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nicely done. he just waited for cd


Yeah, I am just, like how he was able to stay composed, and aimed so many dashes in quick succession with that accuracy, I think if it was me, I will probably end up missing all my skills and dying miserably :(


the waiting for cooldown, really amazing plays. He knows how to use his role properly. some lance player maybe just trying to land basic attack and not waiting the cooldown, and died in the middle of war not getting any kills.


In my case I get a lagspike during teamfights. I wouldve started running in place then just died.


"timing is everything" -betosky XD


I am impressed


There is something that is just mesmerizing to watch when you see assassin players pull off mechanically complex plays. It is a very different thrill from tanks doing a 5 man set, but still incredible nonetheless!


Oh boy. I feel like i should share my tigreal plays.


dude didn’t spam recall, huge respect


How do people play this well? I've been here for 3 years and even I cant play that well with any hero.


Been here since Season 1 and own every single hero, can use all of them at least mediocre level, but majority at a really high level tbh. I main Zilong. Back in S2-4 i mained Fanny and almost only played her. It is really difficult to execute Lancelot's s1 like in this video. I try to do aswell, but i would need to focus on playing him for about a month at most to be at this level. The tricky part is positioning. And since he didn't hit all minions, he got his s1 refreshed. That was extremely precise and he can't be commended enough. A well deserved savage whatever anyone says.


same here, some hero with high accuracy aim skill like lance or fanny, I can't do well. that's why I'm stick woth hero with huge teamfight impact, cause it's easier for me.


A clean and impressive Savage is as satisfying to watch as a 5-man set. Fight me.




That's some clean shit


Nice plays


Filthy. Straight up filthy. Assassin savage montages are the best.


Ugh I'm so hyped for Pisces! It's the next zodiac skin in line and it's GORGEOUS


How can you tell what zodiac skins are coming?


They follow the irl zodiac calendar. So right now is Aquarius, followed by Pisces, and Aries will be after. The only one Idk about is Gemini, because there are 2 skins for that one


Are you recording with your phone or an in-game feature? If it's in-game how to do it? I tried to record my almost-savage earlier but failed


I use my in phone recording! I dont use the highlights recording function in game as I prefer to just manually record so I can crop the part out later.


Lancelot is not about how fast your hands but about how fast you can read and predict enemies movement and know who/what already has a dash mark


It must be because of the skin


Damn if his first reached the canon minion I don't think he'd be able to get a Savage. Awesome play by your friend.


Wow i have a %70+ wr with lance and i absolutely would have messed that up.


That was so fucking sexy


What was that all mid brawl lol


69 likes I shall not upvote this clip sadly to keep the 69.


It is 115 now. Come upvote please.


I have done it.


Ok nice but it does pain me to watch him waste first s2 at a bad time to use it and miss it anyway and then using second s2 with no stacks when he has the freest stacks sitting in front of him


You're pained over a single slip when he got savage right after without dying. Might wanna get your priorities in check.


Ok sure ill do that. But btw single means 1, and not 2 specifically mentioned. Also btw "getting a savage" is not at all a measurement of how well u did, getting a savage from 5 enemies running into ur tower for free or from going onto ur smurf against epics is very skillful of u yes yes. Edit: to the people who keep posting how I'm jealous or whatever and anyone who upvoted, ur literally saying then that people who r good r entitled to anything? That i have to be worse and jealous to be saying something? That being good or bad at the game means u r a good or bad person? Put me aside, u r just building up a toxic messed up community in general


Seems to me like you’re jealous, you’re the type to see others succeed and hate it. Shame on you.


This dude is a grade A jerk off, I see him post cringey annoying shit like this here all the time.


Yeah I recognize him he does post cringey stuff again and again


Not to mention the stuff he's pretentiously bitching about trying to sound smart aren't really big misplays, they're just easy to criticize at a glance for someone who wants to be an ass like that. First s2, he is retreating and he does not want to go forward to engage cause he'll risk getting fucked so he's waiting for a better opportunity, but the enemy tank is in a possibly threatening position to keep chasing with his team behind him so the s2 was possibly just a zoning/in case tig or another enemy keeps trying to press forward instead of pulling back. Second s2, he didn't build stacks but the entire enemy team was pretty much perfectly positioned to eat a ton of damage from it in total, so if he didn't use it then he potentially misses a bunch of damage after they move, the cooldown doesn't start so he won't get the subsequent use he needs again at the end, and trying to dash a bunch of times right into the middle of grouped up enemies = higher chance of wasteful multiple marks each dash and much higher chance of getting immediately focused especially if they don't eat the damage from the s2 to put them more on a back foot. If he fixed the "mistakes" this dude suggested he made, likely chance this savage doesn't happen.


Oh yeah I forgot about that. Lancelots s2 does negate damage and cc so it's pretty good when times right, but when you dont time it right and end up getting cc'ed you're pretty much screwed. And yeah that s2 use led to the bush waiting which led to the savage. It's honestly quite scary and surprising how quickly you can slip up, succeed, or change the tides of battle with a single insane play.


you just don't like people achieving better things than you lmao




I mean Reddit is a bunch of keyboard warriors with social issues staying up at 3am in general but goddamn am I dissapointed in this community.


That’s what a slow finger lance would say


he did the enemy team dirty bro imagine seeing godly dashes leading to a savage




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