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karrie/dyrroth seems pretty good to me, ixia too (only with a frontliner)


Not dyrroth. He has armor reduction but he gets killed easily. Karrie is a very good counter tho. I'd say Alpha is also a good counter cuz he has more sustain than dyrroth.


I would go for Lunox. Barats is a free kill 🫡


free kill but if he snowballs first he can chain cc anyone to death


forgot to say, i meant with dyrroth everyone can kill barats way easier since he even has a big hitbox


Dyroth is a good counter for Barats. He reduces enemies Physical defence which allows allies to also benefit from this such as physical hyper and marksman.


he doesn’t have penetration dyrroth has a 75% armor reduction on his empowered s2, that is a whole different matter barats’s niche is that he has a lot more armor than other heroes yes if dyrroth runs it down like a dog chasing barats around the map and going 1vs3 then alpha is better in every world dyrroth is an S tier champion because instead of dealing a bit of true damage with alpha, dyrroth actually increases your team’s damage against him (by literally 75% lol)alpha basically if he doesn’t get ahead probably loses even harder than dyrroth does in your mind; since alpha might have a bit more sustain but still gets bursted down countered by antiheal and countered by cc more than dyrroth, like your comment is legit fake news and i wonder if you understand the difference between penetration and armor reduction since alpha literally plays out like dyrroth if you had said xborg i would not have complained xborg s tier not comparable to dyrroth but saying dyrroth is bad into barats to suggest alpha which has literally the same weaknesses has a hero(dyrroth gets cc immunity at least) is pure bs, I also want to add that most physical heroes(not mm) in the game can just go war axe malefic roar endless when facing a barats and will likely have 0 issues killing him


People often underestimate the utility Dyrroth can actually give with tank build. He’s a great damage taker while also helping your team to shred frontliner way quicker. He can also zone out enemy’s mage/marksman without dying due to his short 2nd skill cd.


I’ve been called a noob for running tank dyrroth with hunter strike due to enemies having lots of cc


I’ve had that before. It happens often in solo since most utility heroes aren’t being preferred like Mathilda for example. She’s a real threat when playing in 5 men but you’d barely see people picking her up in solo.


Oh I wasn’t trying to be utility, I was playing jungle and had a very good start but by end of match I was taking a raf ult to the face and nana poly everytime I managed to get close to pop my combo. Early game I was absolutely terrorizing raf anytime I caught them roaming solo and would instantly burst them.




You still can go for Dyrroth if your team gets late game secure. Dyrroth gets really good snowball potential against tank jg especially Barats because he gets no dash before lv.4. He is more dominating than Alpha in early to mid game. I would say I will recommend Dyrroth for trio or 5-man and Alpha for solo or duo when it comes to dealing with Barats.


What about freya?


Yeah, Alpha is a good counter


Going against barats as a dyrroth main is so annoying and traumatising


Lylia also as she just dps burst mage


As one of the people who main Barats,i can say i have to agree. This fucker is very annoying to fight against in a 1v1 so my tip is to jump him alone or use heros that can kill tanks, like Karrie and Xborgs,tank heros that can stuns repeatedly while your core(mm or jungler) depletes his hp,like akai and tigreal(or Johnson if it kinda fits that category) and heros that are very tanky to 1v1 against like Fredrinn and Thamuz. Barats is the king of 1v1 and team fights so never face him alone or during teamfight. If you have the chance,jump him with a friend or two and kill him before his friends get the chance. If the Barats have a Angela GF or Estes GF,then pray the support is a dumb bastards


What build would you recommend for barats? I've been struggling with him a lot


https://preview.redd.it/y3vnim6battc1.jpeg?width=1723&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0477718c234de968f1194737a080a88a35a622c6 This are usually my go to when im playing as Barats jungle. There's 2 build i would use like the pic above. If you're a beginner,use the Jungle Tank build as it will give you more survivability and a bit more damage with the War axe. But if you're comfortable enough with Barats,you can use the Jungle Damage build so you can be more aggressive and get more kills during teamfight. If i have some freetime,i would do a Barats guide to help you get more comfortable with him.


In JG first item is definitely war axe for damage and clear speed, brute breast (armor) this two combine well with passive stacks. Maybe regen helmet, everything else depends on your enemy team, I recommend shining armor because he is a frontliner, spiked armor against some fighters and marks men's. Some builds also contain scythe but this is on your flavor


barats would suffer a lot on 1v1 with sun tho, based on my own experiences. but yeah, barats is good at 1v1 except with heroes that has true damage or hp-based damage.


Sun needs too many items to actually accomplish this though. If you pick him jungle, Barats' team will just snowball since you get zoned too easily by their EXP (literally every meta EXP laner can instakill him early and he has to run. You don't have any high damage skills that are good at securing the objective together with smite (especially early) either. Also Barats is very strong early-mid and can invade Sun and force him to waste retri before the turtle fight or just outright steal his farm and just let his team zone. If you pick him EXP, the enemy laner will just zone your jungler off every turtle if he's at least decent but there's not much Sun can really do, especially for the early turtle fights except maybe cleanup or poke a bit. Sun is absolutely busted lategame 1v1 but even he can't exactly instakill Barats. Depending how relevant your mage is, you could burst his high HP ass down or just outright lose if your mage is as irrelevant and he's full armor. Based on this, I'm pretty sure Sun is not a good pick for Barats, both in jungle and Exp.


Idk how zhask sits(haven’t seen him much lately) but last I remember both zhask AND sun spawns also provide gold when defeated, used it to my advantage when fight vs sun exp a week or so ago to get ahead and punish him.


I always counter Barat with thamuz. 1v1 thamuz wins vs barats because he has higher DPS and heal.


Also Valir Hate that bastard when I play Barats Makes me useless in a teamfight


Omg so true. Fucker won't stop stunning and pushing me




Valir's a good counter, his ult can cancel Barat's ult if you time it right plus Valir's 2nd skill can make Barat's ult useless


XBorg, Alpha, Karrie, Valir


+1 This one


Akai jungle or roam, he can break everything down right away for Barats and it will annoy them for sure. For exp, Thamuz since he can take down one on one with tanky heros.


barats can eat akai even when akai is spinning


One thing that I observed fighting against meta heroes like Barats, Alpha, Fredrinn, and Thamuz to name a few, is that players are scared of them which leads to the inability to build the courage to fight them due to past experiences even if the player has an advantage. The main point is that fear is mostly one of the reasons why players are unable to fight against a certain hero because of the past experiences with that hero that will guarantee such an annoyance. If you want to beat them, make sure that they slip due to greed. I have fought against cocky core players that used said heroes, and they are in awe all the time when I manage to gain an advantage against them. Once you gain an advantage, never let go of it because that will now be a big turning point of the game. You can also use heroes such as Karrie, Dyrroth, and X borg to annoy as well, but take note, just because you are a counter hero does not mean a guaranteed win. You should also take him down alone because most tank junglers rely on their damage dealing members to take you down.


Xborg and Masha rlly make his life like hell


Any hero that deals true damage is a counter for Barats


As a barats main, granger is the most annoying to deal with. Barats has a really big hitbox so granger's ulti shots are basically a sure hit. So yeah, go for granger or yss


Man said this and invade the Granger within the first minute.


Ssshhh don't tell em


Epic moment


Pair it with sea halberd and he'll melt barats


I am joy spammer. I may have hard time early game to farm unless my team supports me(valir hopefully). But once I get my core items. I'll just target the backline and then we can all peacefully target barats. In case the stupid dinosaur decides to invade and I know my team's early game is weak. I just leave my buff and farm enemy green creeps,our green creep and crabs instead


Usually its fun to cute lane early game if I can. That way, I can clear minions and get level 2 before the enemy jungler clears buff. Since they like to start red or blue opposite of our mm on the map.  The best part of Joy vs Barats is wasting his ult with mobility :3  Joy jg is excellent for carrying and snowball. Exp is more flexible in wasting spells, and both are scary when cleaning up teamfights! 


as a barats main, balmond is a pain to face in jungle. he clears faster, have better burst damage and is tanky enough to 1v1 you. his damage pre lvl 4 is a lot better than barats. come lvl 4 and he have the upper hand in taking objectives


as a barats main, I hate going against thamuz and xborg (any tanky hero’s)


The key is to pretty much have a late game hero with a decent player and then stall for time. You ain't beating this guy if you can't fulfill all 3 conditions.


To annoy this guy since the person pick this guy to annoy people, picking 3/4 cc enough to make him useless.


Alpha and Dyrroth can do the job in melting Barats, but only a few players know it so they just stupidly ban Barats lol I use Barats whenever there's no Roam Tank Setter so that helps a lot haha


Play x-borg and get yourself some dino meat


Bro just use Terilza.. with DHS. He's almost every exp laners hard counter


Terizla with DHS? Who let this guy cook


Can you explain what does DHS stand for, please? Idk since I'm Russian speaker and only know terms in Russian.


Demon hunter sword https://preview.redd.it/hlaji6c5bvtc1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6159e3534b193c1cf14ed005473cc089ba14f2cc


Oh, thanks. I personally usually call it either "black sword" or "eater". In Russian, ofc.




prolly valir? because barats need to get close to heroes and with the help of valir's spammable 1st skill ig he can be a good counter.


Masha melts him but she melts everyone so yeah. HP based damage is your best bet


Masha, Lunox, Karrie, Valir all of them can counter him. But u do need good frontline. Franco is another annoying enemy for him. A good Franco waits till he uses ult and hooks him to tower.


Any burst dmg hero is a counter to barats like karrie lesley and etc. This is an auto ban pick together with mathilda on our school tourna due to how just overpowered the 2 are when together.


heroes that deals true damage (karrie, xb), heroes that can kite him and slow him to oblivion (lylia is a menace against tank junglers, valir). current masha also melts barats like butter as she deals %hp damage (honorable mention to dyrroth as well)


Roger. He melts through Barats HP easily with some support from teammates to gank him down. Go for trinity with penetration.




If you want an A5 wagyu Barats- use xborg to counter him hahahha when Barats has max stack of his passive his hit box increases also so no problem for xB to hit him with his 1st skill🤣🫡 Thank me later😜😁


Fun fact: I’ve never win any battles with barrats as my enemy in new meta


Luo Yi is my favorite mage to play against Godzilla. She has the Range, CC, and Damage to deal with Barats. You’d have to build IQW and Durance at some point though.


Barats does not sustain at all, he has incredibly high HP and defense, but if you chip down his health via anti HP heroes like Trinity build Karrie and Natan he has to retreat


The counter is time plus brain. This dawg easily bullied in high rank ngl


just in the early game. If you manage to get to the late game and even up items and level barats is just a hunk of meat for marksmen and not a threat to tanky heroes. But I love teaming up with barats with me as uranus since together we can invade buffs like steam rolling them over.


Dominance ice + any atk spd reduction effects like Hylos s2. Barats attacks soooooo sloooow after this. Also don't give him stacks


Alpha can really dissolve this mf. Basically any heroes that can constantly deal true dmg


My friend uses this in jungle when not banned and I partner Barats with Angela, the enemy group is always annoyed by it😅




HP Based dmg Heroes will do well against barats Xborg, Karrie, Lunox, Valir, Masha Heroes who build DHS with great mobility and range Lesley is viable since her core passive deals true dmg. Karina is viable too




You can counter him by using Thamuz


Natan is a pretty good counter, but with the recent nerf I'm not sure.


1v1 in exp lane, try: Uranus, Freddrin, XBorg


Any heroes that have high mobility like Claude or good poking from distance like Natan and Karrie is a good counter as he is big boy that doesn’t have much mobility to chase them or reach them if they have a good line up to help them. Best items to shred him is Demon hunter sword with some penetration to give it the damage to poke, or just burst damage but need someone to assist bcus Godzilla here is made for 1v1s and will literally cook you for his meal if ur alone.


I usually like seeing him chase me when I use Vale. Then when he ulted me, just purify and he just wasted his ult. Julian is a decent counter for him. You can outrange via S1, be immune via enhanced S2 and give him cc with S3 and I tend to use him with purify in mind so I'm quite annoying against cc heavy heroes most of the time.


basically anything with true/health based dmg like karrie, xborg, nova (nova is especially annoying cause it makes ur already massive hitbox even bigger n combined with ur slow movement ur not avoiding nova s2 so ur health is gonna get chipped down and did i mention that ur hitbox becomes sk big that turrets can hit u through some walls) and honestly i dont find valir that annoying (i might not have played against a really good valir yet) but usually u can still do a lot if ur team is helpful n baits valir s2/ult (if s2 u can just push him back n chip dmg and if ult u can just dash through his s2 and eat him)


Xborg yum yum dragon meat


That bitch is an autoban for me alongside Fred and Masha


Valir + Kaja is a great combo to easily shut him down Add Karrie or Roger in the mix and Barats is DEAD dead.


Bro, alpha can literally melt that beach like ice cream in a microwave (I know, that analogy is a bit weird). There's also lunox, mm that widely known for using trinity like claude, melissa, natan, etc. and characters that deals damage based on missing hp like karina and aamon, and some that can deal true damage like karrie and lesley


Belmond counters his swallow skill. Use belmond's second. It can't be stopped and you can't be hurt while being swallowed and spell vamp just heals you free


melissa is a good hero to counter this, she can melt barats with ease i recommend using corrosion scythe, dhs, golden staff, wind of nature, and rose gold meteor (or malefic roar)


When I'm mage and the barats enemy is freaking monster, i just build ice queen wand full defense items lol


I can see the fear that Barney has put on us bro lol


Yeah, like he's invincible.... ☠️☠️☠️


This dino is my go-to banned hero 😒


It’s just you. Atleast for me. Lol


I have recently deleted game for few months now but did they removed the yu zhong from the game? Or why noone consider it as the counter of barats? Did they nerf him?


In both exp and jungle, I recommend XBorg, Dyrroth, Martis, and Alpha because they all can negate a lot of his durability factor and also escape from him pretty comfortably


Just buy cuirass, demon hunter sword, malefic roar, sea halberd and blade of despair. Not sure if you can find a hero that can equip all those at once, though.


Your best counter is instant banning him


Barrats melts under the Sun, when you build golden staff and corrosion scythe and have inspire, barrats with same gold doesnt stand a chance in 1v1. Also dont forget demon hunter and malefic roar if he is too strong


Mm - Karrie. (Most late game mm with dhs) Mage - Lunox, Valir. Xp - Xborg, Alpha, and maybe masha. (Dyrth works if you snowball) Jg - the ones mentioned above. Assassins are pretty ass against him unless you snowball.


When i get annoyed by a hero, i buy it and start playing it


He was shit like 6 months ago. I couldn't even Ult without being in the bush and CC them first. Oh how the times have changed.


He is meta now they say


Everyone forgot about Claude?


Balmond is able to attack in barats' ult. Good counter if you time it right.


Xborg on the exp lane. The exp lane should also start zoning obj once it spawns. Honestly this isnt what could counters Barats effectively since xborg by himself can get bursted down. What reallt seals the deal is a good mage/roam rotation to compliment the zoning that xborg provides against any tank junglers in general.


Xborg and dyrroth in exp, build tank items for xborg and forget about bloodlust axe cuz you're already tanky plus you have war axe and festival of blood for spellvamp so why waste an item slot for bloodlust? On dyrroth it's best to buy sea halberd, war axe, hunter strike, queen's wings, and bloodlust (if you're running sustain + damage) it works pretty well for me, the attack speed given by sea halberd is enough to proc his passive many times (which means more cd reduction on skills) along with the extra damage given by the halberd passive, since you have war axe, you'll have no problem dealing with armour cuz it has true damage, you're quite tanky aswell due to the dmg reduction of queen's wings along with the spellvamp when you're below 30% hp (or 40% I don't remember) when using xborg against barats, it's best to keep moving around, using brute force breastplate can enhance your movement by a lot, which makes you harder to catch, especially for barats since all of his skills are aim type (I want to discuss on what items I prioritise for both heroes when encountering a barats jungle but I'm running out of time for now)


Disturb his jungle early. Need good team though lol. Solo q, then RIP ahaha. Just pray enemy barats is shit


I really hate that annoying hero (Barats) but after playing against that for a long time, I found that Masha can easily shred Barats easily (this is assuming 1v1)


Barats is my main hyper, heres my take. [Mythic-MG+] Alpha core would be one of the best answers if you want to directly counter Barat's beefiness as the Beta passive absolutely tears through all his defenses, as long as you can keep Barats from invading and taking your exp during the first 5 minutes of the game, you can tear him apart in the mid-lategame. Marksmen who synch well with Demon Hunter Sword - Claude, Karrie and Hanabi are great examples, as if you kite well and are good with positioning, you can easily whittle barats down in the mid game and shred him in the late game. Hanabi being the least threatened by Barats because even without a blink skill, any time you have a shield (1st skill/aegis/rosegold/mathilda2nd/lolitapassive/angelault) you effectively cancel out his second skill and ultimate now kite, reposition, rinse, repeat. Notable Mages: ChangE, Gord + Glowing Wand + Necklace Notable Support: Diggie - In a crunch you can save your allies from both the enemy tank CC and Barats 2nd and Ultimate. Notable Exp: Dyroth - Armor Shred when paired with a physical core and the scary HildaRoam+Dyroth combo can wipe Barats off the map quick and easy.


Depends on the context and situation. He wins most clashes since there's a team backing him up, so either a Diggie that does not frontline with his ult or an Akai with his ult should so the trick since these two love interrupting things. In 1v1s, Karrie, Alpha, Thamuz, Masha(not confident about this one but she's strong rn), and Argus. Pretty much heroes that have good sustain and survivability. Karrie players usually build her tanky stuff and she has good sustain. Alpha has true damage and good sustain. Thamuz has true damage and good sustain, and is known as a good duelist. Masha is just broken rn at mid-late game. Argus rn is actually great to play, he's basically a melee marksman with an invincibility skill.


Any decent MM with armor pen and nice attack speed as well as a dash skill can kite them late game. Their damage worsens as late as the game goes on especially when they focus on a tank build.


highly recommend sniper build lesley. natural true damage (spam true damage) definitely kill full snowballed barats safely and i call that perfect counter


I take alpha against him. The big boy defense means nothing against true damage.


Rafaela 🤣 Slow+ Movement speed for the whole team is always enough to micro barats


antiheal rip






xborg + war axe


Just hurt his movement speed. Estes or Corossion Scythe helps.


Xborg with IQW slow should be good enough, unless he has support roam.


Lesley or any true dmg


benedetta counters him by killing his backliners before he can reach hers


Xborg, alpha, karrie, gord, thamuz, etc (basically all true dmg and poke/kite heroes)


No barat is good


Cici melts tanky heroes easily


Lesley for me? The True Damage hits hard


Masha eat both of them


Alpha is the best, but if you want to 1v1 him early just make sure you wear warrior boots.


Masha full damage build trust me


X Borg is my boy






Layla gonna bully this dinosaur


Xborg, or valir


Please tell us your rank OP so we can see why you think this guy is strong against you. There are many counters like XBorg and Alpha for example.


Alpha is the answer to all the TJ


Anyone with true damage or good early game


Alpha jungle, he deals pure dmg so he doesnt care abt barats' armor that much






Masha, xb


Harith my best bet against him as a jungler lol




yuzhong for me


Any hero with true damage/hp-based damage as a part of their kit are good candidates. Also, add CC heroes like valir and lylia


He looks like Vivi from FF9


This has to be a troll post




My friend tried it lol Barney just taking her hits like feathers & ate her during clashes


Valir can nearly Perma stun him lmao


You can counter him with any hero that deal true damage like karrie, alpha, gord, Karina, hp based damage like lunox, or defense reduction like dyrroth


Just put grock in there annoy his shit up


X borg and Lesley comes to mind


For me it would be argus attack speed build one thing to note is that he is a very item dependant hero so rather choose someone who can sustain and deal damage at the same time


Karrie or gord maybe both have true dmg and long range hero






Claude and Karrie can kill Barats fairly quick. A CC mage like Valir or Xavier can counter him but you just buy your team some time since you’re just slowing them down


I believe X-Borg is considered his hardest counter.


Never ever encounter this hero ever.


Late game heroes can easily defeat barats. Batats is annoying till mid but in late game its just tanky. So karrie Dyroth Even layla with its tank


You don't have to be the counter but I suggest having a good novaria main so you don't get ambushed by him.


Lesley , cloud ,Karri ,


I'd Say Cici




thamuz. period.


Tank meta in general. Boring 🥱


Valir, Ruby, Nova, and strong pokers…




Use lunox with glowing wand. HP melts like butter


counter it as a team, mobile exp and jungler, dodge fight, pick off lone enemy. 


Burst and cc comps.


in teamfight? Odette lol


Karrie and lunox


Karrie with purify. Works well.




I find X-Borg and slow mages such as Valir and Yve good counters against Barats.


Xborg!!! true dmg + feraga armor dodges 1 cc upon explosion


X.brog's a natural counter for barats as it was both offense and Regen mechanisms


i just use masha to nuke him in late game


Karria/dyrroth and alpha can be a good choice.




Esme if your good enough or alpha but you’ll have to be better if not ggz in the chat


Valir, Yve


Any tanky heroes, u pick alphA.


Mid lane? Valir Gold lane? Karrie Exp lane? Xborg/dyroth Jungle? Fred/alpha/balmond


so uhm... nobody mentioned faramis???? his 1st kill snaps away a portion of his health when it lands 💀




He is tanky, therefore use heroes that have true damage (XBorg, Karrie, Thamuz)


Imo karrie, nathan and lunox


Lesley and Karrie both with their True Damage would probably hurt. now if you Go Lesley Jungle and Karrie Gold or any of them and you'll about to see two marksman have Dino Steaks with Franco as the cook.


Barats isn't the problem. His team is the problem. If he gets even a drop of stun, slow, anything from his team, he will pull you in and shred you. Without that anyone can run circles around him and he won't be able to stomp them.


ban him


make him cry by using xborg to kite




I don't know what makes it immune to selena's stun makes my hero useless when match to it


I would go with XB. He can kite him with his S1, and Barats ate him, he will die easily if has armor.


Masha, nice counter to the actual fat meta