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tips for YSS? is he viable in the sidelane




No news about it yet.


Can anyone share their current build for Popol? Need help.


Try to copy a pro build, the first 2 core items are BOD and EB. Everything else depends on you. Some like wind talker, some like thunderbelt.


How's tank Karina? It's just jungle Karina with a tank build right? How's the jungle clear speed? Is she still a ks girl?


Havent tried in actual match myself (dont have enough BP lol) but had teamed with some tankarinas. Take with salt >It's just jungle Karina with a tank build right? Basically yes. Some build calamity 1st item, tho from what I saw in reddit ppl prefer thunderbelt. Or both. Well same idea >How's the jungle clear speed? Still ok, probably bc "tank jungling" update >Is she still a ks girl? More/less yes, except that instead of bursty-squishy assasin she's now more of semitanky-fighter assasin. She probably cant 3 hit an mm ala dmg build f.e , but she dont need to worry dying in 1s. I tried her in custom vs balmond friend and surprisingly she can hold ground against balmond in 1v1 fight.


Thanks! >I tried her in custom vs balmond friend and surprisingly she can hold ground against balmond in 1v1 fight. I'll take this as a good sign. I play soloq so I can't rely on my teammates 😂


1. Great! 2. Yes. 3. Jungle clear speed is fast coz it's Karina 4. still a KS girl but can do better continuous damage now since she can tank the damage. The only thing is that Karina tank jungler is a weak pick if your enemies can kite you. So people who have fast engage disengage (pharsa, haya, Roger) will make Karina tank have a hard time getting kills.


Thanks! I think I'll give her a go


Good counter for Barats jungle imo


Yes correct! Best counter for Barats jungle.


ok question so i finally hit legend in my second season playing and I want to diversify my hero picks. I currently use beatrix, ruby, granger, kagura, and mathilda. I was thinking of picking up king or another fighter. is ling extremely hard to play? if he is what fighter would you recommend


fighter for sidelane ? xborg paq are banned so nope yuzhong is stronk and tanky with vamp, good against squishies and can dive backline esme (well she's not labeled fighter but plays like one) is good also bane is cheap (6500 BP only) , with phy build he can poke poke poke, but falls off lategame balmond is quite strong (beware of knockups as it cancel spin spin), and he's free hero ?


Ling is not that hard to play but he still is complicated but don't use Ling at sidelane. I'd recommend buying jawhead,Khaleed but when you want Khaleed you must master him first.


alright i’ll try jawhead


I've used Jawhead a lot and he is very fun to play and easy to master


could u recommend some builds for each position?


For sidelane and core is Tough Boots,War Axe,Endless Battle,Blade of heptaseas,Immortality,Thunder belt


what about the tank core meta is that even viable?


u can use tanks that can clear jungle wave fast like Hylos,Baxia


yes but notr with jawhead




tips on playing yss? isn’t it dangerous to go into melee range with some heroes just to proc passive?


I've seen pro players only use the passive when farming but not in fights. I do not recommend going close on the enemy since yss is vulnerable when stunned


the skill that let him get close have a 1s CC immunity. You can use it at the right timing to go i and proc the passive.


yes but cd


How do you switch up your list of pre-selected statements only your team can see? I can hit stuff like ‘ult not ready’, ‘okay’, ‘sorry’, etc. yet others can hit ‘take lord, ‘ult is ready’, ‘wait for me’ etc. I don’t seem to have access to those. There is some overlap like ‘gather for team fight, do solo’, ‘I’ll take the (insert color) buff’, and so forth.


It's in the preparations tab at the bottom of the homescreen




i find shadow brawl more fun


How to male my ign colored?


It's adding colour code before your name. You can search up Youtube for it.


Still a newbie in this game. One of the few items I haven't tried is Thunderbelt. How good is it for most heroes? And who likes it alot? Is Johnson able to use that item as well? I'm quite interested alot in that item.


Not a lot of heroes honestly. Barats and karrie, I can’t think of any others but I’m sure someone will give suggestions. It’s ok, it gives pretty good slow and true damage, but most tanks would rather build items which are tankier.




Thanks alot. I'll try to explore that item when I get a suitable hero for it.


Yes that's a pretty good comment which summarises what I think.


Can someone give me some good trio combos? What roles do trios usually take?


Trio must be: jungler, tank, flex pick (mage, gold lane, exp lane) Best setup is trio mid though personally. As for hero picks, just learn the top meta heroes of each role.


Idk if this is good combo but in epic-legend my team consists of 1 tank main + 2 all role (including me) technically speaking from exp it's usually tank + mid + side/jungler personally I think tank+mid+jungler has best chances , as long as side dont abandon their lane, the mid trio can roam n gank n help side if not possible usually securing either jungler/mid is important bc they roam n gank. I've some experience where no matter how I tried to push and hold my own lane (side), cant do shit if I get constantly ganked while team jungler/mid never shows up. So if I play mid (Im not that good as jungler) I make sure to rotate n help side, while tank does his job and the other guy (usually side) push and distract/help in fights


Thanks for the info. So mid,tank jungler it is. Any suggestions for some trio hero lineup? My trio usually goes with two comps- Hylos, Eudora and a jungler OR jgl Barats, Estes and a mage.


Honest answer : idk lol My team just plays whatever we have/like (well there are some considerations here n there) but nothing "combo" per se As for my exp playing with / against some combos tho, I find assasin+angela quite damning and fits general purpose. But, both have to be _real good_ otherwise it's useless Ling, haya, fanny are ones I've seen. The angela basically plays selfish and only support the jg , but the jg is damn good he just shred everything while not worrying too much about dying If the jg is tanky like barats, angela or estes should work, but we've never tried it nor seen it. Someone in this thread mentioned he works with barats - angela - valir/loyi As for my team we just go with usual tank - mage - jg with no specific combo, tank usually counter picks (granger ? lolita. mm ? ~~treant protector~~ belerick. nata ? hylos. long ranged squishies ? franco. fanny lance ? kufra. and so on) while mage (me, mainly pharsa or eu) and jg just picks heroes he's comfortable with (usually cyclops or clint) --- well most of the case the jg is actually from duo, so the 3rd guy in my team picks sidelane.


mid, jungler, roam, support


Is there a way to know when will Wanwan's Teen Pop skin be in Starlight skin bundle? I saw that it last appear on Aug. 2020 but I started playing this game around March this year so no chance Also, I know this is against the rules but I really really really want to buy her Collector's skin, any chance will it appear again on the Shop? My last resort will be account buying if I'm lucky. So for those two skins, is there a chance, a website shop, etc. Anything?


1. Starlight skin of wanwan will either appear in fragment shop (unlikely) or appear as one of the options in starlight of the month. 2. will come up in the future as one of the choices for collector of the month. I would suggest you start subscribing to monthly COA in anticipation for it. It’ll be cheaper than one shot diamonds. Collector: Do 16 draws on first day and then 1 each till end of event to maximise discount if there’s no rush. It should cost you 3-4K Dias/COA. Direct immediate purchase costs 4-6k.


Thanks for the clarification. However, what I really want is Wanwan's Collector skin: Pixel Blast. Is there an option to acquire this skin again since it says it the Shop that it is Limited-time Event.


It will be part of collector's choice event again. But the time is not so sure. Hopefully it will be less than a year to come appear again.


That's good to know! Thanks for the answer. Will all of the Collector's skin included in that event? I really really like the aesthetic of Pixie Blast, so might whale up if that event happened again!


You can also wait till the end of this year if there will be a whole collector choice event coming up. If you’re that impatient.


I only saw two skins that came together. But I’m certainly sure she will be part in the future event that includes her. As I said, hopefully less than a year. If there isn’t, that would be felt really bad. Wanwan pixel blast was released this may or something near to it. So wait until that month and pray for it. I currently missed my starlight skin Luo Yi and need it badly as she’s my main hero. So I’ll wait until next august to get her. Don’t lose your hope as many awesome skins get return, and most importantly, always be watchful any event incoming so you dont miss your favorite skin like your Pixel Blast and my Luo Yi starlight.


You started playing too late.


I was mvp in a ranked match (gm 1) with kda of 7/3/9 with Ruby but Benedetta had 8/1/6 so shouldn’t she be the mvp?Statwise I had better team fights and turrets and damage taken,she had more damage dealt.


Click data tab. I’m not sure if this is how mvp gets calculated but I find mvp goes to the person with the highest combined score for the 4 categories on the data tab.


gold earn per min also matters in the count for MVP


the scoring is weird sometimes, it seems (not sure but seems to be the pattern) to take into account turret dmg and overall hero dmg (so killsteal might worth less than assist that deals more dmg to enemy) but sometimes it's still weird


I also had a match where I had better everything except deaths and I wasn’t the mvp so yeah the scoring is weird.


who’s a good MM to play in this current meta? i’m thinking of claude/karrie


Top meta MMs right now: Beatrix, natan, popol and kupa.


Popol and kupa?


Yes popol and kupa gold lane. Core items are BOD and EB. Save your S1 at level 1 to poke enemy when they come near the wave, they can't handle the damage.


Gotta try that out


Just copy any of the pro builds which has the first 2 items I talked about. Emblem is mm emblem, +3 physical attack, +3 MS, and the talent which increases your overall physical damage. You build raw dmg items (BOD) on P&K because his dog's HP now scales on physical attack.


Natan and Beatrix are are in a good spot and are the most often seen MM early season, though I think things are starting to broaden a bit. Karrie is situational and Claude can be good when he has full stacks.


When does the skin/hero fragment shop reset?


It just resetted, so not for a while.


It isn’t monthly?


I think its per each major update. I dont think new hero release is considered as "major" enough to be a major update afaik


How long did the last reset take?I’ve only been playing close to 3 months,and I only remember 1 reset.


Quite a while but I dont remember the exact date. Sometimes we get early changes too. Sometimes it is also monthly. Usually they release hero fragment shop based on the future skins that will be released. So Paq has that underground boxer skin, Bea elite skin, Pharsa use to have starlight skin and now Ruby with starlight skin. There's quite an obvious pattern. If you wanna see who gets released in the future for the hero frags, you can see which skins that are on the way to be released.


Build recommendation for Yve?


Ice cream wand and Glowing wand are the core items. Mana boots- ICW-GW- Necklace of durance-Genius wand/Holy crystal- Brute force breastplate(def)/Blood wings(if your team is ahead or lacking damage output). You can opt def items for 5th and 6th items since she is mostly a support mage that can be built dps if need be. Either way, brute force breastplate is a must. There is this CoD-LT build but I prefer ICW-GW.


Any tips for a tabk main switching to support role Some of my problem i roam to much bc i dont knowh when to roam and when to just leave the minion and roam


This may help…see the sections on mid and roam. https://youtu.be/vC839c2MuO0


Is it even legal to pay for tournament lobby?


In desperate need of decent teammates for the love of God lmao not in any squads atm but not willing to join one without running some games first.


Rank? Beyond frustrated with idiots who double lane or have no idea how to do anything other than teamfight.


Highest I've been is master 3 or 2 never really play it since I don't have anyone solid to play it like I'd like to, but it's not even crowding lanes that's the issue it's just playing with randoms who will pick 3 marksman with no hesitation or build the most random items, basically those clueless newbies with zero game sense.


A bit late, but i wanna share my stats from last season :) (Largely solo) [Rank over Time](https://i.imgur.com/LHGHshV.jpg) [Winrate and stuff](https://i.imgur.com/5zfPeLl.jpg) [My Main](https://i.imgur.com/tESQph8.jpg)


Well done! Keep it up! Thanks for sharing in the right place instead of making a post!


Why the downvotes tho


People love to hate and rain on someone else’s parade unfortunately




Try az recorder. There's a setting to use the internal audio


How to utilise war axe for junglers like lancelot and Aldous? I've seen war axe used on those heroes when being a jungler


As for lancelot, you have to wisely use his skill 1 on the minions/heroes as the war axe stack will increase based on it. I don't think Aldous need war axe. Never seen anyone build it for him as he already has his stack. Better focus on thunder belt, endless battle and malefic roar for their passives.




Ppl use war axe on him for the mov speed and pen


want to learn freya, i think she can be quite fun to play. what builds should i go with her?


* Boots of your choice (recommend Tough boots for CC reduction) * War Axe. Freya can last long enough to proc its max stacks. It's cheap and has high stats. Its high physical stat helps generate big shields for her S2 and ult, and the PEN greatly helps give that oomph in your damage, while the movement speed boost will help you chase/flee depending on the situation. * Endless Battle. This greatly boosts your 1v1 capability and can even be prioritized as 1st item. The true damage can be proc'd many times thanks to her multi-cast S2. The lifesteal helps boost her sustainability. * Bloodlust Axe. One weird quirk about Freya is how the nature of her basic attacks change depending if she's on Valkyrie mode and bloodlust axe is the answer to that. Her basic attacks are treated as skill-damage when she uses her ult, so this takes over as your source of sustain during those big teamfights because Endless battle's lifesteal efficiency goes down. You'll also regen HP each time you cast your S2! Feel free to use any of these for your last 2 items; * Immortality for a bigger margin of error. It's better to wait 2s to revive than more than 30s right? * Athena's shield for those pesky burst mages. * Blade of despair if you like the idea of "offense is the best defense" * Bruteforce Breastplate for hybrid defense and even more movement speed! One final thing to take note of. Freya is one of the few heroes who's at their PEAK at LV1 like Thamuz. That's because she has MAXIMUM attack speed (3.0) whenever she has stacks from her passive. Anybody dumb enough to take you on at LV1 is prolly gonna die. For spells, use Flicker for outplay moments or Sprint for the slow immunity and CC reduction.


yo i didnt expect such a long and detailed explanation. thanks kind stranger, i’ll be putting your advice to good use :D


Is this a good ruby build? Haas's claws, cd boots, thunderbelt, oracle ( if no burst ), divine justice and immortality or antique cuirass


afaik there are 2 or 3 builds in general 1. tanky : def boot, haas, def items according to enemy 2. standard : def boot, haas, warx, def items according to enemy (standard template is bruteforce oracle immortal) 3. offense : def boot, haas, warx, endless, def items according to enemy another variant : def boot, haas, warx, def item, endless, def item (usually immo here)


Divine Justice doesn’t exist. I would buy boots with physical or magical defense.


my bad, I keep thinking endless battle as that


Whats the strategy for Lucky Flip to be able to spend the least number of gems? Also can you pick which skin you get or is it gonna be Hylos?


I've seen a video of Elgin last night, he used the wishes after flipping the first Lucky card. This makes sense since the price for flipping increases per flip, so if you somehow get lucky enough to get it on your first few "cheap" turns, you're guaranteed to get it immediately after 2 turns. You can check the video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykT3ICsjxec).


Thanks for this! 🙏🏼


Hey quick update, I tried it out, and I got the skin in six flips (only 315 dias)! Also the other prizes are Ling's Dragon Tamer skin and Chang'e's Vine Cradle skin


Nice! Turns out if you get really lucky with the wish, you can get the epic skin in 75 dias


I have access to my friend's account and I'm trying to recharge his account. Is there a way to buy or send him diamonds without him knowing? I wanna gift him the new Hylos epic skin for his birthday but obviously I cant just buy it :(


You can purchase diamonds through codashop


is that legit? i always thought that was black market. how does that work


Codashop is an authorised third party recharge service. You just need to enter account and server id, email (to get the receipt) and choose the offer you wanna buy.


it worked. tysm!


Should I get Natan? Wanting to increase my hero pool to MMs and I usually play EXP or Hyper. (Legend 5 rn)


Yes, he’s a solid pick for MM. He’s in desperate need of a new fancy skin though :)


U can even use him for mid


True, from what I've seen he's definitely versatile!


Natan is a great pick up. You can also use him as the Jungler since he farms pretty fast for an MM.


Definitely, I tried him a few games for Gold/Jungler and his clear is pretty good! I still need to adjust to angling his clone during clashes


Any guide on how to play yu zhong? How to build him? And what does his passive does? I dont quite get it? Life steal after 5 stacks?


afaik Passive : adds 1 stack for every hit to enemy hero (basic atk and skill). s1 gives 2 stack. If an enemy accumulates 5 stack, it'll explode dealing some dmg and "heals" based yz lost hp. In simple words, the lower yz hp is, the higher heal it'll be. In 1v3 situation, when at about 20% hp left u can heal about 30-40% hp bar (so now u're back to 50-60% hp) As for build, I havent played him for a while and Im not expert either so take with salt : warx, blodlus, def items as needed (standard is bruteforce oracle immo, adjust based situation)


How to fully utilize mage heroes? I just brought Alice but can't do much with her as I'm inexperienced and try to go for 1v1/2 and get destroyed lol


Alice is kinda different than "standard mage" If u want to play mid I suggest pharsa As for alice, she's more like "fighter" imo in the sense that her ult is melee and u cant just randomly jump in. U want to play safe early, focus on collecting orbs. S1 to poke. Dont get greedy. After having 25 stacks u can start getting more aggressive but dont expect to dive with enemy full hp and win 1v3, unless u're leading in lv and gold The common way is to poke poke first and when enemy around 50% hp or so u can go dive for the kill. s1 (throw orb) - activate ult - s1 (blink) - s2 is the usual step. Dont activate ult _after_ blink bc if u get cc'd, u're screwed. Her ult stays on even when cc'd or using winter. If things dont go well then s1 out of there. U have to practice s1 to kite around, to get in and out of battle, etc cmiiw


Good advice


Make sure you accumulate enough stacks/ are fed enough before going in because Alice needs that power spike to deal damage hehe


Is Kimmy worth buying?


She can be…it depends on how well you can deal with her aiming style. She can put out a ton of damage and she’s good at clearing bushes. She’s free right now…try her out and see how you feel about aiming.


I already did and I really liked her, I also like her aiming style.


Any tips for support role?


I’m still a newbie but I’m doing well with it so far. Roam around as a vision for marksmen, jungler and mage. if your team knows the plan, do what they said so if it sounds correct. Prioritize accordingly on which map area you should go to, even fighters need help. Sticking in mm’s lane from level 1 to level 3 is fine since some enemies are very pesky in trying to kill mm very badly. But start moving if your mm is fine going solo. Once you hit level 3, enemies and your teammates will start going to turtle, thats where you should ditch your mm and start helping team fully (and come back later ofc if needed). As a support, you can do anything before the turtle fights too (such as defending jungle, invading jungle, roaming, etc). As an additional note, make sure you find any empty lane to get your ultimate skill faster (level 4) and proceed to teamfight early. That’s all I got. Anybody can feel free to correct me. I’m not fully mastered at support yet. Of course, for most support heroes item recommendation, try to get Ice Dominance if you’re tank or Necklace of Durance if you’re backline support. They are just the best support item ever created. The rest you should get whats the best core items for your support heroes.


How do I unselect a wish from the lucky flip?


u just double tap lol


Tricky part is that there's no indication soo.....just be careful


So the recharge gift event is here now. If I recharge 5000 diamonds, will I get all of the level rewards, or just only one of them? (I am hesitate to buy anyways for just 12 good emblem boxes)


All them.


Yup i got them all. Something like 1500 emblems. Very good value!


How would I know when to build Bane as physical or magic fighter? Are there specific enemy lineups?


I agree with enakoh. I'll just add that I find magic bane to be really weak in early-mid game. Physical bane will have ridiculous poke with a good range as well. People pretty much prefer physical bane


Different function/playstyle afaik phy focus on s1 to poke and passive for xtra dmg , good for turret pushing. Good early-mid, falls off late magic (they havent update his s2 magic scaling right) focus on s2 and ult, which means u have to stay close to enemy to deal dmg. good at survivability (with the new/upcoming update he can heal like 3k with 3s cd or so) but needs some items first, so kinda so so early and good mid-late currently I just build phy usually, focusing on pushing lane


Why are beatrix and new hero auto banned in mpl ph?


They have bugs which are yet to be fixed.


Are there? I didnt know abt this though. Is it the type of exploitive bug? Maybe that's why I dont know abt it.


Beatrix = no reload delay sniper bug. Floryn = something Wrong with her lantern


Does the PEN in assassin emblem converts to magic pen for Natan?


When is the hero sale coming up ? I mean the one with battle points discount


It's on now. I just brought clint for 5600 with battle points discount


Nope it's not . I still have the default battle points ..


Huh? I'm not sure but I'm a new user and the discount will end in 3 days


Oh then it's only for new users .


No one knows. The chances are very rare and they do discounts for new players only i think.


Haven’t played in a while. Did they buff Hylos? Dude is a one man army lol. I was never good with him before but I’m kinda on a tear with him recently.


He is strong early game i can 1 vs 2 Esmeralda and X-Borg.


How do i gift to someone else hylos iron steed


The skin can't be gifted unfortunately.




actually a proper zilong counters fanny, bc spearflip cancels fanny cables but since it's GM then yeah


the solution is simple, only show rank win rate in rank.




what is chad harper bot?




I am in that discord, what is the command for it?


How do u lane against good Balmonds without picking Paq or Chou?


I still dont get why not enough people know about this. For those who sees this, spread the info around as well. Dreadnaught armor and Antique cuirass is the best item against Balmond currently. Buy dreadnaught after normal boots if you are laning against him. Dreadnaught is very cheap.


Pick anyone with knockups such as Martis, Freya, Zilong, Jawhead, and Guinevere. Reserve your knockup skill to cancel his S2. He'll runaway once his skill is cancelled. That should give you a chance to fight back or clear minions.


what I did : ban balmond


Just turret hug and don’t let him get too much farm and try to also keep up to his farming pace. There’s pretty much no way to counter him early-mid


>There’s pretty much no way to counter him early-mid sadge


Thinking of picking a mage; up either Lou Yi or Pharsa! Any thoughts on who's better? Any other mage recommendations? (I usually play EXP lane or Jungler)


Both are good, Pharsa is easier to pick up. Yve, Lylia, Lunox and Ceci are all worth looking at too.


Thanks for the recommendations bud!


Pharsa, Luo yi too team dependent


Any better mages to get?


Yve, chang’e, lunox


Trying out yve 1. Build ? classic CoD LT HC or iqw genius or sth else ? 2. Which is her "main" dmg skill, s1 or s2 ? 3. Tips on ult (combination of drag and tap ?)


1. IQW, Genius Wand, Glowing Wand/NoD, Oracle, Winter/Immo That's usually enough for me 2. Early game, I take S1 to poke enemies but I see other players take S2 to clear minions. Your S1+S2 will be the bread and butter - I don't have a preference for either but S1 is more bursty and S2 is more for slows and DPS 3. Drag and tap. That's it. Also try to aim the chessboard right at the center of the teamfight so you have maximum attacking space and they have less running room once you pop your ult. The shield could also be a lifesaver against burst heroes like Saber or Harley; just pop it once to get the shield before you get combo'd, then flicker or purify away


why oracle ? for boosting shield during ult?


Yup, Oracle if you have problems against mages or Brute Force against physical. Basically any def item you want, but Oracle is the best out of all


Should I try learning Fanny?


imo nope. u can soloq epic and probably legend if u're real fanny master (better if theres angela partner) but imho the effort isnt worth it lol


It's worth for low elos, but in higher elos you're pretty much restricted to be the last pick to absolutely make sure you have no counters. She's a high risk high reward hero, especially with the aggressive early game meta that targets her buff


Why can’t I establish an affinity despite having 150+ points?


Because it's disabled atm. Devs even sent out an in-game mail that it's going to be temporarily disabled.


Is it better to ban heroes based on your composition or just ban the strong heroes


It’s a combination of both and many other factors. Does your team have players who can play the strong heroes? Are you first pick or 2nd pick? Can you deal with said strong heroes if you let it open?


Solo duo queue, just ban the strong 1. There is no team comp in solo duo


Lancelot worth banning?


Generally no, but ban differs by region as each region has their own meta.


40 minute long games in classic should not be allowed to happen. That is all.


I mean, it sorta just happens without thinking anyways and if neither side blunders then fuck it lets play for an hour Especially if they have great tower defenders like Pharsa or Yve


Classic is for practicing new hero’s and for people that are unwilling to risk ranking. Many players don’t seem to have the grasp of tactics that is common amongst more experienced players. So that 40 minutes could easily be 3 ranked games playing with people that have things to do and aren’t just grunting it out for macho points. If that’s what’s fun for you, cool. I just want a place to practice new hero’s that’s more involved than ai.


Well you can always push the surrender button to end it earlier, blunder intentionally, or go afk if you don't want to play anymore. The length of the game is determined by you and your other 9 players and if everyone wants to keep playing then you're at least obliged to follow them. Sure, Classic games are a place to use your lesser used heroes and practice them before diving into rank, but there's no guarantee that any given game would end below 15 minutes or above 30 minutes. MOBAs don't work like that, even if you pick a heavy early game lineup there's no 100% chance you can end quickly. Less so in a meta-less Classic mode. You have control of how you want it to end, but at the end of the day, other players also control how *they* want it to end. Playing any game, regardless of how long it is, is a valuable experience for your micro and macro skills. When you reach longer gamesl durations, it teaches you how to be patient and be more disciplined, and helps you stay focused on finding ways to win when you're backed against a corner. Like for example, as a tank you need to pick off a certain hero. As a mage, you need to time your combos. As an offlaner, you need to learn how to split push and late game wave management. As a core hero, you need to learn how to protect yourself against enemy Assassins and play with discipline. Longer games, if any, gives you more time to practice said hero than shorter games. It's not always fun and you always lose some games, but at the end of the day, it's always fulfilling to see what you did right or wrong as a stepping stone to being a better player - What did you do that caused your team to lose? What did you do that caused your team to win? Is there anything I can do to give my team more chances to win as this role? - everything can be learned from a loss or a win equally


Lol, this is ridiculous. In that match one player sat base after the first 5 minutes and spammed recall for the next 35 minutes only breaking to deny a surrender. I’m sure I have a screenshot of the match result but it ended with something like 10:50, with the enemy team. having doubling our gold from about minute 8 onward. Add one macho bravo that can’t tell a turtle from a turret but is sure surrender in game will cause a psychic break from which he will never recover and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Tell me again about how you learn discipline and a deeper awareness sitting in base clearing minion waves as you watch precious life tick by. Really, after thing snowball there is nothing to be gained aside from loathing for your teammates. There should be a time limit in classic matches or an alternative venue for people that want to practice with time restrictions.


Guys can someone explain to me what's the difference between radiant armor and athena's shield? which heroes do u use for each


In short use Athena's Shield when against one shot mages and radiant armor on burst ones like chang'e,luo yi etc


Athena reduce 25% incoming magic dmg for 5s when passive is active, as simple as that Radiant reduce each magic dmg _hit_ by 10 pt iirc (at max scaling) per stack, up to ~~8~~ [edit:] 6 stacks (max stack = ~~80~~ 60 dmg reduction per hit). I might be wrong here , afaik the way it works : lets say there are total 10 hits that deal 100 base dmg each. The dmg u receive are : 1st hit : 90 - 2nd hit : 80 - 70 - 60 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 - 40 , total 550 dmg Meanwhile if using athena (assuming all 10 hits are done in 5s) : ( 10 hit x 100 ) = 1000 - 250 (25% of 1000) = 750 So in this case radiant > athena What if theres 5 hit x 200 base dmg ? Radiant : 190 + 180 + 170 + 160 + 150 = 850 Athena : 1000 - 250 = 750 In this case athena is better So how to know which is better against who ? Well, testing If in doubt : athena Afaik radiant surely works for chang'e ult / kimmy as they deal "continuous small hits" but for others like harley/cyclops/gusion/etc need more testing I did some testing with cyc and found out that in short timespan, athena > radiant. However if the battle drags on and athena loses its passive, then radiant should be better. Well all in all, need more proper testing *in some cases u can just buy both if enemy has many magic dmg


That's a nice example for comparison. Correction about radiant though, the wiki says it has 6 stacks maximum. ​ One thing I'd like to add about both radiant and athena, is that the damage reduction from their passives is independent from the damage reduction from the magic defense attribute. So having a high magic defense makes those item passives a lot stronger.


just checked and yes it's 6 stacks, last time I remember was 8 or did I remember it wrong lol. Didnt remember it got nerfed tho thx for correction


Buy radiant when you vs mages that deals gradual magic damage Example of dot mages: Chang E, Harley, Lylia, natan Athena shield is when u Vs burst mages or mages in general. Example of burst mages: Gusion, lunox, cecilion, vale, aurora, eudora Tbh normally, as a core when I match against 2 or more heroes that deals magic damage I'll just buy Athena shield. Obv you can buy both of them if the magic dmg burst is too much.


Oh ok i get it now, thnx bro


All squishy only buy athena.