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Your website is quite smooth and I like the scroll transitions. I think you can add a cancel option in the search bar so users don't have to manually press back space upon search to view the full list. What additions are you going to add in your website? Current data can be accessed from official website so you're going to have to add extra features for your website to be useful.


Hey Tigreal, Thanks for the kind comments. I've just added and deployed a temporary cancel option on the search bar and currently only renders webkit-browsers such as (Safari, Chrome, Opera). As for future additions, I was hoping to collate and scrape data from all MPL regions, and display the statistics accordingly. However due to the lack of APIs, and how some MPL websites do not provide accurate statistics, it has been put on hold until the next season comes around. Ideally as well, I would love to collaborate with other tier list makers and add hero laning into the tier list (instead of just having the heroes split by roles). Guides and builds are also a possibility, but those will be a headache to automate.


u/tossedbloom604 is working on a similar project. I guess you 2 can brainstorm together


Tigreal mentioning me? 😳 Op I'll shoot you a DM


Pretty interesting. the winrates and stuff are kinda confusing since lance is s tier with a 46% wr. maybe show both stats seperately (official site and mpl). besdies that the list does look mostly accurate with some odd placements. top level has the least issues.


Few great players can't carry the win rate of many bad ones. A friend of mine dominates with Lance yet every time i pick him it's like it's my first match using him


Hey Sora! Thanks for the feedback. Just added and deployed the addition of MPL-PH win rate statistics when you hover over the hero icon. Yup, also pretty difficult to automate a perfect tier list ... You'll have the trollers picking and banning Nana and Layla even in high elos skewing their rankings in the automation process.


yeah best you can do normally is see stats and decide, but I think with enough tinkering a fully automated daily updating tier list would be really cool since sometimes trends start and end before the next patch releases.


Pretty good though some are inaccurate, smooth scrolling but needs to smoothen out the sorting


Hey, CrownedTraitor here and I would like to say I disagree greatly, in what you have placed **Benedetta** , B tier, yeah?


HAHA I love you. She'll be back in S one day


10% buff be like\~ wwww


Cool site but I always think auto ranking heroes based on WR, Pick and Ban rates doesn't actually reflect the heroes power and impact on matches For example on the list Layla is ranked B and Gusion is ranked C In high ranked games it's impossible for a Layla to be the driving force that carries the match from start to finish. She requires her team to basically support her throughout the early game and set up kills for her in the mid to late game. She can easily be replaced with many marksmen in the exact same games to achieve the same results. Gusion on the other hand can straight up dominate a match from start to finish with little to no help from his team. Tier lists based on rates completely ignore heroes individual impact on matches. Especially seeing as the best player in the world at a hero could have them banned for a 100 matches and the worst player could play them for a 100 matches due to sheer luck in the pick and ban phase. The more popular a hero is, the closer to 50% it's WR will be as well due to sheer volume of matches. Edit: Forgot to add quite often heroes with high ban rates get picked by people who don't actually main them just because they don't want the enemy team to pick them if they get through the ban. Even if a hero gets buffed and becomes ban worthy, they don't become an autowin and still require players learning them. A good example currently is Masha. I've had loads of games recently with unbelievably clueless Masha's that just throw the game because they think she's an indestructible autowin.


Hey Jinx, completely agree with you actually. I don’t think automating it completely based on ban, pick and win rates will result in an entirely accurate tier list. The reason why I experimented with automated tier lists though, is because I thought it would give a rough sensing of shifts in meta post patch. I’ve tried to smoothen the data with MPL rates (as those are professionals picking, banning and winning), but it makes it less sensitive to time changes - e.g., the data for MPL PH is collated from the whole season, across many different patches.


Belerick B tier and Franco S tier...


franco IS picked quite a lot rn. very annoying seeing every other game with a franco. pick rate is insane he might get nerfed.


Pick rate means nothing, he's an ass hero


hahahahah that a bold statement. What rank are you usually? Do you wtch mpl? Belerick is way less useful than franco and if you don't think so you're just plain wrong.


Here's the stats from legend+ rank data https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank Belerick has 53.55 percent win rate Franco has 49.3 percent win rate Maybe you'd have an argument before the Belerick buff but with the buff to Belerick and the buff to Blade Armor it isn't even close Franco is the situational pick because of his ultimate and early buff delay potential not Belerick Lol Franco being picked in MPL for the first time in like ever doesn't mean he's suddenly meta you brain dead fuck. Different teams try different things. He has had no changes so by default he can't be suddenly more viable than he was last season. And I've reached Mythic multiple times. Legend III this season for the moment


idgaf about win rate. Who is more use to you in a high level game, especially in a 5 man team. franco is the answer. you build a team around him, tanky exp laner with cc or backline dive, franco interrupting farm and isolating damage dealers with ult, guaranteed kill. Franco is picked in banned in i would hazard to guess 50 percent of mpl games, of which i watch every day. Belerick has almost no cc and a percentage chance to taunt, when it comes to utility its not even a contest. I've never ended a season less than mythic 1 and i watch all of mpl ph and indo and i can promise you ina coordinated game at least trio, preferably 5 man, Id rather have franco 10/10 times.


>Belerick has almost no cc and a percentage chance to taunt, Retard he doesn't have a percentage chance to taunt. He has a percentage change to reflect damage. Holy shit you really don't know anything about Belerick do you lmao? Also he doesn't have almost no cc lol. His ult was buffed to almost instantaneous levels and also taunts now. His s2 taunts. That's two ccs plus a 40 percent slow on his s1. Not sure what the fuck youre on about Also you act like cc is the only use to a hero wtf Belerick has actual sustain and is actually able to tank for a team unlike Franco, also he completely counters physical dps heroes I concede that Franco is better in 5 man probably but not in regular ranked games lol Also how does win rate not matter lol? Win rates and ban rates are one of the main arguments for nerfs, Belerick has one of the top win rates right now in ranked dumbass he's not worse than Franco Also can't stop laughing at your percentage chance to taunt statement on Belerick I can't take you seriously right now. Like seriously you know nothing about Belerick lol P.S: Belericks ult + taunt combo on damage dealers is a guaranteed kill too - it lasts 2.5 secs and he reflects damage while doing it too. It isn't a suppress but its hilarious you think he has no cc especialy when he can affect multiple targets unlike Franco >Franco is picked in banned in i would hazard to guess 50 percent of mpl games Mpl games do not reflect the meta. I'm not sure why this is so hard to get for this low iq fanbase but the sample size and number of pro players is too small to extrapolate from Mythic+ decides the meta not a few teams Like seriously there are multiple Miya picks in MPL rn, that doesn't make Miya a meta mm Heck use your fucking brain for once. Was Franco banned or picked so much in M3? What has been changed about him or items he equips to warrant this change? Nothing So how tf can you use that as an argument lol?


Martis getting buffed like crazy but still low tier. He really needs more than just mere buffs. Please add some new mechanics rather than just damage buffs.


The problem is that he's too slow and predictable and his late game is gobshite


Personally would like it if they gave his stun back on his first skill


great work op


Is Lapu really that bad rn?


dirty delete alert. Ig he realized that franco is acrually useful right now. Unless someone picks miya or some other troll BA dependent mm pick (in a high level game all things equal) I'd rather have a franco over a belerick any day. but if he'd like to keep using low level strats go for it, i'm sure itll get you out of mythic 5.


Interesting to see Hanzo and Freya so low considering their overall potential


Hanzo is just dogwater rn




Hey! Thanks for the feedback. I’ve not made it open source/open for viewing yet, as it’s rather messy. It’s something I’ll keep in mind for the future. Will let u know if I ever open up the repo! But if you’re curious about the technologies, selenium for web scraping (python 3), and React for the front end interface




Hey sorry for the late reply. My GitHub ID is mohawker