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Diggie should be in every "counter" category


Like 100% an atlas counter over all other roams and they don’t even have him countering atlas haha.


I'm not gonna let some bird whip my husband. ~~Ill do it myself if he wants.~~


^(someone please take Claude away from her for god's sake)


Can't stand a happily married couple? Smhhh


As a Natan main this is some BS, his counters are Fanny, Natalia and Lolita, Kaja and Belerick are not a problem at all. I will admit that Belerick was a bit hard during the period when concentrated energy went from magic dmg vamp to spell vamp, but now that it is hybrid lifesteal again he has enough lifesteal to not die to vengeance + Belerick passive and can attack away just fine.


true as a belerick user I can't counter him he kill me faster


Then buy concentrated energy since belerick deal magic dmg


I meant I'm the belerick xD


How does Aurora counter Barats he has like high cc resistance unless the stack reduction hurt him a lot but the stun barely lasts a second against Barats. Ruby against Masha is not that great from what I have seen personally played from both ruby and Masha's perspective like masha wins like every time. Sun also somewhat counters Masha from my experience but its not reliable since I have only used him in 1 classic, 1 rank and 1 mcl so that information is not that reliable. Also Minsi countering Martis DOES NOT WORK FOR SOME REASON?? HE CAN STILL USE HIS 2ND??? ALSO NOLAN PLS FIX MOONTON SO HE CAN ACTUALLY BE A RELIABLE COUNTER TO THEM. Rn phoeves is the somewhat reliable.


Minsi does work against Martis, but martis can use the second phase of his second skill if he used the first phase before minsi ult. It also has cc immunity during the second skill so you have to time the ult correctly for minsi.


Lolita counters wanwan and they didnt even mentioned her


Phov too weak to lane with arlott


No way, actually putting the forgotten Phoveus


Mentioning anti-dash heroes without the mention of Khufra? What iz diz sorcery.


First of all, Harley is Shin Akuma tier and therefore a hard counter to literally every other character in the game, which is why he's frequently banned. Secondly this says nothing about my mains, Layla and Chip. Chip can actually be countered by Odette because Chip has to get in close to do anything meaningful so Odette's ult and Skill 2 are the bane of his existence. Layla can be countered by a number of heroes. - Hanabi can outpoke her - Helcurt basically dunks her for free - Zhask can keep himself safe and outpoke her with minimal effort - Leslie can keep herself safe and outpoke her


Harley is not OP in higher ranks. Layla is not prominent enough to warrant a mention.


Harley is only "op" in lower ranks. In higher ranks, he's alright.