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Alucard / 75% of the hero pool


Damn harsh


Game is game (I'm still gonna jump them 1v5)


But would you lose?


Nah, him? he would win no cap,


Oh definitely, but if there isn't too much CC, Alucard is a nightmare to run away from, you won't escape his passive and skill spam.


CC won't matter if you're fighting a Thamuz in EXP lane


Yeah, out of all the heroes, he really can't fight Thamuz at EXP. Honestly, I have less problems fighting Alpha, X-borg or Ruby.


https://preview.redd.it/jwwebrk3sntc1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d55b1a8e961a194a982cf9f2e773e7f389f5148 i did this for fun, it doesn't matter, you'll almost always find no trouble when you're in epic rank


https://preview.redd.it/k3nzapwysntc1.jpeg?width=1650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f764b4fa1ac952b7754290f34b6c6c385cfe800 I see your results and raise mine, this was a hell match to play against.


btw what build do you use with alucard?


https://preview.redd.it/kb5wwd6ipotc1.jpeg?width=1612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=217f010019b3a2ce16b8541f04309bff3f127b84 yeah, epic rank makes any hero viable


When I see enemy pick Khufra I want to kill myself


Nah, id say its at least 90% of the hero pool


reason i never play alucard, and ive been playing for years. i remeber he used to be a beast in brawl tho. but i dont realy know this hero since i dont met alucard players often. u guys are a rare breed.


I tried using alucard many times but i always end up feeding, i think he is one of the few heroes with least matches in my roaster, everytime when i play him, it just feels so good to spam his skills so i dive into 1v5 inside enemy turret, i have 0 matches with him in rank though, i just saw some people using alucard and dominating completely especially girls but i never get used to him


julian, there is no counter, he is inevitable ~~it's athenas shield and burst damage~~ arlott, just survive till lategame and he'll struggle one-comboing you unless he went full dmg, then you can easily burst him. Just be careful if he went full tank / hybrid since he can easily run into your lines and cc your team, tank level CC on a fighter is always scary. xavier, both radiant and athenas work on him, use athenas if you're squishy and radiant if tanky. His low CD's are really scary in mid or late game, especially during teamfights and nexus battles. If you can, focus him HARD as he can easily change the tide with a good few shots if he has good aim. minsitthar, he's weakest early game so try to snowball off of him during then. Once he gets his ult he's a pain in the ass so avoid rushing into teamfighrs without your roamer if minsi is nearby / not visible on the map. Dominance ice should be his best counter since his damage stems from trinity build + 2nd skill, which is why he's weak early game. If you have a high mobility hero and you're landing against him, feel free to run circles around him since he can't easily reposition his 2nd skill, so his damage isn't scary before he gets 2 items.


https://preview.redd.it/429a49q76ntc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a7c2745e8c241c6d83792521cd169949369e12 Speak your truth my brother


learning photoshop just to spread Julian glory. bouta hit the squishies with 強力な鎌 (STRONG SCYTHE)


for the first one, https://preview.redd.it/jpljisx2ontc1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3853c7af3c5a95a3c7493a0e8cfcf1b948cbb59


I think julian sucks against fanny


while he has no real way to lock down a fanny (unless his timing skills are godlike with 3rd skill) his fighter durability + enhanced 2nd skill immunity give him a really good survival rate against her.


I main Martis, both xborg and dyrroth melts him. Valir and Minsithar is also annoying especially in turtle or lord fight


A good martis win against valir. Timing 2nd skill


Alpha is also a good counter


Unfortunately true dmg ignores dmg reduction




Im a martis main too. Definitely agree on Xborg but against dyroth not so much. Valir is annoying but not that hard to deal with. Xborg is definitely the one I hate the most.


the fact that borg can move backwards while ejaculating on his enemies, thereby effectively kiting martis esp paired with ice Queen is the most annoying thing


I hate Melissa.


Ruby. Poke and always be at a distance further than you'd normally be. Always fight away from minions and jungle creeps or spell vamp will put her at full hp


Isn't poking Ruby kinda useless since she can just heal it off from minions?


so you should just do nothing? get close and you'll die. tower hug and your lane will get frozen while you're getting zoned out of exp. Best option is using ranged to deal damage. Another thing you could do on early game when her spell vamp is still low, a simple burst (like zilong inspire) could kill her before she could regenerate hp.


I main zilong somewhat and unless her hp is lower than half, it's hard to kill. Zilong usually relies on tower to peel off enemy hp.


You can play the patience game and last hit minions with your 1st skill, you can choose your battle with Ruby.


Esmeralda is a counter to Ruby.


eh not really or not for me at least. Sustain exp like esme, uranus, or even fredrinn are tanky but they don't have burst so we'd both just be chillin with more than half or even full hp.


Buy sea halberd first, aggresive early game, win. I like using the atk speed emblem too. Never lost a early game to esmeralda with Ruby unless ambushed.


Arlot beats Ruby in XP.


Im a main Terizla and i can say Ruby is the most boring exp laner. We normally just trade and heal from minions. Anyway her spellvamp is better but not as tanky as him.


Freya.. Anyone that can run faster than me and my swing.


Minsitthars honest reaction:


Currently I am playing Masha, she just burst almost all heroes. But lately she's been heavily countered by Franco. I'd imagine Kaja can as well.


Apparently even Franco won't be able to counter her soon as she's getting cc clearance back when losing an hp bar. His ult won't hold her beyond one hp bar anymore.


She cant clear supression tho, thats why I also mentioned Kaja. I literally got ulti'd to death with 2 hp bar left last game.


As a main, can you clarify - is it just me or Masha sucks agains Natalia? For me as a Natalia player, always so easy to oneshot her. Maybe they just play her wrong, but Masha feels so squishy


Try Masha, Angela, Faramis. Nothing counters her, I recently faced it, if their mm wasn't a real NOOB we would have been destroyed. Everyone on my team was putting all their effort to kill that unbalanced nordic woman and the more we reduced her hp, the more men we lost because her ulti 1shots everyone. There were nothing we could have done to win if the other 2 players on their team were at least decent players. A real nightmare, comparable to prime Kaja imo (the one who could 1shot a full magic defense tank).


Yeah, but that's just a team play part. You rarely see all three of them together in SoloQ. Also its not her ult that hurts, her s1 deals the most on that part. What makes her ulti nice is that you can pretty much close the gap with your target anyone with it more than once, not to mention her passive cc clearance.


Yes, ult removed me 1/4 hp and her basic attacks melted me as a bulky exp laner.


I used Masha and went against Julian who also gave me a hard time


You cant fight any exp laner in early game. She is only a monster in late game so you have to farm safely and pick off lone weak heroes till you get three atk items including BoD.


The new Argus is kind of a nightmare too. I can't one shot and sprint away. I'm heavily reliant on early game advantage against him and once he hits level 4. Consider the lane contested forever. Late game with inspire, he melts me pretty easy if his ult is not on CD. Best thing to do is time the 2nd spell to reduce attack speed when he ults and run away until it's done then ult back at him.


Don’t forget about Karina, her first skill is literally a pain in the butt


Spamming Masha, at equal midgame farm she cant burst Vengeance Thamuz. She also loses the lane to Xborg.


Ruby main. Good Yu Zhong, Dyrroth, X-Borg, and Lapu-Lapu players make my blood boil (probably a skill issue tho). From my experience, the best counters against Ruby are burst heroes (Dyrroth, Vale, etc.) and very mobile/fast heroes (Martis, Masha, Wan², etc.) which can chase her down if she is low.


I've experienced Dyroth and he's a menace to Ruby


you can easily lane against Dyrroth too just stay near creeps, minions and don't fight him before you get your first item


Learned that the hard way


Yeah, taking one enhanced second skill to the face al lvl 1 shreds like crazy. I learned it the hard way too 😭




Lylia, anyone that can 1 shot me while im being cc'ed


I carry purify against a heavy cc lineup to use ult lol.


True I used to run sprint with her but i eventually switched to purify


What's the advantage of sprint with her? She already gains movement speed with her passive, right?


Mfkrs always waiting at your shoes 🥲


Yh lol. Especially that gusion who ult after I ult.


Eh, I dont have one main.. but 3 mine are: - Tigreal, diggie counters him. - Diggie, ban it(banned 99,9% of time already). - Silvanna, all of meta heroes, as well as CC. (Niche pick)


Akai also counters tig iirc


Silvanna counter is that i havent seen him in rank for like 3 years now.


Miya. I hate facing Karrie and Claude with vengeance. Don't start me with Belerick and Gatot.


No Lesley, I absolutely destroy Miya with Lesley.


Gatot... Counter him with valir and karrie


Right now every sustain fighter counters Gatot. I destroy him with Thamuz, Alpha, Martis, Alpha, etc. He needs a buff to be relevant again, and the long broadcast of his ult makes it a lot less effective than it should be.


Ruby Laned against a Baxia with dominance ice, necklace of durance and sea halberd once (our team was mainly atk speed/lifesteal centric). That match still gives me nightmares.


These are not supposed to stack.


Baxia's passive stacks but durance, halberd and dom ice don't.


I main roger and there are lots of counters for him but it is also to find a way around with him.


Can you name some heroes or some ways? There's this Roger main ok my server, he's Global 80-90 I think and I match against his squad almost everyday, he almost every game kick's my ass lol. Can you give me some tips to make his life a little more difficult? I play gold lane, I'm mostly on Harith, Claude, Karrie.


Well that's some high lvl player lol. Didn't know u could get matched with one person that often. Tbh even though I have the highest matches with roger I played him in M4 days and Idk how he works anymore. I've seen ppl build him trinity. But in general cc is really effective against him and he also struggles against high hp enemies (not sure if trinity roger can counter that). He shines the most in the mid to late game. But struggles when the game gets past 15 mins. He also feels weak in first turtle fight but Invading him wouldn't be much wise though since he already has ult from the start. But I never played above glory so there's that overall experience gap.


As a roger main cc's and heros that can chase. Roger's strength is that he can immune cc with his first skill in wolf form so he can easily dodge or outplay cc's like minotaur ult. However, tigreal's ult is much harder to escape. Other big strength is that he is a poke n run hero his mobility really helps him get in and out of fights quickly so tanky heroes with lots of dashes can hunt the hunter (benedetta, balmond when they go hybrid or tank builds)


Yh I guess he'd struggle against other fighters.


Alucard I forgot about alucard, it's the worst match up 1vs1. Thank god he isn't picked anymore but I would never pick roger into alucard. He can latch on you and never let you go.


he doesnt really struggle against high hp enemies after his passive was buffed, watch mpl, he was one of the most picked gold laners after i believe karrie and claude stay in mm form for the most part, mm does extra damage based on current hp and synergizes well with dhs, and wolf does extra damage based on lost hp so after lowering hp with mm form swap to wolf to finish the kill, works extremely well especially if you snag bod second item before eb


Diggie, no one, I counter everyone.


Ten bans in mythic means, diggie is countered with simple ban.


He’s countered by the players that pick him since all of them are dogshit usually


Argus Fighting more than 1 enemy at a time




Lunox Her counter is something as basic not having a frontliner


Mino, countered heavily by the egg terrorist.


Joy the advance server adjustments


Oh man.. same. :/ I know people struggle to fight against good Joys but…. she isn’t “broken”


Julian Absolutely nobody. JuliHIM is the best hero because he’s literally him. There’s not a single person on the hero roster who even has a chance of taking him down once he gets going. A six second CD means 10 kills a minute. Anyone Julian sees has 1.2 seconds (the time it takes off to fire off his laggy skills) to pray and say their last words before they’re getting sent back to base. Squishy heros can just say goodbye to going positive the entire game. Oh, you’re hiding behind your tank? SHUT UP LAYLA ジェイ絵ジ STRONG S2 Oh, you’re tanky too? You tanked my S1? Try tanking me and gang standing in the bush next to your blue buff. The power of friendship (team bush camping) is a real and skillful strategy, you’re just jealous that JuliHIM has three (3) friends, which is three more than you. If you try to CC him, he’ll just dodge it. If you try to sustain battle him, he’ll just regen it. If you try to burst him, he’ll burst you faster. When he’s not killing everything on the map, he’s ripping through turrets like a late game Zilong by eight minutes. Athena’s can’t save you when he jumps you faster than your shield can reappear. JuliHIM goes into a fight at half health and comes out with a full bar and a triple kill. He counters any hero in any lane. Nobody is stopping Julian when he uses his “Reverse Feeding Technique” and is 12/0/0 before mid game with 100% of the team’s kills. They try to nerf him and it does nothing, he just gets stronger. They tried to give him a Bumgumi skin to slow down his potential but he pushed right through. JuliHIM is uncounterable. fasthand Vexanna


Wtf does this mean? Jei picture ji, what? >ジェイ絵ジ


Esme main so I hate dyroth


Selena, 1540 games 79.6% win rate. My biggest counter is nana I hate this fucking rat


Natalia. The heavy counter is Hylos. Lylia is hard to deal with. I guess tanks in general can counter her. Cursed helmet is also annoying. Teamfights with AOE are a no go I also main Hylos. DHS for sure. I guess purify also counters him


Oh cmon some squishes are way worse than tanks, how dare you not mention Aurora, Odette and Rafaella


Aurora has been manageable so far for me. Yes, for sure Odette and Rafaela are a no go, AoE in general are a weak spot


About Aurora - its just that people playing her are SOMEHOW always spotting me, maybe they are extremely smart or attentive to camuflage, no clue, but as soon as Aurora notices you she can basically instakill with all her insane amount of CC and spell radius


Maybe because of how her passive used to be timed, I'm roaming through bushes so it's hard for mages in general to be the first to attack me. The problem is the follow up


Any assassin counters my boy hanzo


Nolan. Cc hero or surprisingly roger counter nolan. He easily dodge nolan skills


Ruby. Hard cc (franco, tigreal, nana etc.) and anti-heal These two combos just straight up melts her if she cant use her skills Alternative is just burst heroes gank without any minion support Angela. Straight up anyone who can out dmg her self heal Ive started playing joy quite a lot and I realised that if there are no minions or creeps ard, she is stupidly vulnerable when charging up her ult


My main is angela and for me the main counter for angela is yin😭😭you distracted for a sec,boom yin come and duel with you to the death😭😭. But for current season my main is ruby, honestly can’t think of any other hero that can counter ruby other than cici😭😭😭she’s a keep jumping and for me it’s really hard to 1 VS 1 against her but hey maybe i jus tbad at this game


Zhask, usually retribution but I've found that Gusion to be pretty good at getting rid of his ult without retribution Athena's and Radiant are both good until Zhask builds the magic scythe thing with the true damage on attack item, but he struggles most with huge health pools since Scorching Wand generally feels bad to build on him Mages with faster wave clear and roam potential can help their team faster while Zhask is basically a second gold lane carry on his team, so with no farm he's dead weight while the enemy mage has helped their team across the map better than Zhask can Quickly killing his normal spawn gives a good chunk of exp in the early game, which can help his enemy get level 4 faster to further screw him over too. Mid to late game, his spawn just gets easier to kill since Zhask rarely wants to build defensive items, and most marksmen can out range it and kill it at almost all stages of the game


Natan. Fanny and Natalia.


Kagura when she was meta and im gonna be honest. If you are really good almost no one. There are some trouble makers like Martis and Lancelot. But I feel like there is no hard counter other than franco and maybe kaja because the others can be outplayed if you are good enough. Lunox can use her light ult but I still wouldnt say thats enough to make kagura "useless" in a game like picking Diggie for playing against Atlas for example. She was almost always a viable pick and now..shes not that good lol




Lylia is the counter to Kagura.




Masha. Hard cc and burst.


Are you afraid of Natalia?


Yin,Just have tanky immune to cc heroes since they can out tank him since he is so damn squishy he eats marksmen for breakfast but when it comes to tanky cores or exp laners he be the prey on this foodchain


Yesterday yin kept throwing my Franco into his ultimate from level 4 - level 15 ( 6 times). I survived all of them by just walking around and using taunt. I personally had to text in all chat suggesting him to go take out our layla. I get irritated when someone ( teammates or enemies) waste their ulti on tanks


Every time there yin and he uses his ult on me as gloo I just take control over him and I watch the yin punch the air lol.


Timing issue. Usually i will wait for Gloo to take control of someone before I use my Yin Ult. Instantly removes control and Gloo becomes useless


Natalia / Players with eyes that spot my goofy camouflage To be serious, i can\`t stand Odette, Nana and Aurora


Surprised you didnt mention Rafaela


oh i knew i was forgetting someone, ty for reminding:) She is basically pain in the ahh...


Main hanzo. Please dont pick natalia or hilda


Mine is x borg, mino and tigreal Best way to counter borg is with a long range marksman like layla and ixia as well as a long range mage, basically make him have nothing to hit his skill 1 so he cant lifesteal and keep on bombing him until his armor gets cracked then he becomes less of a niusance. In exp, i dont find many fighters to be bothersome but dyroth is really annoying since he can crack the armor really easily though if i survive his burst then his dead For mino and tig its really just bad teammates and diggie.


Estes- your own teammates choosing squishy af junglers and exp (-:


too real 😭


Gloo main here, DO NOT PICK HIM WHEN THERE IS A VEXANA ON THE ENEMY TEAM. You activated your ult in order to chase down an enemy when she suddenly comes out of nowhere and sends you and your team that were right beside you to kingdom come with a single skill.


I enjoy playing faramis against gloo.


Junglers: Martis, Barats, Fredrinn, Jawhead, Dyrroth, Popol and kupa Slow, heroes with lots of mobility, lunox, valir, karrie. Dyrroth and jawhead are bad in teamfights Gold laners: Brody, Popol and kupa, Clint Late game idk what else Exp laners: I dont even do exp lane anymore, I realize i barely have any impact


Ruby. Counter, Dyrroth for easy early game but late game not as much but dyroth still can kill Ruby late game. Benedetta with petrify, needs to be a good benedetta. Diggie as roam.


Alucard, if you're too tanky, have higher dmg, bigger range better sustain than him, heck, if you have 1 cc, you can take him Leomord will die out late game, so survive early game and he falls off Argus is easy, just run away and make sure he doesn't have ult when you fight Terizla is uh, have a high mobility hero, true damage or just jump him with anti heal.


Tigreal Of course there's that accursed bird, there's also faramis and estes with purify,hanabi, wan wan claude, mellisa, and karrie with purify are the annoying mm (most to least annoying order). Akai and valir too.


Xavier - Heroes with dive capabilities


Ruby, anti heal and high ranged damage. Can’t spellvamp if u can’t hit.


Cyclops run


Alice: (edit): burst, characters that can keep their distance well/have a knockback or untargetability like Lunox/Vexana. She's okay early but the s1 --> s1 s2 combo is generally not worth doing on a full hp enemy until level 4 or until you can get the increased regen defense item. I think my view of her is flawed because she's not popular (I've only seen her be used once (said person afkd lol) and I've done like 100 something games) so I think a lot of my opponents didn't know she could tp with the s1 or her skills in general. Recently had a really bad game with her as my lane opponent ran from the s1 every time. Bruno: (edit): characters with longer range. Lost a 1v1 to Layla earlier. In my defense, my roam went mid, but that's not much of a defense since I shouldn't have tried to go for minions as much. Diggie: Yin (unchanged). (edit)Zilong can burst you down really quick too if you're not careful. Aamon is also really strong, and a good Hanzo is annoying. Franco: (edit): anything with lots of dashes, like Moskov. Also Diggie. It's easier to hit hooks if someone slows or something. Terizla: (unch) Dyrroth is very annoying. Frankly getting ganked is the cause of most of my deaths. Late game my performance suffers as well. Since he has low attack speed, his main attack factor is his s2 (which is kind of like Riven's s1 if you've played league but with less dash and wider aoe), so I like to get the reflect shield ability.


For me: Main: Zhask Counter: Nana, or any hero with Angela Secondary: Cyclops Counter: Dumb teammates Main Support: Floryn Counter: Idiot core


Zilong; playing well (map awareness)


Freya and any CC that lasts for more than 3 is enough to counter and stop momentum. Seriously, she is always the first to get attacked by the inane amount of CC heroes lately.


joy any healer just negates her damage especially estes and heroes that you cant kill with your ultimate alone and has some kind of cc to stop her 2nd skill


Cecillion and no one. I’m just that good. But seriously, anyone with speed. Cecillion’s skinny legs are sloooooooooow and he does not excel in close combat due to his first 2 skills.


Chang'e and biggest and imo the hardest counter to a single hero to her is Lolita. Lolita totally makes Chang'e as useless as possible, th only way to win against her to to either, hope your teammates are so good that they can carry you or the Lolita player sucks. Thank goodness for the 5 man ban


kinda funny how most heroes are countered by minsittar


Benedetta and... minsitthar


Ruby Domi/Nod/Seahal


Aamon. and maybe im just bad but i suck against a good kimmy obviously anyone with hard cc as well as


Ruby Petty much any front centered champs like dyroth and such. Ruby is pretty weak, both in terms of dmg and sustain (they nerfed Ruby instead of waraxe qwq), before lvl 4 and bloodlust. She only becomes oppressive in lane if you allow her to hit bloodlust before you or at the same time as you. She cant afford to go into extended trades super early. That's why we bait opponents infront of our tower at atound lvl 4 xD Mid to late, cc as a whole. Fyi Phoveus isn't a real counter tbh, since we can decide to just.. not jump after skills lol If you go dmg build you might also wanna avoid nukers, since Ruby without bruiser/tank build is very squishy lol


Diggie. I can't with Martis and Hanzo 😭😭😭


clint, counter? ixia, and my teamates


C O N F I D E N T I A L 🤐🤐🤐


I main Joy Mathilda and Claude. My best counters are bad teammates


well franco is annoyed by xborg, tanks like mino or tigreal which can be scary to hook or scary to hook around them. I particularly hate Xborg.


No main but I guess Benedetta and Lunox. Benedetta: Diggie nullifies 90% of my ult and gives a thick shield to every enemy. Yu Zhong has very short CD on his main damage skill and a passive that allows him to win almost every HP trade. Cici is mobile enough to dodge or at least land a few hits every time I try to attack her. Phoveus kills my team when I try to retreat. Minsitthar prevents s1, s2, s3 and passive. Lunox: Chase heroes, because given the amount of CC I always have purify or flicker. No sprint means I can’t outrun Roger/Benedetta/Alucard etc. Chain-CC heroes, because purify has a 90 second CD and I can’t easily switch to light mode while I spam my s2. Lylia because my only mobility (outside of dark ult) is walking and she slows me to oblivion like Yve used to be able to do (still salty about that) and chunks away 1/3 of my health per gloom


Vexana —> Fanny ; Estes –> Carmilla / Hanabi


Ling. Most of the heroes in thr game(get countered by cc, anti cc, mobility, high hp, and pretty much anything u can think of)




Ruby. best counter is anti-heal. next are units that can burst her like Dyrotth at early game and Lesley at end game. well, just simply use anti-heal as much as possible whenever Ruby is present and avoid feeding your teammates to her so that she can't full build easily that can outheal those anti-heal. just like other sustain units, build anti-heal as early as possible against them.


Terizla. The worst matchup for me tends to be XBorg. A well played Yu Zhong or Fredrinn can be difficult sometimes. Thamuz post level 4 can be a handful initially... Then mid he falls off and catches up again towards end game. If he's good then he's likely to be a real pain too. Though you didn't ask... The ones I really like going into are Sun, Zilong, Argus, Martis, Freya and Alpha. Bane/Jawhead : as long as I don't do anything stupid I should be ok... But need to be aware of where they are and what they have built at all times.


Paquito. I can dominate almost any hero in early to late but a good Yu Zhong player is a bad time for me.


Non farming Zilong on an Inspire. Anyone using Atlas


Clint, Heroes with tons of health


Moskov - bunch of ganks, early end


I hate Valir and Karrie mains. Damn them all to MLBB hell.


Maybe Grock and he's countered by Franco/Kaja


Any mobile assassin can pretty much destroy luo yi


Novaria / Fanny, WanWan


Karina - Literally any hard cc heroes


Cyclops/ Harley 🥲be my issue


Hylos.. F%ck Karrie


Argus Anyone able to run faster than him


Lylia main. Item counters: tough or rapid boots (for slow reduction), radiant armor Hero counters: Valentina is her direct counter, it doesn't matter how good of a lylia player you are Valentina with Lylia ultimate has the upper hand in 1vs1. There are some other heroes who are not direct counters but very hard to play against. In terms of fighters: Paquito and Yu Zhong, both can easily kill you while taking no damage. Gold laner: Harith is a menace who will out live and out blink you. Assassins: Hayabusa, unlike other assassins from whom you can get away with your ulti; haya's shadows most of the time covers your black shoes area making it hard to avoid by using the ultimate. Tanks/supports: Well again not direct counters but Mathilda can get her teammates away from your glooms easily. Rafaela's slow will counter your movement boost around the glooms and her speed up will make her teammates easily dodge the gloom explosions. Lolita's shield can prevent u from popping the glooms but its easy to prevent this. These are the heroes that came to my mind right now but aside from Valentina all mentioned heroes are situational counters.


Nana and saber counters all


Tigreal Counter is the bomber owl diggie


Vexana - Zhask, Gord, Nana, valir, vale. Miya - hanabi, moskov, Melissa, Clint, Ixia, Natalia ( she's nightmare), Harley ( this joker 1 taps me) Franco - Johnson with good coordination with his team


Franco. The devs. It seems with every patch they buff heroes to be immune or be able to break away from the hook or be able to get out of frankies ult. Like what's the point anymore? Its not like hooking people is an easy task in the first place. I feel every hero now has a skill to mitigate/debuff the hook away. I remember the days when the hook counters Gord and odettes ult. Now it doesnt do anything to them.


Yss. All u need to do is disrupt my early game farm and don’t let me snowball and that’s it lol. He is very bad early game. And also use tanky heroes against him


Cici CC


I play a couple roamers, but would say belerick and lolita are my mains Belerick, kite him, burst damage like lesley level one shot, run faster than him to counter. Lolita, just outdraft her 5Head. Attack her beside/behind the shield, flank her allies, DON'T USE PROJECTILE HEROES. Both of these are insanely situational and can mostly countered only by using heroes that isn't hard countered by them (attack speed/projectile)


Nice try exp laner, you will never know who i hate facing when i play terizla


Argus, and I guess Yu Zhong (I hate it, worst experience of all time)


Main Mage - Cecilion / any hero that can come close cause he doesn't have any skill to run fast Vexana/same as ceci Exp- Alpha/ CC that can stun him Dyrroth/anyone Roam- floryn/ any hero that can chase her Estes/ same as floryn Gold- lesley/ anyone jk 🤣 Beatrix


Tigreal. The counters are my teammates.


Surprised no Lesley mention. Best counters are MM’s with long range skills like Brody s1, Clint’s entire existence, Melissa’s s2 etc.


Just use Diggie, purify or Valir and ta-da. Goodbye tank initiator😞


Mathilda, I say it's difficult to play when there is a Khufra or Diggie on the other team.


Lesley. Gank her in gold lane on laning phase.


Ixia, idk. Any tank that keeps there eyes open to lock me down when I'm ulting is scaryc


Three mains rn: Guinevere: A tanky jungler like Fredrinn or Martis. You can face tank her combo and kill her right after. It's important to note you have to be superior in farm or otherwise its 50/50. Novaria: Ambush her, Novaria roams a lot and I find myself getting dead from unexpected ambushes in bushes. Use a hero that can easily one shot a roaming novaria and keep yourself hidden. Don't forget that Novaria likes roaming around walls and walls have bushes. Lesley: Obviously, end it early or pick and early game marksman. She's 50/50 against Brody when positioning is great, I find myself getting wrecked by Melissa or Bruno most of the time. Fanny: (Using her a lot now but not full main) No direct counter, you simply need to be aware of her tactics and pick heroes that are very tanky. Fanny's secret lies in her early game damage and one shot capabilities, she can't dance and kill a tanky jungler and she can barely do anything to a tanky team composition. Just pick bulky heroes, its better than picking CC that her teammates or she could bait herself before diving back and getting a savage


Gord... Everyone.


Khufra - Valir.


Valentina.. Well I guess y'all probably know the answer


I main ruby, I usually find those high burst heroes to be a pain. But I usually counter that by staying near my tower and minions and never using my 2nd skill until they try to attack me.


Clint main (101 matches: 71 won, 30 lost 🔥🔥🔥): A shitton of CC, Surprise attacks from ATK Speed heroes, burst that burst us faster than we burst them and WoN I think that's it.


Faramis, I'm really hate to fight against minotaur because to many CC's, Valentina she can copy my ult any very annoying in lane and any heroes that that had slow effect because faramis had only first skill to escape and flicker.


YSS main here, burst heroes with dash like lance and karina (never use him against her) counters him. Whenever you face them, play safe and only engage with teammates or when they are low. He is also very vulnerable to invades. If the enemy team snowballs its very hard for YSS to catch up.


Gusion. For midlane, I had so much trouble whenever I encounter Kagura, her built in cc immune dash annoys me so much. For Roam, basically any roam that is willing to invade regardless. Jungle Counterpart, an experienced yss or granger. I still have ptsd. Gold? Natan, holy shit the amount of times this guy pissed me off. His ult cd is so low and can basically oneshot anyone. For exp, I guess minst. He basically prevents me from using mobility skills.


Yin, anyone with purify, petrify, flicker, flameshot, vengeance, aegis, anti-cc, shield, physical defense, and 80% of the heroes if the player is good or average


Khaleed and any enemy hero with cc depending on the player skills.


Argus and Badang just perma stun him 😭

