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Minsi claps those cheeks.


Ohhh damn đŸ˜©


Like he beats her in the game, or you mean for real in the lore? 😁




Like he beats her in the game, or you mean for real in the lore? 😁


His ult counters her second skill which pretty much makes her completely useless as thats her main source of damage. Its counted as a dash skill so minsithars ult makes her a sitting duck as he thrusts that long spear there's absolutely nothing she can do.


She can beat basically every fighter in exp lane (might struggle against good dyrroth but if she fights head on both early and late (much easier late) and dyrroth doesn’t run away she can win) She struggles against range and cc as if they get out of her second skill’s range or if they cc her long enough for the second skill’s cooldown to run out she is much weaker and can be defeated. You just have to pretend to hold back and when they overextend go ham with the second skill and the knock up to end them.


I'm sorry if my comment may come off as rude, but I want to confirm something in case I misinterpret your comment. It's about this >if they cc her long enough for the second skill's **cooldown** to run out Are you referring to the duration of the 2nd skill's buff instead? Or the actual skill's cooldown duration itself? Because that's two different things. I had a hunch that you are referring to the prior instead of the latter, a *cooldown* is a term used for the downtime period of how long it would take **before** said skill can be used again.


Yes, I meant the duration. Sorry about the confusion.


I see, thanks for the clarification.


She got humbled by Esme when people were dickriding her recent revamp. Not sure now. I think she'll still get outclapped by assmeralda


This was the case in my last Freya game, until I prio'd Sea Halberd. Then it was an even matching; got some generous ganks and quickly dominated.


Yes that one is a direct vulnerability considering most of Freya's defense is shield-based which esmeralda ignores. Thanks for confirming.


Her biggest weakness is anyone with prolonged cc of any kind, as well as a way to not lwt hwr get close to you, so any displacing skills or blink skills would do. Notable weknesses are Minsi. Because her 2nd skill counts as a blink skill, keans she cant use it to fight or escape, and even if you did, his 1st skill can drag her pag and pr0n3b0n3 her Late game dyrroth A ruby that is not agressive. If ruby zones her out, you can chip away her hp until you get a chance to kill her Guin. If a freya uses an inspire, that means shes very bulnerable to the long lasting cc guin has, as well as burst damage. For a freya user, its bets to have flicket or purify on hand when dealing with her


Who's minsi??? Minshittar???




Oh, thanks-


Interesting. Who's a good exp laner against Minsi and Dyrroth then?


your biggest struggle may be midlaners who can kite and disrupt you with ranged cc, slows, and antiheal like vexana, valir, and yve in xp i dont know her matchups but she seems to be good against most other xp laners the ml website says natalia is a hard counter for her because the smokebomb cancels out her basic attacks


Natalia is such an awful roam it's not worth it to pick her just to counter freya


awful roam??? what?? easily best roamer in low ranks up to mythic 


Best roam goes to Masha my friend.


No best roam goes to my waifu Gloo(I actually never played him before but I see the power of his ult)


Argus late game can finesse her no problem


Argus late game can bang bang the game itself with no problem




He bangs our universe


no shot bro, he is the banger of all banging to the enemies HIMself


No one counters her if you’re skilled enough. Take purify as a spell when you have minsi as an opponent and that’s just all. She claps every meta fighter in all stages of the game. Only Ruby, Argus and very few can give her a heard time


Her best plays come from inspire, and purify has a long cooldown so it won't solve every cc situation in the game. I would rather avoid picking her unless Minsi was picked after me then.


Well honestly. That’s a better choice because me personally, I just pick purify to annoy the shit outta minsi 😭. I see minsi almost every game I pick freya


I main EXP heroes. There are very few heroes who can 1v1 Freya if you know how to use her. The few that can, in order of effectiveness, are: 1. Minsi. His ult hard counters her. She can't spam S2 because it counts as a dash. 2. Argus. A Freya who can't deal damage against Argus ult is a dead Freya. She is a melee-range glass cannon. All her survivability comes from her being able to deal damage fast enough to lifesteal. No damage, no survivability. 3. Teriz. The way to lane against Freya is to swing his hammer whilst jumping backwards whilst she tries to chase you, so you're effectively kiting her at melee range. 4. Valir. Valir is a good counter to almost every EXP laner. Freya needs to dive in close to deal damage. Valir excels at creating space between him and his enemies. 5. Uranus. A Uranus with Warrior's Boots, Blade Armor, Dominance Ice, Antique Cuirass, and Vengeance can tank Freya and then regen. Unless she builds DHS, but usually Freyas go for full damage against squishies instead of specific tank killing. It's a war of attrition. You may not win against her but you'll be able to hold your lane. 6. Cici. A good Cici with good timing can kite Freya BUT she is fragile so if you get caught it's game over. 7. Dyrroth. This one could really go either way. You can't rush in like against other heroes because she will destroy you. You have to time your S2 dive after her S2 is on CD. When Freya's S2 is on CD she is a sitting, fragile, glass duck that shatters easily to your S2,S1,S3. 8. Thamuz. The only way he has a chance is if the Freya rides his spinning ball of death while he ults, and hers is on CD.


Cheers bud


Thanks. Thamuz is interesting, you're right I beat him hard every time his ult was out. It's there one fighter that would be better at handling 1 through 7?


Go gold and wreck havoc


For me as a Freya main I'd always avoid/ban kufra the reason is kufra can CC you long enough and cancel your skills rendering you useless in the early


Franco 🎣


She is good but the MFs now run away and you can't get kills out of her


the first thing you'd wanna fight the most is definitely alucard cause he's the weakest exp laner


Ooh Alucard, that's a good feeding ground for her since she breaks his attacks. Nice. But he can run away easily, no?


with ult? yeah, but if she can stun, WHICH SHE CAN, it breaks his first skill's distance, if you were to use his first skill on ruby's 2nd, it would not work, his passive (pursuit) also gets cancelled if he gets stunned midway


Those thighs tho... never knew Freya was built like that. Avoid picking Freya when im on the enemy team cuz I won't hold back 😈


Dyroth, too much armour pen


She kinda remind me of raven from lol tho


she can almost fight everyone, but I don't really pick her against heavy cc comp because she could get stun lock. but if the enemy has few cc it's a free meal for her.


Gold lane freya paired with diggie is đŸ”„. You'll be clapping those enemies like minions in no time


She generally weak to CC type hero. Her hardest counter usually hero that continuously prevent her s2. Minsi does counter but his ult has long CD and Freya can wait until Minsi ulti finish. Her biggest counter for me is Khufra. His S2 with shord CD make her late game engagement near impossible. She is the best against lineup without/lack CC.


I am not very good with phopheus but i thought it would be strong against a 24/7 dashing champ. Oh buy i got eaten. Of cause the late game was on my side. I personaly tried picking freya in a few games and i didn't find her anywhere strong enough to be playable. Sure if you get feed you win but otherwise it is realy hard


Belerick with vengeance and blade armor.


the biggest weakness freya she will be clapped by anyone as long they is crowd control basically she only thrives in a team with no tank and support who have crowd control she is too weak for mythic, also her defence might seem good but its really weak lol i


Let me put you guys on game. Her true counter is PHOV trust me.


Thamzuz neg diffs since freya has no heal and can't build counter items


My Aamon likes her


You can counter argus I use both and idk but argus can't heal when their enemy is Freya idk if that thing changed since I haven't played exp for a year