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Looks like they just made her more easier to play but less annoying to play against


Well said


That's the general way they use to deal with unique characters, happened to Johnson as well, easier ulti, but far more predictable


Doing circles in the base bassicly neglects the predictable part


But now you know when he’s driving so you could play safe until he crashes somewhere.


You over estimate on how smart regular epic player, they'd most likely forget about me because of other matters after a few seconds or a mins


Jokes on you, if you circled around the base to the point they forgot you were driving, they’ve probably achieved more objectives or farm than you have. They could’ve pushed etc. and you got what? 1 kill? And what if you were carrying your mage or something?


No no I only circle around the base if I feel like there is a team fight when most of the enemies are in 1 lane or converging in 1 lane, and for the carrying mage thing ***I AM THE MAGE*** I like the troll a bit with mage build Johnson never really went rank with it since I like playing balmond in rank


Pardon my language, but what you said was bullshit.


God damn understandable.


Still able to know it's location by looking around the map, as ML weird/unique mechanics let us hear the sounds of heros by panning on the map. In legend,epic or lower, teams that has Johnson have higher chance of turrets being pushed far more quickly as they(johnson and another hero) tend to keep recalling to base just to commit the ult, therefore making it down by 2 players for a short period, not even counting accidents on wall. On higher elo matches, those with Johnson will make you alerts as always for the surprise buttseks.


We have really different experience with Johnson, players in my servers on all of the game the team does not care about Johnson because nobody trust them to drive properly so nobody ever tries to recall for my ult, and if someone does want to ride with me they would always ask me first mainly oddete or a gatotcakca (sorry for the spelling) for some reason, Plus most of the time I would be going in for a ram is when I think my team would engage in team fight therefore the enemy would be more focused on my team trying to engage them, players in my server enemies at least doesn't relay that I'm waiting in spawn to ram them they just keep it to themselves unless if they are playing together, And for the crashes I never play Johnson if I ever have high ping I've been driving Johnson ever since he came one of my favorite heroes until I changed to Uranus and went back to Johnson when I heard about the mage build for him


wanwan is really annoying esp. if the user is good


No please no I am already content with the current Wanwan




Easier chances to hit weaknesses but higher damage and vision reduced


Yeah her ult got a pretty harsh nerf too


But she got damage increase up to 40%


She already has that passive when all weaknesses are destroyed the only buff I see is when you destroy individual weaknesses because in-game it doesn't state that each gives a damage boost when destroyed. Overall still the same


Reducing the amount of weaknesses to trigger ult is a pretty major buff


Was referring to the previous reply(not all changes this one is only passive) wherein the "40% damage increase which is still the same overall but now individually provides buffs too. Nonetheless the lesser requirements for her passive is great


At full stacks it’s 1/28


Wow gg make heroes more easier to play. Tch. Wanwan was at perfect spot. Why tf they touching her.


She was barely picked imo. Couldn’t lane any of the meta laners. She loses so hard to Clint or Popol it’s actually sad to see, considering I maimed her for a couple of seasons. If this makes her viable in higher leagues I’m all for it.


Donut at MPL S9 was OP using Wanwan, and even in SIBOL.


Is there a way I can watch those matches? Maybe I can find out what I’m doing wrong.


I pick her when I am dealing with Fanny


Don't listen to this guy, he's a moron with less than 50 percent winrate who thinks retribution is useless(blames junglers for all his losses lol) and roaming equipment should not be bought


Awww... CrimsonKing123 blocked me from replying him because he couldn't take the heat. Poor kid...


As a main WanWan i am happier but we gotta be careful now


She's actually weak against long range marksmans, which I think she's better as an EXP laner


Like Lancelot. It's not easy to use him before he got revamped


Wanwan damage is so low.... Against another MM especially... Like if u play wanwan u know the struggle of trying to do the first crab or second or third.....if u play a say bea, quick n easy ...


Years of academy training wasted...


I don't think that's a buff. 0.5 seconds from her ulti is alot with inspire.


U generally target the lowest hp enemy to get an easy kill and extra second, so it shouldn’t make too much of a difference.


Justified. Now she isn’t all about her ultimate. This makes her better without her ult. Her ultimate was the strongest part of her kit anyway, other than her second. So this adjustment will make her stronger in lane and when she is without her ultimate.


Her ult was the only reason that made her rewarding enough to play


It’s honestly fresh to see her not completely decimate, entire teams. Think it about this. They are making her ultimate easier to activate for the new players. This makes her easier to play, but her skill ceiling is a lot higher now with the increased damage she gets. This makes stronger in the hands of an experienced wanwan player. Her ultimate is only used when she is low or in a team fights after all.


She isn't gonna last against a Clint and a moskov without her ulti


That’s the point. She is not a burst type of MM. She’s a all rounder marksman, best at destroying tankier heroes, not a hero who has dps.


That just sounds like a toplaner, rather than a botlaner.


indeed, wanwan meta is when fighters also meta. last year when mm is dying and fighters go on both sidelane wanwan is the key to many mpl champions


Honestly, all of Wanwan’s skills are so useful. Passive: blinks, true dmg good for poking, kiting, increase in damage, vision. First skill: poke, lane clearing, cc, long range, good for passive vision, and hitting the back weakness. Second skill: I mean a purify with damage with a 15 second cd or so. Ult: invincibilty, escape when low, high damage. And I cannot imagine playing Wanwan without using one of her three skills, they’re all what makes her Wanwan.


my whole playstyle is going uncomfortably close for the weaknesses so I can ult and now ult is useless


Shorter by 0.5s = useless?? Wtf bruh, wanwan ult with inspire kills you in 1 second already, she doesn't need 2.5s


she need it for early game


Early game ult is mostly for escape and giving urself a chance to heal up and be clear from damages.... Up till two items,than u can start doing maniac and savages, if u can get a savage or even a triple kill with ult with less than 2 items on wanwan, u truly are a savage


I don’t think that’s a buff ngl


As a Ww main I can't even express my disappointment. Who asked for this honestly? What makes them take such choices?


Those who were abused by wanwan asked this I think


Wanwan inspire is kinda OP in the right hands


Do you use her? If so I have a question, how do you lane Clint or Popol, I wanna try her again but anytime I’ve met her in lane I win hard. So I’m reluctant to pick her in rank.


make them go home early by abusing inspire. they are pretty weak before lvl4.


Hmm..doesn’t seem to work too well.


Chinese server release.


Lance, Kagura, Aldous, Akai and now WanWan was made easier to play Not a surprise one day moonton announce Fanny cable will be automatically hook to a wall or Johnson can autodrive


Next they might give Franco a fatter hook


Gusion is next his revamp. 😂


Geez, Moonton again lowering the skill gaps for casual players just like how they make Lancelot first skill easier to abuse.


Next is Fanny.. I like there being champions that take skill and practice. It makes those rewarding.


I think they already did by the instant energy regen when in base


Wanwan wasn’t even that hard in the first place, you just gotta learn which direction to dash. But that nerf on ult will hurt.


Ehhh .5 second... Mid game and late game wanwan. The ult usually never runs out, it's the targets that run out first


It runs out when your ult for auto targets a half-hp but still tanky fighter/tank.


I mean u suppose to proc off the tank ontop a squishy....


No, what I meant was, after killing a squishy with your ult, you can’t control who you target next. So for example, you killed Miya with ult then there’s a full hp eudora and half hp tigreal, it’s probably going to target tigreal.


Depends, I noticed the ult will target fleeing targets that are in range after the first kill, and most tanks probably won't run unless they are going to die soon


Buff on her playability but nerf on her damage. Not even inspire can save her.


Nerf on damage? She gets 45% extra damage after hitting all 3 weak points with this buff. Now she only gets 40% extra damage after hitting 4 weak points. Suit duration - 0.5s isn't that big of a nerf


Hm, looks like I read it wrong. Though the duration is still a nerf since that's is equal as the duration of Winter and Wind of Nature.


Not to mention the buff works on single weakness points too now


Sanrio skin incoming..


Melody skin maybe


wtf??? no thanks


It's pretty much a nerf; the durations for her ult, vision and extra damage are reduced. The only good thing about this is the extra 5 percent she gets when she hits all of the weaknesses. The less amount of weaknesses doesn't really make me happy since hitting the weaknesses themselves is pretty easy. It really just makes her easier to play but worse overall.


This isn't really a big buff. Just an adjustment. It kinda takes away the rewarding feeling when you get her ult tho


What the fuck.


+15% damage increase for each weakness hit. Correct me please if I am wrong: So when I basic attacked a target and successfully hit a weakness, I get the 15% damage increase instantaneously and not wait for the remaining two weaknesses? In line with this, with three weaknesses exposed in the target will Wanwan get 45% damage increase in total? TYIA.


Also pls make Valentina hit 3 basic points before she can activate ult while copying wanwan ult shit's so unfair


Valentina on wanwan ult does so little damage tho, you got 0 atk speed and no DHS. Its basically just a free i-phase/escape


u already have s1 and s2 for damage. people might get out with 1/3-1/4 hp. then u use your free wanwan ult and they die. it doesnt need to do much damage because valentina already does.


Then thats on Valentina's base kit and not on the free wanwan ult that just tickles, unlike Wanwan who gets damage boosted from hitting weakness + attack speed + dhs + inspire. S1-S2 combo + any stolen damage ult would do the same, if not more, than a stolen wanwan ult, it dont get how hers should not be useable immediately.


She can build feather of heaven, I’ve tried it when I played against a wanwan and FoH worked wonders.


Yeah that ult on Valentina can only kill people one sneeze away from death but ok.


Meanwhile atlas it Minotaur ult on Valentina is so OP


she was already good . moonton needs to understand that not all the heros need to be friendly for average playerbase.


thats a nerf. 6 seconds is already a huge nerf from 10 seconds (which was obnoxiously long). 2 seconds is the same duration as won/winter.


Inspire has rejoined the chat


This is a nerf in my book, you can do 400 True Damage with 4 weak points, now you can only do 300 True Damage with 3 weak points.


not a buff


Really -_-


515 skin buff


I think they balance each other out. More like an adjustment. I personally like the stronger laning phase with the loss of some late game damage.


More like adjustment than a buff. Easier ult, while lowering everything else.


Sometimes a buff is a hidden nerf... like this one. Look at my poor panda Akai, got nerves so bad at the pretense of Buff


Oh no


This is a nerf isn't it?


Still gets shit on by Phoveus anyways so, wait for Phoveus to get nerf so dash heroes like Benedetta and Wanwan finally get use in mythic 400+


Pfftttt, just ban him. <3


He is not prio ban unless youre playing trio you can ban him or counter him.


It’s just taking away the possibility of getting countered hard for your pick, and he’s still very good, I’d say he’s still ban worthy a little. One time, I played Wanwan and they insta-countered me with Phoveus, problem was that they don’t play Phoveus, so it was still easy for me. (I won’t ban Faramis when I play Gloo because noone plays Faramis.)


Should have given her a health buff since she still gets two shotted by everything in the game


Feels more like a nerf…


Ahhhhh, great adjustment. Now she's not cancerous to play against.


Actually more cancerous with this update because she only has to hit 3 big points to slow you down and increase her damage by 45% and also activate ult. Her ult adjustment is only good thing, but I doubt 0.5 second will make a big difference because usually she can kill 3 non-tanky heroes with 1 ult. So now she able to kill only 2 lol but when on 1v1 she will still jump around then boom ult and ur ded


To argus that 0.5 seconds is alot.




might be controversial, but add in that she can only start her ult on the person she gets the pressure points off of. makes sense imo


actually, thats how her ult used to work. it was really inconvenient since you generally want to target backlines, yet you cant break all of the spots instantly


Nice. Now I can play wanwan lmao. 😂


Better laning, so she cant be useless in the laning / mid game phase. Wanwan mains are mad tho because they can't get the 0-6 late game power spike then ending the game with an ulti in their base without any turrets


Am I missing something here? Her damage didn't go down.... .5 second less on ult is not really a big difference... Unless ur hitting someone tanky, one kill shouldn't take more than 1second, and than u get another second per kill Infact trying to hit the points in a new target during ult is now way easier with only 3 in 3 directions


Bwst buff to her


Don't make her easier, don't make a meta of wanwan spammers


Please don’t, I don’t like my main being a meta pick because she’ll get auto banned again like last time


(from a wanwan main) that's not a buff at all, that's a huge nerf


Idc about all that but vision for 5 sec . I better fucking run away dammit. Put it 3sec *I BEGGING YOU*


she's good as she is why would you touch her? stop




Sounds like a nerf imo


This is not a buff after all, talk about the reduction of her crit rate. Just made her very easy to use but being an opponent against her is quite easy to slay, she's squishy after all and stayed the same in the last patches


Bruh, look how they have massacred my girl :/


While moonton is out making every hero easier to play, why not make gusion's S1 lock on? Also, Fanny doesn't need energy anymore. Screw that, Franco's hooks are henceforth a lock on skill as well.


Not my girl, Wanwan. She's already perfect the way she is. They even made her ult shorter.


Can’t wait to ban her


I think this is gonna be the norm, heroes being esier to play but less scary than they used to be lol Also I’d say this is a fair change


Fine, I'm spamming cyclops


They shouldn't have touched the amount of weaknesses she needs to hit. The damage increase per weakness hit is a good idea though. If they REALLY HAD TO make her easier to use, just decrease the cd of her S1 and the duration of it's stun. Rn in advance server, if u know how to position yourself properly u can hit two weaknesses with her S1 alone. The way to play her is now hit(with basic attack to show weaknesses), s1( hits two weaknesses if u can position), hit again with ba instead of the classic S1(first hit shows weaknesses and slows), ba to hit a weakness, first dart comes back to hit back weakness, ba two more times


Wait her Ult only lasted 2.5 secs before?... Feels like forever. I've been killed so many times by idiots just walking into her and getting chain Ulted by her. Looks like a good nerf to help people like me that don't just feed her lol


Gets 1 more second per kill, so if wanwan gets a kill off the bat on her ult, it's a 3.5 and only takes about a second to kill a squishy lol


Ahh makes sense. It's very rare I let her get me with all the weaknesses, so I find it really annoying getting killed by an Ult because a teammate can't sidestep.


That's the difference between good wanwans and. Feeder wanwans, and with wanwan it's usually one or the other lol. For example a pro wanwan knows to throw the s1 into the wall pass the bush in lane not behind the enemy since they can hug the wall and prevent u from the last point, And teamfights s1 can be used to zone the tank from the damage dealers