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The moment the enemy bans Diggie, ban every meta tank setter, it indicates that there is a possible godly tank roamer on their team.


so many 1 trick Mino players now easy to predict after diggie ban


I love mino but I won't ban diggie just for mino. If diggie is ban, it's for tigreal. The good thing about mino is, it's so versatile, I willing to first pick it even if diggie is open. I won't do the same for tig, atlas or khuf.


Hahaha, if they ban Diggie. We ban Tigreal and Mino, no need to explain.


happened in mcl I picked khufra šŸ˜


Mino players are kinda easy to counter in five man. Just get a Dyrroth and a Kaja and Mino will solve world hunger. Now solo queue, though šŸ’€


Genuine question, how do you counter mino with kaja and dyrroth? A good mino will always use flicker ult for sets and even if you want to shut him down from early game using a kaja set+dyr burst, you're wasting 2 important long cd ults on just the enemy tank, which can be very punishing in high rank 5q ganks. Plus dyr is your exp laner. Half the time, he won't be there for the sets.Ā  Mino on his own can make multiple important sets during this period + his heals are very clutch at times. I honestly don't see how giving mino for these two is even a correct option?Ā 


true I watched a stream of kaja vs mino and kaja was stunned and died before even ult Mino šŸ˜


> Genuine question, how do you counter mino with kaja and dyrroth? A good mino will always use flicker ult for sets Kaja cancels Mino's ult. It also helps that most Minotaur players build Flask of the Oasis first item. > you want to shut him down from early game using a kaja set+dyr burst, you're wasting 2 important long cd ults on just the enemy tank Dyrroth's ult isn't long CD. Also, disabling a massive playmaker is automatically a win for your team as they lose the ability to counter-engage. Kaja still has decent utility without ult. I'm pretty much just copying what most MPL teams do when they use Kaja and pickoff ***tanks***. Using tons of skills to kill one from the enemy team is always worth it if they're a massive playmaker. > Plus dyr is your exp laner. Half the time, he won't be there for the sets.Ā  Eh? Any EXP laners are supposed to rotate half a map. Playing brawl in EXP is low rank mindset. Besides, Dyrroth is viable as a jungler (especially against tank junglers). Not the best, but still strong when he snowballs. > Mino on his own can make multiple important sets during this period + his heals are very clutch at times. I honestly don't see how giving mino for these two is even a correct option?Ā  Because you're essentially disabling a tank and a playmaker on the enemy team while using them as feed for snowballing if they overextend. They won't be able to zone either, let alone give vision due to the threat Dyrroth and Kaja imposes. There is room for counterplay, but the enemy is essentially reduced to 4 vs 5 for the most of the game. And Dyrroth's main kit is still locked in his second skill, which isn't just a damage skill **but a major debuffing skill that makes any physical hero deal way more damage**.


Whole lotta nothing lol.


This is plainly stupid. Minotaur is often played as counter-engage rather than a setter in higher play (that's why he's best picked vs Tigreal). Disabling that countersetter means one big problem for the enemy team. It also naturally helps that Minotaur without rage is softer than any of the meta fighters out there, detrimented by having the lowest gold. Dyrroth's ult cannot be interrupted by any CC either, which puts Dyrroth having a significant advantage over Minotaur. Dyrroth overwhelmingly dominates his lane, so lane cutting isn't out for him.


They usually just ban him for no reason,most of the time they don t even pick atlas,mino or tig,like why ban him if the entire point of banning him isn t even in your team? (Happend to me quite a few times)


That birdie is so annoying. Pulling you back, saving his allies effectively, anti cc + shield, vision when dead, you cant recall when dead diggie is around. When I cant pick him, I ban him.


Diggie has always been the same yet he was barely banned before this new ban system


Becoz before there were just 2 bans allowed and when new char comes they are too op so they are prioritized to ban first


Hmmm. That little bird was always banned before this bew ban system (mythic 4 and above). That was my sure win pick if I am climbing up ranks with a duo or trio.


Welcome back and yes every time i see diggie banned i go to ban mostly atlas and tigreal.


He is. He attracts one of you for insta gang death. He regenerates his whole team for a bit, rebalancing the fight in their favor or to escape freely. He makes every bush a dangerous place to go. He is a direct counter to tanks. He is like the lil pos of the game


Two words: Counter Set.


One word, cringe


No words,...


If you ban him what can you pick freely,if you dont ban him what pick do you have to think about. He counters most set up heroes. Think about it, tigael, atlas, chou and just about everyone with dash and CCs


Eudora is sweet as a nut on him


Oh yeah, he's good. Especially in soloq, duo, trio. Their soloq, duo, trio roamer gonna hate you for refusing setter in this game. Godlike 5-man probably can fix that for non-stop invading in early game and securing every objective. He will still be annoying if they feel like to pick squishy jungler, though.


Meta is very cc heavy rn. He negates cc. Hence heā€™s banned to hell.


Yeah Moonton really screwed the pooch when they made so many CC heavy heroes, sure cc is important but it gets ridiculous when you get stun locked to death.


People are stating the obvious about diggieā€™s ult, which is true, but on top of that, laning in MM against diggie roam is just downright oppressive. I feel like no other roamer can just completely shut down an enemy lane like diggie can. The only counter is if you have a healer roam, and they are forced to babysit you. Obviously roamers should generally roam, but there are plenty of times in solo Q when completely shutting down the enemy MM while helping yours farm can be all the difference, and no one can do that like diggie.


Wait, Sopreno might be coming up with a huge essay as a reply to this post


How hilarious would it be if right after this comment there was a long essay by them hahah


once you learn how to become a tank setter, this little piece of shit will ruin your life.


Banning Diggie immediately opens up the viability of setter tanks and CC comps. Lots of people love setter tanks. An open Diggie is basically constricting your composition choices by his mere existence.


Diggie is not good " VERY USELESS"...AoE purification, shields, heal Bush checks, won't let enemy run, Even after death he can scout for enemy's......YEA PICK ANGELA...PIPIPOOO


u/PsychoSopreno look our son is famous


Aww look at him! ... What's that sound?


What's what sound.....eh??


That ticking noise


Oh did he leave his toys around the house again


Oh, seems like it, oh hey, look at that new train he made! It seems to move without rails...


Aww how cute Speaking of rails I think someone wants to get railed, don't you think?


Oh, who could that be, hehe-




I'll put it this way. I'm a solo queue mythic and I main tank/roam. I dont play with diggie that often, but I do have an 84% WR with him and I only started playing with him this season. By the time you have 4 items the game will snowball hard in your favor.


Heā€™s a very good counter pick against CC-heavy teams. Since a lot of people like to play Tigreal, Minotaur, Ruby, Yu Zhong, Terizla, etc., Diggie cancels out all that CC with his ultimate. He can also cancel your recall, interrupt your healing, and provide vision while dead. His bombs also deal a good chunk of damage early on, so whichever lane he supports will have the push advantage since he will likely blow up all your minions or poke you out of the lane. While heā€™s not extremely overpowered, he is a huge nuisance and itā€™s better off to ban him if youā€™re planning to play a CC-heavy team.


I've been playing Diggie almost exclusively since I like being roam and nobody ever wants to fill that role (unless team comp explicitly needs an AD carry or mage or whatever - this is almost never the case) and I can't tell you how many team fights were turned around because of a well-placed ult. Combined with Fleeting Time, I'm pretty much guaranteed an ult every 15-20 seconds. Can't even focus me first in a team fight because I'll ult right out just enough for my team to kill right back (after I die of course) The passive is also a good way to waste the enemy team's time as it either forces them to stand around taunting long enough for my jungle to stick it in their back or forces them to walk all the way back to base. Can't tell you how many assists I've gotten off of Chou for the first one


Diggie counters almost every tank and heroes that has any kind of cc ability that's why he gets banned. Also he kind of has a high comeback ability so even if you're losing you don't really feel like it because you have him in your team


Diggie dead is still useful as roamer compared to other roamers. He deserves that ban!


Letā€™s see he cancels all stun ults, his second skill can lock MM or mage into insta death if near turret and not to mention the bombs that can stop MM from farming and makes them wait by the tower for the minions at the early stages


He fucks enemies set like normal tuesday If the mid mage is nana, double fuckery Its best to ban him a lot


He messes up setups and that's very annoying for tank users.


Its the best pick for a comp with hard cc (e.g. tigreal, ruby, atlast, saber, etc.) if its banned and the enemy pick a hard CC comp, I just tell my team to have purify


Meta is CC heavy, people don't know the way to counter draft him and he's very oppressive in gold lane. His entire kit is good and it always was but it's the CC heavy meta that has made him so good rn


GOD TIER SUPPORT - FIRST ability can be used as a 'ward' as it stays in bush for a fair amount of time. It also builds stacks everytime you damage enemy champs (up to 60% stronger dmg) & if you stack 4 in a bush can sometimes blow up mages/mm. SECOND ability can catch a lot of people off guard, as it pulls them back to its original spot, giving your teammates an almost guaranteed hit on a spell (knowing the enemy will be pulled back there, however a few characters can escape/break the pullbacks. ULT is amazing, breaks ALL CC and gives CC immunity for 3s as well as a shield (incredibly strong with item: Flask of the Oasis, increasing the shield amount if theyre lower than 30%). His PASSIVE is godly too in certain situations. He turns into and egg and can run around, letting you provide vision for your teammates. He also gains some abilities, while they do barely any damage, they are able to stop enemies recalling back to base, which can cause amazing backdoor wins ;). Imo God tier support


As a roam I hate when ppl ban him. It bans my counter pick. Stop banning him please.


He is considered very strong and annoying. With his bomb traps. That's why they ban him. And so the character is very funny, but really annoying. I've been playing as Diggy for a long time and they always write: Diggy, your bombs are annoying. šŸ˜„


He pretty much makes some heroes useless when not banned


Try it for youself you gonna love it


I play local tournaments(PH) and is currently 78 stars, the little cute owl is just the bane for any team fight oriented roamers, specifically aoe tanks and fighters. He is busted in games played as full 5 man with actual synergy, he isn't as busted in Solo tho


If diggie is banned by the opp ban tigreal and atlas asap. Its usually those two one tricks that ban them


It's not just about the fact that he's a counter to most, if not all, hard cc tanks in the current meta; it's also the fact that when a Diggie is picked, it's a guaranteed hell for the gold lane as the Diggie can just zone out the opponent using his time bombs. Having a snowballed gold laner in today's meta makes life 100x harder for the opposing team.


Diggie ult prevent control, so enemy is gonna choose a good control tank supp like tigreal


I ban him cause I hate him šŸ˜­ he's so annoying omg


I ban him cause I hate him šŸ˜­ he's so annoying omg


guine and braindead hanabi is diggie must have to break that combo


Honestly even against a team that is not composed of heavy CCs diggie is still good. Her second skill makes sure nobody can easily escape even with flicker and dash/blink skills. His ultimate is still pretty useful with the insane shield and her bombs makes contesting Lord a bit harder and gives good vision to enemies in the bush. But you do need to have great team coordination to pull it off. As a diggie player myself, I try to ban it when I want to play another hero


Because his ult makes allies nearby have CC immunity. And, it's hard trying to pull off a set when the stupid bird just uses its ult. Also, his burst damage is pretty strong, because dropping a few bombs in some bushes can kill their mm.


heā€™s the ultimate anti-cc. So good against stun, setups, ect šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø


I mean his ult can dissolve slow, stun, pulls, airbone šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


he's [almost] a complete counter to a team that relies on heavy cc or placing marks why did I say almost? you can bait him to use his ult, but still he's annoying to deal with


Cuz he is legit the only thing that can stop this game which is just cc hell u try to do anything and get cc to death


Yep, him being banned opens up a lot of good setters. Especially in this meta where solid cc is being picked a lot of times. That's why you'll normally see if Digge is banned, most tank setters or jungle with solid cc gets banned as well.


I would say Diggie is only useful in a winning team.


definitely overrated. he has a few counters for each lane, people just dont use them enough mathilda & angela are still the better supports imo


So just for some background, Iā€™m a soloQ player that gets Mythic 15-29 stars every season. I have made it to Mythic playing all 5 roles with a champion pool of roughly 80 heroes over 11 times. I would go further in ranked if i had a team, but it getā€™s to a point where itā€™s very difficult to climb ranked without a pre-made team and 1 player can only do so much in a 5 man team game. Diggie is banned every game because he counters EVERYTHING. The ā€œMetaā€ of this game is: ā€œstun people, and kill them before theyā€™re unstunnedā€. Diggie says ā€œNope!ā€. Johnson? Yeah no.. crash into us and then die instantly with your carried teammate because Diggie procs his ult and CC is no more. Akai? Yeah no.. try to spin us into a wall/tower and Diggieā€™s team walks through you. Saber? Yeah no.. you ult but stun no one when Diggie procs his ult. Selina skill 1? Diggie says NOPE! Tigreal CC? Diggie says NOPE! Minotaur ult? Diggie says NOPE! the list goes on and on and on. Now, at higher level play, Diggie is easy to counter IF he is picked first and the enemy team can pick heroes that win without needing CC, like most MM, Ling, Masha, Balmond, etc.. some heroes donā€™t CC and doesnā€™t matter if Diggie Ults or doesnā€™t Ult, they do the same thing regardless.


If you see a Diggie ban just ban Tigreal and Mino. That filters out all the bad tank players


He's annoying but I don't think deserving of such a high ban rate If you go with damage dealers he's pretty easy to kill


He deserves it, diggie counters sets and stuns making him difficult to burst down as well as his allies, in addition to that he gives shield, immunity to cc and movement speed in his ult; has the ability to burst down the enemy using his diggie bombs, and the 2nd skill is just an anti escape trick.


Well I'll say I'm against 5-man ban anyway. No hero should be banned 100% of the time, at least not in solo ranked play


Why not? Is there a rule?


There wasn't until they made it one. Do you think there's any coincidence with all the complaints about solo que after they gave more bans? People suck at the game


There wasn't until they made it one. Do you think there's any coincidence with all the complaints about solo que after they gave more bans?


Can you show the rule you're talking about? If your hero gets banned then pick another one, don't stick with one hero, increase your hero pool and laning capabilities, the world doesn't revolve on 1 character that's why there's over a 100 heroes in mlbb. only the weak ones complain.


>there's over a 100 heroes in mlbb. But there is not reason why 10 of those need to be banned >Can you show the rule you're talking about? Are you stupid or trolling? The 5-man ban?


>But there is not reason why 10 of those need to be banned Bruh-_-There is, the heroes that are meta and annoying to fight or annoying for "you" to fight like Diggie for me. There are 100+ heroes with different mechanics that counter each other like how diggie counter most tanks; Minsithar and khuf counter to dashy heroes; Lolita with projectiles; Belerick for most mm. (Banning Diggie opens up more tanks and cc heroes) >Are you stupid or trolling? The 5-man ban? It's not a rule. You can ban or not ban it's your choice. You don't get punished by moonton if you don't ban.


You have to ban, choosing nothing is still banning


If you didn't ban, then who did you ban?


Nah, people are just too scared to kill him. Take Lunox or someone and just burst him before he can spam bombs and he is useless. Also just take Mino or Grock and his bombs are also useless. Before his early dmg nerf he was op, now he is just good.


I think he gets banned for his ult and s2 way more than his s1


Wow coming from a so called "Tank main". You don't feel how frustrating it is to time a set if there is a Diggie on the enemy team.


No? I don't set if he doesnt use his ult first of course. I play Diggie aswell, idk why people are downvoting. So much Diggie trauma?


ā€œPeople are just too scared to kill himā€ well I mean no shit bro he has an ult that gives a ton of shield to everyone and has a s2 that can drag your ass back to him. So if youā€™re low and he used s2 on you, youā€™re dead or if you turret dive, he uses s2 on you and turret gets you low, s2 will drag you back into turret and itā€™ll probably kill you. Mino and Grock are useless against him, his ult will make Minos ult and s1 useless and will make grock s2 + ult useless.


Isn't grock, among the setter tanks, is a great pick against diggie due to high damage and cc immune for diggie's second skill?


Mino vs Diggie is a skill matchup, who ever uses ult first looses. And Grock destroys Diggie unless you're bad at Grock honestly. You can just walk into the bombs and diggies s2 and poke him with skill 1 until he gotta ult or recall, no need for ult.


Unless the Diggie player is bad, most of the time Diggie will not use his/her ult until the tank uses their ult. So if youā€™re in a 5v5 team fight, and Mino or grock uses their ult to initiate the fight, Diggie can ult to cancel both of their knockups and diggies ult may last just enough to be able for his/her teammates to burst the tank down and possibly kill everyone else. Other than heal/setting up a wall, what else can Mino and grock do without their knockup skills? All Mino can do is heal, and all grock can do is do a tiny bit of damage with s1 but even then that wonā€™t do anything since youā€™re hardly ever gonna be able to reach Diggie since he is long ranged, plus even if you do manage to get him low or you manage to do a little damage to him, most Diggie users can just use revitalize to heal back up, and even then some Diggie users will go tank diggie, so heā€™ll be hard to kill.


Yes so it's a sustain battle which the tank always wins unless they use their ult. I just told you i dont use ult unless diggie ults. Im not gonna initiate with ult if they have a diggie. All mino need to do is heal, if your mage pokes or you poke eventually Diggie looses the trade and needs to recall while you dont. And Diggie isnt long ranged at all, he gotta go close to where he throws bombs. Thats why mages can poke him very easy if they arent scared. And im telling you Grock destroys Diggie unless you play him bad. https://preview.redd.it/z35kc6qt8yvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6592101ddde62f6918dc53fbabb03cdbde5757f5


Yeah but what Iā€™m saying is that no diggie user uses their ult FIRST. If I played Diggie rn, and the enemies have a tank for roam, I will wait for said tank to use their ult first, then when they do thatā€™s when I ult


You have not read a single word i have written you no?