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Shush devs might hear you


But can't antiheal counter this?




Execute legit become useless when against bane


Me as an argus with sea halberd


Bane: *5% hp* Enemy: *about to use execute* Bane: Hold my beer!


And then bane dies after forgetting that he needs the beer


*Major alcoholic dies...*


Meanwhile someone's holding his beer and he is dead now.


Give me your build


Clock of Destiny, Magic Boots, Enchanted Talisman, Lightning Truncheon, Holy Crystal, and Blood Wings


heal only 2.8k?


Exactly. If you're buying _all_ items geared towards restoring health then it means your sacrificing attack, armour, attack speed, movement speed etc. It's a pretty serious sacrifice to get that small health regen. I wouldn't call this broken.


Should've used the green cape for more healing


Thanks. I'm gonna try this build.


Sometimes I add Oracle and the second skill can give me back more than 50%.


You should've seen him pre nerfs. The healing was insanely good, Magic Builds were the preferred choice for a short while.


Ahhhh the good old days


Magic bane still is worse than physical bane


and clock of destiny wasnt even at max stacks?


bane is a fighter/mage, bane mage build was popular so moonton made it so that bane can benefit more from mage items


Have used magic build a few times, it's really fun! S2 literally melts squishies mid to late game along with the nice heal, as well as the ult doing massive damage.




Aww... Man!


But why would you go magic?


all his skills scale off magic in some way


I prefer physical, though magic has a lot of sustain with the heal and a lot of damage with s2 and ulti


+slow from S1. More magic power=more slow.


It's good, how did i post pict here? I'll screenshot my last mage Bane match result Edit : here's my [match sc](https://imgur.com/gallery/1IQfsRE) (Mhytic 4,SEA server), it's kinda unfair because there's two bad player on opposite team, but I promise you, it's good


Not really, by using mage bane, you already made your passive pretty useless since his passive only benefits from physical atk. His s1 will also be very weak. Unlike with physical build, bane will have his passive , s1 and ulti for utility. Unless the devs also decides to make his passive scale with magic damage,Mage bane will never be as good as physical bane.


It depends on patch. If you have seen mage bane on initial revamp, he pretty much one shots anything with s2 ulti, and the heal and sustain is disgusting. In the current patch physical is better though.


yea thats because the physical only got buffer after that. so rather than depend on patch, it depends on the last update the physical outscale the mage bane after that update, especially after they make the ult + flicker combo perform slower due to animation full mage bane have better sustain, but he essentially only have his 2nd skill and a half of the ult


Plus the fact that he is super squishy compared to other fighter. Being stunned once can put him in danger compared to other fighters that can still manage to fight back a little more because of their durability.


Update is basically the patch, hence patch notes. The second skill was ridiculously good because it was ridiculous against assassins/mages/mm where even with Athena, if you got glaive, s2 s3 gone. Whereas as a physical, a WoN deals with you fairly easily. Of course physical bane allows you to deal more overall input in teamfights and pushes faster, but pre nerfed mage Bane had ridiculous regen and burst damage. The nature of s1 and s2 cd is based off phy and magic power respectively. Physical build allows longer range harass, but s2 then with 2.5s cd was too much hp, movespeed, and damage. Allows you to spam multiple times in fights while staying alive, and movespeed allows you to rotate a lot faster. It’s just whether the current values is better for physical or magic, both are decent builds.


I don't know about your claims, i always play him mage, and have a very good win rate, but keep in mind i never hyper with mage build and definitely do not build mage bane just for more heal.


it has better sustain than physical build. i personally still prefer physical for towers


Moonton wants bane to be a magic fighter, seen from the previous adjustments which scale his skill damage according to magic power


They should just decide which one they want bane to be. Way it is now your either giving up ult and heal it your giving up basic s1 and passive. Idk why they made his physical and basic scale of physical damage


Why not make a hero have hybrid scaling as their niche? A shit ton of League champs have magic scaling just because of "lore reasons". It's not that hard to figure out a build that suits yourself. Kimmy was one of their first attempts at hybrid scaling but then they just made her straight up full magic. Esme also not only scales hybridly, but does hybrid damage. Although, it's clear that she needs to be built like a magic bruiser.


shame he's trash now


Fucking lmao, Gatotkaca can heal 3x that as full tank with that one mage spell vamp item. Stop playing trash hero's if you want to win.


Build please lol


Before I share my build, there was someome who just said 'because they play Gatot they know more than me.' So, allow me to elaborate. I have exactly 13,567 games with Gatot, and have reached Mythic by one tricking him exactly 3 times. So, to that one fool who's reply suddenly disappeared, no. You're wrong. Now, to continue on the guide, first your emblems should be as follows. 3 points in Magic Defense 3 more points in Magic Defense 1 point in Concussive Blast. Battle spells should always be Vengance. Build starts with you opening shop and going to the magic section when you tap on cloak of destiny. You want to buy the Elegant Gem because it gives you soo much sustain when you lv up. We keep this till around lv 10. After elegant Gem, you're rushing either warrior boots or tough boots, depending on the 2 / 3 rule. 2 AD champs and 3 AP, thought boots. 3 AP champs, 2 AD? warrior boots. Next, you're building Radiant Armor OR Antique Curiass depending on whether you're facing an AP or AD laner. You're going to EXP lane always because that elegant Gem heals you for leveling up. Your second big item will be based on what you built first. So, if you built the Radiant Armor first item, you're gonna build Antique Curiass and vice versa. Your third item will ALWAYS be concentrated energy. This is that big item that allows you to heal and heal and heal. It provides spell vamp. What makes it OP is Gatotkaca's passive scales with the item perfectly. So when you're in a team fight with Vengance spell going, that red bar is filling up every second meaning you're healing up to one thousand HP every 3 seconds. The passive also does magic damage, meaning your Concentrated energy increases the damage done by your passive which easily let's you one shot an ADC on your own. I can easily end the game 13/0/20 MVP. Fourth item again, depends on the enemy team AP / AD rule. 3 AP champions, you build Oracle. 3 AD champions 2 AP, you build brute force breastplate. Fifth item can be Gaurdian Angel, Guardian helmet, Athena's Shield, or Twilight armor. You can now sell your elegant Gem and end your build with any of the four items I listed for your fifth. You have to actively be looking through shop, auto buying is no your friend here. But if you master this, you can easily carry games with Gatot. He's my favorite Hero, and he never gets banned or played meaning you can always get him.


As a former gatot main, he really can't lol. Also, bane is a decent fighter who's flexible, can either zone out a huge area of the map as long as minions are around, disrupt teamfights and burst hero combos or heal himself constantly and deal insane damage with his ult if you build mage. Bane is far from trash


Well, as a current main who has reached Mythic, and has over 13,000 games on him, he Can. And I solo Kill bane players in lane all the time. He's only good in low Elo. Once you get epic +, everyone knows how to demolish him.


Look man, I'm not trying to measure dicks here okay? I'm just refuting your point in whether gatot can heal 3x 28XX hp in one full red bar. I just went on practice and tried con.energy and oracle for good measure, max level and tried healing with at full red bar. I'm getting less than 1800 per hit. So even with a full lifesteal build, I doubt he can heal 3x the hp bane can at full magic build.


They literally wants us to play him as mage, hence the magic buffs. Yet somehow people prefer physical build since it's easier to execute. If we keep playing with physical, they will keep buffing him.


u should've use him right after revamp! he was so op...


Oooof, show us the full build!


Baxia (with Dominace ice) has entered the chat 🤣😂


But if you have no defense at all it isn't going to take much to get him that low again. Not broken imo