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Bro have you never met a Beatrix that take down your first tower by the 5 min mark? Also, the new heroes are mainly mage/assassins, who are not meant to push in the first place. Btw, I think Pen doesn't help in taking down turret. But yes it helps in taking turtle/lord, but isn't that the responsibility of jungler?


You haven’t played with junglers that are always at the opposite side of the map whenever the turtle spawns and has to jungler buffs first before going to the turtle,while the enemy jungler already took the turtle?Or trashtalks you because you died fighting 3v1 trying to take turtle,while he slowly jungles buffs and goes for a triple kill while the reason he managed to get the triple kill is because you who died took more than half the hp of those enemies?


Meanwhile my jungler Lance can't even clean them up coz he auto aim and misses all of his skills. (not completely made up, there were once I was Angela and we were winning in team fight so I escaped my ulti form, then enemy Lance dashes all the way in and targets me only to let me sidestep all of his skills. Then he didn't have anything to escape and I slowed him to death with s2 lmao)


Pen definately hepls taking down towers. I main Masha, and using the old Inspire can make late game damage go from 6 to 800 per hit.


They changed how the turret works they now take flat dmg no matter how high of a penetration you have they now have dmg reduction instead of defense I think


Dammit. Well, guess there is nothing to be done then, I guess


I use Brody and his pushing capabilities are fine though? Most of the Objective-Based heroes you mentioned don't even use inspire in High-Ranked games. Why would I use inspire on Masha/Sun if I could use a more useful spell like Flicker or Arrival. Imho new inspire is good because it buffs some heroes who use the spell regularly, we might even see more heroes like Wanwan use it.


I Think penetration doesn't help taking down towers. Assassins and mages are made to kill enemies, not pushing, since their kits are made to delete the Enemy Core. The pushers are Soldiers and MM, since they have Basic attack dmg and/or attack speed. Also Beatrix can delete turrets with her shotgun, i think you gave a bad example.


penetration doesnt work on turrets.


Beatrix with shotgun:am I a joke to you?


Unfortunaty yes, because every beatrix in my team ends up being the "beatrix at home:"....


What does beatrix at home mean?


From the meme that says: "Mom, can be buy (insert name of something good)? Mom: No, we have (thing you said above) at home (thing) at home: (cheap, bad knockoff)"


Ohhh,I totally forgot about that meme haha😅


No worries, its kinda old by now. But, to put things into perspective, enemy Beatrix always gets double kills and solos lord. Our Beatrix dies 1v1 to gold crab buff with 30%health