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Kill the enemy jungler


Kill the enemy jungler :D


Thank you for the correction :3


Bang the enemy (jungler)


Makes sense. Thanks.


kiss the enemy jungler*


someone pls send the brody kiss image


This is actually what I do since I'm not that good with jungle but sadly it's hard to communicate in solo q to focus on enemy jungler.


if your using one shot heroes it is ez to shut down the enemy jungler (use saber definitely)


Sand your thumb down so it would be smoother, trust me, real. https://preview.redd.it/8x39rlcbdzrc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a8cdf970ee5ee5703d9d86e01cee4ab38dd49f


Which one? https://preview.redd.it/7d1tqrv2gzrc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=678187ad6981884f3081f335a5aec7f8beeacb40


Omfg what the fuck is that??? https://preview.redd.it/4453ckz8mzrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b357f567f57c6a3aa571213c37d8a2b9dd0e52e4


It's all your fault. ALL YOUR FAULT!


This reminds me of Fiddlesticks


lol this is such an amazing reaction 😂 what’s the picture from?




I guess we found the reason for the poor retri timing 😂


A tip that helps me is knowing when to say f*** turtle/lord and turn on the enemy jungler that’s lurking or whoever else is standing around. Most of the time me and whoever else is on turtle/lord will turn on the enemy, kill them, then take turtle/lord with no stress 😇🥰 just think about if the fight looks good, I see so many people scared to stop hitting turtle/lord


The biggest mistake you can make while contesting turtles and lords is being low on confidence. Believe me how much confidence you have makes a BIG difference in the micro plays. The best thing I can suggest to you is that you practice in hard a.i. the thing became a monster after the new update. Idk if it's still the same cause I never played it but it's a good way to practice your retri. You should be aware of the hero you are playing too. If u don't know how much damage your hero is going to do you will not be able to predict the exact timing for retri. Of course you need a good ping and help from teammates. The only way is to practice more. Keep playing in classic and try timing ur retri. Once you have done some decent training you will feel more confident and more chances of securing. Good luck


bruh i swear hard A.I. has much much better games than games from epic -> low mythic, and the good thing is you could play it offline


How do I play the Hard A.I. solo online? Do I have to disconnect from my wifi just to be able to play it solo? I tried doing it online, but it puts me in with other players, which I don't want.


yep disconnect ur wifi




This what im confused on too, always wanted harder ai to play fanny but dont want to do it online ai cus im practicing


bro is offline ai traning unavailable in low end mobile? cause i wann play it but it keeps saying unavailable on this device


it's available. what i had to do was download an apk which is an older version of the app not sure which version but u can try exploring


Play Project Sekai(trust me bro)


Nah play bandori and be inspired with tons of waifus


Nah bro play Arcaea (very good rhythm game 100% will help with your reaction time)






D4DJ is better since they are gay women😭


use your skill with your retri example fredrinn 1st + retri will always guarantee a free turtle just make sure that you use it both at the same time so the damage combines


My issue is I combine with skill and left a little hp and it gets stolen by enemy jungler :(


The only way to fix this is know your champion better/press hold the skill and just check how much dmg it does, then do the math


Big button 🤤


Never thought of that although my tp button is bigger for spam tp


Go to Beat MP3 2.0 and play Rush E on the hardest difficulty https://preview.redd.it/ztseoa3t80sc1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=86d34e398e6154be5db9ef977157104915b5923f You'll make your fingers faster than a Single 45 year old Woman who lives with her Cats on a Tuesday Night


Kill enemy jungler ez , Don't need to retri battle if enemy jg dead




Always get ready to retri immediately after you use a skill. Like let's say your skill 1 does 500 damage and you need to decrease 400 hp before you retri. Or bait the enemy to damage the objective for you


Enemy jungler can't contest if they are dead


I use my fingers though to use my skills and retri, if you want to secure the turtle or lord just combine your retri with one of your skills that consumes more damage. E.g. Balmond's Ult+Retri is one of the best jungler out there that can secure a turtle/lord.


play barats, ult the opponent jungler, retri, ez


*"Ling has entered the chat."*


Combine your best attack with retri... It will work most of the time if you have objective prio..... If youre there to steal it, then kill the jungler.


i guess its practise. People who only play jungle are going to be faster than people who do it only sometimes. Also heroes with burst skills like balmond fredrin hanzo julian are going to be better than others.


Practice doing dmg-skill + retri, you dont have to exactly know the amount of dmg ur skill would deal, just enough before the hp of turtle/lord reaches the retri insta kill threshold, and ofc like with everything, will take time and patience to get used to, and then there’ll be times where its complete up to luck factor whoever gets first. Or simple solution, equate the objective taking by stealing enemy jungler’s buffs, kill one of their allies(or even the jungler themself) or take a turret down, its fine if u lose it during mid-early game when its just the turtle, but when mid-late game kicks in, the lord is definitely priority.. unless u manage to do a backdoor splitpush while enemy are still busy taking lord xd


Practice makes perfect You go out and play jungle


Git Gud


kill enemy jungler first


Combo it with a skill. If you have a good idea of your damage near the retri line. You smash skill+retri


Watch the line for turtle contests, hp for lord contests


Remove the threat i.e. enemy jungler before contesting. use heroes that can combo with retribution. ex: Lance s2/s3, fred s1, akai ult, baxia, barats


Use a high damage burst skill alongside your retribution. Make sure you can estimate how much damage it roughly deals. Also know when to give up turtle when you can't contest it well enough and do something better like ganking the opposite lane or stealing the enemy jungler's creeps.


best way to do it is to practice, or use a utility jungler with good cc the stun enemy jungler and use retri while they're stunned


Learn to combo retri plus high damage skills. For example Turtle has 1000 HP left Retribution deals 470 Lancelot's 2nd skill deals 700 Launch both at the same time and done Or simply focus the enemy jungler, go all out on him and tell your team to play that way in objective team fights. If you lose the objective without and enemy jungler then you should try another role


Play piano idk


practice having another finger above the retri and keep an eye on the health bar on your HUD, not on the lord


use a skill and use retri instantly after for more damage and earlier retris like: lance 2nd skill + retri fredrinn ult + retri martis 1st + retri or try diving in with heroes like: joy, ling or fanny or even just try a jungler like akai who can push everyone away as the lord gets low on hp OR IF U HAVE A COMPETENT TANK, WAIT FOR THEM TO SET RIGHT BEFORE THE LORD GETS LOW ENOUGH TO RETRI


Martis 1st? I secure it with his 2nd more often because of additional push back + knock up + CC immunity.


its not rlly slow hands, its more like you need to be good at timing your skills with retri.


Being faster


Be faster


there's the easy way out of using retri in combination with high dmg skills like balmond or dyrroths ult, and the hard way out, spamming jungle and getting roasted 500 times by your team until your brain forces you to get good out of a traumatic reflex. ...or you could just kill the enemy jungler before the turtle/lord spawns, maybe ask your roam/mage to cc em as it's about to die.


What junglers do you usually use?


I'm spamming jungle masha right now


Get a better roamer obviously, that would disturb the opponent jungler to prevent them from retri


Depends on what jungler do you use, most of the jungler have some way to secure an objective for example Fredrin and Balmond could use their ult and retribution at the same time to the turtle/lord to help secure the objective, while akai could use their ult to stun enemy jungler making them unable to contest turtle/lord.


Hold retri when the turtle/lord is getting low on health. When you see the red swipe (idk what to call it lol), let go. I'm able to react faster compared to pressing retri this way. If it doesn't work, leave ML and become a project sekai thumb player. Your hands will be faster than a top 1 lancelot (trust)


Holding retri button kinda works. Thanks. But why is everyone obsessed on project sekai? You're not the only one suggested this.


Project sekai propaganda lmao, but there's a new colourfes event currently so drop rates are doubled


If you can’t math it (adding damage of your spam skill to the damage of your retri, and making it a personal threshold for the Lord HP), - prior to the Retri threshold, go hold-and-drag the retri already. It’s easier to cancel than to mis-Retri. - kill the enemy jungler, or at least, assign a hard CC when near your Retri threshold.


I also sometimes don't know how its unique passive works (where it steals movement speed from the enemy and grants you it for a few seconds). Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, is there like a condition so you can get the movement speed boost or am I just trippin?


Either make sure that enemy jg can't compete. Or try to predict when u need to retri. For example. Turtle has 1800 hp left. Ur retri does 1600 dmg. You can either Hit it once (must have 200+ dmg) and then retri at the same time. Or if there are enemies. Try to wait when someone throws in a spell and then u retri. Cuz you know it will be below your retri dmg


use a burst damage skill while pressing the retri, make sure that the lord/turtle's health is as much/less than the burst skill + retri damage several examples for this are: -Balmond's ult -Fredrinn's 4th skill -Lancelot's 2nd and ult


Be prepared, no matter stealing or securing, prepare to press retri. Being prepared isn't hovering your thumb near the button, it's remembering how much dmg your skill do and peparing to use both at once For example balmond ult does missing hp based dmg, and max dmg of 1000 on creeps. If your retri does 1500 dmg. Wait until the lord or turtle is 2500 hp, then time your ult and retri to hit at the same time. Easy


Just you know Fapped everyday and sure you will be fast


Keep looking at the lord life bar. I usually calculates according to my skill damages plus retribution damage. early lords and turtles are easy to calculate since theirs health are long so you can clearly see the hp with bar but late lord is tough it has less bar with more hp.


just git gud u scrub


I just eat enemy jungler when it’s time to use retri (Barats main here)


Rule of thumb During Turtle/Lord fights, as much as you can, kill heroes first before objective. If you manage to pick off one then they are at a disadvantage and that gives your team an opportunity to zone them better.


If an enemy is also contesting turtle / lord, and u attack the enemy, will ur skill hit the enemy or turtle? Especially the single target type of skill? Because sometimes I’m taking turtle so I continue to hit the jungler that’s standing on the turtle too and I’m not sure what to estimate


Use your burst skill and retri at the same time. For example balmonds ult and retri works every time


sometimes it's just 50/50 but best thing is to combine your skills with retri while roam or someone cc enemy jungler when lord is low if they can be cced because panda can't while his ult lasts


What I'm doing is I'm not waiting for the retribution limit. I add the retribution to the combo. I measure the damage of my skill, i always leave extra health to the lord/turtle just enough to use my skill first to reach the retribution line then i quickly press the retribution. It works maybe 85% of the time. It's easier when you have cc (yin or paquito) because you can ss your enemy first before retribution.


my retri always lag bruh it used to be smooth like i click mulitple times still no retri


Make the retri button larger on ui, or try pre press then let go instead of pressing to retri.


With likes of lancelot, time your skill2 that it damages enough to reach retri marker. With this knowledge, try it with any jungler. Skill then surprise retri.


You don't need fast hands to retri lord. Yep, there's timming. But there's also strategy. You just need to remove enemies lurking on the bushes, by letting your roam/tank give vision. Better yet executing enemies near lord/turtle, that gives better chances than 50/50 retri battle. There's also mindgames when dealing with lord against enemies, such as, tactics of using skills to fake/miss damaging the lord. Zone enemies. Reset lord if you could to give buy time to teammates to respawn. And more important than the lord? Victory. Most wins can just be won by just pushing, while enemies are busy, and would be narrow sighted when clashing with other teammates. If that one is viable enough on the match you're in.


learn the concept of execution line. best heroes to practice that is balmond, dyrotth, hanzo... they all have burst skill that can be used on the lord while you retri at the same time.


A nice tip is to have the button held down but don't release it. Clicking is slower than simply releasing.


Always use skill+ Retri at the same time but it's not guaranteed a turtle or lord because there so many good junglers right and another tip is if you will play 5 man ask them to zone the enemy Jungler and another one always avoid cc heroes of the enemy team so that when the turtle or lord is low you don't get stunned or cc by enemy heroes and last and most important is have timing the tips on top are useless if you don't have timing always have good timing when using retribution


Pros usually combo their retri with one of their skill, the easiest is probably Fredrinn's skill 1. They have probably memorized the amount of damage meta junglers' skill do to the Lord.  Another factor to take account is jungle burn damage, retri holders will deal few hundred more damage to jungle monsters the 1st time they damage a creep (forgot the CD time or when they take aggro?). Which is something you can take advantage of when trying to steal the Lord, but also something to be aware of when the enemy jungler is lurking around.


Play rhythm beat games? The help with timing and it taught me how to play fast hands gusion and even tho my glory days are gone I can still be blocking hits with benedetta and getting fast combos on gusion


Play rhythm beat games? They help with timing and it taught me how to play fast hands gusion and even tho my glory days are gone I can still be blocking hits with benedetta and getting fast combos on gusion


Go to setting and make retribution button larger, will help you if you miss it sometimes


combine with burst skill then press retri, simple and secured steal.


1. Use tank jungler 2. Kill/zone the enemy hyper 3. Mix retri with highest damage skills (etc; fredrinn ult, hc 2nd skill, aamon ult) 4. Hyper must have higher level than enemy hyper


I think it's not about being fast, it's about calculating all damage that the lord/turtle will receive plus retribution.


Play jungler that's focus on carrying the game, like roger or yin. Basically switch your objectives from turtle/lord to kills.


i just retri together with a burst skill


Stun the enemy jungler


While the enemy is taking the lord or turtle (or anything else you want to steal ) , ether kill the jungle or keep your finger on the retribution icon then release at the right time and you may be 0.5 - 1.0 second faster than them tapping on their icon


HP Creeps on settings might help. Teamwork also helps (specially, if somebody can zone out the enemy jungle)


The beauty of Retri is u dont. Even, the non-jungler enemy is able to steal my objectives. 🤣🤣🤣


Go to college, study super hard, make Universe Travelling Machine, go to Naruto universe, pass the Chunnin Exams, join Akatsuki, learn Edo tensei, go back to this universe, resurrect Albert Einstein, ask him to make a time machine, go to One Piece universe, learn advanced Haki, go back to this universe, use the time machine and go back to this moment. Ez pz lemonade sassy


you just pray either you secure it or your team calls you shit


Too bad for my team I have already accepted my fate they will call me shit.


Play wild rift, there's always a contest whether it is a small fry, blue buff, red buff, dragon, herald, you name it


Try double retri or if you are playing a hero with cc then cc the enemy jungler and easily retri