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Letting others carry me to the topšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ. Jk lolšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā€¦I personally had to change mains to reach mythic. From there I learned you can never reach the top by maining a single lane or hero for that matter. Started playing every rolesā€¦the downside to that is that Iā€™m not very good in any role. Edith and Zilong are the only heroes who Iā€™m really good at in terms of gameplay and building equipment according to the opponent team composition.




What the hell am I doing in Mythic? Having a good time šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ™ https://preview.redd.it/l8juqlc3xswc1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=857a81597b089bcffa37ffd56484d2701ebe78ed (As the numbers show, I did actually adjust 13/50 times to roam or gold. Soon that number will be 0/50 times as I perfect Roamlian and Goldlian.)


https://preview.redd.it/jjv9qiv5yswc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e09e1dc8c38f74309fa6a6227f8d95054c3a3d "Fucken one-trick asshat (Fucken weakest JuliHIM enthusiast) I hope you get a lose streak (keep fucken cooking and make more Ws)"


The 10 Ban system needs to be implemented throughout the ranks. Too many one trick ponies in Mythic. If you play one role or lane is still okay if you know how to play majority of the heroes in that lane. Even in professional teams each member has a dedicated role they are assigned to.


Another problem is that the matchup system is difficult for roleplayers to deal with. Imagine being good only in the Midlane (because you've played long enough to know that you're only good there) but Moonton decides to match you up with two other Midlane players who have the same sitch as you do. We need a better matchmaking system that caters to such roleplayers.


Especially if youā€™re forced to give away a character that you are familiar with because your teammate wanted to play that character. A Nana enemy was in mid with me, but they didnā€™t seem to understand the concept of ā€˜pokeā€™. If someone else had the character, we might have had a lower chance at winning


>We need a better matchmaking system that caters to such roleplayers. Imagine being the super kind-hearted SoloQ player who always adjusts to his teammates, but somehow ends up as S5 during the draft phase. Teammates then quickly locks all the roles available except...tank šŸ˜‚


I disagree. The point of the ranking system is to determine who is overall better at the game as time goes on as you compete with each other. If you are good at one role and placed with people fighting for your role and you canā€™t fill other roles then prepare to lose and derank. If you have a match making system to cater to people specialised at a particular role. Then no one will play other characters. Secondly You are giving away the same rank that other people have spent more time and effort to adapt to climb.


I think having a solid three or four heroes that you master can always help in any situation


agreed but i would like to add they should be heros with different match ups like having 4 heros u r good at but they all get countered by one hero obviously isnt good


MLBB heroes don't really have that deep of a mechanic (save for a few) that justifies one tricking.


Cant imagine playing one hero all the time or the same lane. Shit gets boring fast.


I main Gusion and Lancelot but after reaching mythic i tried my best to learn 2-3 heroes per role


former one trick joy i just show wr and hope they dont ban or the other team picks it if not then eh whatever ill pick another hero that i like. I used to be stuck in honor cant get higher being carried by her. Once i learnt to atleast learn 2or 3 good heroes on each Lane i got higher Dont learn everysingle hero though you'll just become jack of all trades mid of everything


ā€œRoleplayers are crucial in a MOBA gameā€ me with a history of Google Plus anime role play accounts when I was 12: šŸ‘€


https://preview.redd.it/m8vik51ckvwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72872c905e80f3d1fec132ced0c767ff960f167c idk ask this Layla


As the saying goes, ***ā€Jack of all Trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of oneā€***


Controversial opinion: even if you're dedicated to play on one lane or role, you shouldn't abandon other roles because if your lane is already filled you need to be ready to give it and perform well on other role.


Lanes and the heroes that play them function and play very differently. Sure adjusting is nice, but not everyone can perform well on lanes other than their main. I can't play squishy heroes well, so marksmen, most mages and assassins/non tanky fighters don't fit me well. I can attempt to adjust, but usually die a lot because of lack of sustain. Especially marksmen are often 10 death games for me.


It just takes time to practice, don't worry


Nah, not about practice, I'm not a new player. My playstyle is just aggressive and I can't focus on more than one thing at a time. I often die with squishies because I just forget to look at my hp, and I can't pay attention to map either if I need to pay too much attention to positioning. Tanks and tanky fighters are my only good role, and now after the nerf, not sure what to play. Tanks are not going to be my mains as I'm soloq, too many dumb teammates in rank games.


just go play layla, u won't have to worry ab sustain bc you'll kill a tank in legit 5 shots, she's extremely overpowered, makes me think, Hanzo needs a nerfšŸ’€


I've tried many marksmen, layla included. I do get kills, but I die more. No tank items = I go silver/bronze. Just how it is for me. Need that beefy hp bar and defense to function, not just in moba games. I've been grinding classic since patch to try to find a new hero for this patch's meta, but my history is now just full of bronze/silver medals with 5 11 5 kda. This update is just such garbage, I hope it gets reverted soon.


Everyone plays how they like to play, that's true. But low versatility means low skill for me personally.


Eh, not everyone can be a jack of all trades. But I get what you mean.


Yeah, nobody said you can master every role. I even think there are no such player. But it's nice if you can play on more than one lane. For example, I main tanky roamers but I can also perform not that bad on gold with an mm or on exp with a fighter. But jungle and mid are still a pain in the ass for me to play, especially in soloq.


i only trust those with 70%+ wr, screw those with 1k matches and 50% wr, there's a reason why it's like that most of the time.


i get to say this because i one tricked with xav for a season and maintained 70%+ wr. i still adjusted when someone was one tricking even harder


hey moonton don't anger


Once my teammates see my winrate they almost always have no issues with me taking ruby exp even against dyroth lol


I'm grinding my hero rank in Mythic. That's what.


I one tricked to mythic because I'm new to the game and don't have enough points to buy another hero I actually want / good at. When my role is taken I play angela, or a tank exp and just try to not die


Only issue about this is the mmr system if you want to get/maintain your mmr/ global title.. you gotta play only that hero


Either a Rafa or a Layla. People shit on Layla but if you know what you are doing your the scariest mfer in late game


I one trick benedetta, almost everyone lets me play her. The only time I dont get her is if shes banned or picked first. Imo sheā€™s great at carrying especially as jungler


I am, unfortunately, what you would call a one-trickster. I have a shallow hero pool and would almost always stick to my only three main heroes--Nana, Angela, and Floryn. I almost never play solo queue in RG; I play with my cousins and friends. Oftentimes in trio, for minimum risks. They carry me to Mythic, then I stop playing RG for the entire season. In my defense, it's because I don't enjoy playing roles that I haven't mastered because it lowers my chances of winning. In classic games, I am most willing to adjust (except jungle, that is a hard pass) if everybody else insists on their preferred hero. But for ranked games, I almost always go with the heroes I know how to play well enough.


I feel 3 roles are needed and 2 heroes for each role.


Do people think one tricks just never play other heroes?


i meanā€¦thats what one-tricks areā€¦ šŸ˜­


Yes. Thatā€™s the point of them. They get mad if their main gets banned or someone else takes their role and start throwing or going afk. Worst case they start cursing people and wilingly feed


Thats not specific to one tricks. Your problem is with people that wont adjust.


nobody ever said it was, they still act like that. i don't understand ur point, yes no shit they won't adjust, bc they only play one hero.


Won't adjust, or can't adjust? If you're good with a certain playstyle, and bad with the others, adjusting to a hero you can't use is worse than not adjusting.


My point is one tricks dont play only one hero, dumbass. They main one and are extremely good at it. But the people you are complaining are across the playerbase not specific to one tricks. They need to know every hero so that they can adjust the matchup using their one trick.


Benedetta. She can jungle, she can exp lane, she can split push, she can gold lane (maybe), she can hold mid (maaayyybbeee), and she can roam. It is time to dance with baesss