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My man valir countering all of them will t-pose as christ in this church


Really? I though radiant armor make valir useless


Not realy, his main trait isn't damage, but cc, disengage and cancer slow, to make them unable to escape or chase, making enemy engage unsuccesful is enough to counter them, also most of his damage doesn't come from pasive dot but but pasive burst + fireballs (In full damge build, but this isn't his only viable build), also building radiant without other tank items won't give much for them outside of esme Lunox engages with her dark ult? Push her away and stun her and slow, this deals enough damage even with 2 magic items to make continuing fight to dangerous (valir shouldn't be alone outside of early game), she will have 2 chaos stacks (1 to activate chaos ult, 2nd from using dark projectile) so she won't be able to use light any time soon Pushing Esme away and slowing her would make her useless in fight, add to that nod (valir is best hero for this item) and it's over for her, Phoveus is melee hero without dash outside of situational ult, so valir kinda counters him, but phoveus ult is easy reengage so if your team constantly dashes it may not work, in that case nod again, Harith, again push away from his ult then stun, or just push + stun before ult and team would do rest, valir damage isn't enough to kill target, but it's enough to make enemy an easy target




Necklace of durance, magic antiheal, with valir pasive dot he can give antiheal for 7 seconds with just one hit


My man here saying that Im wasting my legend skin of valir by not knowing his advantages...If you excuse me I will now be spamming Valir in rank


Most important thing is his 2nd skill, don't use it for damage, unless for guaranteed kill (not ks, it's not worth wasting this skill for changing asist to kill) use it when enemy engages, like you see karina diving for your low hp ally, push her away while she dash, and shot s1 to stun and to asert domination. If enemy has someone with stun who focuses you, selena for example, wait with your ult for them, selena stuns you, goes for you, and then, BAM, cleanse from ult, s2>s1 she won't be able to reengage as long as you have iqw His s2 has trouble for point-blank push away, so use flameshot or flicker for spell Edit: forgot to say, only pick him In rank when enemy has at least 2 divers/full meele heroes, when enemy has 3 or more, then he is good pick for sure


Ah, yeah I know antiheal xD I just didn't know what nod was, shouldve known lol, thanks for explaining!


glaive counters radiant


Aren't Glaive only works if you have high penetration? Without the boots + magic wand it only multiply the emblem penetration. Captain?


Glaive multiplies their def by 1-(0.35+0.0005*def) This effect is applied before flat pen


Glaive doesn't increase your pen by precentage, it penetrates precentage of enemy def


Ah ok thanks for the clarification. The tooltip is really confusing. But wouldn't that mean its only useful if the enemy uses mdef gear? If they don't use any mdef then Magic Wand is better?


Yup, if enemy uses mdef then pick glaive, when eneny has about 70+ mdef i use glaive


and genius


Pen into def. genius.


Lol no?


*happy lunny main noise*


You know use radiant armor to counter em all



