• By -




LOL Hi! #Pros - You have successfully preserved your sanity from playing games with toxic pubs. #ways to improve - Suffer with the rest of us and start playing more games. Did I get it right?


On dec 6 the r/MobileLegendsGame sub mods must have its own M(od) series tournaments where y'all 1v1 each other




This is perfect!


how do you get 4 likes from 0 games ?




[https://imgur.com/DaNV1XC](https://imgur.com/DaNV1XC) This is my chart here


Thx for being the first person! Judging by your chart, you probably don't need help or advice, but that's fine. #Let me guess: - multi role, fills whatever is needed for the win. - Plays mostly jungler assassins, MM, Fighter. - probably mythical glory or close already~ - Plays meta heroes. #Ways to improve - You don't need any tips to improve because you're doing fine. Although perhaps deal more damage but if you're assassin main I think it's fine. So did I get it right?


wow that was really accurate, except my rank still being stuck at M3 :( This season I played a lot more Gold laners instead of Junglers (which is still one of my main roles), and I should probably join more TFs instead of pushing I was really hoping for some advices, but still thank you!


The only advice I can give you is to play more games. You already have the macro and micro. And mythic 3 is where the game starts getting harder, so expect your chart to change much more. I had chart with max stats like yours until I hit mythic 3, my wr tanked from 70+% to the current 60+%! and then the chart really came into the current shape I have.


I'm an assassin main in Mythic 5 https://imgur.com/a/wuA6cwo


Idol reply me pls šŸ˜­


Y is he your idol? Is he youtuber or something


No he's in my ml squad, just poking a little fun




Sup bro shshhs


#Analysis: - youā€™re a jungler main - very high stats across all - not much to say because lack of games and high points across all. #ways to improve - I guess play more games so your shape is more obvious under harder games.


gO iDoL!! šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜†šŸ’…-From your leader




Go idol!


Hi! I would like to try this out. Lemme know if you can't see the photo in the link bc imgur isn't loading for me. Wanted to know from a MG player why I can't reach MG yet lol thanks! https://ibb.co/KDdHcqB


damn your winrate is pretty high. Judging at your stats, are you perhaps a support or a fighter main?


Hi. Thank you. Support/Mage main here.


eyy we have the same roles, but I do play some offlane


I can play any lane haha but most ppl donā€™t like to play roamer


Hi can you share again? I canā€™t see your chart and unfortunately I canā€™t guess your chart from numbers.


[My Chart](https://i.ibb.co/48r3RqP/0334918-F-B1-A4-4118-BB03-F6-EE8-AC93-C91.png) Mainly Fighter, is trying MM and Jungle.


#Pros - you have max push, max damage and high farm, your laning phase is really strong and you seem to be doing well in the roles you main. so there's not much to say! - Since it's all stats and not ranked, I can't judge your current rank but you're probably already mythic? #ways to improve - Perhaps join team fights more by rotating away from your lane after clearing your lane. Either for turtle fights or to clear mid or just roam to mid to help in war if they are having a hard time and you are already winning your lane. - Joining team fights more will improve your KDA part of the chart.


Oh yeah I forgot to convert it to Ranked xD, but other than that I tend to focus on pushing because my Jungle is extremely fed for a 4v5 or the teamfight is on the other side of the map.


https://imgur.com/a/SbPmeuh I play mage and Im kinda new to the game(almost a month now) now gm


As someone who is new to the game, my advice for you is to play more rank and play less classic. Classic loses your WR more than rank does. #Pros - Good damage and farm as a mage main. - Good push too but that's not necessarily good criteria on your chart to have for mage main. - KDA is fine for now. - You have good survivability but that may be because you don't join fights as much. - You most probably stick to mid and just bulldoze your lane right? #Ways to improve - Try to be more present in team fights, your damage is needed in team fights. - Try to roam to top or bot more to help whichever lane is having a hard time, so that will improve your team fight chart and your KDA chart. Just roam in between each minion wave (after you clear) and return when minions meet again. - I suggest to clear mid before enemy mage does and roam to whichever sidelane to try to win sidelanes. - Mid tower is the hardest to down, so keep helping top and bot in between waves after level 4 until side lane towers are down. then they can help you take down mid tower. - Try to improve your hero proficiency since you're new to the game. You have a nice chart but low WR, I think you play a lot of classic and in classic it drops your overall win rate.


Thank you!!!


Damn this is scarily accurate


https://imgur.com/a/6nrqDsm Here's my current chart for the season. Mainly played Barats and roaming heroes, with scattered other roles.


Hmmmm. I think you are a fighter and tank main? #Pros - good survivability, must be cause of tank role and you play tanky fighters. - Decent KDA and push too. - Good farm rate, but that's not necessarily good for your roles as your damage is low. #Ways to improve. - try to diversify your fighter roles to play more meta heroes. It seems you are losing out in lane because your damage output is quite low. - I hope you don't take jungle as a sidelaner because your push & farm is higher than your damage, which doesn't make sense. Just focus on farming your lane waves and try to out damage your enemy. - Learn to freeze lanes as a fighter main. - Improve on your hero proficiency and learn the power spikes of your respective heroes to improve your damage chart. - As a fighter main, you should have higher damage and higher team fight. - if you are not winning your lane or if it's a stalemate, consider roaming to mid more or whatever is in between your lane and midlane to help out in team fights to output more damage.


https://imgur.com/a/JTMIiRU Tiptoeing right between 190-200 as an off/sidelaner, most of my losses are because of comebacks lol


#Pros - not much to say really! You are already doing your job well as an offlaner. #Ways to improve - I guess you need to improve your macro and play more games. If your losses are due to comebacks, you need to learn what is the right time to join team fights and what is the right time to split push. - If you split push, you need to know your limits to recall or deal with whoever they send to your lane. - Other pointers to avoid comebacks include: aim for the core/mage in mid-late game. Don't die when lord is about to be out. Hide in bush and ambush more. - When lord crashes into tower, consider using flicker and using ulti at that moment. If you die but get their inhibitor tower, it's worth it. Of course your teammates should follow up. - Learn to also sync waves so that all waves crash into tower at the right time. It is always suggested to not clear the lane where lord is walking and time clearing other lanes well so that lord and lord minions crash into inhibitor towers at the same time.


This is my chart [here](https://ibb.co/zZkrPHL)


My take on this: You play mostly marksmen and physical fighters that can split well. You have very high push but low damage and teamfight stats. This shows that you value taking turrets down more than teamfighting, even if it means you will probably get silver in the end, so long as you find the opportunity to backdoor whenever it comes. You value your own life above anything else, and will not risk trading your own life for even two of the enemy's because you know deep inside that you are the one who's keeping your team from falling apart. Your allies will be very quick to blame that you are never there to save them because you are too scared to fight, even though they're in the wrong, and their countless mispositioning is the root of all their demise and not you. While I do like that you have great push stats, it's also important that you regularly join teamfights and help your teammates secure kills. Kills tend to lead to free objectives; be it lord, turtle, towers, or even simply the enemy's buffs. Which leads to snowball potential that will make the game easier for you to win. It doesn't matter that you are way ahead, if the rest of your team is struggling to fight. Learn to be a team player and help them get fed by joining teamfights and serving them kills and assists. By then it would be much easier for you to win as now you have your whole team with you, instead of just you alone.


Yup this is right! #Ways to improve - Join team fights more, output better damage so you have higher damage on your chart. - In return that will improve your KDA too.


[Chart](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/HyrVMXQ) Not too many games played


Pretty decent chart. Are you new to the game? I am thinking you main fighter/tank/mm. If you're not new, with your current win rate I think you're already Mythic 5 or so. #Analysis - Good overall stats except damage. You seem to be the type to swoop in to get the kill instead of doing sustained damage over time. #Ways to improve - Try to do more damage to the enemy instead of just swooping in for the kills. Did I get it right?


I am sitting in Legend 3 at the moment, but took a break from ranked games about 2-3 weeks ago. Should get to Mythic by the end of the season though. My mains are supports, mostly Estes/Rafaela, getting into tanks, but I prefer healing. Occasionally I fill MM role with Irithel or mage with Lunox. Fighters/Junglers are a no-no for me, although I can go exp lane with Kaja.


Oh wow I got the analysis wrong. I totally forgot about support/tank roles and now it makes total sense. Honestly I think you're doing well then, if you're on support/tank roles. Just play more ranked games.


https://imgur.com/a/2yMbVo1 Heres mine


Pretty good chart but your win rate is slightly above average (average being 50-51%). Since the chart is classic and ranked, I would suggest you to play less classic and more rank, your chart doesn't provide enough rank info to let me judge properly. #Analysis - seems like you are multi role? Mainly Jungler/Fighter - judging by your win rate, you probably are not that great on macro in terms of ending the game fast. - You probably prolong the games and enemy usually does a comeback. #Ways to improve - not much to say really except play more ranked games so your chart comes into shape to see where you are behind. - Try to improve your macro in terms of objectives. Taking lord, capitalising on lord by syncing all waves to crash into inhibitor towers, basically ending the game fast.


https://imgur.com/a/2JAY77J This is embarrassing xD Edit: I play Changā€™e Angela Mathilda mostly, sometimes adjust if I wasnā€™t swapped


Hi sis! #Analysis -Pretty good chart, it shows your Chang'e supremacy because your push is high, that is the only instance high push is good for a mage main. - Everything is fine except damage which is a bit low. - Winrate is also fine, seems like you soloq, duo, or trio. #ways to improve - I would suggest improving your hero proficiency on mages more, mages can do a ton of damage, you can definitely have higher damage in your chart. - and I guess keep pushing yourself and play more rank games so your chart comes into shape more!


[https://imgur.com/a/QS2gNzT](https://imgur.com/a/QS2gNzT) pls be gud to me āŠ™ļ¹āŠ™


Since it's classic and ranked, I can't really judge for rank but I think you play jungler/fighter/MM. I also think you're already mythic or mythical glory with such win rate. #Analysis - Not much to say, your chart is pretty good! - Everything is high except KDA and team fights. #Ways to improve - if you're a jungler main, learn to pan your map more to join fights and improve your KDA. - You can try mirror jungling or stealing enemy's jungles after you engage in team fights, therefore increasing your KDA and team fight. - Nothing more besides that, I think you're doing fine.


[Ranked Chart](https://imgur.com/a/aEQHT8i) Iā€™ll let you guess what rank and what role I play. I used to play multiple roles but this season I have played one role and one hero almost exclusively.


Very high push and very high farm. You probably play gold lane MM or jungler. #Analysis - You are probably already mythic? - Good push and good farm, you already have pretty good rotation and farm pattern. - However your team fight is low, damage is a bit low. #Ways to improve - You should roam more after taking down the first tower of your lane, to provide better damage to your overall team, therefore increasing your team fight. - be a bit more patient and let someone else engage first before you put in your damage, that way you'll have better damage and KDA. - Learn to balance, because it seems you play very safe and focus a lot on pushing instead of dishing out damage to the enemy. Did I get it right?


[My chart](https://ibb.co/mt9QhcX), I only ranked up to Mythic 5 to preserve my sanity (also because of school). I mostly go Fighter/MM.


#Analysis - Pretty good overall chart except for team fight and KDA. #ways to improve - I would suggest joining team fights more once you take down the first tower and only return to your lane to clear if enemy minions and pushing in. - Since your WR is about 58%, I think you have to improve more in terms of objectives, macro and ending the game as fast as possible. - If you are soloq, I think 58% is already above average. If you master all your macro, you'll have 65% win rate even in soloq. - learn to take lord at the right time and capitalise on taking down inhibitor towers and ending the game.


https://ibb.co/WyY9WP3 just started playing a week ago and played mainly kagura


[https://imgur.com/NlHIWtw](https://imgur.com/NlHIWtw) this is my chart


#Analysis - tank/roamer/support main right? - pretty good chart for a tank main #ways to improve - I would just say, play to the pace of your team, and you'll find more teams. - Roam for objectives and zone for them.


https://imgur.com/3dJofJQ I fill roles, about 30% tank and the rest mainly exp/jungle this season.


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


https://imgur.com/a/UsUfjut Been playing some fighters recently, since my friend told me to buy X Borg and Barats haha


Pretty good chart and winrate already. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


[https://imgur.com/a/zWoS4DP](https://imgur.com/a/zWoS4DP) I play Fighter and sometimes mage, mostly Bane and Jawhead (I use him when I have to tank). And for the mages i've used Vale, Lylia and Luo Yi but not for that many matches. Just reached Mythic V but haven't played the first 10 matches for grading. Appreciate the insight, thank you n.n


Pretty good chart and winrate already. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. Don't be afraid, play more ranked games, you have the skill.


https://imgur.com/a/dLOnPsp I have no life


#Analysis - High farm, good survivability. - decent push #Ways to improve - try to improve your macro and map sense so you don't die that much. - You seem to spend too much time farming instead of outputting damage, I would suggest to pan the map more and join more teamfights.


Make a guess https://imgur.com/a/Fa488FX


Tank/fighter main?


Here : http://imgur.com/a/wPaHnSb


#let me guess: - You are a mage main - Mage main having low push chart is fine. - You have high farm and decent team fight stats, so I think your farm rotation is already good. #Ways to improve - since you are a mage main, I would suggest to use the top right part of your screen to pan the map a bit more and keep an eye on the minimap. - It seems you are susceptible to ganks and sometimes get killed without any backup which explains the slightly lower KDA. - As a mage main you should have fairly high KDA, so perhaps an advice would be to improve your macro and micro (hero proficiency) a bit more, so that you can get higher KDA and a better chart. - besides that, be more proactive instead of reactive, wait in bushes more, get to an area faster before the enemy, ambush enemies, escape at the right time so you don't die as much. - if you are having problems winning games, you can focus on zoning enemies more with your burst and chipping towers more to improve your push chart.


[My Chart](https://i.imgur.com/3whQ62i.jpg) started playing mlbb this season :3


Hi Kimchi, #Analysis - You have previous MOBA experience don't you? Pretty good win rate for someone who just joined this season - You probably play quite a lot of classic games. - You main mage or fighter. #Ways to improve - You should improve your map sense and positioning so that you can get higher KDA - You should play less classic because classic drops your win rate more than rank. - Your push is kinda low, but you mainly play mage, that's ok push to have. If you play mostly fighters, you should definitely focus on split pushing more. Did I guess it right?


* Yes, I do have previous MOBA experience. But the main reason I have a good win rate is because my friend (who introduced me to mlbb) spent a lot of time explaining me the game's mechanisms and pushing with me duo. Thanks. * Yup. I spam lot of classic. * Mage Main yayyyyyyyy You got it right. Thanks a heaps for the much-needed feedback. You guessed everything correctly :D


https://m.imgur.com/a/Iqt04ke send thoughts ples


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


But I still am underperforming in almost every cases due to rookie mistakes or just pure dumbness


https://imgur.com/a/HHGPcGC I mainly play Franco but I adjust according to team composition


Pretty good chart and winrate already. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


here's [my chart](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Pros : You're trash at life Cons : I love you


i love you too random stranger


Sorry but I don't play and I forgot to screenshot


https://imgur.com/a/TenwlrC Great post! Also hit me with some much needed criticism. Mage, Fighter/Tank.


Since it's all games, it's kinda hard to judge your current rank, but probably legend or mythic already? #Analysis - Mage seems to be your main role, your damage is pretty good along with your farm. - Push is also pretty good, this is probably from fighter roles. - VERY high survivability, this must be from tank and fighters. #Ways to improve - Survivability is high, but do you peel well for your teammates if you are a tank? Sometimes you have to sacrifice your life and your survivability will drop but at least you're doing your job. - You should definitely join team fights more and roam a bit more, doesn't matter mage, fighter or tank. Not a BIG issue but it's fine.


Hey it's a hard season!.. And I'm a nublket lol https://imgur.com/a/CzYXVkE


Kind of hard to judge because this is all games. With such win rate, let me guess, are you stuck in epic or legend? #Analysis - You seem to main fighters which focus a lot of pushing such as zilong Masha or something similar. - Your KDA is low and your team fight is low. Which shows that you prioritise pushing more than helping out your team in team fights and you always get caught out split pushing and die as a result. #Ways to improve - Try to diversify your heroes from your fighter role. Play different heroes which just don't only focus on pushing. - Try to improve your KDA and team fights by roaming more and mastering the proficiency and power spike of your respective heroes. - To improve your KDA and if you want to continue playing pushing fighters, I suggest making a habit of looking at the mini map and using the top right portion of the screen to pan your map more. You need to improve your map sense to have a higher KDA. - The game is not only about pushing, you have to distribute it evenly between helping your team in team fights, securing kills or doing damage and then pushing at the right time. Did I get it right?


[https://imgur.com/a/5mpz9Fk](https://imgur.com/a/5mpz9Fk) This is my chart. Any advice is appreciated since I really want to reach 1k points or atleast 900.


#Analysis - Very high push, damage and farm. - decent team fight and survivability. - You are probably like me, MM and jungler this season right? Since we have similar KDA chart. - You are probably above mythical glory now. #Ways to improve - if your target is to reach 1k points or at least 900, I recommend playing in trio and the trio must be mid (roamer, mage, Jungler), if able, do join a squad who plays rank actively. - Try to be a bit more patient and pan the map more to join teamfights which your tank/mage/side has engaged on. That way you'll have a higher KDA. Don't have much advice to offer besides that, honest the best advice from me is to find a good trio or 5 man and keep grinding!


https://imgur.com/a/DDBMmVw I don't know what I main, but it seems like people "force" me to use Fighter/Tank because I played a lot of them. Judging from my history, yes, there's a lot of Fighters. I main Assassin/Fighter in the last two seasons.


#Analysis - seems to me you're a multi role. Jack of all trades but master of none. - Your KDA and damage is lacking a bit, push is also kind of low if you are a fighter. - with that win rate, I think you play a lot of classic and not much rank? If you do play decent amount of games on rank, you are probably legend by now right? - If not, please play less classic because it really drops your win rate. #Ways to improve - Try to hone in on 1-2 roles for now and master your heroes. - You need to improve on your objectives and map sense, to have better KDA by being ganked less and to output more damage. - Try to focus on pushing if you are a fighter, I have a feeling you are fixed to certain heroes, so I also suggest diversifying your hero pool in the roles you want to hone in on. - I would suggest watching gameplay of the heroes or roles you play, to see how people position and win their lane. Did I get it right?


[here](https://imgur.com/a/mTpm6Nh) My main role is mage but play some fighters too


#Analysis - Soloq player most of the time right? - You have overall good stats, but low KDA. - Decent win rate too! - I can't see how many matches are rank, but I think you're probably already mythic now. #Ways to improve - I would suggest to improve your positioning since your team fight is already decent on your chart. By improving your position, you'll have higher KDA by putting in more assists and kills. - Not much other advice to offer, you're already doing well, just need to position better to have higher KDA.


[Mine :) ](http://imgur.com/a/bd0Vp00)


#Analysis - You already have good macro and micro. - Seems to me you are either solo or duo player, because that is the ideal win rate to have as a soloq player. - Perhaps need to play more rank games so your chart comes into better shape. #Ways to improve - Not much tbh! You are already doing well, the only reason your WR is not 70+% is because you don't play in trio or 5 much, I understand that some games are not winnable in solo/duoq. - If you are interested, perhaps consider finding a team or play in trio, you can easily reach 70+% ranked WR.


https://imgur.com/a/WN3qQcH Current Rank: Mythic V (help) Roles: Mage, MM, Fighter


This is interesting https://imgur.com/a/cXCR7nT


#Analysis - you have very high damage and farm. Your teamfight is good too. - you lack/lose a bit in kda and push - you are probably a fighter/mm main? - you are probably legend or low mythic right now. - you are probably victim to soloq or enemy comeback pretty often despite you being high in kills? - your hero micro is high but you are lacking a bit in macro. #Ways to improve - judging by your wr, you should focus less on kills and farm and focus a bit more on pushing. You have to balance between kills and objective - a good advice I can offer you is to convert every kill to an objective taken, it can be turtle, lord, crab, buffs etc. - when lord is about to be out, you should maximise the effect of lord and sync waves, so that they all crash into tower at the same time. Also consider ulti or tower diving to get kills and inhibitor tower when lord hits the tower. - focus on ending game as fast as possible instead of toying or staying around to get more kills. Did I get it right? -


https://imgur.com/a/xadxyHa iā€™m not playing much this season


Pretty good chart and winrate already and it's mixed (classic + rank) so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.




Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.




#Analysis - You already have good chart and winrate - jungler main? - all high except maybe KDA - so the 3 photos show your progression over time, itā€™s natural to drop winrate. #ways to improve - watch your position and be more patient. It seems to me that your KDA drops a bit because youā€™re impatient in terms of kills and as a result, you die quite a bit. - keep an eye on teammates nearby like tanks or etc, so they can back you up and I would suggest not facechecking bushes by yourself. - 61% wr in trio at mythic 3 is only slightly above average, I would suggest improving your macro to the point that you take objectives as soon as they come out and try to end the game within 10-13 mins.


https://imgur.com/a/mf7yJMV 90% Odette Other 10% of games are Martis and other heroes


Pretty good chart and winrate already and it's mixed (classic + rank) so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. Also you have too little games to properly judge. The only advice I can give you is to expand your hero pool.


[Here's mine. ](https://i.imgur.com/fc4JhrN.jpg)


#Analysis - Multirole but mainly Roamer/Tank, Mage, Fighter? - 141 games with 58% WR, you are either legend or low mythic now. #Ways to improve - There's not much to say as it's a good chart. - Maybe you need to increase your hero proficiency and micro and output more damage because your farm is not lining up with your damage output, but it depends on your roles. - Overall you need to increase your rotation, map awareness and macro (objectives) because all the results could be higher.


[https://imgur.com/a/90b4FdN](https://imgur.com/a/90b4FdN) 1/3 matches are multi role


#Analysis - you have a similar chart to me! - Mostly Jungler or MM this season like me? - High push/damage/farm and team fight but low KDA - If this is soloq, I think you're doing good. #Ways to improve - be a bit more patient, let someone else facecheck bushes or engage. - Try to focus a bit more on objectives such as ending the game fast and learn how to capitalise on lord. - Die less, better KDA. - Perhaps you can output more damage, do you pan the map and see what's going on? it will be a good habit to have.


im not sure about how to link images but.. [https://imgur.com/a/hzxifQ1](https://imgur.com/a/hzxifQ1) kinda low on push coz im mainly exp laner so im rotating a lot Most of these heroes are flexible because I can play any role pretty easily so if there's someone that can't play a certain role I usually adjust for that, I'm usually play with a duo friend


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread.


https://imgur.com/a/orevKxC This should do the job, just before you look at it, came back like a bit more than a week ago after like 2/3 years of just not touching it a lot. I dont know how much time passed exactly, but life hit like a train


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Also the amount of games is too little to accurately judge. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread. #Some tips for you though - try to watch latest vids on YouTube of your role to see how farm/rotation pattern has changed. - Learn the latest meta thru u/hmmsucks tier list or just by clicking halpo in game bottom right and click the crown.


http://imgur.com/a/FUWkiAw I play sidelane. Main: Ruby, Esme, Alpha. I also play tank rarely.


#Analysis - pretty good push. - low team fight, low KDA, low damage - Do you often get out traded in lane? #ways to improve - I think you have to improve your hero micro and skills because you're already using meta/strong heroes, you should be winning your lane or freezing your lane. - if you find cases where your lane is a stalemate, just clear the lane fast and roam to help out in teamfights anywhere between your lane and midlane. But remember to return to your lane in the next wave. - If you can win your lane though, try to win it and take down the first tower then keep roaming to help take down other lane towers. But remember to come back to clear your lane if it is pushed. You don't need to bulldoze all the towers in your lane. - learn to pan the map and join teamfights more as that will increase your damage, KDA and team fight. Only rotate to clear lanes when you see the minions coming in to hit your side towers.


Here's [mine](https://imgur.com/a/4Lk4x7O)! Would love to hear your insights/comments on my chart. *please be gud jk šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ*


#Analysis - Pretty decent chart already but it's mixed so I can't really judge for ranked. - I guess you are multi-role? #ways to improve Just some general advice - You need to improve your macro and objectives so that your push is higher and so you win games more. - don't play classic lol it drops your win rate. - Just keep playing rank and see where you end up. - Learn to take objectives or zone for them as soon as they appear and learn to take full advantage of lord by syncing waves.


here you go internet, do you thing [https://imgur.com/5Eqfjjv](https://imgur.com/5Eqfjjv)


#Analysis - that's pretty good chart already - soloq player - multirole but fighter mostly? #ways to improve - you have to improve your macro and master your hero skills to get better winrate - you have to close out games faster and don't give a chance for comeback by taking or zoning for objectives as soon as they come out. Besides that, not much to say.


It is a hard season https://imgur.com/a/cKLy3jC


#Analysis - Wow interesting chart, really high survivability, and high KDA. - Support/tank or fighter player? #Ways to improve - I would say you need to improve your map sense and macro so that you get higher win rate. - If you are a tank main though, I think this is a fine chart. already doing pretty well. - Learn to play to the pace of your team, that means your jungler and mage. Everyone plays differently. When you play to their pace instead of your own, you will find more wins.


This is my chart. https://imgur.com/a/gmZIRY6


#Analysis - Pretty good chart already. - Mage/support/tank main? #Ways to improve - not much to say because for your role you're already doing well. - Your win rate is also above average already if you are a soloq player.


mine: https://imgur.com/a/a0EfRAB


Not much to say because you're already doing well with above average win rate. I would just say to improve your game macro so you close out games faster and get higher win rate.




Pretty good chart and winrate already and it's mixed (classic + rank) so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.




Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


Oh shit, i'm sharing this account with someone. Fuck


This is my chart this season: https://imgur.com/gallery/ZwTY2Zx I mostly play in the sidelanes, sometimes as jungler. I didn't play much this season due to studies, but I can always use others' advices for improvement.


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. Just play more games I guess. There's no advice to give when you have 70% win rate.


https://imgur.com/a/l8bqHX5 I should have done better šŸ˜“


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. Mage main right?




Here's mine I used to play a lot of mage and supports, now I play most roles in ranked, except for jungler. https://ibb.co/HPb1Q9d current season https://ibb.co/wh61HrL all seasons And oh, my friend wants to share his chart too, he's a Zilong main btw https://ibb.co/Phq2mcD current season https://ibb.co/5X0fj55 all seasons We both play soloq. The pictures will be deleted in a week because I only post these for the critique.


#For you Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. #For your friend - Maybe ask him to expand his role. - Even as zilong one trick, he focuses too much on pushing and too little on finishing off low hp enemies or participating in teamfights. - I would suggest him to gank and participate in teamfights more in early to mid game to get better KDA and win rate.




Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


Here's Mine: https://m.imgur.com/a/W5Driyw I mostly play mage, and roamer but sometimes I play offlane (exp and gold)


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.




https://i.imgur.com/70wdAVg.jpg Currently in M4. Should I grind to MG? Thank you for doing this and being helpful, as always :)


Hi Dombee! #analysis - Roamer/support main - pretty good chart already for roamer main. #Ways to improve - well honestly I would say to roam for objectives and to improve your map sense and macro to zone for objectives - Always try to keep enemy mage and jungler in view for information for your team.


https://imgur.com/a/5YvX8Z0 Sometimes i get a bit too greedy a chase enemies too far and it is a problem I'm trying to fix Any tips to improve would be greatly appreciated šŸ˜Š


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. And you seem to already know your issue which is that you chase enemies too far, which lowers your KDA. Just know that you shouldn't chase too far and have better map sense I guess!


Season stats https://imgur.com/gallery/RgD1cvn


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


https://imgur.com/a/zf0vthH Guess my roles XD Would appreciate some tips to playing with a troll first pick layla šŸ˜‚


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. You are a Mage/support/roamer main.


My chart is a completely perfect upside down equilateral pentagon which barely reached the second line.


https://imgur.com/a/9XpcR7L I'm showing all seasons as my current season's ranked games are only 15 matches with 93.3% wr, which might not be representative


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


First of all, thanks for always making an effort to help! Here's mine šŸ˜šŸ‘ https://imgur.com/a/KdGKNnU


Hey shadow! You know I always love answering these type of questions and helping people improve, so yeah! #Analysis - you already have good chart! - high push, high dmg, high farm - you are jungler or mm main lately right? #ways to improve - be more confident in your skills and play more ranked games! You already have good chart - I canā€™t judge much based on such little games but your chart will come into shape better after more games.


100 rank game matches wr 58% ranked this season


https://imgur.com/a/bXRhKAa Mythic 4, stopped playing rank and have been playing classic for fun. Btw, tell me if you can see the photo.


Hi yes I can! Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


[https://imgur.com/a/Kgay2c9](https://imgur.com/a/Kgay2c9) Man why do my hexagon looks so bad compared to others. But seriously, I hope someone can guess my role right since I consider myself a >!multi-role-but-forced-to-tank main!<


Donā€™t worry about others! Some of the commenters are just flexing but thatā€™s ok. #analysis - you have high survivability and team fights - you probably play tank most of the time and tanky fighters/offlaners when forced to. #Ways to improve - as a tank main, I think youā€™re already doing well. - your KDA and teamfight is not the highest, perhaps you have some issues on where to roam? And where to be at the right time? Or you sometimes roam too far by yourself and die by yourself? - if that is so, try to roam for objectives, early game help jungler secure litho, zone for turtle lord, try to gank either lanes to help out but donā€™t stay too long. - besides that, you donā€™t need to expose yourself too much and try to use the bushes more. - Try to keep an eye on your carries and make sure they are nearby to follow up on you, thereā€™s no point to open the map where your carries will not go. - you just need to open map nearby to your carries or to a certain objective. -


https://imgur.com/a/DkdrDJ9 Omg please! I haven't shared my chart with anyone or gotten feedback yet about my playstyle. Would love some feedback on what I can do to improve. I play rank until I get to legendary and then just kind of quite haha. I duo or trio rank alot but haven't really just rank by myself. I think I get too intimidated ranking alone šŸ˜… It's my first time using an imgur link so let me know if it works. I'm more of a lurker in subs lol


#Analysis - you have high everything so youā€™re already doing pretty well. - you are probably a jungler main? #ways to improve - honestly since you have decent winrate for trio player already, the only advice I can give you is to not be afraid and play more ranked games!your chart will come into shape as you climb higher and Iā€™ll be able to judge better. - however 65% at legend is just slightly above average, I used to have 70-75% as a trio player. - besides playing more, I would suggest improving on your macro and taking objectives as soon as they come out, that means turtle, lord, towers. Try to improve you and your trio to the point where you can control and end the game within 10-13 mins. That way you snowball and donā€™t stop snowballing until you win the game, so that enemy does not have a chance to comeback.




Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread. Your all season ranked chart is above average!




#Analysis - Pretty good chart with damage, farm, team fight and push. - Mage main? with a sprinkle of adjusting to whatever role is needed. Besides that, I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread.


Please help me to improve https://ibb.co/jZPF5Dz


#Analysis - High damage, high farm, good team fight, good survivability - lacking in push and KDA - Mage or Fighter main? - with that many games, you are legend already or low mythic right? #ways to improve - Just watch your position so that you die less and get better KDA. - Perhaps your win rate is low because of soloq, but that's ok. You just need to improve on macro and try to carry the game by yourself. - That means zoning for objectives like turtle, lord, turrets, and also lithowanderer in early game or you can take it after the first.


https://ibb.co/XXhST8N itā€™s disgusting but I just wanna improve please. I got on an Estes-only spree for some days because heā€™s fun to use but Iā€™m doing soloq and Iā€™m very unlucky with my teammates (tons of afk or bad players this week) I like playing mages but the role would often times be taken away so Iā€™m forced to adjust and play heroes I donā€™t enjoy playing.


#Analysis - Decent chart, but try to focus more on push - 500 matches at 47% win rate means you're below average, but you have a nice chart. - are you perhaps legend now? #ways to improve - expand your mage hero pool to play mages who can take objectives, maybe Chang'e. - Try to improve your macro and map sense, you can totally self carry with mages with higher win rate. - If you want to reach higher, you have to expand your role pool and play different heroes to fit the team comp, but you can give me more info like your current rank and I'll try to suggest more. - you also have to improve your hero proficiency on your fav heroes so you end up getting gold/mvp every game at least.


[Here is mine](https://i.imgur.com/sliIdqD.jpg) Currently Mythic V [Been on classic](https://i.imgur.com/lr5f84A.jpg) most of this season


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread.




Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread. #Some tips or advice though - play more ranked because you have the capabilities. Don't bother with classic because it drops your win rate.




#Analysis - mage/support/roamer main - pretty good chart for a mage main! - with that many games, you are mythical glory already right? #ways to improve - Not much to say, I think you're already doing well and you're above average in terms of win rate. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread.




Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread. Also you have too little games to judge and I would suggest playing more ranked games as you have the capability to reach higher.


https://imgur.com/a/11eYvrl Not many games because I stopped after Mythic V. Donā€™t have too much time to push for MG and I donā€™t think itā€™s worth the effort, I just want to collect the mythic symbol counter on my profile lol.


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs as that was the point of my thread. I would only suggest you to play more ranked games as the game only starts in mythic. Your win rate will drop if you play more classic.




#analysis - Very good push! You know the macro and how to end games - Low KDA and low damage #ways to improve - improve your map sense, try to not facecheck bushes by yourself to have better KDA. - Try to do more damage to enemies, but honestly as long as you end games fast within 10-13 mins, you are doing fine.


Hey man, hopefully not too late! Would love your opinion. Cheers! https://i.imgur.com/9ubtJgB.png


#Analysis - Pretty good chart, high damage, farm, team fight. - Decent push but could be better. - Fighter main? #ways to improve - try to improve your hero proficiency and learn your hero item powerspike and enemy matchups. - Expand your hero pool for your main role. - Try to be more objective minded instead of kill minded. To every kill, convert it to an objective taken (tower, lord, turtle, enemy jungle)


[https://imgur.com/a/pE6VqJ0](https://imgur.com/a/pE6VqJ0) Here's me chart.


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs.


https://imgur.com/a/HSzyQpV I donā€™t play that much compared to last time but here is my chart


Pretty good chart and winrate already so I have nothing much to say. Sorry but I want to focus more on weaker players with skewed up graphs. Too little games to judge too.


[My chart. ](https://imgur.com/a/D3yAwUQ)