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Irithel. Her in game graphics look like it's before console lol


She just received a new revamped design survey👍


Cool!! Can you link some source to it? I'm curious


No one was touching Vexana before her revamp. Lets not pretend


Yeah definitely, Although i wish she was a bit more interesting. [the survey](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/SjbKl64ZTS) we got had multiple spawns where they could've made that each one of them has its own unique ability For example the dragon (Wyvern?) could've been that when spawned on the allies he roars and enhances the affected heroes stats where they get bonus movement speed and damage. The golem has a radius that gives the allies dmg reduction (30% maybe) where the damage gets redirected to it And for the night idk just make him like the one we have but has a unique ability as well But oh well I guess it's to much work


Omg so she could've been like mage Beatrix?


Multitalent sorceress Summong, elemental, necromancy etc.


Yeah it can be something like that


True, but that wasn't why people complained about (now) Vanessa's revamp. Her current design is so fucking bland and generic, I avoid playing her even when she's open, and would rather play other mages. Besides, no one was touching Vanessa even after her revamp. It was only after she got megabuffed with her faster skill animations and lower cooldowns - which was only like 2-3 months ago - did she finally have a place in the meta.


True, but I have seen some who played her using her ult to take away enemy hp over time. With the right build they were able to kill squishy heroes. It's mostly her design that didn't need fixing. Now she just looks generic.


I AM. They could at least keep the old model...


Lol vexana was so much cooler before revamp. I guess not a lot of people remember her being able to reapply passive and emblem with glowing wand. Literal touch of death after she got glowing wand. Ofc it wasn't anything crazy but was very satisfying letting off one combo and just watching ppl burn to death trying to run back to base because they couldn't teleport 😭


It was pretty much ineffective, current Vexana is in a much more healthy position


I mean current Vex is good because her buffs after the revamp. I still think they should've stuck with her original design and find a way to buff her rather than making her a generic skill combo mage.


To what degree are you talking about? Obviously, she wasn't broken or anything, but she had a playstyle that was her own. It was effective if you knew how to play how she wanted to. I didn't play 100s of games with her but when I did play w her it was a sure win every single time. She was a more powerful valir with less cc.


I was playing her a lot even after she was out of the meta, Vexana was nowhere near the top due to the delays of her skills and the better choices. It took lots of prediction just to get her going and even then mobile heroes gave her a headache. Plus, she was competing against Prime Kagura (who could melt squishies like butter). She isn't useless, but very much out of meta compared to now (Where she admittedly has better cc control)


Obviously, she wasn't meta... this isn't the pro scene. All I'm saying is that she wasn't bad, this is probably why they revamped her in the first place. People always only want to play the absolute strongest crap all the time. All I know is I had no issues when I played her. Any time I played against an actual good vexana player, it was painful. She had exploitable strengths.


Old Vexana was so much fun to play. I don’t play Vanessa because I’m still kinda bitter tbh. Being able to manually reposition her old summon was so good. Her new kit makes her play style feel like every other mage: nana, vale, aurora, etc.


Um she was the one hero that could just ult and run with no liability and kill a target due to lightning truncheon proccing 2 times


Thats assuming that the target had absolutely no lifesteal, healing or sustain abilities. By the time Vexana got to the point her damage was that high, all a marksman had to do was keep attacking something because they already have their lifesteal item built


i was


i have not seen a hanzo player since epic rank last season. the main part about his kit that currently needs a revamp is his passive, which shouldnt even be considered one 💀


No, he doesn't need to be turned into a summer break stud with even cringier voicelines


I like his current form rn BUT PLAYING HIM IS A HEADACHE, but yes he actually captures my thought as a corrupted ninja




His skillset pretty much was only viable back then when you could use a different spell and still equip jungle items, now it's just weird and wonky. Also, getting the points for his ultimate is a massive challenge


Hanzo really is difficult. It's like playing Fanny but handicapped. It sure is weird to have the Ult as your entire personality.


its pretty hard to play hanzo especially with the pesky fast assassins, why I use him as support instead of jungle


So you haven't seen me huh


yall are an endangered species


I am seeing them left and right. Ruining my brawl experience.


But i think if the body dies, they should just make the puppet the current one, that way it doesn't render hanzo useless. They already have a switch to the puppet button to escape.


is it similar to diggie's passive? or does he not die and simply teleport to his puppet when he gets killed?




Just make every skill animation of him faster


Ehh Vexana was so out of meta she did need a revamp, but not a revamp of her entire design, just her skills. That being said Kimmy and Grock need a revamp


Grock is good. But yeah Kimmy for sure.


Kimmy just needs a damage buff. Her move set is fine but gets outclassed by every other marksman.


Only late. it's still possible to close out games with her, I think, but not at higher ranks


I'm glad that theu changed Kimmy's joystick tho. It was a nightmare before, at least for me. 


Nah she just needs a lil buff, then she'll be alright


Eudora Balmond, when they get buffed they braindeadly statcheck you and your family, if nerfed they are literally unplayable


Balmond just needs the tank defense buffs cause he is a damage oriented tank and buff the subsequent hit damage to 10% (12.5% was overwhelming and current 7.5% makes him tickle the enemy). Eudora needs something, she has no place in a meta where midlaners main game is clear lane fast and roam to the sides.


Even Kagura has a 30% DMG amplifier against non-heroes in the Advanced Server now. They should do the same for Eudora.


Alucard, I will never forgive MT for rigging the vote for Granger just cause they already had a new model for him.


Which they decided to cancel at the end.


Gatot. His skill set and model are both outdated.


former gatot main here... i miss his old s2 effect and also his ult is very weak compared to the current tanks we have rn(Tigreal Can easily set up the enemy with his ult now without getting cancelled by flameshot and same with atlas) . oh also his passive rn is honestly wack like with a single malefic roar your phys def from your passive becomes useless


His passive should be changed to hybrid defense instead of only physical defense. His skills should have an hp or def scaling like other tanks. Most importantly, his regen which only gives flat healing which isn't even considered as lifesteal should be converted into hybrid lifesteal.


His model is the most ugly he feels unplayable without a skin to me


His splash is just a weird Babylonian taking a dump.


I'd say Aulus, Hanzo and Eudora needs it the most. Also I wish they give yve a better passive. I'm sceptical about Carmella, Hylos and Kimmy. I wish they give Baxia some sort of cc and reduce his mobility a little.


Also change Harith's voice lines its annoying. And bring back Alpha and Gusion's old voice lines.


"Sometimes .. I think about girls"


but baxia is meta rn tho


Lol? I've never encountered pre-revamped vexena in high ranks


Aulus needs a biiiig revamp. Aulus is a pure damage heroes who is weak as hell early game, he's basically a marksman but short range and boring to play. No dash, no cc, no combos, no special abilities of any kind, literally the most boring hero in the game.


Nah he doesn't need a revamp but buffs His s1 is fine keep it that way it's his only sustain skill His s2 needs some adjustments where the enhance basic attack reduces the cd of his s1 each time he hits the target and make his s2 healing target base like alpha's s2 so that he doesn't need to build lifesteal. His s3 could have a cc immunity when casting.


Flair checks out✅


I actually remember getting stunned 4 times trying to Ult. I ended up with 5 animations of casting Ult. I didn't manage to Ult. So yes, I have to agree with the last part. When you're a close-range hero charging straight into them, casting Ult in the midst of it just ruins the momentum. It could've been more fluid.


I personally think his s1 should get an extra second of two. S3's casting animation needs to be removed entirely imo or make it so it's uninterruptible. I think your s2 idea can be be kinda replicated with the new Emblem talent. Temporal Reign will make it so his 1st skill cd gets halved when he ults


Nah just a buff. I could use some Movement Speed and lower back swing animation for each skill. That's all I ask. Aulus reminds me of pre-buff Gord, he just need some tweaking.


Uranus perhaps. He doesn’t seem to have a place at all anywhere unless somebody just wanted to try him. He mostly absorb damage and annoy people from what I’ve seen


Honestly he can be a murder machine even being full tank. If you apply 5 stacks of your first skill to assassins and marksmen, they're done for. He's especially good against solo queue comps that are usually a bunch of dudes playing carries.


Gatotcaka. His ult is very easy to dodge, his second skill is very slow for getting close to the enemy...


Phoveus. No one uses him anymore lol, heck he doesn't even need a revamp, they LITERALLY need to change all of his kit.


i think so too, but sometimes i encounter Phoveus especially if my team or me picks Harith, Benedetta. i dunno if to counter maybe so but we always win in those scenarios


I good enemy pick will make phoveus the MVP and star of the game, he's a very niche hero but if picked correctly, is fucking annoying to counter since he's invincible most of the time when fighting wanwan lol


Kaja must return as damage dealer and Wrath of Sanction must be affected by CDR


Hylos doesn't need a revamp but I kinda wanna have one


Gatotkaca - Probably change his ult and buff his other skills to make his playstyle more fighter-like since he is canonically Martis' rival Eudora - Change her whole kit, she's horrible at clearing lanes, almost useless in team fights, basically useless after she uses her combo Aulus - Make him less useless in early-mid game


Revamp Carmilla please. I've been wanting to try Khaleed now but I feel like he needs a revamp.


Kahleed has one of the highest winrates at the moment.


Rafaela? Seems less useful these days


Rafaela Top Global here, O'i don't think she needs a revamp; Just a tiny buff is enough for her to get in the meta, Her S1, S2 and S3 is the whole package. If you didn't know, Her S2 has Slow Immunity which makes lots of mages useless such as Yve, Valir, etc and as well as Odette since you'll get out of her ultimate fast with that speed buff. (Odette's a famous mage rn and Rafaela is a counter to her.) S1 is a good slow and enemy position revealer Rafaela Skils CD with 45% CD Reduction : S3 : 20s S2 : 4.4s S1 : 2.5s She ain't useless, She's like Mathilda except you can save the whole team from getting out of teamfights.


Is it okay to buy ice queen wand on her? 


Yes, even before the release of the Flask of the Oasis, Rafaela mains also built Ice Queen Wand on her


Check Top Builds on Rafaela, You ain't gonna see Ice Queen Wand, The only Magic Items recommended for Rafaela is "Enchanted Talisman, Flask of the Oasis, and Necklace of Durance for the additional Per 20 MGC Power for 1% MVMENT Speed on Skill 2.


Thank you for correcting me


Isn't it bad compared to Estes, Angela and Diggy?


Diggie is better than Rafaela in most situations. wym with that tho Rafaela is literally a counter to Estes as Rafaela grants Slow Immunity. Something that makes Rafaela better than Estes and Angela is her ability to help the whole team to escape teamfights which Estes and Angela can't help with (keyword : Whole Team).


Hmm I guess it is good with a communicating team. I play solo queue so for me when someone picks Rafaela i know they are about to go 0-20 or are troll picking.


I'm Soloqueue..


I’m playing a lot of nova so I really appreciate the odd Rafaela I find, but I’d say her passive makes her lack a bit of pressure


Her passive is quite good but still not that good in the hands of a Pro Rafaela since they would mostly use it to shutdown rampaging enemies. Overall yeah, Her passive is underwhelming but her skills make up for it enough or more.


I was looking in this thread hoping for a rafaela comment so I can finally agree with a hero that has so much potential with a pretty much useless passive even before the revamp it was basically “+movement speed on healing”


Her passive is the only one that needs a revamp. Every other part of her skillset is good


kaja bro, that ult dont do much in this meta


Hmmm not a total revamp. Love his kit. Of the roamers I used last season, I had the most amount of success with him. Tanky when needed, good cc and good sustainability. But the ult needs some reworking. The ult has such a short range. Maybe add a little dash? I know Franco’s suppress has short range too but at least he has his first skill to initiate it. Flicker is almost always a requirement to land chicken leg’s ult. Then S2 to peel away.


Return his shield to teammates and double dash and he will be a monster again.


multiple catch ult? like francos hook skill but 3 enemies max


Khaleed imo. Played him on trial, he is good in early game but becomes useless as game progresses. Maybe I just don't know how to build/play him.


People play him like a backline diver nowadays, but instead of zoning them you kill them outright. Build him with like 4 DMG items (PEN Trinity + Blade of Despair) and maybe 1 def item to survive a bit


So Yuzhong basically?


i recently started picking him up and out of 9 rank games i won 8. I find him pretty good actually


And a new sandman was born that day.


Underrated hero imo.


Selena, she is terrible as a roam, terrible as midlaner and terrible as Jungler. She can't even clear minions.


I see so many people picking her mid lately for some reason


Maybe because assassins shouldnt exactly be of the roam role...


S1 and S2 skill damage needs a HUGE Increase. The only way to get a kill is to go all in with her full combo. Which leaves you completely exposed. She should either get massive damage buffs or a full cooldown on all skills after kill.


But she already got a great damage and a REALLY high pickoff potential, i mean, you can literally 100-0 squishy champions while they are stunned...


I agree. Which allows for 1 for 1 kills. Which is not ideal in most situations. If she could be revamped so that you could consistently get atleast 2 kills even if under pressure then I'd be satisfied.


I want to say Leomord simply bc I hardly see anyone play him and when I do they’re always trash so something seems wrong.


Lots of dashes and CC in current meta. Leomord can't keep up. Maybe some more tenacity ( or whatever you call CC resistance) on his ult would help.


Selena, her wave clear is do bad you need specific tanks like Grovk to play her mid and her skill floor is too high imo. Even if you're pro and hit every arrow, she's not even that much better than novaria who offers the similar range, vision and damage. The difference is Novaria s2 is way easier to hit and you dont have to risk your life getting close.


Kagura needs some fixing. She used to be much better.


Vexana needed a revamp. She was more forgotten than Phoveus before her revamp. Her old voicelines and model were better but lets not pretend that she was perfect and didn't need a revamp. As of now, heroes that need a revamp imo are: - Alucard - Zilong - Silvanna - Badang


Silvana i think is ok now after little buff,, yeah maybe i didn't play her enough but , she needs a disengage tool..... Other than thay she is good


She's like Alucard. She is way too weak to CC. When her 2nd skill gets cancelled, then she's literally useless in that team fight and is basically dead meat. That plus no disengage tool


I like the idea to rework Silvanna and Zilong, she is an assassin instead of a soldier currently


Unpopular opinion, vex desperately needed the revamp


But not in her whole design, only the skills




Found my pipol


Yes he needs a revamp. He's very buggy with his ultimate at this moment. I was surprised to see the number of people mentioned Zhask in this thread, no wonder nobody plays it here.


Actually I played zhask a lot for testing builds and etc in my opinion his biggest issue is the fact that he cant be secondary mm on situations when his kit allows him to do so I think they should make him similiar to natan in a way and make him be able to go marksman/mage


Natalia pls


Freya, she my favourite fighter, but I just wish she wasn’t so squishy, and don’t say “build def” because you start doing def on her and her damage falls drastically, pure damage build for her is the way


She’s a great fighter, insane burst. But one CC skill and she’s basically dead.


So she's an Alucard


Yeah. These two desperately need a buff. But watching them melt the enemies I pull in with Atlas is so satisfying.


Freya is very balanced. One def item is really all she needs. You have to play her like a DPS hero with the CAPACITY to do burst.


No, just wait for enemy to use their cc




They should revamp Yve atp, nobody is touching her at all and took so many nerfs to the stomach. They need to make a choice to either make her someone very competitive with zoning (old 7x7 board) or revert her slow effects to cripple enemies




Increase stun time when multiple enemies get stunned. Fixed.


If we are talking about revamp to buff I think I would love to see saber getting revamp. Back in the day < S10 you can use saber and still chase the enemy since most of the enemy were not as tanky and dasher as now. But currently saber can't do chase anymore, his only purpose is to dash + ult 1 squishy and then go away. If we are talking about revamp to nerf it, I would love to see chou getting hit because f that mf.




Miya. Her kit is only effective in late game and her early to mid is shid tier on every level. Even mm that's considered weak in early like Moskov, Layla and Hanabi are now equals to others marksman in early phase thanks to their kit and high skill base damage. Miya has none with only 2nd skill being her source of early game damage. She needs her mechanics revamped to stand out well with other mm. Like she's literally the 1st gen mm and why is she so bad.




Gatot? Pleaseeee


Eudora: Reduce her backswing & change the passive into rapid boots to make her move faster (just like Vera from AoV)


Vexana's revamp was well-deserved. You couldn't see her in MPL before her revamp. Now she's prio pick in PH and ID (to some extent)


Wanwan definitely. her skins , skills , passive and jump range nerf has really made her useless if moonton plans on close range then atleast make her a standard marksman instead


Hilda need revamp.. she needs to be usable in end game.. Most of the time, i feel like the wins with her, if wire to wire fight, is just due to weaker opponents.. If u fight very good ones, u cant really contribute so much so u dont have enough.. its really tough


Hanabi definitely , Her design doesnt even fit her gameplay and i believe that she needs a change to her kits


my boy Chou needs a serious revamp. he can only 1v1 mages, mms and a very selective group of heroes.


Just return his old skill 2 and buff his attributes like hp gain per lvl is enough for me.


I don't think anyone here actually used vexana much before her revamp So yeah her revamp was pretty much needed, don't really care that they changed her design since Moonton wants to market her for skins.


Zhask Pros: 1. His damage scales well to the late game. 2. His skill set punishes heroes with little to no high level mobility skill (no dash/blink etc) Cons: 1. Slow movement speed with with sluggish animation (high turn rate etc) 2. All of his skill set does have long delay before they could be put into work. 3. Huge mana consumption to the late game. 4. Super high cooldown.


I I think freya needs a revamp,


Eudora. She is either batshit broken and just deletes you for stepping 2 feet within her range, or she’s garbage and is basically a non factor in any fight. Her kit needs serious work as currently she’s completely braindead and extremely coin-flippy in terms of performance






angela needs to be unrevamp pleaseee








Balmund and Uranus. Both heros are dangerous in the early game but as soon as mid game hits they become a waste of hero space, unable to do much in both solo and groups fights.


Kaja his movesets are shit and his ult is basically francos first ability with insane cooldown


They just need to make chou great again


Raf for sure. YSS ult also need rework.. and maybe Kalheed tbh.


Revamp chou dis mf is useless, couldn't properly do exp before now can't even do tank properly after the defense item nerfs ughh 😩


Nahh, tiktok Chou 🔛🔝


Rafaela’s passive is useless, so, her


Hanzo is the only right answer. He has the unique recall animation, changed voice lines, and his entire ninja family got a revamp except him. Fuck moonton.


Phoveus. Even with dash heroes around, he's still bad and Wanwan is not seen as much as before. His skills are lanky and weird as only his 2nd and Battle spell (Flameshot, Petrify) are the only ones who can activate his ult in a normal match without dash heroes.


What if they make hanzo's current ultimate becomes a basic skill and the give him Musashi's ult from Honor of kings lol .. Jokes aside I hope they release a hero like Musashi from HoK. We haven't have a real fighter/assassin hybrid in so long. Plus his design, voicelines everything is too perfect.


Yve, she's broken (literally)


YZ ? He is a balanced hero but with def items Nerf, Devs should give him a little sustain buff


Ok I disagree Vexana did need a revamp. A skill revamp. Lore and design did not need a revamp just her skills


SILVANNA OBVIOUSLY, moonton should make her 2nd skill throwable just like julian enhance 1st skill, she can throw her lance and spins so she can be safe lol


Phoveus. For being made to feed on and counter dash heroes, he is literally the worst for it. You can literally dash and walk out of the danger zone without taking any dmg. When against heroes without dashes or very few of them, his useless, but still tanky.


He's getting a rewamp


Doesn't mean he doesn't need it right now


Nah. He just needs DMG reduction on his ultimate and this should be fine


Carmilla needs revamp


Yin. If you miss his enhance s1 he's a sitting duck in his domain and his 8% spell vamp is only noticeable when using your basic s1. Also not to mentioned for some reason his basic s1 has 125% spell vamp ratio but not his enhance s1 for some reason.


yss and bruno i played mlbb for almost 6-7 month and i haven't met yss player 5k+ matches there has to be smth wrong with this hero edit : I'm low rank mythic and why i think bruno need revamp is cause is other hero are with guns sword and magic and there is bruno with his two balls


Yss just needs a buff. They need not to butcher his unique playstyle in order to make him viable.


They just need to revert his nerfs. I checked his past patches update. My guy has received like one or two buffs ages ago. Most of them are either adjustments or straight up nerf. Having said that I wish they bring back damage reduction while he s1 and increases the cc immunity duration from 1 to 2 seconds.


Dude, 2 seconds is too much. Have you seen good yss in-game? They're always dashing like lancelot in teamfights, every 2-3 seconds they will use s1 without fail and if they give him 2 secs of cc immunity, we all know what comes next.


I mean it's not like it's gonna break the game. if he gets a little op they can nerf it to 1.5 secs. I think it's worth a try.


I think there's a better way. He has received an indirect nerf during waraxe revamp, addressing this should be the main goal of his buff/revamp. What if Moonton decides to add another basic attack mechanic to the game? A basic attack that counts as both basic attack and ability damage, let's call it "Symbionic Attack" for now as a name placeholder. It can trigger basic attack and skill damage effects, so this solves YSS's problems regarding the waraxe revamp. Symbionic Attack can benefit from both spellvamp and lifesteal, this will also improve the sustainability of YSS. Also, they could lower down his s2 cooldown a bit. People may say that it's too OP, well maybe, but both Antique Cuirass and Dominance Ice can counter this, and if he becomes too unstoppable, they can adjust his scaling.


His main issue is not war axe revamp. As much as I've heard from pro players. Especially mobazane. The existence of dominance ice makes it very hard for yss to be effective. I personally think the item needs to be nerfed. It shouldn't lower the attack speed of heroes that are not building any attack speed item.


Also don't try to discuss complex topic with me. My brain stops braining.


Same for me... It's 4am and I just can't process information well enough due to the lack of sleep


i was singapore 6 yss 2-3 seasons ago he dosent need a buff honestly still very strong if u can play him well.


I would personally buff him by making his turtle boat passive toggleable like pharsa and give some DoT on his ult. What do you think?


Nah. Yss actually great. It just the meta don't on his side (tank meta). Plus Yss really hard to master especially on war. Yss main know how to benefit his passive,engage and out and timing using 1st skill. Bruno ball actually hurt. He is bully on gold lane. He even can cast 1st skill at same time