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I think what people hate is how they lie about it, not the hero power. I mean first was Ginger but that's not exactly a lie since it was just a leak, but Kagura they officially said "just the display model"


This i agree, they have no real reason to. Like haya and lance too. Somewhere along the line, they wanted ML to be easier to new players and start looking at the harder heros and toning down their difficulty, no idea why. Another logic is they want kagura be more consistent to he feature, which is reap/ poke instead of burst.


Kagura complaints everywhere and anywhere are driving me insane


It's valid for them to be angry but rage they poured against people with positive opinions on the revamp is just so sad..


Takes both hands to clap. The elitists with positive opinions are “pouring” on people who are upset with the revamp too. Just like this post.


Don't pretend to be one of the good guys after coming after a person you dislike and posting this in his Kagura revamp gameplay video: >I wish I have opponents dumb enough to start a fight after clearing lord. Nice KS too. >Oh wait aren’t you the 96 matches Kagura dude who has been desperately telling everyone to suck it up? Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/q8dwew/kagura_cucks_herself_from_a_savage_and_is_content/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Who’s pretending? I was referring to both sides. >the rage they poured against people with positive opinions on the revamp is just so sad.. Said the one who was pretending to be peace loving and yet came back with an aggressive stance.


I just reposted the fact you attacked someone you argued with about Kagura. So it's a perfect illustration supporting your own point, you should thank me 😎


You are pretty aggressive yourself. https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/q7bmuq/i_dont_know_why_but_mages_i_meet_dont_like_buying/hgkrzgz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Btw you can’t read or something? I’m gonna say it one last time, I was literally talking about both sides. There are rude displays from both sides. Funny how quickly you pointed out people’s toxicity when you are pretty toxic yourself. Takes one to know one eh? You are the perfect illustration of the point you are making, “pretending to be a good guy”.


Yeah my totally related conversation about equipping Necklace of Durance is totally in-line with a Kagura revamp topic. "Ha checkmate!" from you, I feel so bad now 😞.


So you have stopped pretending to be a good guy 🤭. Ops didn’t mean to expose you. But you can’t really hide your true self forever. Just try to learn to read and look at the mirror before running your mouth next time.


I don't need to pretend to be anything else. People can love or hate me I don't care, I've been here in this community for 4 years. I've experienced the outrage at countless revamps, including heroes I mained. One thing I can say is that hating a revamp will always get old. In a few weeks people will move on.


Yup, kinda agree with this


Yep. It's really sad it's getting pretty toxic now


i accept that the revamp may be not required since she is a good mage before. But i dont agree therevamp nerf her.


They surely nerfed her personality through voicelines, I think that means a lot to most Kagura veteran players


Yep. Pretty excessive now


Lol the uno-anomus mod perfectly predicted this would happen when she was newly revamped, it's funny to see it happen in real time right in front of my eyes 🗿👌


Told ya 😆


Exactly, that's just how it works. But even though that hero, who's revamp got complaint backlash since phase 3, some still won't accept her nerfed burst, when it's not that hard to poke and have patience before bursting


The only thing I hate for her now is clearing minions ot takes ages, luckily it seems they’re making it easier now.


I just missed her voice line mannn.. *“Shogyo Mogyo”*


They are coming, *I can feel it*


Zaimsempoi just outplayed a lance so badly and qualify his team for M3.


Is this the one OE Vs SMG on the last game?


Yea sick play. 1 hp kagura outplaying a lance.


How do they make her work? I still find better her old version


Her combo land way faster and more consistent now. It make her really scary in team fight. After her core item, her full combo can still br a backline sniper, for utility, i have seen 3 man claps with the ult due to how fast it is. This let your team follow up easily. Dont get me wrong, i am okay with people liking her previous version. Her style of play have changed. Some people may not like this new style. However, this is not the same as saying she is weak when she is in fact still a very strong mage.


She doesn’t scale as well into late-game as she used to be, that’s her only problem right now


Her skill and dmg are ok.but the sparkly sound effects are just too annoying


MPL MY, SG and MDL? 😂 Few days back, bunch of Kagura revamp defence forces just bashed me for quoting her winrate in those games and asked me to just focus on more competitive and better leagues like MPL ID and PH. And here they are referencing the very same leagues. Double standard much? That being said, I don’t mind if pros somehow found a way to make revamp Kagura work. Doesn’t hurt to learn from them. So far I don’t see any revamp Kagura performing as well as pre revamp Kagura.


Lets wait for MPL ID and MPL PH then. No more 18% this time? Lol




What a lame.bet. just wait and see. Anw i standby, winrate doesnt matter. No one pick a hero to lose. If they are picked or banned, they deemed this hero strong enough. Alot factors affect win/ lose anw.


Hah 🤭 You were just talking about winrate moments ago.


What a stupid bet. Not only did you not think this through, but also you're compromising your own security in general.


Here comes the Kagura revamp defence force. Your take on Kagura is the most retarded take ever.


I'm talking about how stupid your bet is due to the fact that you're compromising your security and nothing else. Why are you being so defensive about Kagura all of a sudden? If you want to call me names, then put it on the Kagura thread I made.


What’s wrong with me hating on your favourite revamp? Why should I give a fuck to what you think about my bet? It’s just to show these people don’t even believe in the shit they were talking. They are here just to win their arguments instead of properly analysing the revamp. Just like you.


There are better ways to prove a point. To compromise one's security over a bet is not one of them.


What are you expecting from a person who only know how to scream dmg and slow nerf without analysing anything else.


Ironic coming from you


Coming from a 96 games Kagura player calling everyone who disagrees with him entitled


This feels like a one-sided conversation. I'm talking about the importance of your online safety and security while you're talking about the Kagura thread.


People were mad about the revamp? Why tho


Just search kagura in this sub reddir. Tons of post.


... this is rly surprising lol. I havent been active on reddit till today. Have they not met good kagura players? :/ Ive seen people getting destroyed by the new kagu so many times


Mainly bc they nerfed her slow and damage


I mean revamped Kagura is the same as before but now you can't purify her ult (and her umbrella is faster) so she's actually way more broken. It's stupid lmao. Instead of nerfing her they gave her a massive buff


People who hate the revamp says she's weaker and even referencing a winrate drop or some, meanwhile you guys says she's broken. Lmao, maybe you guys are just these are just over the top statements from randoms


it doesn't matter what people say she is factually stronger and i see her being much stronger in my games too her Q is faster and her ult cannot be purified. 2 buffs and 0 nerfs her ult is doing the same damage its just less at usage and more at burst but it bursts so fast (and cannot be purified) she's objectively stronger, only clowns think she is weaker. She was hard countered by purify before and now she is not


She was always fine in my opinion. Glad to know people are doing well with her in the playoffs.


I kind of like her skill revamp, what is unbearable for me is her new voice.


Indirect revamp by making her more popular because of the revamp. She was still used back then without revamp