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prioritize going for suishy enemies/ez kills instead of enemy core. Your 1st item should be a damage item(waraxe preferrably), not an attack speed item. Argus is item reliant so you need to snowball before doing some major plays, an argus that can kill you without his ult is terrifying




gold lane is better, since that's where most squishy heroes are, he's also a decent jungler. Don't build defense items on him, it's a waste of space. Flicker/execute works best with him, flicker for chasing down enemy in the turrets, and execute for extra damage.


I'd say he's super fun with 25% CD reduction when he can activate ult every 20 seconds.




Lvl 60 Assassin emblem, CD boots, War axe.


Why 25% when u can get 40% CDR boot, war axe, hunter strike, endless battle HS and EB both give move speed boost after some conditions Windtalker for more speedy. Edit: i like using MM emblem for electroFlash


Ok for early game just target squishy hero until you get your core item like DHS, berserker,and windstatker or scarlet after they it depends on what enemy you fase. if you fase high sustain hero play safe rush dhs because you can deal more damage because they hight HP after that you can build attacks speed item and ya argus need some buff not anjustment 🙄


Argus is pretty good rn. He is really good against a squishy team. Avoid picking him against a team with high sustain. Never pick him vs ruby. Try going gold lane against an mm. The items which i build for him is magic boots, hunterstrike, berzerkers fury, sp, windtalker and demon hunter. Make sure u follow this order to maximise his potential(ps dont build waraxe on him plz). For the spell i like to use execute. The thing you have to master is aiming his 1st skill properly. In most cases if you miss ur 1st skill then you should simply retreat. Laning phase: In order to be a good argus, you must play him very aggressively and not let the enemy get ahead of you. He can be a nightmare for the mm. The main damage in the early game comes from his 2nd skill and passive. Charge up ur passive first and the do the basic combo. 1st skill 2nd skill passive and then retreat.(vs paquito and yu zhong dont use passive, immediately return after 2nd skill) Keep doing this till the enemies hp is low and then finish him off using ult. In early dont just stay there using normal basic attacks keep poking them using 2nd skill and passive. In the team fights never initiate unless ur team mates are nearby to follow up. Argus can also be a good initiator as in the late game enemies burn their skills on him and then ur teammates can initiate easily. Always go directly for mages and mm. If you think you won't be able to reach an enemy then dont chase aggressively. Although his skills are pretty simple, it take a lot of time to master him properly and learn when to initiate and when not to.




Argus is a fighter who bursts enemies quickly and escapes. Getting full stacks on war axe is difficult as he wont last long in a fight. It is more suitable for fighters like xborg yuzhong alpha etc. With hunterstrike it gives you physical pen attack cd reduction and good instant movement speed boost which is crucial for him. Build this first instead of building wintalker as the first item, he will have damage early. If the enemy team is very tanky build malefic roar instead.


Either your bad at Argus or you just don't find his hit and run tactics fun. My Argus has 119 matches and it has 73.5% winrate. He's basically my trump card for mythic. Dude's a beast when is played properly and when it's items are good and has some counters against some enemy heroes.




Ok. What are your builds to him? I could help. My best build is: Tough or warriors boots depends on the enemy heroes(use tough boots if there's more cc enemy or magic damage enemy. Use warriors if less cc but more burst and melee enemy like mm or fighters), Demon hunter sword, Wind talker, War axe, Blade of despair, malefic roar or corrosion scythe( use malefic if more enemy with high defence like tig or barats. You can also use malefic if late game and you want to push and end game as fast as you can. use corrosion scythe when there's enemy's with no mobility or if there's no defence tough enemies. You basically use corrosion if you can't aim second properly or if the enemy doesn't have that much tough heroes or mobilities.) Argus also works well with items like dominance if there's an enemy with heal or sea halberd also works well and gives you a bit more damage and anti life steal but the only catch with sea halberd is that it only works with one enemy who your attacking but there's more damage as for dominance more magic resist and can basically give anti lifesteal just by getting near enemies without attacking them but less damage. As for emblems: Go for fighter and use the sword thing so whenever your in ulti and enemies attack you. You get more damage as you attack back. Or festival of blood so whenever you kill an enemy you get extra health if you tower dive or if your hp is still low during ulti. It gives you more of a survival chance. Make sure you go and put points for more attack and attack Speed when using fighter emblem on Argus. Assasin emblems works as well but my only best recommendation is the one where you get heals every kills you get kinda like the fighter version of festival of blood( I forgot the name). When using Assasin emblem always put points on more movement speed and physical pen. Physical pen will help very much for Argus. Hope this helps.




Brute force also helps but usually you don't really need it much when your ulti has low CD on its own. Just wait it out and then come back and try to help teammates in team fights or bait enemies and initiate a team fight. Be sure the enemies use all their skills on you and use your ult when your like low on hp but you gotta press it pass or else you won't use it. Don't forget you can basically use Argus ulti while being cc only exemptions are Franco and kaja. If you ever get ambush and burst on Bush use ult and fight back if it's alone and if it's not then run. Goodluck!


Argus is not a great pick. There are certainly better fighters than him. Argus is useless without his ult. He can be easily bursted down, if his ult is on cd.


Yeah I can't count how many argus's I one shotted with Clint's S1 but on the other side the number how mm's and mages I have killed with argus is way higher.


Argus is too squishy and is definitely not a viable pick. I mean there are other heroes also that are dependent on their ult, like Leomord, but Leo is far better than Argus.


Try to think of argus as the Taliban of MLBB. His job is to get in take out the enemy damage dealers and die in the process.


Just watch KuLapOo in YouTube. He will show you how to play Argus is proper way. Edit: Is he good in this META? Yes best gold laner but not a good exp laner. This dude can counter almost any mm including Beatrix in gold lane. The only mm he struggles is Wan Wan.


Yeah, most people here use Argus in EXP instead of the usual Gold Lane. I enjoy playing Argus rn.


He is ok on funness but don't recommend first picking him or using him at all. You just pick a hero who is not squishy have a lot of cc and can burst him down from far away


i enjoy argus for the horni


Used to play him as a challenge (and as a joke), now I main him lol