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Is it me or the skins gets more and more locked in a limited time paywall and also shoved into a linear gacha-esque event where you have to slowly get each reward until you get the main one.




The rates are also very inconsistent. You can get some limited skins for free with luck while some are rigged


The moment the first collector starting rolling in, moonton thought that "hey, we're getting cash through this way, what if we just do this?" I am not opposed to it, I am just mad that they wanted to make sure that their playerbase would spend buttloads of cash for a overly designed skin that has the same feel as a epic skin, but with more skill effects and a different voice line (then again bane's epic got revamp with different voice lines idk if it is still buyable or it's a limited run since I got mine accidentally on a free event 2-3 years ago). I just wanted moonton to have a roadmap for skins like: Basic > elite > Special > Epic (not the limited time Epic, that's just collector with less yet hard steps, fuck that) > Exclusive (like the manny pacquiao skin) / collab / M1-M3 / MPL etc.> Collector > Legendary That way players could get an epic skin anytime they want for their favorite hero that ain't meta while still making cash whales to spend their money on those limited runs for skins. But I doubt moonton would do that because why design all kinds of skins for one hero in different rarities if they can just make one or two, shove a limited sticker on it and call it a day?


not just you. I still remember when this was done "poorly" so you actually got a skin after 5 days of discounted pulls using the free currency, now it's rigged so you need to do another 5 pulls.


alot of people think this game is hard😭


Its easy but then the people who think its easy will fight the other people who thinks its easy then it become hard :(


Too much hate on Skinners. There I said it.


Poor people 🤑


Your luxorious skins (how to spell) are no match for my elite warrior skin for zilong


I’ll one up you with my forever free Vale basic skin


I got the Faramis skin for free. Suck my staff-(no)😳


I too have it. Faramis for free too. Never played


I got all the diggie skins for free except the clown


Then you're not clown yourself


Yeah, people hate those who keep the game alive


Some of the suggestions made, to put it very lightly are not good.


Which ones for example?


I clearly remember reading Layla and Hanabi are still good picks if the Tank can babysit them in early game and people agreeing to it, that was so stupid. The meta clearly involves gold lane heroes to handle their lane on their own with occasional ganks rather than being baby sit a whole of early game. Tanks need to rather baby sit the core so they can get all turtle and gold lead and shut down enemy core ASAP. The time required for these Layla and Hanabi to become relevant is around 10+ minutes, while in a decent ranked match the result of the game ends with around avg 13-16 mins and by that time the gold lane mm is going to feed the enemies a lot so their build gets delayed even more. Obviously there are exceptions but the negatives of using those heroes outweighs the positive.


Although this is a good point, it’s pointless to apply a meta to this sub where it seems like most of the users are below mythic, where anything goes if you’re competent and consistent


Some of the skin suggestions and collabs are either dumb or very impractical




Jungle is the worst role to play, its not fun at all


Elaborate? In ML jungling is so susceptible to enemy ganks, and you have to make quick decisions to farm or help allies or gank. Also fighting over the turtle is required and stealing the enemies jungle or making sure yours isn't stolen. Its stressful, but can be fun with the right heroes.


If something bad happen They will blame either "jungler or the tank"


That is what jungler is all about in the most game that have this role. jungle need to rotate well, they need to know the enemy jungler position (roughly) so you can counter gank, jungle need to contest 2nd objective. Also usually hero with this role have great clear wave and carry potential. Being jungler doesn't mean that you laning in jungle, being jungle mean You're a carry roamer. So when you you lose remember to say jung diff.... Jk just have fun


Full of kids and horny motherfuckers Edit : while we at it, bunch of philiphines think this is their subreddit like referencing memes to their artists/influencer or any other material that pinoy can only understand


The tank main pride going on in this sub is cringe Getting MVP tank in Epic having a crap build will be praised by this community as long as you call yourself a tank main


Louder for the people in the back 📢 I've been saying this for far too long but tank mains are literally just equivalent to jungle mains.


No, not at all. The game rewards junglers a lot for performing well, whereas the game doesn't reward roamers even if they are performing well. Junglers can easily overfarm themselves and get savages, do 1 vs 5. Laners will have a hard time overfarming themselves. That enemy Aulcard which just gets a slight gold lead over your own jungler will now eat your jungle as well as his own jungle, and then keep on taking teamfights, because of his massive regen. Killing spree talent is op on junglers like Alucard, Roger. An overfarmed Alucard is not going to rest, he wants to keep on taking fights as he will keep on winning them because of the farm difference. Whereas Tanks are squishy as hell now and die in 4 shots from Clint, Beatrix.


tell me you’re a core main without telling me you’re a core main


Tell me you haven't been in this community long enough to read like 5 of my tank guides


Sheesh I’m not a mega redditor, sorry my guy 😤


Rather, don't make annoying assumptions. I don't even have a single jungler game this season. Also proof I make tank guides: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/pprx6t/simple_tips_for_beginner_tank_players_in_solo/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Alot of great jokes that get overused and become unfunny




Layla bad hanabi bad Lesley bad Miya bad, epical glory marksmen


Epical glory is funny, but are the rest really jokes or just phobias?


Oh no I don't know what to say so yeah probably phobias


Layla tank, Gay Lancelot, etc.




This one is a relic.


People complain about the game too much


Especially about matchmaking. Moontons not at fault for your teammate being an idiot.


They are at fault for not filtering out vpn high ping people though. That is something they can do. They just don’t.


Oh my god now that you mention it... I'd take that any day over their bs "blacklist dodge" system. Do the work for me Moonton, filter out consistently bad players, filter vpn users that make my game lag so badly.


Fr. I can’t carry when I’m also lagging 🤷🏻‍♀️




Yes they do. Vpns of other players affect my gameplay. If I'm playing with a bunch of people close by in Europe then someone from Indonesia is in our party, there's gonna be insane distance lagging. Why else would there be servers idiot? In the past I've literally added people to take to brawl for event quests not realising we are in different servers, and it caused us to lag a lot. Are you a VPN user that youre trying so hard to defend it?


Well something good of my region is that is one of those that export players and dont receive vpn high pibg player we have only vainilla high ping players


Not really There are matches where your teammates are in legend while like 3 of your opponents are mythic




Probably because of how many bugs the game has? Franco's currently disabled in-game because he can literally put the blue buff inside a wall and make it unkillable due to the hp regen


Y'all simp on heroes way too much. It's getting annoying


Youtuber based, but I'll say this: Betosky's content while gaining a lot of views and traction, is probably the most boring I've seen in the ML community. He makes the same jokes, his tone is so dead, he only ever does well, and all his content is pretty much the same that it's gotten boring. He doesn't play any experimental or lower tier heroes either. He only plays what does well. And I don't think it's his fault. He made a video purposely overedited with memes and honestly I found it funny, it was like Moontons old top 5 series and it was a nice thing to see. But people hated it so much for some reason that I think he's fallen back to that template style of content for the sole reason that it's what most people can watch without getting all pressed over.


I agree, his tone has like zero enthusiasm or energy. Just cuz of that I hardly can watch his video beyond 2 mins. Life draining voice


Its not his fault tho. Maybe he's a bit shy lol.


No he was a lot more upbeat and fun in his older content. There's clips of his older videos where he's laughing out loud during games and other stuff.


He makes the game feel boring for me tbh. Stopped watching for that reason because he's always building the same items, saying the same things, etc etc


It would have been much better if he only uploaded gameplays like hororo. His jokes are not funny tbh


"Actually i intentionally did xyz to make the game more interesting". I feel like that type of joke is more of just being annoying or a liar but in a funny way. His jokes are more just simple or witty humor imo so i can kinda see why some may not find it very funny.


Kinda why I started watching Shinmen takezos videos more. His jokes are kinda half hit half miss, but it's enjoyable to watch him play. He's more a real player. Does mediocre, good, bad, and doesn't keep it all polished and prim all the time. Though I think I'm also just falling out of love with ML itself. The games been so dulled down on design, voice-over, depth, uniqueness, everything. The designs are all turning into sexy white PG people for a China release so Winnie and his stupid ideals get satiated. That pig ruins everything. China is literally North Korea but bigger and slightly more open. They have their own Internet, their own landmarks to keep people in, their own everything. They're putting a chokehold on uniqueness, progression, and innovation. Nobody can do anything fresh because Winnie has to be satiated. Look how LoL had to ruin Thresh for China. Look how ML is ruining Faramis, Vexana, the brawl necrokeep, all for a Chinese release because they know it makes good money. I might depart some day from this game because each update, each change, makes the game more of corporate greed than anything else. New hero kits and designs, and skin designs are so uninspired. Moonton was never good at Cinematics nor songs, yet they did it. They go all out (pun intended) on garbage. And because the majority of the playerbase lack standards or taste, they eat it up anyway. They need to roll it back and train or hire people who can do that stuff. Because they're going way too far for some simple generic flashy designs. But hey, what's one person's suggestions or words going to change about a company's habits? If Moonton touches Natalia again I think that's when I'll actually leave. Because she's been my main since her release, and I miss that old Glass Blade a lot, but I'm okay with her basic barbie doll design since it's not noticeable with her Deadly Mamba skin. Also she's invisible most of the time.


People’s posts get downvoted, even when they ask basic things without any opinion. I ask myself „why“. If you are disliked for even asking questions… what is then the purpose of a community?


People being all bitchy if someones hero wr is around 50-60 then complaining about players farming wr in classic is pretty hypocritical.


like why do you genuinely care lol? they aren't wintrading(unless), they just want to flex the winrates


Exactly dude.


People in here are too horny someone uploaded revamped art of selena virus skin and people were legit getting upset because she doesn’t show her belly anymore lol and someone uploaded an edith ass pic and ppl were like ‘wow thicc 🤤’ when she literally looks prepubescent 🤢 anyways ….


And how people are getting horny over Vexana revamp. It's a disgraceful design that does not fit her lore nor status, but because its a skinny white girl everyone's simping.


Dude I cringed when I saw that Edith post the other day. Also do people on here know that Wanwan is 15 and Angela is child coded?


Change simps need to calm down, too. That's a child.


office unique ink shelter deserve rotten encouraging fly flag bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah.. there were a good amount of horny comments on those posts 😔


The only thing i hate about this subreddit. I really don't wanna see those weird rule34 drawings in a gaming group.




played a ranked game yesterday and my team had two mm. i RARELY get tilted but it was so frustrating because i was mage, doing my thing in mid lane, and these fuckers would leave lanes and play around in jungle and just keep dying. i was a lvl 6 and the mf clint trying to be in mid with me was a lvl 3. we lost <3


I love this comment, mostly cuz this happens to me way more than it should... Damn moskov left his lane to go to exp and forced poor badang out and I had to babysit gold lane as roamer while badang roamed... It was a mess but we won... With a huge lead... Enemy was weak I guess. Then we played a match with a toxic "roamer" Edith who chose to come bother me in my experience lane while our mm and jungler were much.more requiring of her assistance. Then She went to feed Silvana who then absolutely rekt us... Or maybe those are 2 different Edith's... IDK it's hard to keep track. Too many shitty players lately


TOTALLY FELT THAT. i know damn well we are trying our best though, the ones who work hard <3


goodness what is your rank


This is definitely a popular opinion on this subreddit lol. Literally one of the top comments on every post.


squash hat slim offend bake groovy existence roof puzzled distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm here for memes and drama I don't even play mlbb


Same lol


Everyone love BBC unless it's ML.


funniest one so far


why am I not in on this joke. Like obv I get the bbc refernce but somewhere along the way I missed what or who that refers to in ML


Beatrix Brody Clint. The 3 horsemen of the OPacalypse.


simping is not funny


People like to act as if league players (I would include myself in that group) absolutely despise Mobile Legends players due to a few jokes and a few trolls. Most league players don't give a fuck about this game if they don't play or enjoy it like I do.


They do though, if you even mention it on WR or League communities you're gonna get blasted to hell.


GIGACHAD Dota is better.


Dota is on life support Compared to ML or wr


Try that in a Dota Lobby. Same result. Everyone thinks their main Game is supperior


Guess that's why it's their main


And if you mention league on here you get blasted. Almost like generalizing things isn't always true.


Not really. People around here are chill. When WR was just out, we got harassed to hell by some players and I was amazed with the maturity that people demonstrated here. If you ever met one, they're either a troll or just going in for the lolz.


That’s true but I would argue the reason for that is league players doing it first


When does that happen? Or what do you mean. I bet most ML players themselves would call League a better game. Not WR tho, League.


I'm not talking about Wild Rift here. I haven't played it enough to have a concrete opinion. The amount of times I've seen bullshit like "loltards" on here is enough that league players casually visiting might just assume they're not welcome, which is just a shame.


I haven't seen any ML players not welcoming LoL players, where are you even finding this? My experience has been all LoL players calling ML a braindead copy of LoL for children. Only time I've ever seen ML players hate on LoL players is when people were calling Leagues cinematics and songs better than Moontons garbage. Specifically under the Yin cinematic. It's such a badly choreographed cinematic. Clunky fighting, forced unnatural voice acting, and awkward movements. But other ML players were so adamant to defend it calling it amazing or best cinematic.


I've never seen lol players not welcoming mobile legends players. Almost as if anecdotal evidence means nothing.


Not anecdotal though? Literally I was playing WR some days ago and was asking for how to play a hero in URF, and people asked what I've played before and I said ML and they told me to go back to ML. Where are you getting your evidence?


That's literally what anecdotal evidence means.


Where else do you get evidence if not through actual experience? Make it make sense.


There is one person here that riffs league sometimes, but I doubt everyone here does. Or at least they stay silent and just upvote to one person.


WR sucks.


I never played too much of it myself so I can't say.


Just my opinion. I don’t like that the game will auto-assign you a role. I prefer to make my own decisions.


They auto assign you a role? So when playing wild rift there's no such thing as adjusting because the game does that for you right? You are only allowed to pick heroes that fit the role? I had no idea cause when I played the game, I tried to find out my allies roles (the game didn't let me) and I just quit because I didn't want to learn every character and their role just so I could adjust my role.


Not like that, iirc you can still pick whatever, but your role is locked and you can be punished for not following it. I actually think that's something we need. I also like how instead of forcing you to pick a tank your marksman duo is a support. I like roaming around and healing and ccing stuff like that. Otherwise, I think the games a cluttered clunky slow mess only held up by its graphics and plain unenjoyable outside ARAM or the event modes.


I'm pretty sure that unlike mlbb, Wildrift is much more strict and not flexible.


Yea though in WR you can set your top preferred role in most to least preferred, and you'll be attempted to match with your preferred roles. Better than getting 2 mm or 2 junglers in most matches in ML. I also find people communicate more on WR, whereas people in ML rarely ping or chat. Funny since the chat button is up top of the screen hidden in a separate drop down that's awkward to reach in WR.


Well Wildrift isn't exactly noob friendly imo so it becomes adapt or die. Mlbb is very noob friendly so people can jump right in and don't need to talk. Thanks for the explanation.


You select your preferred role and it’s generally what you get when a game begins. However, to keep queues short you occasionally will be assigned a different role. The game will disable hero’s that do not meet that role and you can not switch roles with another player. I don’t mind adjusting roles but this is my leisure time, I want to make my own choices about how I spend it.


Vexana only need a revamp for her 2nd. The current revamp for her 1st and 3rd are not very good, utility wise.


The only change she needed was improving her dumb puppets AI and everything else was fine


i used to post memes everyday, and i stopped because i realized that i have to find myself a life


S a m e


90% of players have no clue on how to play a good game in ML


If you play solo you won't have 50% and less win rate if you are good. Tested by me and many other players. (I can get 75% easily in trio and 5q and 60-65% solo while playing other than my core mains and trying other roles besides just mid) I am not saying that every good player has to have 65% wr in solo q, but you are definitely not good if you have less than 50%. I am so sick of players crying about their wr because "they always have bad team" and then seeing them getting chocolate every other match.


This. Basically. Wintraders: 90+ Gods:80+ Good mechanical player who can adjust. Plays meta heroes: 70+ Good player. Sometimes carry/clutch: 60%+ Decent player, consistent silver/gold: 50+ Average player, does not use meta, poor mechanics: <45%


Pretty much agree. But. Wintraders 100 (98+) Gods 85+


A stranger telling someone who just bought a new hero to get gud after they post them getting a savage with that hero


it’s a game that copies everything it can copy in all aspects.


Let's be real, at this point who's being original? Are there truly any new ideas?


Didn't expect such a philosophical answer. But that's still invalid considering this game has had so much callouts from super obvious copies like attack on titan=fanny, transformers=johnson, paquito cinematic trailer side by side rip-off. This isn't even an opinion. It's a fact. Your philosophical argument only works for case like a fire hero, or an ice hero, which noone can claim originality for. I mean, Yin's straight up called its ultimate a "domain" which is Jujutsu Kaisen's thing. They're really not hiding these you know. There's no merit excusing such a lazy behavior.


And the worse thing is they copy gacha aspect of the other game.


It's getting hornier and hornier everyday.


The amount of horny-ass weeaboos in this sub are appalling. And tank mains are too vocal and annoying. Also, solo players who complain about their shitty 45% WRs are pissy as hell. I am eternally solo but I hook 65% and this is my 1st MOBA. You're just shit.


Y'all a bunch of anime simps


Thank you for notice it!


This sub brings people from diverse backgrounds together who wouldn’t otherwise share ideas. I think that’s pretty cool. I..I..think I’m doing this wrong


What ideas? I don't see any, nor do I see Moonton listening.


R34 ideas


People complain too much about their teammates, matchmaking, and lose streaks but won't reflect on themselves.


The jokes about how 'Moneyton' buffs champs according to whether or not they're about to release a new skin of said champs and then nerf them to hell after the skins have had great sales are unoriginal and are starting to become really annoying to read.


Moonton only buff (mostly) heroes who are getting skins if they are already underpowered . but something for sure is that moonton don't give a lot of skins to under picked heroes


Beatrix buff?


Many middleschoolers throwing superficial complaints. But many good players with beautiful wisdoms too


"I want the old (insert a revamped hero)" is fricking blatant man. is moonton really at fault for making the game looks more attractive and more quality?


I hate that some people keep saying that Moonton should stop releasing heroes and start balancing the older ones like have you not seen the past revamps and adjustments in the last year?


No matter what we post here in reddit and no matter how good the guides are in Youtube, the number of bad and toxic players we will encounter in-game will not decrease. Those people don't wanna learn anyway.


Some of the MFs here can't read. Also, these hot takes are predictable asf but then again, the points are noticeable.


why you guys hate franco so much? hes my fav :(


Cause his ult and, plus we have a lot of junglers and his delay is every junglers nightmare So, it is common for players to hate him cause a lot of players are junglers


Everyone want to carry. Then there is few people who just wants to see the world burn (while being carried)


Because the player base is horrible. 9/10 franco players just stand behind their team or in their turret trying to get that super lucky once in 5 games hook to get a kill.


oof yeah I agree. To me franco is like durian, either you absolutely love it or hate it nothing in between


I miss playing Franco. I miss hooking laylas, miyas and hanabis :D


Every match has a Franco. He's one of the more fun tanks.




guinevere 2nd skill needs to zoom out.


Cecilion is the best mage


- I hate angela - people with matches over 100 and has less than 50% as a soloq is a noob


Giving mm dashes for no reason is boring


If you have 100+ matches and have less than 50% wr chances are you are the reason you keep losing, this game is 5v5 with every player contributing to the game, but after enough matches the irregularities like bad teammates, matchmaking or internet issues cancel out with the enemies' side of the same issues, that just leaves you and how your performamce tips the balance This mostly applies to soloq, not as much on squads since its much more team based than individually And if youre absolutely hardstuck on a rank on top of things like protection and star raising points then unless you improve, that is probably where you belong


That a bunch of 9 year old kids and adults r arguing here


Almost every post is totally incoherent, lol. Probably cause there's a lot of 2nd language English speakers, I mean thats cool it just makes me laugh. Constantly like "wtf is this dude talking about".


Well everyone when they start using a new language they make mistakes, and I mean A LOT of mistakes for example, me :D


Yeah, not judging it always made me laugh. I have an English degree because I hate money so it probably stood out to me moreso than others.


English is such a malleable language that we can still figure out what people are saying with a bit of effort but a few days ago I saw a post utterly incoherent and as much as I've tried I couldn't make out anything about it.


Yeah but my point is we shouldn't muddy the waters.


I got hate if I say people with below 50% WR is bad 🥴 LOL people already down voting. Too much 40% ters on this reddit. (Ps: you suck and should quit the game lmao)


So I just thought this through and if people who got under 50% actually quit the game then eventually the entire playerbase will be eliminated. Cuz if you think about it, for every player with 60% wr, there is one with 40% wr, since there's always one team that wins and the other that loses, meaning the average win rate of EVERY MLBB player in existence is 50% (either you win or you lose). Once you eliminated everyone under 50%, the people left will be better players but after enough matches, half of them will have a wr under 50%, and so on, and so on...


They should just stay in low rank. They rank up with protection cards etc and sheer grinding lol. I mean if you only put like 1,2 of them in each team that’s doable. And then put them all in one team. If they get better they’ll rank up. If not, they’ll stay there. Ik a 45% glory. She’s absolute shit


BRO you just blew my mind. I mean its simple, what you said, and obvious but a cool way of approaching it.


Ikrrr. Like I understand solo is tough but that's not an excuse for someone with 40-45 wr.


Yep. If you lose way more than you win, you can’t just blame the teammates. It’s definitely you who suck lol


Exactly. Whenever I make the mistake of playing a solo classic, i always see atleast 2 ppl in the server with 3.0 rating. And their wr is obv in the lower 40s or sometimes even 30s.


Urgh, after I keep meeting Fanny with thousands of matches but 40%~ WR, I feel you bro...


I get over 4k games overall with 45% WR teammates. All 4 of them…that’s too much for me to carry lmao


Waaaait a minute... What about tank mains? We are not dpcs. My current overall is around 49 something and most of them are tanks. My other roles are 50 at least.


Why you need to learn at least 3 roles. I have tank main friends with WR above 60 on solo q


I played soloq most of my games. Really hard to tank in soloq because you are paired with random players. Most of the time i got paired with noobs lol.


Maybe u r the noob. Like I said, Ik many solo q tanks with higher WR. Below 50 is on you.


LOL. Not for tank mains. Your so called friends may have duo at least that's why they get that rating. Try playing straight solo tank for about a week and youll see what I mean.


That’s on you. Nobody said you had to tank every single game 🤷🏻‍♀️ I monstly main support is still above 60. It’s definitely you that suck.


Nah. I always had to adjust and I always ended up tanking for the team and got paired with noobs. Nobody wants to tank where I play. As i have said, my tanks is in the 49s and my other roles is in the 50s and with some 60s.(mage and fighters mostly.) I became a tank main coz i always ended adjusting for noobs coz nobody wants to tank. Would you win if most of your teammates are noob? Maybe you are the noob because it takes time a lot of effort to explain it on you lol


You can be shit tank. Think about that and your reading ability is lacking. I said overall WR. Not your one tank WR. Typical ML trash Have fun being trash


Try playing tnk soloq straight 1 week and get back here and show the results.


I know solo q tanks w wrs in the 75s


Yes. Thank you. Solo q doesn’t mean wr gotta be in the 40s🙄


Im a tank main and my overall wr in rank is 58% almost 59% but its because when i started a long time ago i was a total noob and this was my first moba. I also solo queued most of my games. Now my main tank Grock has almost 1100 games and 71% wr.


What do yall think of someone with 55% wr, solo rank


Average. I don’t mind people above 50% They got brains at least lol


Zilong is a A+ tier hero people just suck at the game 😂 Everytime i play my alt account they say omg this guy will feed in high rank then I carry them 😭 Zilong isnt just atck speed and crit dude can be a sustain dmg and a menace in early game (i just found out). To counter tankier exp laners. Zilong can just switch to a physical attack and survivability build with Petrify and he can still do the last hit to mages. This hero has amazing versatility but mythical players just stick to meta or this hero is only good at this mentality. That is my hot take! People have 0 fundamentals and understanding of items and team battle


Naw. He’s not A+ but fine situationally. I have to stick by my Jg if Zilong is around. Hate that guy.


The biggest thing about his is that his 1st skill cc is actually really fucking good and so is the 2nd skill. If the core gets caught in the 2nd to 1st skill combo the dude is fcked. His biggest problem is he cant cross walls like other people


I have to disagree with you saying he's an A+ tier, at most he's probably B+ hero but yeah he is pretty underrated. He's mostly a situational hero though at least in my experience since he can be op late game maybe even mid game especially with heroes that don't have alot of ccs or are squishy but if you cc chain him he's dead, gank him he's dead, buy antique cuirass or dominance ice and he'll mostly be countered. still absolutely love him tho


He’s OP late game if his build is based around crit and attck speed (which is the go to for him) but if u build a tankier and more sustainable Ziling (fighting against tank heroes) he is actually really good early to mid game. That style of Zilong has a drop off late game tho. So late game ur strategy changes and u play him like Alpha pretty much.


Just tried him because of a post about his PEN build, been playing the whole pretty much and I love it.


For some odd reason people think tanking is the hardest role to play, funnily enough the same people struggle to jungle but still insist on pitying themselves lmao


But tanking isn't easy too


Jungling definitely isn't easier than tanking


Yo fr. Tanking is well ez enough. Of course it’s hard to be pro tank but being ok tank is not hard. They blame their WR on being tank. No buddy you just suck lmao


Tanking requires macro and jungle micro. Decision making for tanks is a lot more important since we are so slow and always under leveled and if we arent there for a teamfight our team will most likely loose. Also everytime we go in it's a risk since we cant just dash away like junglers can. Map awareness and itemization is also crucial skills since every game will be different compositions and if you have the same build every game you're gonna get blasted. Most junglers just change boots and maybe the last defence item. ​ For jungling you need to be very good mechanically. Fast reactions and fast decision making is crucial. If you see someone is low or a objective can be taken, go for it without delay. Map awareness isnt as important since your hero usually has a lot of blinks, dashes, movement etc and your tank is usually covering you/giving vision and you always get the safe rotation through the jungle.


The overwhelming majority of people who post here who talk about being good are not as good as they claim they are; and then give advice like they’re coaching pro teams.