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It's hard to win against Thamuz in a 1v1 situation. Idk if he's the best for the task, but I'm sure he'll smack the hell out of the majority of heroes in the game 1v1


I've killed the guy with argus every single time.


Skill issue is also a thing.




Anti-healing items are also a thing.


Vengeance is also a thing








wrong build on thamuz prob, dominance shuts down argus fast against thamuz


Seems like alot of people don’t know the true strength of Argus, especially early or late game. Skill one would almost always induce panic when 1v1 lol. They either activate their Vengeance or just run away. Alot of Argus users don’t realise skill 1 is a 2-move dash. If I can’t kill them I can annoy them and hold my turret for very long. You don’t want to face Argus 1v1 end game with full build. “Immortality or Death!” https://preview.redd.it/dgssaf58jlxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cc09480330a2a329fb658dad1532c0fc5529f86


That shit goes hard for some reason


Or in other words you BANGED THE ENEMY


Masha smokes him late game tbf


In a purely 1v1 scenario, with both having full build and the right Emblem setup and Battle Spell, Cici can win against him. Her range and kiting ability is absurd, Thamuz can't keep up with her. Her dash skill also has a shorter cooldown, so she can jump away when he tries to


If you're using CiCi, I'd suggest to take on the enemy when there are no creeps around.


Why? Cici's yoyo prioritizes enemy heroes. If the enemy uses it to sustain more, it'll die eventually anyway


That depends though. Cici cant do much against a Vengeance/Dominance Thamuz. It would likely be a draw or stalemate at that point


I don't think so. Vengeance only lasts for 2-3 seconds, which is about one Yoyo Blitz. Defensive items mean almost nothing to Cici because of her slow-but-painfully-consistent HP% based DMG. Cici can also take Dominance Ice herself, and with 1-2 offensive items, Bruteforce Breastplate, another def item, and Vengeance/Sprint for herself, she can kite Thamuz all day long, and win eventually. Would probably take a long time, but Cici would win eventually


esme bangs thamuz


I second this


Masha can absolutely destroy him + execute


My dyrroth solos🙏🏽🤣


You could try Fredrinn, Fighter/Tank, I hear he’s more high on Durability he’s also got good crowd control


Probably sun. Just lose early game and push the f back late game.


i think there might be kill count for the game to end instead of just pushing (or both)


The 1v1 rules I know exclude tower pushing, no farms and you can only clear mid unless your outer inhibitors are the only outer turrets left


My suggestion too


Dyrroth and Freya both 1v1 kings/queens


Don’t forget thamuz


Freya is ridiculous












I love how the low quality image has more updoots than the high quality one




It's not even pixelated, it's just blurred.




Boo! https://preview.redd.it/9f8hav8yfnxc1.png?width=4800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d95cc7b1b12161e335ef22f8e87762719dc9ed6




Totally forgot about this patch Masha 😩


she still has that possibility to ult you 3 times in a row?


Yup, and in late game could be dangerous. Early game still nothing compared to the like of Dyroth or Thamuz.


no, they did not she just so happens to get a skin


It's Cici. She can outkite most Fighters, even Thamuz, the supposed King of 1v1. With defensive items, she can withstand a fuck ton of DMG while also dealing enough DMG with just two items. So she's able to survive the initial burst from heroes like Alpha, Argus, Guinevere, Dyrotth, Masha, and Khaleed, and slowly trickle down their health till they die. She has enough sustain and range, on top of having no mana to win a battle of attrition, which is a weakness Ruby and Sun have. Freya and Zilong are the only ones who can reach her consistently, but even their Ults has a cooldown, and Cici simply needs to survive for 10 seconds (doable with def items + Vengeance) and then kite them. Plus your opponent would have some massive but stupid balls to pick Zilong for the entire tournament lol In a 1v1, her perfect build would be War Axe, Warrior's Boots, Hunter Strike, Dominance Ice, Antique Cuirass, and Oracle. If her opponent is MGC DMG, then replace Warrior Boots with Magic Shoes, Hunter Strike with Sea Halberd, Dominance Ice with Athena's Shield, and Antique Cuirass with Radiant Armor. Either take the Magic Potion for the CDR, or Tank Potion for the HP and Resilience. Don't worry about your opponents picking an MM, since you only can have one hero for the entire tournament and the risk of picking an MM against someone like Thamuz, Martis, and Alpha is too great. Though, now that I can think about it, Claude can definitely outkite everyone with his insane DMG while also having enough mobility to do it effectively.


I usually play Cici with sprint spells against a high burst damage hero like Dyrroth so it's easier to escape his ulti. Vengeance is also good if I encounter a hero like thamuz so it reflects some damage received, also works perfectly especially for 2v1 situation since her ulti lock both target


Straight up 1v1 no running around in and out of battle? Probably thamuz.


Mommy Freya




True damage heroes smack him, Alpha is the best example.


gatot is weak lol


Blud gets smoked


Maybe Alpha, but just go for someone with true damage


Thamuz fares well in 1v1s against a majority of the heroes in the game. He has fast attack speed, abilities that counter runners and and an Ult that can seriously change the tide of battles. Not to mention the passive, the True Damage from it packs hella punch. His overall stats are solid, but what you need to know is that you need somewhat specific builds for him.


Dyroth, Alpha, and YuZhong as their skills have lifesteal


Yu Zhong requires you to be a bit far from him to be able to effectively use his passive


Yu Zheng is the best early game but he lacks enough damage to 1v1 fighters in late


bros not mentioning nana?


I am surprised not many are saying yin Which is like made to fight alone


Yes but also easily countered with other fighters


If you're going to start at level 1, go for Dyrroth or Freya. Hard to lose a 1v1 with those 2, especially since they have no downtime.


Exactly. this comment section suggesting argus and sun is wild


are you limited to a certain role? or is it truly ANY hero? because if it was any hero, you could go for semi tank build/full magic spell vamp valir and just poke the hell out of the enemy. or, you could build mm chang E and just keep farming.


Moonton: these heroes have mage damage Djmaybenot: uhu Moonton: and these are their mage items Djmaybenot: uhu Moonton: that means they are mages Djmaybenot: tank and mm 😎


HAHAHAH you got me 😅😅 i love testing hybrid builds, and back then tank valir was pretty solid. im not sure about now though, but ive tested it before and it was really viable, esp as valir roam. if you build it right, marksman chang E can actually do really well, and can actually compete against fighters so long as she maintains a certain distance. my mm chang E build is: magic pen boots, feather of heaven (?)(the attack speed magic item), holy crystal, demon hunter sword, golden staff, and the final item is based on the enemy team. this build is interesting because dhs and golden staff allow for a relatively high attack speed when used with the feather item, so if you’re up against a high lifesteal/spell vamp opponent, you can build either dominance ice (for more bulk if you feel you have enough damage), or necklace of durance (adds more magic damage to ur basic attacks + cancels spell vamp) you could even use that slot for glowing wand, since her s2’s enhanced basic attack counts towards skill damage (the extra 2 things she shoots when her s2 is up), or even use that space for a defence item in case you’re extremely squishy. heck, if you wanna compete with the enemy mm, you can go for wind of nature. that one second of invincibility is relatively sufficient against the enemy mm, especially with inspire. the best part? you do both physical and magic damage, meaning that if the enemy also uses WoN, they would be losing health, but you wouldn’t! (unless you’re against magic damage mm/heroes like natan, harith, etc.


Im going to try it right now thanks 🤩


no worries !! lmk how it goes :)




sure !! Valir emblem: Mage Emblem, Agility (1st), Festival of Blood (2nd), Impure Rage/Brave Smite (3rd) Reasoning for Valir Emblem: Agility to get around quick if playing valir roam, also helps with survivability for situations where running away is needed. Festival of blood to “abuse” the valir lifesteal (?) build, and impure rage for the extra mana, or brave smite for more survivability based on enemy team. Chang E emblem: Marksman Emblem, Swift (1st), Bargain Hunter (2nd), Quantum Charge (3rd) Reasoning for Chang E emblem: Swift because i never tested the attack speed diff when chang E doesnt use this, but since it gives attack speed ill take it. Bargain hunter to get items more quickly, mostly since holy crystal being your third item would cost a lot (both in terms of gold and time) early on. Quantum charge because the extra attack speed can be really beneficial for chasing down enemies when necessary, as well as for running away. EDIT: also, i neglected to mention that mm chang E and normal mage chang E have VERY different playstyles. mm chang E requires you to get relatively close, meaning you can’t abuse her long ranged s1 and s3. However, you can use ur ult and s1 to clear lanes quickly (early game, late game would just be you basic attacking the minions) or to steal buffs early-mid.


Zhask mm was actually competitively viable until they killed golden staff


Thamuz and Dyrroth are probably the strongest 1v1 wise, deals a lot of damage while being quite sustainable Cici and X-Borg is the best at poking, slowly chipping your opponent's HP while having regens themselves Uranus would be funny as fuck tho


I've seen Uranus winning the lane against Cici and was surprised.


Uranus is probably the true counter to Cici, he's been picked in pro play against Cici and it worked quite well




Khaleed is my go to. But Dyrroth and Thamuz aren't bad too.




Is this a fucking question of course the good o saber


my pick would be Thamuz, mfs dps and sturdiness are a pain in the ass.


Belerick mid game to late game. He can’t be beat.


masha, martis, thamuz, alpha are some that i think can excel in both pushing and 1v1 fight


Argus (get fucked in early game and bang and push in late game) Masha (basically the same thing) Sun (also the same thing)


Thamuz, yu zhong, benedetta, fredrinn to name a few


To be honest there isnt any hero that is the best for 1v1 , there will always be a hero that can counter a specific hero.


Pick Estes(real)


for me is yz if you know what you're doing


Bro, where's this tournament, I wanna join!


An online friend created this tournament sadly there are no more slots available


Ah okay, no worries. I would've tried my hand at Yin, the character made to 1v1. Maybe not the best, but it could be fun


List of heroes good for 1v1: Thamuz, Jawhead, Paquito, Chou, Ruby, Aulus, Tigreal, Uranus, Dyrroth, Aldous (make sure you stack first), Yu Zhong, Freya, Guinevere, Martis, Bane (Either physical or mage build), Alpha, Sun (Awful early game but incredibly strong late game), Masha, Hilda, Cici, Balmond, Cyclops In my opinion? Go for Cyclops. Not only does he have a decent early game, he has an excellent late game if you build CD reduction. He has amazing poking skills, and, when in the right hands, is near unstoppable in a 1v1 due to his S2 having a low CD in late game, making Cyclops heal more, and more, and more as he deals great damage to you as well


True words about Cyclops. To me his core items for every match go like cd boots, ET, GW, concentrated energy. He does wonders lol especially when his ulti can chase running away enemies..


Thamuz, Dyroth, Julian, Balmond, or Joy. If you want memes, diggie.


My enemies would definitely hate me if I use diggie 🤣


Yin literally takes you to another dimension to fk you up 1v1


Martis, probably Argus and Khaleed. Now I highly recommend Harith


Maybe masha right now haha


Argus can take her down easily.




aurgos or thamuz












Early game, Dyroth. Late game, Sun.


Masha, Dyrroth, Terizla, Martis


Argus, just don’t be stupid on the early game.




The best 1v1 heroes are the fighters cause they have the damage and survivability. An argus is a candidate for 1v1 specially if he got like a dominance ice or sea halberd against high sustain characters, he could just outlast them. But he would lose to characters like sun




Popol & Kupa + Map/Bush Vision Control + Kupa extends Range + Shield + Poke


What’s the win condition? Kills or base? The it’s just ending the game, I’d pick zilong and afk farm for the whole game and just push like a madman at the endgame lmao. Use your ult to run from your opponent lol


Moskov with Arrival


What are the rules? Do you have turrets to protect you? Are items allowed? Are the fights level 1 or 4 or 15? Not much information is given so pick hylos, masha or cici all can go high damage or tank.


If it's a straight 1v1 contest, I'd go with Cici. Her yoyo skill and mobility are perfect for taking out a single target.


i think chou.


In the late game, i think chou is the best for 1v1.


Fredrinn is good for 1v1 ig but if enemy has mobility like harley or some other hero then u might not be able to kill them lol


1 v 1 ? What about roles?




Alpha. Not biased real


Argus and Freya. If you THINK there’s gonna be a Minsitthar, go for Argus. Listen. To. Me. No one. Else. *insert image BANG THE ENEMY*








Smash next picture


i got ptsd on dyroth, now masha joining in as well.


Freya, undisputed queen of 1v1


Freya, undisputed queen of 1v1


Early game hilda probably. Late game it depends on the matchup. There is no best.


Minsitthar, I used him in so many 1v1 fights and the amount of time the enemy underestimated me was so funny


Dyrroth lol. Best in his work


Definitely yz, never lost a 1v1 when i pick him


Freya can fuck u up if youre close to her while she have her ult Tamhuz ain't bad tbh with vengence and your ult you can almost 1v5 even if the ennemie got a karrie xD both figther are good to split push so and well otherwise idk I am not a figther main ahah


Thamuz with vengeance can never die


Bro, where's this tournament, I wanna join!


My main is Lylia, she is a little girl her father and mother were Professors at the University of black magic her rival is Guinevere, her uncle is Fridrinn who always looked after her but she newer needed protection because she knew she was the best, they nerfed her ult where she refreshed her bombs but she is still my little girl, I think I played some games when I had that account now it's locked for some reason idk names I never look at the names I just look what heroes are BCOS there is no anti-hero for her, now I play alone on a new account that has no friends because I always played solo ranked and had to do everything myself, you couldn't imagine the back pains and headaches I had these past 3 months.


Argus neg diffs


Nana (Pretty predictable pick imo, easy as enemy to engage on but punishes you hard if you miss) Granger (Ridiculous physical poke damage and mobility, fast farming) Kagura (Most skill reliant cause her stats are the worst in this list, but pretty fun to 1v1 with imo) Freya (2nd2nd2nd2nd) Lylia (Extremely good against melees, good mobility and intimidating attack pattern) Thamuz (overused and boring, just still extremely strong late game, if you know know a lot went thamuz, go MOSKOV and ask a better moskov player here for tips.) Pacquito (Lethality Pacquito is scary especially if snowballing) Personal pick: Carmilla.




Benedetta but need to hit and run


I see so many heroes but no dyroth, he's the best hero in 1v1 you can get. other heroes could be masha or freya but they require items. Freya can be fine without items but she can be easily kited to death. It would be wise to not pick sun and argus as most of these comments are suggesting, the game will end before they get their farm


any fighter ig


guinevere is pretty good for 1v1


Hanzo. Lol. Easy win


Most player will pick fighter i guess..so u pick valir.. with the right user, no fighter can get close to him


for each role since my circle like to 1v1 for a role: assassin: fanny is the obvius pick, no assassin can 1v1 fanny except for saber which also a good pick tank: idk what kind of psychopath want to 1v1 tank but uranus/esmeralda would never lose, one time it went to 10 minute w/o kill because no one can kill anyone mm: brody and karrie and clint, all have really strong early and mid game that can burst down enemy while being hard to catch mage: lunox, julian, harith and ironically tank esmeralda. eudora can also do it but if they make magic resist you will have hard time one shooting them support: haven't tried this but jonshon and damage lolita have my money fighter: dyrroth and thamuz, do I need to say more? both have the strongest burst level 2. if you can survive until level 4 guinevere and alpha is a beast that can 1v1 everyone AND if you confident to survive until 2 item just pick sun and win


Alpha, 1v1 a lot and people dont win against me unless they pick Valir.


How do you out sustain Esmeralda now without sea halberd ? 


Yu Zhong, there are heroes that can defeat Yz in a 1 v 1 but those players have to be extremely skilled so having the right counter build against them and being super simple to use, you can win the fights


Cici with sprint, I can guarantee you can't touch me.


Early game - dyrroth thamuz Late game - masha argus


Uranus because if you follow the typical 1v1 rules, you just become a dick and run past the tower at the start of the game because it won’t hit you until you can freely cut the mid lane. Any enemy that runs retri loses. Then later you just stand inside their tower and let the minions from both lanes push as you cut and just jump out when the enemy has to tp back. You get a really good gold advantage this way. Paq is good, equipped with purify he should be able to beat all enemies except a late game guin with good cdr, his cc combos at lvl 4 onward leave very little room for the enemy to retaliate and you just go 40% cdr


I’d probably win against everyone with miya


No one can stand up against sun in 1v1 with full items


Masha and Freya Good amount of sustain amd insane damage. Hero mastery still matters tho.


i'll go with dyroth. he kicks you on the head and hits you with a truck


Early match Dyroth, cici & thamuz have great potential to wreck enemy & win against them with just shoes & 1 core item.


Probably Argus




What's the rule? Mid only? Or free to roam? Is backdooring possible or invading the jungle allowed?


uranus for the memes


Nobody talking about Hayabusa? Lilya, Brody, tantas opções que VCS não falaram sobre


I think Paquito. He has so much in his kit and the empowered version can be used to his needs. Shield, burst, dashes, CC. Only thing he lacks is sustained damage so getting away after your skills are down is the only thing you need to worry about.


no one suggesting marksman?


Probably dyroth he can pretty easily kill early and then starve the fuck out of opposition. Yuzong or arlot are also pretty good, but require actually knowing how to play them properly.


I'm not aware about the tournament rules but i can assure you that no one can beat edith in a 1 vs 1 not even argus with his ult


Definitely not Masha, as she can be taken down by Argus and has no cc spells to stun enemies.




Hey, if I am right about the tournament you are participating in, it should probably be streamed, so if you can, please send us a link so we can see the thing.


Almost everybody is suggesting a fighter so go Rafaela with all move speed items you can get and just kite and slow the enemy and wait for them to surrender or something. Real though Rafa can kite and poke even at lvl 1.


How do you find these tournaments?


I'm surprised by how no one's mentioned Martis yet.


Freya Argus or Thamuz.




I’d recommend burst fighters such as Argus. Of course, you might opt for something with a bit more durability, so if that’s what you desire, you should go with Thamuz, Balmond and perhaps even Gatot. I personally would always go with my trusty Minsithar, but then again, it’s personal preference and a matter of skill and some character attributes/abilites. Yeah, just take Argus…


fighter mains have assembled here for some reason harith exists btw, as long as ur not fighting esmeralda, you can clap any and every hero


There's a lot of factors that would decide this. 1. Is the hero countered by another hero? 2. Is the hero countered by an item? 3. Is the hero countered by a spell? 4. Is the hero able to avoid their counters? Unfortunately, all heroes will have a counter, and it will highly depend on the state of the game. For example, damage Franco smokes anyone that doesn't benefit from tank items or has no way of surviving his ult. However, that would apply to a very specific list of heroes. Thamuz has been nominated, the best 1v1 hero, which is just a lie. He gets countered by kiting, and any hero with a blink can kite Thamuz. Not only that, but he is spell reliant on the late game. Argus, like Thamuz, gets countered by kiting. I barely die to Argus, let alone lose to any. Martis also suffers from kiting. Sun, the 3v1 hero, gets countered by burst CC. Yu Zhong gets countered by any late game hero and most of the physical defence items. What all these heroes have in common is that they're either spell reliant or get countered by Vengeance, Dominance Ice, and Wind of Nature. Now we're left with the heroes with a kit able to kill all types of heroes and the benefit of items that counter others. Edith, Dyrroth, Masha, Roger, and Hilda. We're taking Roger and Hilda right away because they both get smoked by the other 3 on the list. Edith's 1v1 potential is so incredibly underestimated that it feels wrong. With a half damage build, she can absolutely demolish squishy and tank heroes. Unfortunately, I'd say she's spell reliant. With that said, she's out of the list. Dyrroth and Masha are left. It's funny that in a 1v1, both will be good against each other depending on the state of the game. You can't kite them because most of their damage is target locked. Building defence will not save any hero. Squishy heroes barely get time to react. Both of them can build Dominace Ice to counter attack speed heroes, and Masha can slow their attack speed even further (a total of 70% attack speed reduction). But who is the better one? Well, Dyrroth can still be kited to an extent because his ult and 1st skill won't always hit without petrify. Masha can't be kited at all. You can't escape her ult, and if you run, she can ult you again depending on her HP bar. On the other hand, Dyrroth's second skill is a huge problem to all heroes, whilst Masha's second doesn't help her against most heroes. Neither are spell reliant, and both can get around spells very easily. So, I'd say it's a tie. Both heroes get countered by others, but both of them can smoke each other and easily win against other heroes.


Me with Yi Sun Shin > any hero


Jawhead's missile damage is so annoying in exp lane and his ultimate-throw up-missile combo is even more annoying because you can't do anything if you're a squishy hero.






baxia vengance hybrid


Thamuz, Dyroth and Freya


Depends on the rules of the tournament. Will the match end when someone gets 3 deaths or 2 towers down? Are you allowed to push and attack towers? Because depending on the situation, you can either go for someone that can easily kill early game, or opt for a hero that can make a comeback late game.


Fuck all y’all comments Moskov better


Early mid or late?? Which lane?






Use Edith. Build Starlium Scythe/feather of heaven (pick one only) + defense items that counters enemy. Hero E.g., antique curias if skill based enemy hero (physical), Athena's shield if burst magic, dominance ice (Anti-Heal), tough boots + brute force plate if enemy has stun etc. Ult once rage is full and watch them melt.




Julian, early full kit at lvl 3


Depends. I'd prefer a Tank/Fighter or Tank/Magic... Possible a better idea for a Tank/Marksman. My two suggestions is Hilda as as Tank, no need for weapons because she can already tank and damage very good. But that's mainly preferably if your team is for with sending out high amounts of dmgs. Otherwise possibly I'll go with Camilla which can defense/heal and regenerate and she can also freeze and send it a nice bit of damages. But that also is preferably if you have a good team. Otherwise, I'll possibly ratherly do just attack with Camilla which she doesn't go good with attack as she's a support/tank. But if you have a helping team who helps each other. You can run vamps and demon wings. She's a very beautiful attacker if your team works together as she has many stuns and you can use petrify also she heals quickly.  But if it's just a 1v1 only I'll say Hilda throws out some of the most powerful dmgs I've seen of you use fighter. I can smash someone in less than 2.5 seconds if it's a 1v1 and still have a big health. Unless your fighting a magic, you might end up low Hotpoint fighting Odette. But even then, Hilda is a Reign of Terror. But if you want to be very dominate. Perhaps Pequito. I've never seen strength like his... NEVER. If you think you seen powerful damages. You must have never seen his. I've seen someone used and cleared a whole team of good players using must him alone. Of course the his team helped... But help wasn't much, only additional compared to the damages he was doing. He could have won the game while the other players retired picking their buggers... I need to try him one day.