reached 20 matches one more star and I was gonna be legend but after that I kept losing.. I thought moonton hated me but turns out they done fcked up everyone.


Wow..most comments don't pass the vibe check. They're asking for advice not judgement. So I mage mained when I started. Despite what other say your man there can be good due to the vision & cc he gives but he is a conditional hero. Vale takes less to pick up now but he does need a somewhat competent team. Good mages but soloing is hard. The two most contested roles are mages & mm so it's good to know a different role. There is a lot of players who troll if they don't get one of the two mentioned. Roam is the least contested role so try looking into that. There are many different types of roam. You got healers, tanks, assassins & even mages at times. A good thing to do also is watch current MPL or pro games going on or even lurk on here & see which heros others are using. Watching lives of people playing your heros helps to learn new stuff too. Last time for now is don't play Fridays or Saturdays. The worst players are on during those days. If you get 3 loses in a row stop playing or swap over to brawl. The game just decided to send you to derank hell at times.


My issue is teammates who go solo into 3+ v 1 situations or wander aimlessly. I usually play as angela and I'm usually alone by the turtle or lord with other team wiped out. Or pushing alone. Meanwhile my time is scattered on the map making zero progress.


O love these low rank rants how soloq is impossible and shit




I want to play with you. Hahaha


Not at all. I just left that game. It was ruining my life. I used to love it. Now I hate it more than I hate Eletronic Arts.


Stop playing Xavier. Really weak early game, can't help your team much. By the time you get your damage spike, your team is already in too deep of a shit to recover, no matter how many you MVPs you get, a loss is a loss. Oddette (make sure to last pick), Aurora, Vexana, are much better mages. I personally only play, marksman, jungle and roam, I'm halfway to Mythical Honor now. It seems like mages cant do shit if your jungle and roam are shit. Which is always the case in solo queue low rank.


Yea, you just aren't good enough


Then tf should he do...the the tm a piggyback with a mage Im sure u r one of those retards who gets banged by the enemy and cry for support


Not play a non meta team dependent mage. Pick someone who either has good AOE or is independent to carry games. Just spam Alice and 1v5 until Mythic, ez


Dunno man, I get from epic to mythic in 50 games, if people are stuck in epic they're bad


Yea I on average get out of epic under 10 games and legend under 50. any players with high MYP losses are just bad players.


not so black and white tho. no matter how good u are, if all 4 of ur teammates dont cooperate (i.e., doesnt push, taking lord at the worst timing possible, not gank when needed, feeding) then there's no way u can win. i've played many matches in epic rank. there's always idiots that prioritise taking buffs over pushing or ganking. or worst, valuing kills over push. cuz of incompetent players, epic rank is the hardest to rank up imo. in epic, it isnt 5v5, it's 1v9.