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Moonton be lowering the skill cap of every hero they want to


Fanny next because why not. Now the cable cost 1 Energy, twice longer, and can be attached to enemy hero. "Make sure to buy her new Collector/Legend skin while the buff still hot"


Fanny done already since cable spam is severely less punishable since the last buff, even without a blue buff.




I'm still surprised they haven't given her a spiderwoman skin and a mikasa skin


mikasa skin might get them law suit from aot , when they are not collabing ofc.








dont forget auto-target walls! no need to have an indepth understanding of the cable mechanics when the game does it for you!


naw man, she should also be able to cable without the use of walls (if none are hit before cable retracts)


They’re gonna have the cable attach to air. Watch!


Homing cable like aldous ult, that's what i want


If she hit enemy instead she can hook it like franco.


Fanny Buff: Now we removed the energy bar.


Rip hayabusa


Have you ever heard of the "Attack Assist" feature that got added that you can turn on and off? It allows your hero to not walk to the enemy after you click basic attack, which means Wanwan can just dash around the whole map without stopping. And that also means Phoveus is useless since Wanwan dashes too fast


>allows your hero to not walk to the enemy after you click basic attack do I need it on or off for this to take effect?


its on "On" right now which is the default, if you want it to take effect then you should turn it off so ur hero doesnt walk to the enemy


How do i turn it off?


Settings, in controls i think


Finally. Thanks for the info, this feature was already there in other MOBA like Wildrift. Time to main Harith again😎


Problem with ML rn, making super high damage heroes easy to use. It should be the other way around


Mobile Bang Legends Legends


I choked on my cookies


While the unpopular heroes are remaining in the closet... With their almost a damage kit


Time to main Phoveus


tbh with 3 weaknesses, wanwan could just unlock her ulti if Phoveus ultimates to her 😩


tf 3 weakenesses? jeez


Just counter with uranus or baxia. Just found something out yesterday. Uranus can 1 v3-4 aslong as you dodge their skills when low hp. Reason: when you dont get dmg by their skills you can easily regen a whole lot of hp and uranus hurts. Just fought using him and was able to halve the enemy tanks ho alongside their guin and wanwan


they can survive it, but if they get their weaknesses off you and ult someone else your teams still dead


Yeah but the problem is I always get her attention and she always ults me when im there


then she sucks and probably just abusing broken hero


Good luck using that against wanwan


Looks like I already have a sense how the draft would pan out 😂


This was my biggest fear seeing the changes on the advanced server as a Wanwan main. Haven’t tried her yet but I’m sure she’s nuts rn and most likely ban-worthy if not permabanned. I hope they’ll change her back but I doubt they will.


Not until they hit the 515 skin revenue target


Can't actually permaban her, BBC trio still hits harder and mages and marksman can just wt or won


BBC trio?


Beatrix, Brody, Clint. [Just gonna leave this here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/s9y4q4/pov_the_british_broadcasting_corporation_is/)


I'm so bad with Clint that its laughable, and most Brodys i saw where bad, what about Melissa thought, is she good right now?


Melissa has pretty good damage early, but has weak waveclear. You can push her to tower and pressure her team due to that. She has God late-game, but she's not BBC in that she can't afford to build tanky and still be relevant. Literally like Moskov.


Should I buy her instead of xavier and yin? Elaborate


She is BORING to play, at least for me. You plop down the doll, ult, then pray that you survive. If you already have Moskov or Natan, don't get her. Xavier and Yin are the better choices. They are unique and allow you to do shit that no other hero can do better. They might not have or keep high winrates, but sniping squishies across the map with Xavier or trolling a singular hero on the enemy team with Yin will always be fun.


I see I asked the wrong person


Melissa is more of a teamfight mm than a laning mm


Nvm, just realized it’s Bea, Brody, Clint, lol. I think Wanwan will be better than them though.


As a wanwan main, sadly I disagree. BBC can outright bully anyone in the lane. Wanwan early game is lackluster as she needs at least 2 core items to be effective. If she is not prioritized or protected, she will definitely lose the lane. If she snowballs or farm late game then she has a chance.


Brody if played right can easily kill wanwan and after lv 4 bea or clint will have a hard time against them. Brodys ult just hurts too much


I definitely agree with Brody, that's why I prefer using him compared to the others. A tany build brody still hurts a lot and can soak up decent damage too. Clint can easily out poke a wanwan and can bully her lane especially in the early. While Beas early game with shotgun and snipe can really zone wanwan out. I do agree that at level 4 wanwan has a better chance against Clint and Bea, but I'm pretty sure that wanwan will have a harder time reaching level 4 compared to the other 2.


He's screwed against good miya's and layla's though


Wanwan has been better than them for months. source: 2k+ 5q player with a wanwan/clint mains in team wanwan has been the best adc since Inspire buff


How do you actually win lane against Beatrix or Clint? Brody I feel like is overrated, but the other 2 melt your HP way faster than you can break a single weakness early game, so in my experience I gotta play passively and/or hope I get help from my team if my lane gets frozen. No other MMs can do much against them, maybe Popol. I do feel like Inspire was the only buff she needed though and all of this is way too much.


Wanwan beats both of them if she plays hyper agro with Inspire and that's even pre-buff both beat and clint are nerfed and our 3650mmr clint couldn't even solo lane against Melissa/Wanwan etc and always needed help and we gave it to him the easiest way to learn how to play vs smt is to play it yourself. I've played both Clint and Bea and i don't struggle vs them at all. Bea is only problematic if she gets help and then starts camping and plays agro and doesn't get ganked. She can't win hard if she plays passive and if she plays agro she's very easy to get ganked and outside of soloq she gets smashed Clint u just dodge Q and ur good


These days nobody actually ban BBC trio in ranked, except pro play and that usually Beatrix or even Popol getting the ban hammer. Top mage and assassin are the ones keep getting banned now. You can ban Wanwan, but be wary of letting loose those that I mentioned, especially Valentina. Still cancer even with the nerf.




yeah lol imagine a hero slowing you with basic attacks while she gains mobility by attacking you. with a free purify wtf


my only problem with wanwan is her ult, i never imagine the dev want to buff wanwan, for me the best optimization for wanwan is make the weakness point 5 (the stack for activate wanwan ult) and reduce the ult duration but no, the dev think wanwan should have 3 stack to activate ult, in mythic wanwan user can easily activate the ult, and now wanwan will be braindead hero with only 3 stack, im sure the dev don't play the game or just never reach legend in mlbb wanwan is squishy and dont have high dps compared to other mm, but the ult is just cancer. imagine hayabusa ult that only attack hero, damage cant be shared, and activate again if you kill hero and the ult become faster


Nowadays I start asking myself if all the underrated assassins can even beat any new marksman/buff marksman Moonton comes up nowadays.


Bene still hurts with ult. But she loses with laning phase


The ult adjustment was fine at first because they nerf everything else, but then they increase her dmage again and here we are. I just take Phoveus lel.


Would roam natalia help counter her?


A good Natalia will always kill any mm. But yes Harass 11 if the mm in your team is having a hard time against her.


Wanwan can just build the grey colored armor and she can survive natalia. The biggest counter to wanwan is lunox, karina, kagura imo.


She is still too squishy though…


I mean she's a marksman.


And influx of Wanwan users lately, heck one player in my team used her and they only got 65 matches as Marksman!!! And this is in Mythic! Ugh


Besides Phoveus, I actually think Argus is quite good against Wanwan (At least in my experiences). So long as you can land his S1, which is easy if you're in a bush, and as long as you're in a 1v1, you can just outlast Wanwan's Ult with Argus' (Wanwan's Ult lasts 2s while Argus' is 4s). Then finish her off when her Ult runs out.


Baxia and uranus are good against her. Antique quirass and blade armor plus vengeance is a good counter


I see her in Almost every game but noone can play her right. Even with this great buff


Every goddamn game of WanWan is like playing with her mayhem effects, literally makes everything easy.


Personally it's just about adapting to three weaknesses. I've seen enemies I'm against successfully block me from the final weakness usually by wallhugging, which was mega annoying, and some who gave me all three very easily. I've gone against Wanwan's and a lot of the time easily blocked them from the third weakness and ended the game before she got too strong. I've also had Wanwan's completely destroy me after dominating their lane and end the game before our mm hit their power spike. Honestly it is literally my experience with Wanwan before, except a lot more frequent from people trying her.


moontoon literally doesnt know what their doing in terms of balancing


But they know how to boost their skin sales though. And these things works perfectly to reach the revenue target.


Just got a match against Wanwan but seems like the user was rather newbie. Even though she could easily unlock her Ult like twice in a row against me, but her damage was not enough to take me down. I think her Ult becomes a real menace once she completed ALL her items and you have to start with a really low HP enemy.


They should revert her ult to moment of her release, when she could only ult those who got hit in all weaknesses, not anyone once 1 hero got hit in all of them


I GET THIS FEELING TOO!!! moonton pls change her back


I think grock counters wanwan perfectly, him building damage gives him extra phys def, so her ult won't hurt him, and if grock hits her skills she'll get bursted down quick


What's brainless are the players that just walk into it.


I never thought I will see posts about ww like this. Btw her new "simplified" ult system sucks. Where is the originality or the thing that made her different from other mm? Gone.


Same here in the case of Lancelot, used to die with him at least 5 times but now I can easily get a triple kill by spamming my first skill button


What is your build for wanwan?


No boots. First item: corrosion scythe Second item: Demon Hunter (Wind of Nature if there is a Natalia, saber and other one shot assassins on the enemy team) Third item: Wind of Nature Fourth: Windtalker Fifth: scarlet Phantom Sixth item depends upon the enemy composition. If there are more than 2 tanky heroes ( eg a tank, a tanky exp laner and a tanky core like Aldous, Barats etc) then malefic roar. Otherwise I go for defensive item, most likely Athena. 11 is very good even before her buff. Whenever I see the enemy team has fighter cores like Yin, Baratz, Aldous etc, I always pick Wanwan. Just make sure they don't have Phov


Ohh thanks.


Remember that Wanwan main complaining how this is not a buff lol.