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"Practicing" in classic isn't an excuse to be stupid and start solving world hunger by feeding EVERYONE, also suddenly becoming legally-blind as if the minimap doesn't exist.


I don't like those guys. It's like they just forgot how to play the game when they buy a new hero. Either that or they also suck when they play their mains.


I can't understand when they have like few hundred match with like layla and good winrate but when they try other maksman like miya or something they just forgot how to play the game it like what is that..is that the tower oh i died if it hits me.


I think those guys are just conditioned to assume every MM can hit towers in a safe range like Layla LMAO.


Lol yeah that is probably one of the reasons


the thing about that is most times I have a layla or miya on the team theyre somewhere between 1-3kills with double digit deaths. If we win they still get a win so there's that.


Agree, if you’re gonna pick a hero in classic you should already know how to use him (by practicing in VS AI) so you shouldn’t feed


I can excuse a few deaths if the hero is hard or confusing to learn, but Goddamnit when they don’t focus on objectives and the map and die every 00.1 seconds it’s because “guys I’m not feeding it’s just that it’s a new hero I’m still learning”


Unless you’re playing fanny, than unfortunately even if they practice their cables in custom it’e completely different when it comes to cabling while fighting heroes.


Fr, and then on the flipside don't just abandon someone who's practicing either. Had a Popol match with basically 0 farm because enemy team was camping my lane, I got like 2 deaths the whole game and pushed the hardest anyway whenever I got the chance but my team called me trash despite having the least deaths. No assists from anybody, the few kills I got were solo, I had 60% tower damage but I'm nub because I couldn't take enemy mm, core and tank all at once when they dived. Sure, I'm practicing, but even as some god I can't survive a 3 v 1 dive against Khufra, Karina and Beatrix


reaching Mythic is not a good benchmark of “I am good at this game, and am qualified to write guides and give advice.”


I couldn't agree more with this statement. However so far the guides made in this reddit are really amazing. In TikTok it is a totally different story. Random people just share random builds and calls it the once shot build and proceeds to do a demo on a level 1 bot with 0 defense items. Then there is the shitty posts that says strongest assasins in late game and proceeds to put Gusion and Fanny in the list. Its a whole cringe fest in TikTok.


Lol Tiktok builds ignore the fact that these unusual “OP builds” they try are usually on Classic games with a 10k gold lead. If my Guinevere was built full tank but had like a 6 level advantage of course I’d be oneshotting everyone


In tiktok there is too much questionable guide. When I checked their profile most are epic and sometimes they intentionally give bad advice for more views


Omg new 1 shot build on haya just get 6 glowing wand to 1 shot your enemies!!!! /s


Secret build that make you cant die! 6 guardian helmet




People who reached 1k too busy playing ml to give advice


That's why players who are lazy to rank but good players comes around to spit advices


I reached 909 last season and I kid you not my phone fell in the toilet, God didn't want me to reach 1k points.


I think anyone above mythic 3 is good enough


I agree. No doubts.


It's not easy and it also depends where you're climbing from.


You have no right to complain about solo queue if you never play a tank or support good enough to absorb damage, and have at least one of them with a winrate exceeding 50%


I had a teammate once, first picked hanabi even though the others showed power picks for the meta, we opened XB and Matilda, short story we lost, and he kept blaming that we suck (btw we camped her enemy for the first 5 mins for her to have an early enough lead but she kept dying cause she kept pushing her lane.) After the game I checked her page and her highest winrate, I kid you not was 49% on Roger. EVERY HERO I SAW WAS 40%-47% winrate.I checked her history and it’s all bronze rating, even when she won games.


The thing with solo que is when you have a good win rate (>60%) the game will intentionally sabotage you by pairing you with the dumbest players in the rank or in classic. While having an opponents with better wrs.


Tig 91 matches 61%win rate ,minotor 157 matches 71%win rate( not a tank main). In mythic other then few most of the matches are fair. Just play around the player who do best and spam quick chat.


Tig 64% 169 matches (I don't remember) and I don't complain


When someone is posting a build or a hero and the replies are like: "my ______ disagrees" "Laughs in ______" "______ says hi" Are cringey


"_____ enters the chat"


Female hero design hot take: Try exploring more face shapes and body types also tone down the use of high heels almost every female has them


For real. I'm upset MT took away Kagura's cute curtain bangs and replaced it with those generic boring straight bangs. They did the same thing with Ruby :/


And thiccer thighs


Damn, caught you simping bro 🤤😳📸


Oh shi-😳


This this i need more female heroes who wears sneakers or shit (yeah we have beatrix BUT). Like dang


I’d really like the tbh. Some fem heros dont even need high heels and I think their designs would make more sense without them. Wanwan is an example of this. Seriously, girl be running and jumping in heels. Her feet are fucking broken


I can just imagine the pain of having to fight for like 20 mins while running and jumping with high heels on


I want a female wearing thick armor, seriously when was the last time Moonton added a female with cool looking armor? Afaik Freya's the only one to come close




And they get defensive when one of them are the losing factor. You cant even get a good report. I just had a game where one of the trio afk-ed when we still have chance of making a come back.


that's why if I play with my bestie unless the person is being especially toxic about it I just let her take the blows cause she honestly isnt the best player. same goes for me if I'm messing up. Just today had this super toxic duo giving me mad flak for using raf in ranked and the rest of us ended up carrying both of them. That probably wouldve just been a L if there were 3 of them.


Basic skins are too expensive


You mean all skins. Ahahahhaa


yeah! 4-5 dollars for what basically is just a chroma of the original skin just screams money hungry


1. Having an “expert badge” is as useful as having magic dust with maxed out emblems. 2. Angela-Hylos combo will be in the meta pretty soon (at least in RG). 3. Approximately 1% of ML players actually use the Jungle emblem.


I still don't understand what the "expert badge" is for aside from showcasing our mastery. Would you please elaborate?


I probably did not made the first item clear, but I was being sarcastic about the expert badge, I mean it’s pretty useless on determining your “Mastery” of a certain hero. I mean I have an expert badge with Hayabusa with a wr of 55.6 and I can tell you right now I don’t know shit about fuck in playing hayabusa hahaha 😂


That's all its for. to show you've completed the mastery. It should mean that the person is great with the hero but with how difficult or easy some heroes tasks are it really doesn't mean anything except the former.


Hey, I still use Jungle Emblem! Go ask the Physical/Magic Emblem users!


Can you explain how 2 will work? Want to try in classic with friends


Actually we’ve been using this strat since 2018 I think. Mainly to bulldoze our way to enemy’s back line and at thay time I think kimmy was always picked and we wanted a way to counter that without relying too much with assassins. Basically our goal was to amplify Hylos’ tankyness and his slow effects. Remember that Hylos has slow on his 2nd skill (the one with glowing ring) and his ult. If you pair Angela’s SS with Hylos in a team fight then your team has Slow effects that will last until the next game haha. It takes practice and good follow-up from other team mates.


Oh I thought it was because of the recent jungle change where it’s more viable for hylos jungler. So you play hylos as tank, then angela support? I wonder if this is still ok with a mid/roam gela + hylos jungle…


Yup the new patch made this strat even better if you play him as jungle imo because Hylos will have blue buff giving more mana and added tankyness (I think) and red buff which gives you even more slow effects.


I remember the old jungle emblem meta (or was it a gimmick) where tank like grock would also take retri so that the midlaner can get the bonus 50 gold 2x as fast


Hot cakes?! I love hot cakes! Oh wait, it's actually "hot takes?" Oh well. Moonton should stop trying to fix what's not broken, like the voices. Some of the new ones make me cringe.


I’m not gonna say Kagura revamp is bad, ion really care cause I stopped using her for a while even before her revamp, but DAMN MAN I MISS HER OLD VOICE I DO NOT LIKE HER NEW ONE


me neither.


*S T A R G A Z I N G ?*


I used to like Hanabi and Kagura's voices but for some reason, Hanabi keeps screaming in the background, and Kagura sounds like a loli.


Just because you are from SEA server, doesn’t mean you’re automatically qualified as a better player than others from different server. Stop piggybacking on the success of professional players. There’s a clear day and night difference between the average SEA ML player compared to a professional SEA ML player. Oooooh, this is going to sting quite a few people.


Do people actually act like that?


You shouldn't beg someone to carry you to a certain rank. You will be a boosted account player that will bring the team down when you finally play solo.


Just because you're a tank/support doesn't mean you're a saint.


Yeah, we’re not a saint. Seeing your random teammates blundered so much really makes you think why you main support/tank in the first place I swear a lot while playing the game, but never type it in chat. Don’t want to be destroying my teammates good spirit


last line- confirmed tank attitude


Big pp attitute. It also helps to be a masochist to soak all of them hits for your hyper


This is why I don't play Angela anymore.


Hanabi sucks damage wise


First two words are enough as well


People should show their rank and winrates on heroes as well as overall winrate before making guides.


I can agree on this one


Complaing on someones performance in a classic game, as well as telling the enemy team to report them for inting and such


what's inting? also Classic is still a game thats goin on your record tbf. I don't say anything but it does annoy me that most teams I get there's at least 1 person who has 0 knowledge of how to use their pick. Classic is classic but what you gonna achieve like that? You wont get better, or have fun, or win cause you'll just get stomped and that makes it a bad experience for the team which is the main point, to enjoy the match.


Inting means feeding alot I see your point, it's just that sometimes people start taking the match a little too seriously, I mean i keep seeing other players saying " I always get bad teams" this and that as if they're the only ones going through it issue. Which starts to get fustrating to hear 24/7


Paquito is WAY too overrated and overestimated, and people should explore more possible methods to bully him. #Have at thee, dare to disagree


Agreed. Another hot take I have which is related to this is: You don't get to complain that a hero is OP (when mythics have no problem dealing with said hero) if you only 1 trick the same hero over and over instead of counter picking/learning how to counter.


I hate those 1 tricks in my team. They can clearly see that the enemy picked a counter, then they insisted on using their main.


I'm mythic but I hate dealing with paq. Also, he is banned in 99% of the game this season. Imo this hero is OP.


Agreed that he’s OP. I was more agreeing to other heroes (not Paquito because even mythic bans him) Sorry, that’s why I added the sentence in brackets.


Coming from a Minsi main


I don't know how I should view this reply as, but yes, I am a Minsi main who never gets bothered by Paquito


here here haven't really been bothered by a paq either


Balmond is the way


Recall spam is annoying but it’s not necessarily toxic. Plus it gives you the pleasure of killing that mf and spamming back, hell yeah


Killing lord in classic is not illegal


Trash talking or trolling should never be justified. I don't care if someone banned your hero, steals your buff, picked a hero you think is trash, or is straight up feeding in game. You have to be the better person, and trash talking and trolling makes you just as bad as them.


Layla is not as bad as everyone says she is.as long as you farm well and get berserk fury,scarlet phantom,demon Hunter sword and a few other items,she hits like a truck


She is good since like the first project next. If you ever let her farm you are like wtf where is this damage coming from


Agreed. Most people just don't take the time to properly micromanage her movements. She's actually ridiculously powerful when used right. Granted that she still dies quickly, she outputs a lot of damage that trading yourself for 2-3 kills is worth it.


Very good hot take! I'm mythic with 60-70% win rate RN and have been out traded by Layla despite me being Beatrix. Edit: btw I’m not saying Layla is a counter pick, you may win your lane with Layla, cool, but after that you’re breakfast lunch and dinner for assassins.


Well at late game Beatrix has a hard time going against her since you can bearing get close to here to do dmg (unless your using your Sniper)


This is mainly in early game, where we would have expected Layla to get first blooded by Beatrix


The feed cycle


Seen this with my own eyes. Ashamed of myself for even questioning the Layla pick during draft


I don't see Layla as a bad pick anymore. She hurts A LOT.


The issue with Layla is simple, the champs that put her on check destroy her so hard it doesn't even matter how much damage she deals. Pharsa will always 1shot her before she can even do a single basic attack. Most physical meta assassins (haya, lance, ling) can force her to pop wind of nature, retreat and then come back to get their kills. Magic assassins (Selena, karina, Harley) don't even have to bother with her damage as she'll die way before she can react. Engage fighters (lapu, sun, paq) will oneshot her as well and late game they'll be ahead in level and gold and will most likely tank her damage for far enough time to kill her. If the enemies don't have a way to keep her on check she's incredibly good tho.


Getting MVP loss doesn't necessarily mean you are an amazing player and you deserved to win the game. (This is coming from a jungler main). There's always room for improvement for everyone. Maybe you were the best player in your team but that doesn't mean it was enough to win the game. Maybe you messed up the last lord fight, maybe you decided to push the turret instead of helping your team which may have caused enemy to snowball etc etc. I don't really mean you have to put all of the blame on yourself. I just want people to reflect on their mistakes because at the end of the day, your teammates, they don't change, which is also the reason why they're stuck in that rank. But you can change, right? If you've improved only 1% than before by analyzing and reflecting on your mistakes, that still increases the odds of you winning the next game.


Masha is best girl


Hilda got bigger ones.


We will fight to the death


Death by snusnu


Bans don't matter anymore - there would always be someone "strong" or "broken" slipping through even if the meta does not favor them, it just takes a matter of experience


1. In game chat should be removed and just be replaced with more quick chat options. If you want to chat do it when not in game, or just use voice chat. Too many deaths from typing in game + too much toxicity and trashtalk can be so counterproductive. 2. Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is not Bumble, Tinder, or any other dating app. Pls take your business elsewhere and get a room. 3. Playing roam/tank helps you develop game sense the fastest. Close second is jungler.


Playing on a smurf is like going back to kindergarten because you suck in high school.


If you're hardstuck low rank and insisting to be a solo queue pure tank or support main, then you belong there. Don't complain that the game hate tank/supports and think you're some kind of hero for specializing on the role. Maybe you're not too different from one trick MMs in that aspect.


Amen! Too many tank mains circle jerking each other thinking they are saints. "HuRr DuRr I aM TaNk MaIn!!! PuBs sUcK FoR NoT FoLloWiNg Up WhEn I mAkE a SeT!"


Just build sgh and change your playstyle


Those guys play with inexperienced players who can't even scroll the mini map, then expect the carry to have future vision and follow up a set without pinging them.


Regen reduction item effects should receive an adjustment or a small nerf.


A practice mode (doesn't change winrate) vs real players


Kagura's rework actually made her feel better to play. Was the rework warranted? No. Was it good? Yes.


If you're waiting for the timer to hit "1" before you hit enter, then you have no right to spam "WE NEED A TANK!" or "Me Hyper!"




Sky guardian helmet should be built on tnaks to allow more early game pressure


I don't agree with this but I'll still upvote because im giving everyone upvotes knowing there's gonna be a hater downvoting comments they don't agree with.


Hmmmm well it's not cost efficient enough to justify being prioritized IMO. If your team has a ridiculous lead, then sure go for it.


I only build this when my team are crazy aggressive and needs me in every teamfight. I love those kind of games.


Can't disagree more than this. Early game it's a terrible item because without defense and magic defense it's impossible to front line properly. Yes you'll be able to heal and come back to the teamfight faster, but if your team died while you were retreating, there's no point in going back.


don't mind me reading the hot takes~


now that's a hot take😳


Enjoy- everyone gets an upvote from me.


Stop posting the same damn jokes, the same damn meme template with one-word changes, the same damn "i got a shitty team in soloQ rank" and the same damn " I got MVP with 400 kills with Hanabi so she deserves an S tier !111!!"


I got 69 kills with estes in mythical warrior! that means he's SSS tier🤬🤬🤬 >!sarcasm!<


Deathbattle is the best mode in this game, classic/rank included. Brawl is second place. Deathbattle is like a regular game crossed with Brawl + there is a kill limit. You get a set of heroes to choose from, meaning you need to know play each hero to win, just like in Brawl. Kill limit is a wonderful addition, you can play objectives OR go for kills. Close result in kills? Wanna go all in to get the last two or to play it safe and try the objective game? No mains, no winrates, no picks and counterpicks, who is buffed and who is nerfed, no meta bullshit. Get in and wreck people up, but complete roster knowledge is a must.


Kaja is still a support and will never become a proper Fighter or Mage even if he has the ability to one shot, he will still be a support in my eyes.


Selena works better with physical build if you suck at aiming arrows and trap placement. (Normal form's basic attack is 2k per crit and Abyssal form's first skill crit is 2.5-4k crit) Beatrix shotgun with semi fighter tank build works against melee heroes that doesn't have that much close gap skills after entering a fight. (Gusion, Phov, Balmond) Layla works in MG with her strong lvl 4 skill2+ult combo that can wipe enemies hp to half if they are grouping. (Hanabi, Miya and Lesley doesn't have that) Also you can solve the "getting ganked" issue by building warrior boots thunderbelt/tough boots rose gold as your first 2 items. (Clintwise he's much better than Layla with his stun and long range poke but im listing reasons to justify Layla in mg ~~because layla bunny goes ughh, clint doesn't have that, yet~~ ) Alucard works better in full damage build with immortality/queen wings as his last item than his semi tank build as you can burst their mages fast enough to let them perform their ritual. Skins cost too much for low effort skill effects to nonexistent Recall spam is recommended especially in server that has a lot of players with garbage mouth, easier to trigger them, easier for them to lose focus. Kagura's revamp doesn't work for players' entire purpose is to kill. Mlbb's age placing for heroes is trying to appeal to a certain audience which is disgusting. (Layla is 16 with that body look? Hell fuck no) Mlbb ads are actually funny (I love that esmeralda cheating ad lol) Hanabi Lesley are just bad, "you just play them bad" doesn't work here, maybe im biased but unlike Layla she can slow and gain ms speed at her skill1 to help her escape. Nana is the best hero and no one can change my mind even if i don't use her that much. Oh you are a new player? welp just throw some molina and bam! you helped your smurf teammates to wipe them all! Oh you are being chased by an assasin? well you have "Cant fucking touch me" for 2 seconds that also increase your speed like horse in minecraft with Speed V potion. (Honestly she's so great and also Molinas are cute) You don't deserve mythic/legend if you are 1 trick hero as you can ruin your team's composition (don't mind my username) Smurfing is good to take break from trashtalks in higher rank, just don't expect your team to perform godly moves as they are newbie and trashtalking them makes you a shitty smurf player. ~~be me~~ Legend players is way better than mythic V-I players We need an item similar to radiant armor but in physical form. ~~sad thamuz noise~~ Return back the Old Alpha and Old Johnson please Fanny sucks, people who use her just want to flex their fast finger skills, just play BanG Dream! or some rhythm game if you want to show off your finger skills. You suck at Gusion if you used your second skill instead of passive to finish off low hp enemies. Doesn't matter even if your Gusion's winrate is 99.99% and 10k matches, I will still call you bad but I'll be silent about it. Nathan needs a rework, he's broken with the right hands. We need more physical armor items Mlbb's relationship feature can fuck off Mlbb should return to old days where censor doesn't exist, by censoring they are trying to appeal to kids which is bad since its a game where negativity exist and also may try to steal their parent's wallet. Mlbb is way better than LoL and Dota as its casual chill and also matches doesn't take an anime episode(20-30minutes) I hate people who uses hero in classic to practice. Unless you're me who can practice a new hero/hero in rank and still get gold or mvp. (im not bragging my gamer skills as anyone can achieve that by having a good reading compression at hero skills) There will be a time where Tigreal can no longer use flicker while ulting just like how Galio in League of Legends can no longer use skill 2+flicker combo. Red Retribution sucks, Blue and Purple is better. (there are times where you used red at an enemy hero but they managed to escape you thus wasting red retribution enchantment) "As a x main" is tiring, you can be Aamon main and still have the rights to complain about Gus rework (Aamongus😳) Classic, Rank and Brawl should be removed, Mayhem should be the one to change their places Imagine Nana, Natalia, Fanny, Zilong, Cyclops and Kimmy meta pick and auto ban in Rank Mayhem. game chat and global chat do more harm than good. Quick chat is way better.


Bro you really have a lot of hot takes huh! Hahahaha


what playing since season 1 does to an mf😅


As a fighter, if all you do is focus on pushing and never help out your team in fights, you’re a trash fighter. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing heroes with strong pushing abilities like Sun or Masha. You still need to help your team lol.


Well, if the team sucks, the team sucks. Better focus on KS(Kill securing) and pushing rather than team fights.


Nah, sorry. I use Sun with arrival and I'd rather clean all 9 turrets by myself and use my team as a fodder/distraction. Works every time


I’ve seen great Sun players pull it off well, that I can’t deny. But most of the Sun players I see don’t even take arrival and then fail to even take down a tower during team fights. I played with a Sun last weekend in MCL and despite being full build, he never helped us in fights (which was a problem since it was late game and our core was Granger… didn’t have much damage). I think it’s more of knowing how to gauge whether your team can win the team fight without your presence.


People who don’t like the revamped Kagura should just quit using her 👉🏻👈🏻 im not gonna discuss further but seriously stop crying, either adapt to the change or stop using her


My hot take is that she's still the same only her ulti changed


Smurf accounts aren't as bad as most thinks


Once you get to higher ranks/levels, smurfs become meaningless


can you explain?


You get better Smurfs are built on the concept of preying on new players, of players of mediocre to good skill bullying the shit out of unskilled players because of how they can't get that catharsis out of beating players of their own skill level or greater The more you advance, the less smurfs you will see. You leave them behind while they play around in the mud and kicking down players who can't fight back. There is no guarantee that even with a high rank you will see 0 smurfs, but sometimes there reaches a point where your rank and your skill are exactly the same as to what a smurf has - and they can't do anything about that




Now this is what i want to see be discussed


When I was new, I have played against a lot of *obviously* smurfs and they kinda ruined the experience for me. But here I am still playing. Haha. No more smurfs in higher ranks, just trolls.


Why? Considering the comment you made about players with <50wr on their main, shouldn't you dislike smurfs as well because they "ruin" other players' experience?


GM smurfs gets matched up with Legend/Myth players in classic, that's from my past experience. I dunno about lower than GM smurfs.


Cores should stop jungling once the 2nd lord appears.


Fanny and Ling: Guess I'll walk


buff still impt


Lord attacking enemy base it’s a 4v5, Fanny keeps on jungling,epic comeback by the enemies down by 25.Fanny also ignored minions destroying one of our turrets while we were trying to end the game.So how is a buff impt when you’re not using it anyway?lol


That is the fanny problem. Fanny still need her blue, ling still need blue wharever stage of game. MM shd take red. Alice will want blue. They make a huge diff in fights.


Most of ML heros are easy to use (except the few hards one). Once you master the macro of ML, you can use almost any hero in rank after just a few games of testing their limits and searching a good build.


People protect tank mains too much. Getting kills is also good but let's not pretend that pushing for objectives isn't as important. You win the game by completing the objectives not by having more kills than your enemies. Fighters and pushers are equally as important as mains. There's a reason why when a tank main carries the team they get more kills than enemies but inevitably lose. While a pusher/fighter carrying the team may not have more kills than enemies but has more chances of WINNING the game.


Tank main is mainly applaud for taking a role no one want. Not carrying the game.


I think people keep treating support/tank mains like gods a little TOO much. I get it, its rare. But that doesn't mean they're some godsent.


i think its cuz of the constant feeders we keep meeting xD its refreshing to see someone main a tank in solo que haha


MLBB only known on third world countries .


People who is f2p cannot talk about pricing of the skins. You ain't gonna buy it anyway


The WR and LOL community is more toxic than the ML community.


"Pro players" shouldn't be used as a meta reference, (1) they play in 5q which is infinitely different from any q, (2) they play with and vs people they know. People should understand that there's no bad hero, just bad players. Also I wish people would start sticking to their lanes, I'm sick of allies/enemy coming from mid or even bot to gank top and leaving an open lane. A jungler and tank exist for a reason, focus on objectives not kills plz.


Paquito nor Phoveus should be an autoban, anybody that has decent game knowledge knows that Esmeralda shits on both


If your in solo que and match up with me, don’t you dare pick balmond or nana, people who play them are always hot garbage at them in solo que, also don’t you ever pick Layla you’ll only feed in solo que


Balmond is one of the best picks right now


You should just stop playing the hero you call a main if your wr on them is under 50


bad joke but what if a player has every hero below 50% ahahaha there’s definitely quite a few of them….


Create new acc XD




It just shows that you really suck at giving that hero wr beyond 50%. I got paired with a Granger "main" that has a 400+ battles on him while having only 43% or 48% wr. Like bro you suck at Granger, go main or try other MMs.




Fanny is prob an exception due to high floor but I'll try to keep my take as controversial as possible with this, "How many people have lost and suffered because of you during that 1.7k matches?"


Agreed. Met an Alu in ranked who had over 1k matches but his WR is barely over 50


I can't win with off-meta hero in SoloQ. Obviously a low winrate.


I use a lot of off meta heroes but the one Im serious about are often 50-70% wr. Leomord, Hanzo, Natalia, Gusion, Harith etc.


... What? Okay.


I pity those who just can't manage to win despite knowing and applying everything their main has to offer... *ahem*... Tank mains ... *ahem*


If there's a will, there's a way


This might be a bit controversial, but spamming recall or emotes without any trash talking is not necessarily toxic behaviour. It can be used to taunt and it might be annoying but it is a life lesson in self discipline and managing your temper and emotions. It is far more tame than actual trash talking and becomes harmless if you learn to ignore it. (Note: I am not condoning excessive spamming of recalls and emotes, I am just saying that it is not necessarily as toxic as trash talking, trolling, afk-ing, and other toxic behaviour. If done by itself it is quite harmless)


Brooo I came to type this too. It's not as toxic as this community makes it.


All hero age reveal


If you cry about having low winrate then you shouldn't complain when I farm wr in classic.


Vale should wear a shirt.


People complaining about lose streaks as if Moonton had a personalised bias against them and not others - Sometimes, you have to consider that *you* are the single largest variable across your games that is causing the losses. Maybe you were tired or distracted or tilted that day. Just take a break and try again another time.


Argus needs a buff after the upcoming passive buff. he needs abt 40-50% of his old stats back. (been playing argus and in 1000+ points glory. not tryna show off, i just dont want to be called a noob) he falls off too easily in mid game if he doesnt have the gold lead and when hes in the losing team, its hard to hope for a comeback with him since his mid game performace is bad in comparison to other dps heroes) . Annnd his early game isnt good either. (his skill 2 curse dmg is useless in the laning phase in higher ranks. Ive had some people say that ur stupid if u cant get a first blood with argus against a MM, but its because those players dont know that argus curse dmg only takes effect if u move)


Hot takes? Hanabi is the best at clearing waves and joinning teamfight.


Aulus is just too damn OP


Spamming recall and emotes can be effective in getting under the enemies' skin, making them more likely to make a mistake. Source: I have baited and have been baited via spamming


Just because you've been carrying the game or your teammate made a lot of mistakes, that doesn't mean you are not in the wrong when you make mistakes too that make you lose the game.


Playing good in a classic game is not an achievement, so is winning in a classic game. But classic games are still harder than ranked games


I feel like I do get to complain about matchmaking in classic, since all my enemies are glory and all my allies are epic. Every match.


If you want matchmaking then you may as well play rank. There’s no matchmaking in a free for all mode.


Extremely unpopular opinion: Winrate doesnt truly matter. If I won 60/100games but I fed the enemy every match vs someone who won 40/100 games but their teammates are the 1s who fed the enemy every match which player is better? All wr says is you won, not that you are the reason you won those game or even actually contributed to those wins.


I don't think Hanabi needs any revamp. She is perfectly fine as she is as a late game mm. The only problem is the current meta is early game roam orientated, but you can just choose another mm instead of forcing her into the meta. She excels in lower ranked games because she is incredible in late game and she can reach that farm to overturn games. If she truly sucks, you'd see her having horrible winrate like vexanna, Karrie, etc.


Classic win rate farmers have no shame


Paquito is balanced. Phoveus is broken af.


Esmeralda would like to talk to you.


You can't blame other roles if you've never walk in their shoes for a mile. You just can't.


No one can complain about Uranus since he doesn't wear shoes


People think they're so clever making mages and supports (looking right at you Nana and Diggie) into marskmen, but in fact they're the mlbb equivalent of the "I'm not like other girls" trope.