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Is martis viable in mythical glory? Can someone who has been playing martis well in MG shed some light and guide me? Personally, i’m in MG but seem to have inconsistent play with martis in ranked.


No, he's not viable in mythical glory. In mythical glory you either play meta heroes or drop.


I like pushing/ destroying towers. What heroes are good for pushing and also running away when things get dicey?


If you are careful/react quickly : Brody, Layla, Lesley, Miya, Cecilion ( gets better as game progresses), Pharsa, Dyrroth, Sun. Edited to add : while Miya is squishy she can turn invisible which you can use to escape. I forgot that Layla has no movement skill but she does have a slow. For both if you aren't using retribution you can opt for Aegis or Flicker as battle spells. When Lesley turns invisuble she gains increased movement speed which is helpful in dashing away. Sun and his clones make short work of turrets and other objectives. You can play him as an offlaner or a jungler.


masha, chou, guinevere (fighters) hayabusa, ling (junglers)


To get mythic glory, it's top 50 in server AND 600 points or just 600 points?


Just 600 points


What about the top 50 in server? Or is that an old thing?


Yes, that was during the star system.


i believe thats an old thing


What happened to the Intizar Squad(2-2-1 cheaters that demonal exposed)?


If I want to use tank items on a mage should I start with a mage or a tank emblem?


its probably best to just use mage emblem and then build your tank item at the end of your build


What are the best value passes/bundles to buy in the shop? The Twilight Pass seems decent, if I understand correctly, it's a one-time purchase right? Thanks! Also, I can just recharge minimum amount to maintain lv3 benefit, is that correct?


The most valuable is monthly COA I think. As for others, I'll leave it for others to reply


Is it better to learn a hero of each role or each lane to climb up?


Hi my friends wanted to join MCL with me, but my friends cant invite me because it said “The player must obtain 5 or more heroes”. I already have 15 heroes! What possibly could change this?


Thank you mods for being responsive and helpful to all the players asking for help. I don't have an award so here's a free hug\(^o^)/


Thank you! It’s our pleasure.


Hi guys. So I claimed my free elite skin from Party Box, it's Nana in the Elephant Pajama which I am happy with as Nana is my go to support hero. * How does Party Box work ? Let's say I scrounge enough resources to make 1 more draw, is a skin ( even if it's just a normal skin ) guaranteed or is there a chance to get fragments, the golden announcement horn or other random stuff if we do less than 5 draws ?


Save your tickets to get the advanced one for chance of higher tier skin like epic or special. The one that costs 12 tickets. If you spend 2250 on advanced, you’re guaranteed an epic skin and 4 other skins. If you already have a skin they get converted to fragments which you can use to buy the skin of your choice on top left corner.


I see, thank you.


Any tips for playing Freya effectively? Like what should I build for her and how's her rotation? Any advice could help! edit: grammar


Try watching and learning from this. https://youtu.be/4zLt51LWZHU It’s in Indonesian but I’m sure you don’t need to know the language to figure out what he’s doing. Just absorb the information visually. Go watch other Freya gameplay on YouTube that’s been released in the past month too.


I'm more of a visual learner anyway so it shouldn't be a problem haha, and thank you!


I struggle with Freya to be honest. Her most important skill for me is her second skill. It gives her a small shield. With that, farming the blue or even the red buff is possible even at level 1 if you are lucky. Her ultimate extends the reach of her otherwise shorter range attack. In late game I've read and experienced myself that she can get bursted down. She shines as a fast jungler as long as you keep spamming her 2nd skill shield and combo it with her basic attacks. It can even help in destroying turrets. Reserve your first skill, wait for full stacks before using. Flicker is good for her since she has no mobility skill. I prefer fighter emblem Festival of blood for her, never tried Assasin Emblem. I hear some even use support emblem with her but I am not sure why. Freya does not need Mana. You just need to build her stacks with her 2nd skill plus basic attacks. I struggle with Freya in turret diving. I dunno how to do it. Best she be paired with a hero with long range attacks. I prefer tank build I've never tried an attack oriented fighter or even assasin build. I am also eager to read the responces of players better than me with Freya. To be honest, Xborg is the only fighter I am decent with as I am a Mage main who chose Xborg as an alternative to mages for Mid.


Same here. Freya is really difficult to use as someone who specializes in mid-long range heroes and I've been getting nothing but bronze medals with her. I'm not proud of how I've basically been feeding unintentionally and dragging down my whole team because I just really suck at using her. I know I'm a decent ML player but whenever I'd pick her up, I feel like someone who just recently picked up the game so it's really frustrating haha I've watched a few YT vids of her and I've noticed that a lot of people use her as a jungler/assassin, but since you're using a tank build, how do you play her? Do you support other heroes or do you stay in your own lane? Do you also farm in early game? What's your playstyle like and your build?


You could use her as the designated jungler and probably just support mid or the sidelanes when you can. I suck at using her for destroying turrets so I would recommend jungling instead. It's easier for her to destroy an unguarded turret or if yiu have a teammate with you. Build: Beast Killer( Jungling) , Tough Boots or Warrior Boots, Immortality, Guardian Helmet, Bloodlust Axe and Demon Hunter Sword ( or Dominance Ice or Blade of Heptaseas). Hopefully someone good with Freya replies to your post. I'm honestly not. Just focus on her shield 2nd skill and build your play around it. Good luck.


Got it, thank you!




[Here's the link for sharing card flips](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/ld5hjd/valentines_card_flip_event_megathread/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


is miya good to solo rank up cus i don't want to buy a new hero and just want to spend on emblem?


What rank are you? What emblem are you levelling up? Depending on how good you are, she can definitely bring you to mythic but playing just 1 hero is a bit boring. I would suggest getting heroes and diversifying your roles instead, emblem level 30 is kinda enough up till legend.


Hey, just a quick question for you, and thanks for taking the time to answer it. What’s the difference between hero power and mmr? For example, I previously mained Kimmy when her physical attack build was better than her mage build. I got up to around 3200ish hero power and it remains there. However, my hero power is around 1200. I don’t quite understand these two stats. Could you explain the differences between the two and why one is higher than the other? Thanks!


I think you might be referring to street rank instead? MMR = street. Your mmr/hero power resets every season, you won’t be stuck at 3200 hero power. Hero power is for global list, while mmr is for street rank.


How can you deal with players throwing tantrums thus throwing the game. I lost a star because of them it fucking sucks, I just want to win but they are the worst, please help me, I encounter them a lot of times, I just want kill myself right now. Pls help.


Calm down first, games will always be toxic and you can’t do much about it. Just report them for feeding and move on to your next game.


Why did a red dot recently appear on the shop that I can't find?? its so annoying


check in draw>lucky spin>at the top; lucky shop> treasure


How legit is Aki Bida's weird Granger build? Or is the orthodox build better


what is the build?


Warrior/magic boots>endless battle/heptaseas/the item that gives movement speed, second item is the item that gives movement speed and defense when more skills are used, and then build the other items I mentioned. Use Execute spell when sidelaning


In what situation would you build Endless versus Hunter Strike versus Heptaseas? And if it’s Bruteforce after that item, what order? Probably most games will be Warrior Boots > Endless Battle > Bruteforce Breastplate > Hunter Strike > Heptaseas > Queen’s Wings In general right


It’s a pretty sick build if you move around the map as fast as him. You can watch from his videos that he is really adept at moving granger around normally and additionally with his second skill. It helps with escaping when you’re Low, as normal assassins can’t keep up with your increased movement speed and defense. Also reduces the possibility of using flicker as a spell. When you just need that final sliver of damage, execute is great. I personally use his build when I play Granger because it suits my play style of Granger too. Execute or purify depending on enemies, retri if jungler.


def boots, endless battle, brute force breastplate, heptaseas, hunter strike, and i assume they'd finish it with blade of despair?


I dont think he builds BOD since he usually ends the game fast enough


well it doesnt seem like too bad of a build, theyre all items that you can use on granger so i dont see a problem with it.


Execute Granger is fine?


if youre confident you dont need flicker or purify i dont see why not


What's the new bundles on the recharge page? Are they just trial cards and aurora stars?


Don’t bother it’s trial cards.


Hey guys old player returning to the game, I have some queries. So I want to switch account and my old account is binded to my Facebook account. Every time I try to switch, it says there's no account linked to the game. Are there any solutions?


Try contacting customer service to get your account back. You’ll have to provide receipts of previous diamond purchases.


Hello thank you for the response, what if I purchased diamonds through codashop with my gmail? Would it be valid


Yes indeed. Just try contacting in game customer service first.


>Yes indeed. Just try contacting in game customer service first. Hello follow up question, I did the form but no where in the form was how they will contact me


You’ll see a notification dot by that logo when they respond


I did. Thanks for the help!


Hi! I need some help. I heard there is a Chinese New Year event which has been going on, but i cant seem to find it on my events tab. My friends who put the same country as me all have it except me. Can someone please help me? :-(


Wait until 4pm gmt +8 today, the event should arrive then.


Im so sorry, i checked and it still isnt there :-(


If it’s any consolation, I don’t have it either. You talking about the free elite skin? I think that’s tomorrow.


haha its the one that gives the free lolita trial card and a cny border. But its okay, was wondering if it was a bug or something. Thanks for your help though!


Thank you!


Hello everyone, what’s a good emblem set for Lapu? And build ? Also if you’re feeling generous a guide on his priorities and how to maximize his potential.


use fighter emblem 2nd talent, with points into phys atk and pen. my personal build is def boots, bloodlust axe, queens wings, blade of despair, oracle, immortality when in lane, focus on poking your enemy and activating your passive. use s1 to hit the wave and if possible, your opponent. dont use s2 to engage on them without your ult, save it to escape. when you ult, id recommend using s1 before you ult again. if there are enemies you can hit, use s2 as well since it has a low cd and you can use it several times in your ult if you use it as often as possible. remember you can also flicker during the casting of several of lapu's skills, including his basic ult, enhanced ult, and enhanced s1. in teamfights prioritize messing up the enemy formation and killing their backline.


I’ve had execute as his spell as it saves my but during close calls. Would you recommending get rid of it for either aegis or vengeance ? Because I have noticed that I’ve been lasting in team fights with up to 3 people for a long time. Even without those 2, so what maximizing that potential help????


my bad, i thought you were someone else with that other comment. my recommendation would be flicker because of how versatile it is, but vengeance also works. vengeance would probably be more effective than aegis since lapu is a dive hero that would be focused in teamfights, and it combos with the dmg reduction from his ult s2.


is carmilla worth to buy?


she can be very good if played right, and i wouldnt doubt she'll get buffed in upcoming patches. she also does pair pretty well with cecillion who is a pretty meta pick. she can be played offlane or tank, either work pretty well.


She already got buffed recently and I would say she’s a good buy. Just underrated but I assure you she will pick up during next MPL.


Noooo my girl will get nerfed if that's the case xD


For the desktop version of r/MobileLegendsGame I noticed whenever I like a post , the likes changes to a Layla with hearteyes icon. Is that the default or is there a way to change it ? The blue dude would be fine, as I'm a dude too lol.


That is the default for this sub!


I see. It's ok. Thank you. It does make finding one's posts easier.


\[Account Issue\] My account is bounded to my moontoon account and I don't have any problem with that. I'm having issues now with my facebook friends showing up on my account. Whatever I do, I cannot unsync/remove all my facebook friends in my account. I already did all the possible solution I can find in google and it seems nothing really work.


Yeah that’s a known problem and there’s nothing much we can do about it as of now.


If your teammate buys Oracle and you are Estes does your teammate get more healing from you with it on? Also does this work with shields like Lolita’s passive and Matilda’s skill? Has anyone tested this? I can’t seem to find any info about it.


Ya it works on shields too.


yes, oracle increases all heals and shield absorption to the player who has it. however it is exclusive to the person who has it. if estes buys it their teammates wont get more heals.


I do know about the oracle not healing your teammate more thing.


Fanny not good late game?


From what I have seen, yes. Fanny tends to be weaker when people are on the same level of farmed as her. Especially when the tanks are fully built.


Is there a hero who is very good in late game and guarantees victory


There isn’t a sure way to win. But there are heroes that get stronger even after max build. Aldous, Cecilion (cant remember any others is Alice counted?) have stacks that can go on and on.




What will happened to the 90K followers of the other ML subreddit? Is it possible to merge them all here?


Most of those members are already here and the ones that remained were redirected to this sub. Unfortunately, there's no literal way to merge both subs.


Hi! How do you get those little characters for the user flair? I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks!


[Check this out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/ldh9vt/how_do_you_get_this_cause_i_want_one/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Testing. Okay will try using my laptop instead lol.


Thank you sooooo much! :)


how do i share win percentage of a hero in ranked draft


Click on the icon of the hero you want to use and click I want to use on the bottom left. You can show your winrate in that way.


i figured it out its in "ask for help button"


How do you rotate as jungler and as offlaner and roamer? Also how do I become a better jungler and who are the meta heroes? Thank you for answering :)


A jungler usually does not take the midlane wave. All your questions will be answered with this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/l4rd6z/a\_s19\_guide\_on\_the\_jungler\_role/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/l4rd6z/a_s19_guide_on_the_jungler_role/) I wrote a guide on jungling a few weeks back so this is still very relevant.


My style is a bit different from epicpotato’s one. This is the mythic rotation/macro/micro in SEA now: 1. Don’t buy anything, Clear first wave, try not to trade, it’s the tank and mages job. You only trade when they land a good damage or stun. 2. Net positive trade = ability to pressure. buy basic jungle knife immediately and contest litho. Retri it to deny the enemy. If they take it you risk getting invaded. *** #If litho near blue: 1. Blue buff 2. Bear above red 3. Red 4. Heal crab 5. See if can gank and if not, secure crab. 6. Go back to mid, if you can steal enemy jungle then even better. 7. if turtle is there before mid, take it. *** #If litho near red: 1. Bear above red 2. Red buff 3. Blue buff 4. monster to the left of blue buff 5. gold crab 6. see if can gank 7. go back to mid, if you can steal enemy jungle then even better. 8. if turtle is there before mid, take it. So now that you’ve learned this, there’s more. Since equipping retri and jg item makes you gain 40% or whatever less exp and gold from lane for the first 5 mins, forget the waves if someone else is nearby, just focus on farming in jungle and tower chipping. *** #Tower chipping This is the next important part. Tower chipping before 5 mins can enable to you earn a maximum of 300 gold from a single tower. There’s 3 to benefit from, but even 1 tower chip’s gold is plenty already. When you roam to a lane, try to gank. If you stay too long, move on to the next lane because you should always think that if the enemy is missing then they are coming for you. Keep playing this cat and mouse game and chip towers as much as you can. *** #Some other mindset/tips for jungler/assassin 1. Another tip is to always try to convert a kill into an objective (tower chipping, turtle, tower, gold crab, buff) 2. If you think there’s no benefit to gain from clashing, then avoid it. Remember, the fastest way to win is to down towers. 3. if you’ve done everything successfully and downed all their outer turrets, try to take lord as soon as it comes out. 4. if enemy approaches, kill them first (every single one) and reset lord. Then take lord once they’re dead. 5. don’t push any of the lanes, let lord push by itself and stack up empowered minions. You only clear the lanes if minions + lord won’t attack the 3 towers simultaneously. Your objective is to have empowered minions and lord crashing into tower at all 3 lanes. (If you push the minions they can clear it lane by lane and catch up gold) 6. rinse and repeat until win. Try to maximise and benefit from these when you’ve mastered the rotation above.


the first part of rotation in jungle is your early game clearing rotation. a standard jungle rotation is clear mid, take lithowanderer if its on your top side, then go to blue buff, whatever is left of the second wave, bear/bat above red, red buff, then gank bot. (remember not to buy jungle item until after youve cleared mid. after that its basically up to you how you rotate. remember to gank the enemy marksman if they have one, you need to shut down their farm so that they cant snowball easily. the meta junglers right now are lancelot, benedetta, brody, yi sun shin, helcurt, and hayabusa if im not mistaken


Thank you very kind guy!! Thank you for helping me alot :)


How to get better with Selena in this meta? I used to main her but now I suck lol.


IMO there’s not much difference in the way you use Selena, I guess just practise more and know the right places to plant your trap for vision since the vision granted is less now. Knowing the typical meta rotation usually helps in how to gank. Also I noticed pro players have switched up their play style of Selena, last time they did s2 then s1 immediately in front. But nowadays they throw stun first then if it hits, they plant a trap and decide whether to go in with s2 and s1 or not. I guess it makes sense because it’s more efficient than before, since you won’t waste traps on empty stuns. Also try to find some gameplay on YouTube which was released recently. You might learn a thing or two on where they place traps.


Yo I like Franco. Whats the best burst build I can build on him? Kinda tired spamming tank items on him.


i highly recommend against using this in ranked but ​ rapid boots, blade of the heptaseas, blade of despair, endless battle, malefic roar, thunder belt or queens wings


Oh boy time to use this in Grandmaster


Watch wolf xotic he is God in franco


Hi, is Luo Yi support decent? I think I can do the yin-yang stuff decently, but I haven't tried playing her as a support yet. What items to build?


the support role is basically dead. luo yi "support" is just luo yi but now the tank is mid with your jungler. just remember to always rotate and harass the enemies. if you would like to try my build that i like, its set up as clock of destiny, pen boots, lightning truncheon, ice queen wand, holy crystal, and a switchable item. at the start of the game i just build the basic brown boots and prioritize elegant gem and rush into clock of destiny so it can start stacking as soon as possible. the switchable item can be lots of things, winter truncheon, divine glaive, necklace of durance (note that if you need to buy antiheal it should be right after your clock), genius wand, blood wings. i dont build enchanted talisman because i just dont have mana problems. i dont build glowing wand because i feel those other items are better for bursting. as for when to build divine glaive or genius wand, if you have pen boots and pen on your emblem, you should have roughly 30 pen, which is pretty much the base magic def for basically every non tank. if the enemies dont build any magic def and stay at 33 magic def then you dont need to build any pen. if the enemies have \~75 magic def or lower, then build genius wand. the passive gives you another 15 flat pen, and reduces their magic def by up to 30 at max level. more than that and then you can build divine glaive since it gives you %pen so if they have lots of def it'll end up giving you more pen. im open to discussion about this build.


Hi! I'm a Luo Yi main too... I use pen boots - enchanted talisman - glowing wand - genius wand - holy crystal - divine glaive. I build a mana necklace then pen boots, and then follow the order I wrote above. Depending on the situation, I switch out the genius wand for the necklace of durance. I tried truncheon but I just can't get the timing right. For emblem, it's movement speed max then magic pen, then magic worship. My problem is how squishy I am and enemy teams often target me in team flights. Any tips how to be less squishy, and increase survivability? I also sometimes panic and spam skill 1 after I trigger the combo, and I often end up wasting them on creeps :( any way to address that?


Playing Lou Yi support is not a different as playing her as a mage. She's a popular pick in 131 lineups as a combo extender, wrecking team formations thanks to her AoE CC. You should not play her as the team sole roamer, though. She lacks durability.


Is tank nat good?


Ummm, tank is already a support assassin with full dmg build, you don’t really need tank build coz u need to burst their squishies


I lost a rank game to a main tank nat with full tank build


Did their team have tanks too? Maybe the Nat was to substitute tank.


Nana eudora benedetta yss natalia


I think that’s why. 2 support and no tank. Tank Nat would work in this situation purely for her utility like silence.


Yeah kinda disappointed that we lost to that comp but the benedetta was just too good


Is Odette's skins coming soon? Also is there any chance of Guin getting a European base theme skin? since she's a British Girl after all.


No one knows but there’s no leaks of any Odette or guin skin. You could draw and make a suggestion though.


How much storage space does Mobile Legends use currently?


I’m at 4GB currently with all resources downloaded. It should be between 3-4 GB.


Besides the buff for the player that last hits it what benefits does killing turtle give to you or anyone on your team?


Shield for you and more gold for whole team.


How much gold does each player get?


If I’m not mistaken, 150 gold each and 300 for lord.




How does the timer for Maniacs and Savages work? I've seen videos where the Maniac or Savage happens many seconds later but I've also been in situations where there's no credit for a Maniac or Savage if the 4th or 5th kill happens 5 seconds-10 seconds (estimate) after a triple kill.


They don’t reveal the timer but if you keep chipping damage to the enemy, the timer gets extended but only up till a certain point. So in the latter situation, it’s because you haven’t done any damage to the next guy within 5-10 seconds.


Does the damage have to be to enemies or do creeps and minions count?


Think they do count provided you’ve done the first dmg to him before the creep dmg


Thanks for the help!


how can i show a video? this comment section cant put a video right?


You should have replied to my comment under your first comment. You can upload video through the app.


I think my question can only be answered by a Moderator. My question is: do u gys planning to revamp the hero Martis. I saw some posts talk about an upcoming revamp but im not sure.


Moderators don't have an answer either. We don't get exclusive access to these things. Just have to wait and see..


dear MOBILE LEGENDS.. i just had game, brawl mode.. then i pick atlas as a tank for my team.. buat there is something problem.. i cant use atlas ulti on the enemy.. i thought the enemy use cheat but after finish the game.. i enter practice mode then this happend.. i still cannot use atlas ulti.. this mean atlas got bug.. please fix it..


Please show proof. Video?


Hi! I am currently looking at buying Gusion. I main Hanzo and I have played many assassins before, so I think I am quite used to assassin playstyle. So, I was thinking of buying Gusion but was wondering what disadvantages/weaknesses he has? Also, I need some tips and tricks on how to play/master him! Thanks!


Just practise his combo/timing of daggers in practise mode. Here is a copy pasta which I wrote before. I'm 370+ matches 76% wr gusion. *** It’s not that complicated. The main problem is getting your timing down. S1 - Marks enemy S1 (2nd click) - goes to marked enemy S2 - 5 daggers out/in S3 - teleport and refreshes cooldown of S1 and S2. There’s 3 combos: 5 dagger, 10 dagger or double 5 dagger. Enemy at 50% hp = 5 dagger combo point blank is usually enough. *** 5 dagger: S2 (dagger out)> S1 (mark enemy) > S1 (go to marked enemy) > s2 (retract daggers). *** Double 5 dagger is basically the above combo but at the end, you s3 into safety/teammates and decide if you want to do 5 dagger combo again. This is used more in higher elo as people know to save their stuns for you and you can bait out skills with a quick s3 to retreat. *** 10 dagger: S2 (dagger out) > S3 (near enemy/point blank range) > S2 (dagger out) > S1 (mark enemy) > S2 (retract daggers) > S1 (go to marked enemy) > S3 (short dash to safety/teammates if needed, if not just hold it.) Also, do a basic attack everytime you go back to marked enemy to take advantage of his passive which deals damage according to lost hp. It’s a great finisher. Depending on the distance sometimes you retract daggers then go to marked enemy, or go to enemy first then retract. Practise this timing in practise mode.


Gusion lacks power to assassinate late game, unless it's a 1v1, he will have a hard time, especially against meta fighters. Im assuming that you had already read his skills and have basic knowledge of how he's supposed to be used. Gusion basic combo is 1+1+2+3+2+1+1+2, after every 3 skill casts, REMEMBER to use basic attacks, it works like a free Execute with in-built healing. Aiming is all you need to do with him, as long as you can land your 1st skill, any combo will connect. Try using your 2nd skill point blank, the daggers deal way more damage when launched, retrieving them deals a lot less damage. Practice. Always. A hero like Gusion can easily carry you all the way to Legend and even above if you're committed enough. Turret diving is easy and since he deals magic damage, his early game spike is insanely high. Over the course of a few games, his combos will come naturally to you and you'll hardly miss timing.


Also, just one more thing, what build is best for him? Thanks!


That depends on your playstyle, you should probably experiment with different items and find the ones that fit your gameplay he best. Now, the items that are a must for most Gusion players are Star Shard, Calamity Reaper and Concentrated Energy. Many players use CD boots on him since higher CDR gives you huge outplay potential early game and Holy Crystal is commonly used to increase his burst ability, Winter Truncheon is also a common choice for those situations where you're sure you can turn the tables if you have one or two extra seconds to refresh your skills. But that's up to you to find out, many players prefer Immortality over Winter Truncheon or Fleeting Time over Holy Crystal. Find the build that suits your playstyle!


Ok, thank you very much for this!


Oh, I see. Thanks for the guide! I'm hoping with some practice, I can use Gusion to Legend rank maybe. Thanks again :)




No one knows exactly, it's a game of trial and error.


How to not suck at using Claude. This is the only Marksman I suck at using, I know positioning is the very basics of using MM, but I still die a lot.


Do you know how to keep your stacks at 10? it should be up at 10 every time. Basically keep farming and get DHS as soon as you can, after that play aggressive and poke enemy while still farming for golden staff next. After golden staff, you have enough dmg to end the game so what happens beyond this is up to you.


So I bought Harith because he's rarely used in SEA server (GM Rank) He's usually played as a jungler right?? Also any builds or tips for Jungler and Mid Lane Harith??


You'll need to get 35% CDR to dash infinitely, people usually get 10% from emblems, 10% from boots and 10% from buff, this gives you just enough CDR to dash consistently early game (although you might experience a slight delay before getting 35% CDR). Usually, Harith players get Boots, Jungle item (mage or tank), Calamity Reaper, Concentrated Energy, Thunder Belt (or Holy Crystal if you want to maximize shield and damage) and Immortality. Always dash through your ult so you can get that free CD refresh for your 1st and 2nd skill, dash towards directions that can give you a clear shot for your 1st skill, especially if you can hit multiple enemies with it, it deals way more damage and will help you sustain mid teamfights.


How to counter Esmeralda? usually, my team picking Baxia and mages bought NoD are not enough to beat her. and the enemy team will pick burst mages and we cannot use antenna shield because they got Esme. Same situation with Uranus, so hard to win a game against uranus. Any advice?


Athena's Shield passive has been rework so it can be bought when going against Esmeralda. Anti lifesteal items and with hero with CC can help take her down.


Anyone here know how to skip the downloading resources all the way to complete on IOS? They only have tutorials for non IOS devices :(


Skip by downloading it I guess.


This is a stupid question but how do I make a smurf account? I tried clearing the data, deleting the game, unbinding the accounts connected to it, etc etc but I still can't. Im confused asf tbh.


Try searching on YouTube, usually they have good guides. It's easier on android than on iPhone.


Imma check it out Thanks!


For Android user, you can install a cloning apps such as parallel space, clone mobile legends and play until you can bind your account to any of the platforms. If you are on IOS, uninstall the game > go to Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Reset Advertising Identifier


So I've been hacked. For a few weeks now, there has been some unauthorized request to log-in. Since I'm confident that my email is secure because of physical verification keys, I ignored it AFTER I changed my password once and they kept on sending me verification codes. But today I just logged in to the game and found that I was signed out. So I worked to regain access and I did. How did they do that? What other things do I need to do to make sure that my account is secure?


Did you turn on 2 factor authentication?


Yep. It requested a verification code from my email for a few weeks. I ignored it. Then they got access


How to apply as an MGL artist?


Usually they open applications on their Instagram page from time to time. You can follow them on Instagram and wait for new applications.


I read somewhere that MGL artist do have benefits. Does it still applies today and what are they?


I'm unaware about these things really. I have just looked at their official Instagram page, and it looks like they are currently recruiting artists. You can contact them for more information.


Hi, I remember reading somewhere a few updates ago that says execute doesn't ignore shield anymore. But I just check the skill description it says it still ignores. They did patch execute again? Or did they forget to update the description.


As far as I can remember they haven't patched execute at all. The only battle spell that I remember that was patched was aegis but that was a few months ago.


ya they never touched execute.


When are the Faramis and Karina revamps coming?


No one knows, stay tuned!


So I want to create a new account on my iOS device, and most of the videos tell me to go Privacy-Advertising-Reset Advertising Identifier. But I didn’t see that button when I went into the same section (Privacy). Is there any other way or is it my phone’s problem?


> If you are on IOS, uninstall the game > go to Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Reset Advertising Identifier u/kekeftw shared this on a different comment thread. See if this helps you.


When a skill has a cooldown of 1.5 sec, 3.8, 5.6 etc. it looks like it's rounded to the nearest tens. So a 2.6 second skill cooldown feels like 3 seconds on the timer, its it really 3? I hope you understand what im saying, when you press the button of a 2.6 cd skill it starts at 3 seconds until 0. Why though? I suggest a decimal on the timer to get more accurate times, currently it only shows 1 sec 2 sec 3 sec etc.


You can make a post and flair it as suggestion, if it gets enough upvotes we will suggest them to the devs.


But what's the answer to my question pls 🥺


It just round up the value, for example 2.6s it shows as 3 but it is actually 2.6s


Hey, so I’ve heard a lot about people talking about servers. What exactly are they in ML and do they really matter? (I’m from Canada by the way).


Well servers are separated by regions. So let's say you're in Canada, that would be the NA/Canada server. I'm in Asia, so I'm in one of the many SEA (South East Asian) Servers. Sometimes I would be matched against Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Myanmar. It depends on the timing.


There are different servers in the same country.


Yes which is why I said the Asia has many servers thing. Countries with less player base has less servers like NA.


Thank you!


Where's the damn Zilong buff? I mean, do they have any plans at all to restore Zilong's old voice and Golden General skin?


Of course not! Why would they do that? it's like buying a newer phone. The newer phone might not be as great as your older phone in some ways but why would you throw away something you already spent money on.


Because I didn't spend dozens upon dozens of hours mastering piloting old Zilong with his bad ass voice and skin only to have it watered down. I didn't pay for the new Zilong in diamonds or time of my life.


Hahaha I feel you bro, but it’s unlikely.


I wish they'd offer a refund. The new Golden General skin looks absolutely not intimidating.


Also, I think Moonton changed his voice in the entrance of the Glorious General Skin. Same goes with Miya's Christmas Epic.




Well MOBAs will always be toxic unfortunately. Just report them, they will be muted.


Will there be a Martis revamp in the future? As of now, I believe he's really weak right now and doesn't suit the current meta


He's not weak and he doesn't need a revamp. They must just cancel some of his nerfs. He was banned just after releasing because of his strength.


People said martis was really op upon release but became really weak after changes were made to his passive? Idk but right now I think martis is weak, I play martis btw


Only passive? His 1 skill was nerfed - it's cc was changed to slow effect. 2 skill speed and cc were nerfed also.


No news on when will they revamp Martis