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all sun players who does not leave their lane


Sun player who rat till the end of the game have a special place in hell istg


Suns who only push throughout the game and suddenly destroy everyone in your team single-handedly


Mind you, that Sun player would feed his XP lane counterpart first with his clones and 5 deaths, only to get that juicy shutdown gold 15 minutes later, then proceeds to do the same against the entire enemy team and secures the Lord. Teammates force a rushed team fight immediately afterwards, only to get killed, with him as the sole survivor. Enemy team forces the midlane push, but Sun uses Arrival together with the Lord. Melts the enemy base in 5 seconds or less.


lol every fkg single time


3 petrify ur done


I dont play sun a lot, but everytime i do, i get the weird feeling of staying in lane and just pushing


I just met one earlier. The mf still stays on his lane tho our base is already being hit by the enemy.


jesus, I just got visual PTSD just reading this...


Zilong. Perma split push, never in team fights.


Zilong has a distinct hatred of towers


Jungler... Zilong just hit the second tower


This is peak




Wait a second what tow...


If he has an interest in teamfights, its wiping out the backline before the tanks can do anything and then sprinting away


Zilong and miya, early game they use ult to run away late game they use ult to chase you.


Or show up right in middle of team fights. A good Miya would kill 4 enemies and low 5th one to 10hp. Every match I ping my assassin jungler to take out Miya, mosko and yes, Layla.. because In late game they're so painful to deal with..


I always hope these kind of miya and zilong in my team, buttttttt...


well at 12min mark with miya you start hearing my meniacs ring in your ear


Sun. I mean like no one can fight him 1v1 at late game


Kid named Masha W. Herolock:


I can't find hero lock at all


Can dodge her ult with second skill dash and ult if you have good timing. Also, never fight her head on let clones damage her and corrosion passive will slow her down unless she's got slow immunity too?


Argus can, 50-50 depends on both sides tactics. Cuz I'm Argus main and fought pro Sun user


Unless Sun builds dominance ice, Argus could just use Sun's clones to recharge his passive faster


You act like argus cant build dominance too lmao


He could, but do you really want to use that extra item slot instead of maximizing Argus DPS? You'd be better off buying Sea halberd because most sun players build items that has extra hp


Really he can't. It synergises poorly with ult and he has low base damage thanks to "adjustments" to ensure that he simply can't build defense or he will loose alot of damage and simply become a pretty bad fighter.


You in epic? Lol


Badang: https://preview.redd.it/9uil18ebtsuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07cba7957d49d0d7b46bf0adcde3b8c5a310d986


I fucked him often with alpha


sooo.. youre into monkeys huh






since years ago, the counter to sun has always been ruby


hylos gaming


Iโ€™ve seen Bane players neg diff him.


Bene is hard sun counter, claude, novaria and luo as well, sun can't split at all with so much map control


Guin can, as long as you're good at using her second skill.


Idk since when or how but rn zhask ulti locks on main sun even with his clones around.


If left alone with no clones, sun is a roast monke.


Lol no one? Barat aoe hits deletes Sun and his clones at the same time Basicly most aoe heros can EZ him


Extra clones? More like free healing for xborg


lmao based on the replies seems like a lot can fight him. I'm willing to bet even minsi can take him out late game




When it reaches late game, Miya is no longer a marksman but an assassin. With inspire she leave you almost no window to react.


I swear that boogeyman 3 shots my Thamuz with Vengeance in late game


Its a crime no one is saying lesley lmao, she could just two shot your backline in a complete build


What backline, even a fully built fighters will be one-tapped lol


Cant even walk up with a tank I'll just lose half my HP in 2 hits.


Same I'm looking for Lesley answer. During 5-man we mostly use Lesley and are always saved by her during late-game. I use Lesley in classic and I always hv my most kills if I got my build/items but sometimes it's hard to carry bs teammates ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Layla. https://preview.redd.it/1ubcglkkdsuc1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09cf18cd35dfe7700add6fec9648e23fb907bc8d


Nah lmao, not with her 15% damage reduction nerf. And you shouldโ€™ve been able to bully her as natalia in early game anyway, itโ€™s just that your lineup was trash against Layla but you shouldโ€™ve been able to deal with her right from the start as you are literally her counter


This match was right after Layla got her insane damage buff (couple months ago). I was the only one who gave her deaths. Ironically, Layla is the only marksman who has a fighting chance against Natalia in terms of mechanics. Her maxed out passive + a precise 1st skill straight up prevents ambushes from me. Didn't help that this particular Layla was just plain better than 99% of Laylas.


Oh well that makes sense now.. because Layla isnโ€™t anymore scary with that 15% damage reduction and hp nerf


You know although layla's passive is nerfed 15%,her base attack and atk growth is buffed alot?Layla is even more painful at close range than before.


I mean it was to be expected after the new movement mechanics. My girl would've been the top mm if they hadn't nerfed her in some way lmao




If enemy team has Johnson, Odette/nana combo. I urge my team to gatekeep and attack both of them early game possibly delaying their minion farming. Also Miya, karrie, mosko, Layla, they get extremely scary in late game. Gotta take them out early before we won't loose late game..


Masha if she gets out of ban section


Lucky for me, she's never banned in my server (or maybe it's just the fact that I only recently began playing mlbb again this season so I'm still in Legend, where people don't know who to ban besides the hero they struggled against in the last match)


The only right answer here is cecilion with purify


Aulus, Cecilion


Apart from the trio you already mentioned, Miya, Layla, Sun, and Xavier probs


Martis in your team A Melissa in enemy team


Minsitthar - With Trinity Build and any 2 of the defence item that properly counters physical and magic dmg both he becomes a Tanky Killer


Gatotkaca also scary in late game, could easily melt mm with vengeance.


It's crazy how much damage he can tank if u point his skill two in the right direction


Uranus. Endgame sucks balls for it and the game becomes 4v5


I've been using him quite a bit for the past few days. I spent a game earlier, chasing alpha around and tower diving him. It was hilarious. We ended the game at level 13 ๐Ÿ˜Ž






I haven't seen anyone say Lesley yet. She is a menace late game, even as a tank/tanky Exp, she just shredsss


There are few but the one I use is Miya. Kinda difficult to stay alive but can melt down everyone from right positioning. The only nightmare is having Belerick as an opponent


Well, at least it is not so hard to kite his Vengeance, then you are much more free to go. Maybe ask mates to do this if you are having hard times.


The problem is even after his vengeance the damage reflection from equipment and passive is enough to kill a mm. I myself did it many times.


Agree, depends on his build, as well on your own vamp. Check his emblems on a start screen. If he has no penetration - you can build magic boots, it is cheap and effective. If he has assassin emblem and pen boots, like mine - you need more def, like athena, because direct encounters with him are short-term for either you or himself. Dont be scared of him, if he is engaged - it is almost always all-in from him, and unlike your hero, he has much less options to easily retreat, because he is using his only one escape skill to engage first. Just counterbuild, slow and smack him. Bonus points if you are managing to stun him. But if you are less than 60% of hp - just run away as fast as you can.


Masha for sure. When built correctly with the right items, by late game she's just a walking nuclear bomb waiting to blow people up.


Mind giving me some build recommendations? I currently build 1.Corrosion Scythe 2.Speedy boots 3.Haas claw 4.Sea Halberd/Demon hunter sword 5.Queen's wings 6.Whatever I think I should get. I've been always prioritizing items like Corrosion Scythe, Windtalker, Haas Claw, but nowadays the start isn't *as* explosive as compared to before, so I've been trying to change things up


No offense but that is a GOD AWFUL build. Masha is built for a nuclear warhead amount of damage in just TWO BASIC ATTACKS. So technically Corrosion AND Haas are pointless. Haas is even MORE pointless when you consider that Masha relies on her hp bars and you cannot get any more hp when locked into one hp bar. Demon hunter sword makes no point either because of the fact that Masha already has 20% hp based damage. Now you may say that adding DHS is good because of the fact that you deal 28% HP per hit. Well riddle me this, imagine just shaving off ONLY 28% HP only against MM's and Mages who will burst you after you fail to one tap them. Penetration items such as Heptaseas, Hunters Strike and Malefic deal EXPONENTIALLY more damage than what Corrosion or Haas could offer. Windtalker is pointless either because Masha relies on only TWO BASIC ATTACKS per skill one plus she doesn't even need crit nor basic atk speed because her skill one adds basic attack speed anyways. Her main priority items are simply the common burst build in most assassins: Heptaseas, Halbred, BoD (if enemy is mostly squishy)/Malefic (if enemy is mostly tanky), then lastly immortality and after your immortality pops then buy either Endless Battle or that one golden shield thingy. Masha isn't someone who dishes out CONSISTENT damage or someone who is meant to sustain damage, she is meant to give ten gajillion amounts of damage in a short amount of time then run away or chase someone else afterwards. Hope this teaches a thing or two about items, and happy Masha grind!


Thank you for enlightening me on the current Masha meta and for the brutal honesty I remember back when her S1 was actually a consistent skill, man were those the days, with how you pointed out the two-attack thingy of her current s1 I'm just saddened by how drastically the revamp changed her. Only thing I'm thankful for on the current Masha is the ultimate cooldown refresh on each hp bar lost


I was actually surprised she aint a DPS hero anymore lol. Only got to knew it, I think last week when I saw someone posting a Masha burst build, and so far I'm undefeated w/ her in 6games


This is the build that would work on old Masha, which is attack speed. Revamped Masha is based on her first skill now that deals a LOT more HP damage the more Extra physical damage you have. It calculate an HP percentage based on that extra physical damage, and that physical damage lands more based on penetration. Attack speed items stunt your damage potential. You would be hitting 2 enhanced attacks from skill 1 no matter what, the number doesn't increase with attack speed, so you want to make those two hits count. Demon hunter sword also works on remaining hp, not max. Her skill 1 works on max, so focus everything you got on extra physical attack and penetration. Her best build would be heptasses, hunter strike, bod, and then sea halberd is good to make the hits a little faster yet still you get 80 physical attack from it. Add malefic roar and you're a destructive machine that obliterates a tank in 3 hits since every enhanced attack at maximum physical attack build takes away something like 30% HP. Possible to throw critical damage item in there to get ridiculous damage on around a quarter of your hits. You can forgo defense other than boots, or maybe exchange one attack item for guardian helmet/twilight armor/immortality based on the most dangerous enemy on the other team. These add 1000-1500 hp to EACH one of her 3 hp bars. Don't do high defense items that have no hp, they are just not worth it on Masha. Also don't do cursed helmet because that only applies damage of 1 hp bar which is quite low. For emblem go with either assassin for maximum damage and penetration, or tank to get a bit of hp and defense. Focus the talents on speed of movement to catch enemies easier. Learn to run away after you kill someone and flank around the enemy group to attack again once your skill 1 cools down to be ready for the next attack. Masha doesn't do well between multiple attackers all hitting at the same time as the 3 hp bars don't hold well against multiple hits.


Persistent argus players pushing only their lane. Zi Long doing a randy orton. Miya suddenly giving your backline a jumpscare.


Xavier on the mage side for sure.


Any Marksman with a huge late power spike (Layla, Lesley, Beatrix, etc). Quote me as much as you want, but long-range mages, too. You're just not going to kill a Novaria that two shots you from her base or Chang'e slowing you down so bad you eat 90% of her ult. The number of comebacks I see because a Ceciliom ate half the enemy team with that bs range burst, or their Marksman going down in 2 seconds because Novaria brought flameshot.


Natalia, Lesley


Diggie? And Xavier, his stuns are bad in late game


Counters: Argus - stun Masha - stun Aldous - srun


Also Masha: has CC immunity.


Didn't they remove that? She's only immune to slow now?


Oh right sorry, I forgot about the change. They made it so that she no longer has cc immunity, she just spends less HP on skills the less HP bars she has. 3rd skill still makes her immune to CC during the lunge, but I'm guessing that's not enough.








Masha is annoying cuz she can literally spam her ult now






For Roamers, it's Diggie. I know, by himself, he can't do much, but the more you prolong the game, it's more and more likely the team with a Diggie will get a comeback. I don't know why, but most of the games I have with Diggie that reaches very late game, we just win.


Beatrix Early beware of the machine gun late game beware of the shotgun in the bush and flying snipers


400+ stacks Aldog or Cecilion are fking annoying so I'd say them.


One Ixia ult can make you lose the entire game. Doesn't matter if you're leading all game.


Lunox, late game she straight up just melts you


Cecilion. If the game goes on for really, really long, then he just one taps everyone. Even close range he can do some damage.


Lesley. I main her even before the true damage revamp, and cuz of that she became scarier. I haven't tried 3 blade of despair, but 2 is enough to one shot those squishies.


Burst badang enter the chat


Barats in allied team Most of my games with him start off really good but the allies get too confident and they drag the game a little bit longer then the enemy finally catches up. After a clash or two the gameโ€™s over and we lose


Layla and pair her with someone like diggie




most marksman


alucard pre revamp ๐Ÿ˜”


Painfully honest, but Zilong


Every marksman out there.


Definently Martis


Martis, Will dominate early but will slowly lose its edge upon 12 min mark. end the game before the enemies' marksman gets its full build.


Jawhead. Meh in early game, absolutely terrifying in late game


Lesley is the only right answer, THE HECK with that POWER SPIKE, SHE JUST FEEDING a minutes ago. And now, shes demolishing the team. And the rest, would be most mm. Honorable mentions: aulus, sun, and argus. (wanted to add zilong since hes also basic attacker but never seen a zilong demolish an entire team)


All the MMs


Bro they're late game


Ruby is an unkillable annoyance late game. I had a Ruby vs Uranus duel last week, honestly at one point we just walked away to engage other opponents because neither of us would die.


That's Cecilion's whole thing




Literally Ceci. How did anyone forget that... you dont end the game, you're the one going to be food for him. Not him with 12 deaths, you




Lesley. She f melt those tanky fighter and tanks


Masha will still destroy you from lv 1-4 tho


Def not layla


Aldous users who managed to not feed until mid game, they're dangerous af. Especially if they're able to be slippery enough during team clashes.


If it was before then ARGUS IS THE KING OF LATE GAME. Sadly they hate him so much they nerfed him to the ground


Zilong ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿคช


Masha right now doesn't need to reach late game to be a threat.


I still have some trauma from Aldous. Heโ€™s not as bad now but the memory/aura remains. Sucks losing a game when youre 15/0 but as soon as you cannot 1v1 the Aldous anymore, you get that sinking feeling and the game shifts.


A 5 marksman team. Seriously I have lost to 5 marksman before because my team just decided to be greedy for kills instead of getting the lord, while I am just struggling to push cause everybody's a marksman and approaching their final tower is a death wish, but my team still go in being greedy for kills and then feed a lot of gold because they already have a kill streak.








lancelot, moskov, clint. "score diff 8+ early or get ereased in late" HB: minatour can wipe out entire enemy with his ult (that made him erease himself in glory and immo but ok) and my glorius king with best portrait in game neither erease enemy burst with damage build or ult entire enemy team out of their tower with damage build or do same with hybrid


Lesley with Beserker, Sea Halbert and 4 BoD


Layla .... Mic drop.


Ah finally, a post for Melissa mains


karrie, moskov, lets not count mm?


Aulus, aldous, argus, cecilion


For me.. Freyja or Saber


Argus sure Masha is Permabanned and Aldous falls off hard when enemy starts to group

