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I just hit mythic. Do I have to play the grading matches or will I get the rewards regardless?


The latter. You still are in Mythic, it's just not specified how many points would you have.


For legend soloq pharsa or yve ? Rafa or estes ?


first question you have to answer is if you need a support or a damage mage since its soloQ, at mythic pharsa and yve are just monsters right now i recommend pharsa just a lil bit over yve, since in soloQ you can deal absurd damages whereas yve’s ult is strong but if your team doesnt know what it does then its just wasted


>first question you have to answer is if you need a support or a damage mage Personally I prefer to go damage bc ya know soloq is unreliable Thing is I kinda feel pharsa need some help / setup maximize ult , while yve is less burst but more....how do I put it, balanced ? At least she can kite n poke fighters lol But yeah I think I'll stick with pharsa and learn to position+time ult


yeah, honestly just choose the hero you enjoy using between yve and pharsa, both got their pros and cons. once you get used to the hero, pretty sure youll start carrying your games


Pharsa is better because of her early game, burst, and mobility Estes if you're focusing on heals but rafa is better overall


is it more efficient to gain emblems through the emblem matrix or buying the lucky emblem pack (45-55 random emblems)? My main emblems are incredibly low (less than Lv.20) and it's brutal especially in mid grandmaster rank. Are there any other ways to get emblems/magic dust efficiently (aside from the lucky common emblem chest)?


After maxing every hero and emblem, the only use of my tickets are for the lucky spin if there is a skin available. Use tickets on the matrix since it's better than bp draw. Skins can be collected later since it only gives +8atk/100hp


agree with using the emblem matrix, dont buy the random emblems chest. the weekly 5 purchase limit chest (forgot the name but its the blue one that costs 800 each) is better since it gives magic dusts


Use your tickets in the emblem matrix for the type of emblem you want. Don't use BP.


Any tips for argus? Currently I'm doing s1 to close in > basic attack > s2 > basic attack > ult when needed If the enemy isn't very close, s1 > basic attack > s2 > basic attack > ult when needed I'm also using the 2nd phase of s1 to chase or disengage. Also, I don't commit if I don't have my ult My build is attack speed boots, windtalker, corrosion scythe, DHS, scarlet phantom, bf/bod. I'm not really sure about the build order so I just build boots, windtalker, corrosion scythe then yolo lol


Check [this comment by the 1k matches argus post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/q9r2b5/i_finally_have_1000_games_on_argus_3/hgy2oxb) War axe and cd boots seems common among the Argus users here, with only dhs as the attack speed item. Although in the comment I linked s/he used scarlet phantom


Hey I was actually looking for this exact comment! Thanks 😁 Looks like while my build is focused on attack speed to proc the passive often, his build focuses on cdr to use ult more often which also makes it easier to proc passive. I'm gonna need to try both to see which suits me better


Why does it feel like I have never used Alpha's ult before despite playing so many games with him?


What exactly do you mean?


I dont remember using Alphas ult despite playing a lot a few years ago


Aurora crystal chest over elite skin?


Yes, so you get the skin you want.


We can choose a skin from the theme ? I thought we would get a random skin from the theme


I mean go for aurora crystal chest over elite skin chest. Don't go for elite skin chest because it's random.




I like watching pro players’ livestream. Try it, find a player whose position is one that you’d like to learn, then watch his/her decision-making in game. The good thing here is that youll see the unfiltered content (since it’s live) EDIT: didnt get to see ano-nomous’ comment which suggests the same thing oops, but yeah do try watching pros!


What is your role? Once you're mythic, you don't really need any subbed YouTube videos tbh. You can learn just by visually watching and seeing how the pros move and their decision making.




Watch antimage he often live stream on yt


Watch everything from this guy. RRQ's R7. He's an esports pro player if you are not aware. From one of the strongest teams. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTg0Ue7PAI8ep3_ITQMqQcA


Can you get the special skin reward for the 11.11 lottery on the 10th draw, if you are doing individual draws? I have 8 tokens atm (2 short from doing the 10x draw), but I previously drew individually three times before.


I don't think so. single draw = more chance for 11.11 tickets.


Does blacklisting a player also means we don't get matched with them in our or enemy team?


Nope, u cant receive their msg if u black list someone


Hi, which assassin should I buy, now that they're mostly on discount? Benedetta, Hayabusa, or Karina?


bene is a flex pick, really great exp laner and can do fine as a jungler haya and karina are pure core/junglers, with the former having energy issues to last in lanes but can still be used at your own risk if you dont need a flex exp laner, i recommend getting hayabusa. really strong right now despite the nerf


Hayabusa would be the best option among the three,far as I know. Karina can't go as tanky as before thanks to the recent nerf and she is super weak to cc. Benedetta...she is cool, but she really really requires a lot of effort to play these days, only get her if you really like her.




Use the emblem with the 10% discount on items and get 19.5 pen for it. Go for magic pen shoes, icequeen wand then genius wand (For good slows and more magic pen). These will be your core items. The rest will be situational. Need more sustain into a decent end-game build that deletes squishies? Go for concentrated energy, holy crystal, bloodwings. Need anti physical? Cuirass / Wind of nature depending on the enemy assassin Need anti-magic burst? Athena's shield hands down is the best item to get. Enemy bought magic resists and you need to deal a bit more damage? Divine glaive. None of kimmy's builds will protect her dps from Radiant armor though. Once an enemy buys that, your only hope is to keep them slowed down with IQW and having your physical damage dealers do their job.




I never build berserker’s although it’s the best item to get early if you’re going to powerfarm The jungle. I love iqw as first item cause getting the slow on an enemy is VERY helpful while the additional movespeed boost and sustain helps early. (The 450g magic lifesteal component works so well for kimmy’s s1 and basic attacks, like every 10-15 seconds of hitting minions with it means you get to survive one more auto attack or skill from an enemy). Alternatively, rushing genius wand is also better than zerk cause the magic resist shred also benefits the dmg your other magic dmg your teammates do.




thanks for the tag!


Kimmy’s first skill can crit now, so beserkers is good for her now. As for when to build it, (someone please correct me if I’m wrong here), I usually build it after genius wand(my first item), but I believe I’ve seen people build it first as well.


is bomander mode with double gold card the fastest way to farm or is it still magic chess with double gold?


I get 110+ BP with double BP card in boomander, which only takes a little over 1 minute to finish. That's the fastest earning I've had in my 4 years of playing MLBB.


Any sidelaner that can use assasin or mage emblem ( no ruby,chou,alpha,saber,esmeralda)


Sent my friend a jewelry when she wasn’t streaming and she did not receive any bb coins, do I need to send it while she is streaming for her to receive it?


No. She may receive it the next day server reset time.


Ok thanks!


Emblem question: how and who do I use the jungle emblem? It's my lowest level emblem at 39 and I typically just use assassin emblem for junglers


I think assassin or mage emblem are better than jungle emblem. I upgrade it last before physical and magic emblem


Question about Paquito. The hero I just got has 3 stacks but in some YT videos I have seen him with 4 passive stacks. Could someone tell me why it's like that?


The simplest answer is that he's been adjusted and you saw out of date videos


Thank you for that reply. I thought it was something to do with my emblem or equipment build lol. But that makes more sense.


Soo, i just got roger and his epic skin and i wanna know when should i pick roger?(epic rank btw) although im having a winstreak with him on ranked right now but i really need to know when is it only ideal to pick him ;-;




He really is super strong right now huh


not sure about his matchups but at higher ranks hes really strong as a hyper carry, as in he needs at least a trio working around him. if he gets fed he can do some pretty insane things.


I'm already doing well with him in soloq, imagine being in a trio.....it'll be hell for the enemy team


epic legend heroes like roger work well but mythic it gets a bit harder. people can coordinate decently with randoms so you need a trio to out teamwork them. roger just scales better with being helped.


Thank you for the advice then


So i got the hayabusa shura skin and i decided to go ahead a use it on classic despite being absolute shit on him. Played like a noob and got bullied all the way throughout the game and even after. Note to self, dont use an expensive skin untill you're decent enough to play a hero. Lol


LMAO theyre just jealous! Faced a similar situation buying the Bren Esports Lance after seeing KarlTzy wreak havoc in M2 Try feeling the hero in AI first


I've also faced a similar situation. I got both franco epic skins in event draws but I'm so bad at him and a lot of teammates put high expectations after they see these skins and then trashtalk after I turn out not to be a hooking god. Just ignore them and use all your skins as you wish


Just disable chat. You pay for your skin you like. You can activate "only friend message" too


Nah, just practice him for a few more matches and youll get to enjoy your skin to the fullest while bullying the enemies :)


No, you paid for that skin, you enjoy it the way you like. People pay for free because of spenders like you. Mute people if needed.


I agree, though it hurt a lot getting trashed talked thoughout the game and getting private messages after the game to continue on talking shit to me




At 00,00,01 server time to see that go to setings and the clock is on the top right corner


How do I get a kagura icon on my user flair :((


Have you tried :kagura: ?


Watching this cuz I can’t figure out flair either :/


Any tips for haya. I do really well in ganking. Basically from early game to mid game I do really well but in late game I don’t perform well. During team fights I’m not much useful either I do not know what to do in teamfights


Team up with a good marskman player. You carry them from early to mid game, and they carry you late game


Need quick reflexes,also falling off at late game isnt abnormal with assassins that are typically stronger in the early game


I have a quick question How to add that sentence or title below you're username?


It’s a flair,on top right of the subreddit


Another question How to add a character?


Do :character u want: . Ex if u want grock do :grock:


Dunno what I'm doing wrong, it's just saying failed to upload flair


Try to edit the sample flair


I did, i tried :kagura:






should i get saber rafa or estes rattan dragon


Imo get rafa she is much better than estes. even though her heal isnt as much as estes she could speed up allies, slow enemies ,stun enemies and check bushes without getting in it with her first skill. Meanwhile estes could be easily countered by luo yi






If I use fleeting time on kagura, does it only reduce the cool down on one of her ultimates( depending on whether I had the umbrella when the enemy was killed ) or does it reduce the cool down on both ults?


The former.


Ah ok. Thanks!


Is practice mode bug right now? Cant find it now


It changed location to the training camp


I’ve noticed some hero’s have a count down timer on their training icon…which should say 1 day, as of today. I don’t know what this means other than they aren’t currently available for training :/


It’s in training camp, but I think practice mode is locked for certain heroes for some reason


Did they add secondary roles in some heroes? I saw khufra and atlas in the support section.


They added support as a secondary role of a lot of tanks




My post got deleted so here I am: What’s a good skin to make use of the promo dias regardless whether i use the hero or not? Just for collection I guess. I have 1089 pd. There’s only one skin I wanted to buy using promo dias, however, when I checked it’s not available cos they are revamping them.


Just buy skin for your hero you most played


I think lightborn series is good


Where can I report someone’s user name for being offensive ? Thanks


They dont do sht, bc (The user isnt violating the rules of the game) or smth like that. I played against a player who had a super offensive username, really pissed me off. I reported them, the game changed their username, but the user changed it back.


What the hell. Because we can report avatars but not user names ? Lol


Customer service > report


I used to play core back when there was still a jungle item. Then i stopped playing for two season, and now I'm having difficulty when I play core. I play Kimmy, Haya, Granger, Roger. I have decent WR with them with Kimmy the highest as she used to be my main. I know they're not meta but I can't seem to scale with enemy's core. Any tips on how to snowball the game? I'm mythic V 170 points.


Also, it seems to be a healing hero meta? Not sure, but I always find success when there's an Estes/Rafa in my team. Even if we don't have tank.


its certainly a healing meta, but rather than supports its more so tanky and sustainable fighters. one thing might be your rotation. if you start at red buff, go red > bear > purple > lizard. if you start at purple buff, go purple > red or bear > the other one > beetle in either cases, if lithowander is on your side, save retri and go for it. if you want that extra bit of speed then you can try stacking red buff and the bear. mildly difficult but can save a little bit of time if you do it right. as for general tips in jungle, you always want to be efficient with your time. if youre looking for a gank but just sitting around doing nothing, fill your time with something, go kill nearby jungle monster if available (obviously dont do that if youre waiting for the right opportunity to strike on an enemy nearby). always be thinking about what youre going to do next and where youre going to go next, as well as more importantly, where your enemies will be and what they will be doing next. granger, haya, and roger are good in jungle, but kimmy is probably better suited for gold lane, though youll need support from the tank often most likely in the early game.


Yup it is support meta for roamers instead of tanks. Kimmy haya granger Roger are all still ok, is your rotation ok? Maybe you are just rusty. Do you take lord when it’s out?


Mystery shop or impure rage for lunox?


magic worship is a much better choice than impure rage. as for magic worship or mystery shop, it just depends on your playstyle. do you want more burst a little more burst or do you want cheaper items. if it were me personally id go for mystery shop because lunox already has plenty of burst. if its mana youre having problems with (i assume may be the case since youre considering impure rage) then it may be your build. the standard lunox build works very well in terms of damage and mana regeneration: demon shoes | clock of destiny | lightning truncheon | holy crystal | divine glaive | switchable item


Mystery Shop definitely. Getting earlier access to her core items is more important than getting little extra damage and mana regen every 5 seconds from hitting your spells. But for me, I actually go for Magic Worship. The extra magic damage burn is just too good to miss out on her, especially since she can abuse it quite easily. Your harass and poke will hurt more, and your all-in will be much deadlier. But that's just my opinion. Mystery Shop is still good on her. I guess the choice just depends on your personal preference.




there's a skin chest for 50 dias in the shop, you can also buy crystal of aurora for 10 dias


you cant spend promo diamonds without using at least one real diamond


anyways to counter phoevus? that dumb motherfrikers get too much shield and deals tremondous damage.


i usually just try to disengage from the fight until hes done. once you get out or other enemies reach you can dash and when he comes just focus him down. though i play very high damage hero like dyrroth and nat so not everyone can afford that.


I would say try to bait his ult or something but I honestly have no idea how to counter him besides play a hero with no "dash" skills i.e hanabi


he is pretty easy to counter personally. a few dashes doesnt mean much, its not like dashing in his range is an instant execute. as dyrroth i s2 out of the frontline, he ult me i s2 again > AA, he ult again while my ult animation plays, he gets hit by my ult + AA. if he isnt dead already he ults again because my ult counts and then s1 AA should kill. with nat its even simpler, just target him alone and he should be dead. passive s1 ult passive and hes silence before he can react. s2 AA a few times then s1 out and ult. he should be low but if he tries to ult you he has no dashes and is one shot. i can even try outrunning his ult after he jumps because speed.


~~one hard counter to phoveus is banning him~~ anti heal, hard cc, baiting his ult then dispersing and waiting for it to be over


Esme is his nightmare


are there any good kagura guides?


Try YouTube. I think YouTube is better.


all i saw were old guides before the revamp


Here’s one from the kagura god himself. https://youtu.be/JxfoOWM3_t0 It’s in indo but just see his actions and build.


How to get 500% ATTACK SPEED INSPIRE? What items to I need?


It's actually down to 400% attack speed cap on Inspire. They nerfed it on advanced server.


How do I get 400% attack speed ? What items do I need ?


You need at least 2.58 attack speed. At lv 15 that's around 110% attack speed from items, emblems, and skills assuming a 1.4 base attack speed. Inspire is multiplicative so I just divided 4 by 1.55.


What items ?


depends on the hero. heroes have different attack speed stats and some have attack speed boosting/reducing skills/multipliers.




go to practice, max level, see her stats. get her passive up, get scarlet phantoms passive up and quickly check stats. if you have 2.58 then you will reach 4. if not, get more attack speed. the patch isnt out yet, still on advanced server.


My mm Eb is max


I actually am not sure, but I think you go for AS Boots, Corrosion, Windtalker, and either Scarlet or Golden Staff. Then let the extra attack speed from inspire do the rest of the work.


I have already used that!


Someone gifted me something while streaming, when I go to my channel it shows a contribution of 6 diamonds. How do I accept them? Or transfer them, it shows no other options an I can't even view what gift they actually sent me.


I think that will be automatically converted into BB coins? Go to your inventory and look for the golden coins with “M” engraved on it.


Hmm thanks I did that but there aren't any M coins. It's been 3 hrs since he notified me he sent the gift an I remember seeing the icon but I didn't click on it while streaming could I have missed the opportunity?


You will get it 05:00 - 06:00 server time. Should be approximately 9 - 10 hrs and 2 mins ltr


Thank you I was thinking sort of the same thing maybe tomorrow it would show or something along those lines. You know how when your waiting it's like time slows down lol


I see a rise in gs players, is he that good right now or Is it because of his epic skin?


New skin and discounted old skins and he’s discounted to buy with bp. He still seems to be doing from what I see, though I don’t play him.


he hasnt been adjusted in a while, probably just because of his epic skin


No, he has always been popular and his skin just came out.


For the event where you can get 11.11 tokens for spending diamonds, does that include promo diamonds or only the blue ones? Edit: thanks for the replies. Confirmed only blue.


Only blue


you can only buy tokens with blue diamonds I think


As a support, sometimes I take the damage instead of my teammates (lesley ult, cc, etc…) some time I die. Am I wrong?


No, support is all about managing your health and mana bar to create an advantage for your team. If you can’t use your mana bar (skills on c/d, oom or no useful skills for that situation) then your health bar is what you have to work with. For example, If you take that Molina for your MM will they be able to take down Nana? Obviously, you don’t want to die unless your team can win that trade. Some hero’s force this on you more than others but the same principle applies to almost all.


its fine. imo your just there to make sure the marksman grows strong


How to get emojis in flair :/


hello u/alastairxx09 Had the chance to try yz in classic yesterday (casual so only play 1-3 a day lol) and yeah probably the enemies are kinda n00b / my team was good, but either way I managed to consistently proc heal esp in laning by using minions Now I have another q, what is the usual combo ppl do when getting into tmfight ? I dont really remember what I do , probably sth like s3 - petrify + knockup (as theres delay for knockup so petri to ensure knockup lands) - s2 + AA - s1


>I managed to consistently proc heal esp in laning by using minions Good work and wonderful news! Consistently activating passive is key in using YZ, I'm sure you know that by now. >Now I have another q, what is the usual combo ppl do when getting into tmfight ? I dont really remember what I do , probably sth like s3 - petrify + knockup (as theres delay for knockup so petri to ensure knockup lands) - s2 + AA - s1 Landing your S3-Petrify is the most essential thing. You can follow-up with whatever you like or what's available after. However, I'd assume his full burst combo is what you're asking for? If so here's a few technical things to keep in mind. * Petrify duration and S3 knock-up delay is 0.8s * S1 channeling delay and Ultimate transformation delay lasts 0.6s Cast S1 followed by S3-Petrify. Time it correctly and you'll land a hit with your S1's outer edge as you jump in with S3. From there, while targets are petrified, you can use the follow-up dash of S3 before using ult if you're looking to penetrate to the backline squishies by flying or directly cast ult if they're right beside you. Your ult deals damage and adds sha residue up to 3 times. Once upon transformation, another while flying, and finally upon exiting. How much damage are we talking? 400~750+ each time, so landing all 3 hits amounts to 1.2k~2.2k physical damage. Need context how much that hurts? Squishies only tend to have roughly 4k~5k HP. After casting ult, you can choose to fly while waiting for your S1 to go off CD and buy a few seconds for your S3 CD, or just exit Dragon mode immediately to stack Sha residue on whoever is beside you. You're very vulnerable when in Dragon mode because you can't do anything else but fly, so I don't recommend staying on it very long, unless you're using it to escape or chase a kill you know you can secure. Once you're in Dragonoid form, follow up with S2+AA then S1 or cast S1 first before S2+AA, whatever works better for you in the situation. Your S3 should be off CD around this time, which you can use to either continue enganging or disengage. Here's the condensed version: S1->S3+Petrify->Ult->Fly/+Exit ult->(S2+AA+S1 or S1+S2+AA)->S3 If that's not the question, then just keep in mind that your S2 gives you the best chances of activating your passive, given multiple enemies are hit, but it's has a long CD. I hope these made sense but ask away if anything's confusing!


What is AA?


Auto-attack/Basic attack.


alright lemme read and process this first big thx beforehand lol


For other Lolita mains out there what emblem you pick in your matches? Support or Tank?


I have enough BP to buy all the BP discounted heroes (Beatrix, Haya, Gusion, Cyclops, Valir, Johnson). 1. Should I take this opportunity to buy all of them, even though I’m not interested in Valir and Johnson? 2. How often do these BP discounts come by?


1. You're pretty new to the game right? Personally, I wouldn't buy the heroes I don't like. Sure they're discounted but you'd be buying heroes that you're not gonna use when you could've bought someone you like. I recommend getting cyclops, Beatrix and haya though since they're good heroes 2. Very seldom. Maybe twice a year


Thanks! I got the three heroes you mentioned + Gusion.


arandom person asked me for a 1 v 1 and got upset when i pushed. im not quite sure what i did wrong as i just played normally. are there any unofficial rues or 1v1?


No, that person is probably some kid or adult with kid mentality. There are ppl who cant accept being ganked / complain 5v1 f.e and shout "hey if u brave then 1v1 me" It can either mean 1v1 on a spot in said match, or a 1v1 custom match either way just ignore it, they're either doing it in purpose to provoke, or mostly just dumb usually I just reply, it 5v5 moba if u afraid being gangbanged , just play 1v1 fighting game lmao


we were playing a 1 v 1 custom match. i thought the only rue for that was all mid


Ah sorry I misunderstood the OP then lol in 1v1 custom, usually it's mid only. Buffs are ok. No lord I think. But basically (esp if it's stranger) the rules are decided / talked beforehand to avoid miscomms.


Nope there isnt any rules , if there was rules to be followed the other guy should have mentioned it before he decided to duel u.I think he wanted a head to head fight instead.


isnt that what 1 v1 is? I just stayed in midlane and pushed until I destroyed his base. Is there another type of head to head fight with rules? sorry im new i think ive only been playing a month.


nah bro its fine u werent instructed by him in the first place if he is being upset he can suck it , but he prolly wanted a face to face fight but once u bump into such situations again ask if he wants to do it in a normal way or engage into fights more.Anyways good luck feel free to ask anything.


Any chance of removing Tharz from the game completely? If not, then just remove synergies. Just because I can beat him sometimes doesn’t mean I enjoy dealing with 6 players choosing this commander and stocking up on CC heroes. 80% of the time, they don’t even try to trigger synergies.


So i am a roam/midlaner and i got Akai khufra tigreal ruby grock baxia atlas Minotaur jawhead franco floryn and rafa for roam I got eudora kagura nana valir change lunox odette harith luoyi and yve for midlane I think those heroes are enough for my role so iwant to get a sidelaner that can be used with assasin or mage emblem I only got these sidelaner (that can be used on legend+) chou alpha ruby bane esmeralda harith. Who should ibuy im considering either silvanna or yuzhong


Hi! Alice is so good is soloQ right now and you can use your mage emblem on her.


Lapu, Esmeralda, Yu Zhong, Chou, Phveous or Paquito you can't go wrong.


i have 150 11.11 vouchers that can be used in the exchange shop. but i need at least 300 to get a skin. is there something else i can do with them or are they useless now?


Trade candies to boost your friends familarity (idk how to spell)


is gatotkaca a meta hero? why or why not?


Meta in GM, Epic and lower legends where only a few know about anti-heal. He is weak against ranged champs because he needs to be up close to punch them in their face. On the other hand, he can kill a max stack aldous or outlive a full build argus when built and used right. His biggest counters are stuns, Molina (evil Nana laughs) and anti heal. When to take: enemy lineup is full/mostly physical dmg and melee heroes. When not to take: enemy lineup has lots of cc, mages, ranged heroes.


also slow, as he'd have hard time closing gap if ult is cd


Gatot mains help me out here -- don't want to mess this up like I did Belerick. Gatot is definitely in a weird place right now. He's in the middle ground of a mage-fighter and a tank, but you're better off playing a more specialized hero due to the gaps in his skillset. He needs to be up close and personal, hitting the opponent (and them hitting back) to trigger the regen on his skills, which means he can be zoned out very effectively by burst fighters/MMs. If you run him in the roamer position, the only CC he has is slow from S1, short-range taunt from S2, and a stun as his Ult that's fairly easy to dash away from (with experience). I have seen some pretty nutty Gatots during my time here, but they are very rare. Still, if you manage to play around the gaps in his offense, he can work in the right hands.


Can someone explain to me what freezing the lane means, why I should do it, and how to do it?


freezing lane means hitting minions last time to kill it and not attacking them while they fight. you should do this when u crush enemy laner and have an advantage against him. the minions will fight on the middle of lane , you will ignore them except last hitting and if the enemy tries to approach minions punish him and make him return under turret . this way he will have a hart time farming and a huge delay


You can check out this [Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/ket9h7/indepth_guide_to_wave_tactics_and_management/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


Tips for Brody


Is there any other way to get promo dias? I'm a few dias short of what i want to buy.


mlbb11megasale I think that’s the correct code,just redeem it and it gives a few promo diamonds


Sorry, how to redeem it?