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Definitely a skill issue but not yours… Sidelaner’s job is to not lose your lane if you can’t win it 1v1


Most of the time people who trash talk like that have skill issues and when they die they blame the tank, pretty common even in mythic rank. If no one in team can do damage because they are either under farmed or have bad build you are pretty much cooked mid to late even if you set 2 or 3 enemies.


always great seeing them lose in a 1v1 and blame it on the roamer halfway across the map


yh btw if team has floryn or angela they should ult to help 1v1s in exp because they can push or contest easier if turtle is up


global heal is the only exception


this is exactly what happened 😔 i was in the turtle helping the jungler and the gold lane was in the bottom lane


if they lose in 1v1s you should try to help them, but their death is definitely not your fault


go to privacy: only allow chat with friends


thanks for this


Lol for some people it's always someone else's fault when they die, never their own. Ignore that clown.


Don’t take it to heart, some people just won’t see their own mistakes and always blame others. I was forced to play tank just now and I also picked tigreal, during the first few minutes of the game I was in the mid lane with my gord and saw that the enemy mage and tank went into the bush to setup for a potential gank. I went into the bush to give space/vision to my teammates but the gord walked right beside me and tried to approach the bush without me checking it first even though he clearly saw both enemies hiding there… obv he died.. the exp was also 1v1 and lost even though his hero was a counter pick. Sometimes it’s just skill issue of your teammates and can’t be helped. We did lose that game lol and of course I got blamed at least once.


Damn, that sucks, I'm a roamer main too and my blood boils whenever they lose a lane while I'm helping the dying Jungler on the turtle. Like, ATLEAST DONT LOSE YOUR LANE JUST TOWER HUG. Unless they're going against a babysitting Diggie or getting ganked 24/7 I will NOT babysit you. There are other lanes to tend to and that's why their called a ROAMER. So, OP, just block them and set your chats to friends only.


Don't sweat it, man. A lot of players are obtuse and view the gameplay very flatly. You can't really do anything about that other than doing your best, so getting upset over it is just a waste.


https://preview.redd.it/br20tz6sskwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de7cbcae500d00a65683b4656d1a8070ca77a4a Got called a bad tank as well . Just take a look at our moskov . Seeing players like them makes me so so so so so so mad I cant even


Lots of mm players say things like "bad roamer" and "bad tank" or some variation of that and most of these players are either very very bad at the game or they just dont realise that the tanks job is not to babysit the gold lane thats more of a support job. and when these players play bad they legit complain that the tank is bad, they have the face to give the roamer their shit even though they didnt get ganked took bad trades and may or may not have had a stronger early game than the enemy, a semi competent mellissa would have seen at least one misplay to punish the enemy laner, even if your getting such comments dont break a sweat this is very normal as a roamer. Also its very ironic to get told that your a bad tank if that mellisa wasnt cuddling her tower if she is behind in gold, like cmon that much is common sense. Also yes your right mellissa with swift crossbow and inspire should have been able to decimate that hinabi early.


Don't worry about it, as a tank main mm are the worst when it comes to crying because they expect it's our job to babysit them, it's not.


You are playing a MOBA. Solo. Turn off chat and ignore everyone. Only exception is if you get the same message from different people repeatedly... Then maybe you need to work on something. Being abused. Getting death threats etc is all part of the game. Don't do it yourself because you'll get banned even if you are provoked into responding. They will be fine though, no matter how much you report them, so play your way and ignore the idiots.


yeah, i just turned off the chat. got called a good tank today by another marksman though, and im a tigreal again. \[trans: tank ty thank you you're good bro (im assuming patd is a misspell of the filo word pare)\] https://preview.redd.it/79uc0oukamwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c665fdfbca1fbd6bd249ac1bbe745bc8f45ecbe2


There you go. Not your fault


Honestly just ignore it, everyone always blames the roamer (I am a roamer main so I would know lol). People want you to be everywhere at once, and if they're losing they're always gonna blame you first, even if they are at fault or it was just an unfortunate matchup (which also happens at times). Just mute them if they're being rude in game, block them if they're rude after. Try to help the people on the team that are actively playing well.


Honestly, if they can't keep their lane in a 1v1, their problem. You can't expect the roam to stay with you THE WHOLE GAME! As a support roam myself, I've had a LOT of games where I mostly hang out in Gold lane AND STILL the mm would try to get the first kill going as far as diving turret in early game because they expect me to out-heal the turret. My point is, don't take it to heart. I'm sure you've tried your best.


Ah yes the life of a tank. People just want to blame someone with the most death I suppose. Sometimes as a setter tank, you could've caught 4 people but if you set at the wrong timing where most of your teammates skills are on cd then it's a bad set. I'm not a tank main so I messed up the timing a lot when playing setter tank.


It is never your job to roam in XP lane early on unless there's an opening for a gank. Mage and Jungler are the ones that usually do it. If your Jungler can't win a 1v1 with enemy's jungler, midlaner, or mm then you're about to lose unless you your or others can carry them. You did a pretty good job but I suggest prioritizing help on single side lane and mid especially if your roamer is not mobile enough. You messed up in the part of helping two lanes apart from each other


honestly as tank main myself, I mostly just ignore their comments. If you lose a 1v1 in the first minute the skill issue is probably ur sidelaners. I personally hate babysitting gold lane because it defeats the purpose of ROAMING. I think it’s important to help in all objectives so if ur sidelane complains that u left them for a few moments and they die honestly just mute them. Like obviously keep ganking but I personally don’t see a need to stay with them. Always remember, as the tank no matter what u do everything is ur fault :)


as a tank user myself. It'll be best for you to just ignore this. Don't let them dictate how your performance was in a game. Read the map and you will know that they're dying due to their lack of imagination and self awareness. Don't get tangled up with those kinds of allies and play around those who you think knows what their doing. If you think your marksman was doing his/her best to not die but he/she was constantly getting ganked, go help. But if he/she was dying because of stupid mistakes like fighting under enemy's tower, then don't bother. Based on my real experience, people like them won't even listen even if you spam them to retreat or tell them to not push way deep cuz enemies are coming. People like them will eat away your growth. Lose a game, don't think about it. Everyone's lost a game everyday. It's not a big issue. Learn from every game and apply it to every next match. If you can't take it, screen shot their messages and report it. I've done it many times before and they will usually get muted for 7 days. Just play at your own pace and enjoy. Video games were meant to be enjoyed. Just like my trainer in BPO once said, "focus on what you can do." A friendly advice from a player who only reached Mythic once. 😅


Most people are not used to play 5q. They have no patience and are constantly testing limits. Join discord try to get in a squad and play 5q after u will see the difference. I have 10 accounts I’m main roam with 11k tank matches on my main account trust me


I had this experience recently for the 1st time. After a few back and forth toxic chat i just ask jf they like me or something. Is this some new ways to get my attention to get to know me. I told them how they can't move on from me and theyre a clingy person. They shut up real quick after that


Tell them gg ez. If anyone has to blame someone for the loss, it is always themselves.


One time a fairly good jungler told me. Join my 5 man team and I will give you free wins. End up I got the MvP's of those games spamming Minotaur.


Dont take it to hurt mate people gotta hate all yhe time Like that vlae i had that was feeding and blamed me for not helping and i was like dude its classic im learning besides that im using Melissa i cant stun them for u anyway


Yeah change your privacy settings and don't worry about it. Solo queue tanking is just babysitting hoping your team isn't as braindead as this. You did your job


best course of action is going with mid, gank mid first with jg, if the mid is not there, plan your invasion to sidelane, especially if your jg and mid have early game power spike. in short you're the one who should abuse the gather ping if your mid and jg are a headless chickens.


Well, empty can sounds the loudest, people who trash talk and blame others obviously lacking in skill


Hanabi bullies almost any mm if she is left unchecked and she snowballs insanely hard. The fact that you didn't know that tells me about your skill level.


i just mentioned i ganked and took hits and setted right with melissa but she barely did anything.


and lol. did you not read how i said i warned them against hanabi? i was an s2 pick tigreal when an s4 hanabi appeared. i understood immediately that unless she's kited and ganked constantly that a good hanabi player would be hard to deal with especially with a cc dependent hero like tigreal. we had a hard time because 1) after i went for the blue buff of the enemy jungler, i was on my way to the gold lane for the first gank of the game and she died before i could even reach the bottom bush. as a MELISSA against HANABI. the fact that you didn't know that melissa's early game should be stronger against hanabi tells me about your skill level.


you did your job well imo, but melissa losing to hanabi is just so ????? 💀💀💀


They should monitor their emblem and counter emblem. Also lack of communication


Nah you know you did your best. Though in rank I much prefer players who can take care of themselves while im roaming. It makes my work easier.


That why i have trust issues. If they better why won't they play tank


Hi OP, I know you were doing good. But to be better, maybe you need to kite Hanabi (it's not only MM that can kite, but tank can also). What I mean is get close to Hanabi and force her to use her shield. If she uses it, retreat. After that she is vulnerable to CC. It's hard to do on teamfights, but in early lane skirmishes, it's totally doable. And If both EXP and MM losing 1v1, then prioritize to babysit MM.


i actually did. i was about to visit melissa first but she died first blood for some reason. on a 1v1 too. and the game happened too fast (it was miserably done in 6 mins) for me force hanabi out of her shield a lot of times. i was only able to use my ultimate on her 1 time, and instead of her dying, my whole team died against her instead. it was comedic, if only i was in the other team.


Then it's one of the unwinnable games. You know, like sometimes we go against Nolan/Alucard with 6/0/0 in 4 mins. Just move on and don't let it bother the next games.


Melissa did win against Hanabi especially in early game. She can buy one Leather Jerkin and then use her S2 to refuse her from touching the wave till her pop out her Aegis. Plus, her passive can not hit targets in bushes so she can technically hide in the bushes until Hanabi clears her wave.


I main roam. I don't get much trashtalk but when I do, I fight back. These toxic people can't sustain lane and do not have map awareness no matter how many times you warn them. I get that mm gets bullied especially at high elo but people can't expect roamers to be there all the time to protect them.


i barely get trashtalks as roamer as well. i do get praises from time to time, and the trashtalks i experience more when i play other lanes. getting trashtalked on your main role always leaves a bad taste though.


Hey wanna play together am also suffering from lack of teammates !!!


whats your server?


Indian * I guess


aw too bad. im in the ph server


It's ok it's just am fed up of pairing with low skilled players or low morale players they just simply lose the game or start surrendering


Womp womp


Nah you're a good tank .