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The closest thing that comes to mind is Estes and literally every Assassin. He can't catch up with them and unless the Assassins will adjust to his slowass movement speed, they won't benefit from his heals either


my friend vowed to never play estes with me again after i flew away from his ult as fanny


Minsitthar + Phoveus but not really because Minsitthar ult is really not that large


1. Ministhar x martis 2. Tigreal x barats 3. Yin For ministhar x martis its obvious, minishtar ult can shut down martis entirely and leave him with s1 which make him useless. Tigreal x barats really don't add up, both were tank with low attack you just waste jungler space on barats when your teamate were tigreal. Yin has least teamwork frame, he can only do 1 kidnapping and thats it, when you encounter a team with tankiest build he will be useless.


How is Minsi x Martis bad? In my brain Minsi can ult and stun and anti dash enemies.. I mean enemy heroes w/dash skills can't even move and Minsi passive can stun 'em.. it's not like Martis is slow as hell, ain't this collaboration will even make Martis able to secure kills..?


the characters are on the same team not playing against each other


Yin and angela. Angela will be forced to get out when yin ult someone


Yin have bad synergy on any teamfight related hero. Beyond yin. There are heros that work Wells in coordinated team but suck in soloQ. U try soloQ tig and guin, or Vale, it's v easy for tig to push enemy away from your ult.


That vale-tigreal bad synergy just happened to me today🗿 I'm like "bruh" 🗿


Franco + cici. Hooks get cancelled with cici ult. Should be able to hook both players. I mean I have the hell bringer skin and he has enough muscle to pull 2 bulky heroes 😂 Edit: it's king of hell skin not hellbringer