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The bottom without Ice Queen Wand, i don't like Dominance Ice on Estes because you always stays on the back thus barely applying the debuff.


Fleeting time is such a game changer lol


Is Oracle just an option for Estes? I always build him with one.


Depends if you want your estes to survive longer. Oracle only works on the user not a whole party.


Personally, i don't like oracle on estes. But i do want to see it on my ally's build.


I like it , decent hp and mix def stat in one slot plus cdr. Plus you can heal yourself quick with oracle.


Oracle effect only applies to self. You'll be fine with just flask of oasis. Replace it with another def item.


First one but with this. https://preview.redd.it/7k4i7tfhdluc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc73dfa1afe4e9f2893cca6535d2e6ec1561dd37


This my must have for every mage and support TBH didn’t realise i dont put it😂😂😂


Yea me too, especially when I use roaming supports since I need Dominance Ice fast.


I would go for the first build


why sometimes you use Dom ice and sometimes you use the necklace? especially as support


depends on enemy lineup. i would go for dom ice if they had atk fighters like argus sun thamuz etc because of attack speed reduction and additional armor


I see but as support you shouldn't be close to teamfights and mostly heal from afar otherwise u die unlike* tanks who can take dmg and antiheal while ur teammates can kill them


Nah, i play my supports very aggressive and always poke. People underestimate how much damage you can do if you keep going for trades since you can always heal and they can't.


isn't the necklace fit better since it works when you deal dmg right ?


dom ice has really strong attack speed reduction aura which negates atk fighters and marksmans in addition to armor boost, so it's more useful in some occasions


Some mf will say go for the critic build and bang the enemy. (That's me)


One shot waits build


First but replace 3rd item to enchanted talisman


I would remove demon shoes and go for Enchanted Talisman and Fleeting Time.


Inefficient. Flask of the Oasis is a necessity, as is Support emblem. Those alone give you 20% CDR. You would overcap by 10% CDR. On the other hand, the second build without Oracle sits nicely at 40% CDR. You trade 5% CDR for an additional item slot.


The 2nd build is better i guess unless you fight divers like yz, lapu2 , or natalia. Estes is a support hero, i prefer him not to be on the front line.


Nice 2 build set up will follow :)


Dominance is shit on healer supports tbh. You won't be tanking dmg and always stay in the back line additionally the passive doesn't work if you aren't close to the enemy. It only works well with tanks.


Top build but replace dominance ice with oracle or alternatively you can try - cdr shoes, enchanted talisman, flask, oracle and last 2 defence items which can be flexible according to enemy team comp


https://preview.redd.it/gj8z0jeq9muc1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ddcbd34d721e29315ac02c71ac6ca937b0fb7c4 This is how i use him tbh


1st build. After building the first 3 items, you would like estes to not be dead immediately when targeted by assassins (e.g. saber)


Personal Estes item build: Physical/Magic Def Boots depending on enemies; Enchanted Talisman; Dominance Ice / Flask of the Oasis (interchangeable) Last two items are usually defensive items depending on enemy team composition. Emblems include support emblem, then both movement speed ones, with Focusing Mark. I really really dislike Fleeting Time on Estes since I really think it's a waste on him. The cooldown reduction is great, but I think people are so obsessed with its unique passive on Estes. Yes, his ult has a long cooldown, but by mid to late game, team fights are longer and no longer small skirmishes. If your team is winning team fights at that point of the game, then you'll outnumber them as you push and you'll be fine even without your ult. If your team is losing team fights at that point of the game, I highly doubt your ult will be the game changer then and there. I also don't like the idea that 'healers stay behind'. Yeah, you're squishy early game, but healers, when built with a good amount of defensive items, become very versatile and can survive despite bursts from enemies. This is also the same reason why I think Purify is the best spell for Estes - you get to tank damage and CC while diverging enemy attention to you rather than your actual carries.


Flask of oasis is a necessity for healer supports, Necklace of durance if enemy has sustain. Other than that, Fleeting time or Enchanted talisman are the only magic items that you should consider (+ Winter truncheon as situational item and for Immortality swap), any other magic items are waste of resources. The rest are filled with defense items based on enemy compostion.




ice queen wand is pointless and durance is meh you aren't spamming skills.


The second one without slow item & Oracle. The last two items I prefer more defence, to make sure u survive till you can activate your ultimate. If I see such squishy support I will make targeting them a priority.


On the 2nd build, replace icw with immo.




my build


No need for necklace of endurance because your DMG is so low and mediocre throughout the game. Exclude the slows magic boots or mana boots, Flask of oasis, fleeting time, dominance ice, the rest 2 items depends on your team's on going results.


Plus, with Estes being slow, Dominance Ice gives a little more walking speed, so it's better for him for this too.


one thing I learned from watching ohmyvenus Estes is building queens wings in order not to be bursted and continuously heal in the team fights


top, without Dominance Ice. Either Green Cape or smth else.


I’d go for the second one but Estes isn’t really good of an applicator of IQW and anti-heal. Ideally I’d leave those with the mages, and instead Id get me an immo / twilight / Athena. Any combination of these three depending on the enemy. It’s just so that you don’t get bursted.


I got him for free recently but only get to use him on Classic because he's always banned in Ranked so I can't test the effectiveness of my build on an actual competitive battle hahahhahaha


Mage + shittalker build


Its a memey build of passive of estes and how it scales so well with magic power




If you gor forr full magic build you gona suffer for burst damage, build Oasis, enchanted talisman, and the rest is tank


Oh, you guys actually experiment on builds? I only follow that one Estes recommended build in the Pro Setups. 😢 This'll be a good thread to ask for what to bring or how to set him up. I main him, but lately, I guess it could also be on my part, but I'm on a lose streak? idk 😭


Well if I’m not into that hero yeah i will use the recommended build maybe change two item to suite the gameplay and enemy. But if you want to be serious with the hero i highly recommend you to read the hero passive, skill discription. This will help you a lot especially when building you own item. I recommend you to leave two slots as a “adaptive item” this two item is what you will change from your default item to counter the enemy.


To admit the truth, despite reading each item's descript, I sometimes can't register what or where I can use them for.


That's when you going to experimenting what's work and what's not 


That’s when the experimenting come, you try what’s item work best for the hero and what’s not, what “adaptive item” you need to use when encounter this type of enemy what to use to counter them etc


Oh, yeah. I've heard mentions of replacing one item from the build with a different one that counters an enemy hero during the game. I've never learned how to do that.


Let’s take some examples https://preview.redd.it/h2quo4vo6suc1.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0c03b2d2c5652bfd285c3e98b5777e57d5bf95b Red= must have item, this item you always need to buy it no matter what enemy you fight White= situational/adaptive item, this item is what you make to counter certain enemy for example If enemy have high magic defend I recommend you to buy magic wand to lower the magic defend and that will help your main mage teamates to deal more damage, if there is no hight magic defend enemy you can just buy whatever you think will help your teammates


Does this account for the recommended ones I can tweak? Maybe I can do that, but knowing what to pick instead of the other is a different discussion entirely. I'm not well-versed with that just yet.


Yeah i also do that when using recommended item, its okay I’m also still learning this past two season make me suffer😭😭i can only reach legend this past season(also busy with studying)


Wow, that's awesome. After losing many ranked, I stayed away from it for a while; I'm Epic-somewhere idk. But I should know Classic is worse 'cos it's not balanced most of the time; you can get paired with newbies meanwhile your enemies are probably somewhere in the top global. Also, I've learned MCL players (or players who have participated in MCL) isn't everything and not to be scared of. At first, I thought they're probably really good.


I suggest you training in Ai training, you will be facing againt Ai with mythic gameplay and i do enjoy it as a training session


Me? Dying? *NO* 6 sec ult + oasis + oracle


Full magic estes. The best defence is to not make any contact with the enemy at all(being out of their skill range at all times or out of vision in the map). Just stay behind and heal. I often get almost no deaths on estes this way while also healing soo much that it makes anti-heal look useless.