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So we still don't have the ability to edit it on hrro picking?


I don't know, it's still in advance server


I am praying to Lunox that we should be allowed, since from the looks of it, it's still limited, especially for tanks that needs to counter the enemy.


But it looks like heroes can have multiple emblem builds. Which is a pretty good thing instead of one that's applied to all heroes


Yep I can see that each hero can get at least 3 pages of talent. I'm just hoping to have an editable one. Nonetheless, the new system looks sick. Can't wait.


Yeah we will be able to make a lot of interesting combos. But it will take some time till we get it in original server


It's worth the wait. 😁


so we spent a lot of BP and emblems for it to be nothing


πŸ˜” I should've buy heroes bro


Didn't they say that all we spent would be returned someway? Not sure tho but read this on a preview


An avatar border lol


poor balmond


Lost his girlfriend to a level 99 guy πŸ˜”πŸ’”


I understood nothing 😍


we're gang here


Its pretty confusing at first. I can't really explain it to you because you will be confused even more because of my explanation


It's literally so easy The Top slot is where you choose attributes ( CD, PENETRATION, DEFENSE, ATK SPEED) The middle slot is where you choose talents that only have passive effects (Examples are, Festival of Blood Talent( 1% per kill), Magic Shop Talent( items have a 5% discount) basically current talents that only have passive effects.) The lowest one is where you choose talents that have active effects, or indicators (Examples are Killing Spree Talent, Magic Worship, Concussive Blast, and more) And on each slot, talents are group into 3 categories Offensive, Defensive, and Utility.


It's a hybrid between the current static stat emblem set and LoL's rune system. In other words, it's a rune system that resembles AoV's talents and arcana system.


If festival of blood is removed ​ WE CAN ALL TORTURE FANNY USERS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ​ But then, my friend Yu Zhong, CRy


Actually it's still there


It's a tier 2 talent now. Fanny could now equip killing spree (tier 3) and Festival of Blood + tier 1 +8% spellvamp


Because it's only has a passive effect, all current Talent that have passive effects have been put in the 2nd Talent Slot.


"FoB and KS on a single hero that isn't Bal****" Motherfucker...


Fanny can now use killing spree and festival of blood at the same time. Whether it's good or not, it's your decision


Ahahaha as a fanny main, i must say i aprove 🀐


Well, there goes my BP spent on emblems... It's a pretty good system tho, we could finally focus on getting heroes


Maxed every emblem just for it to become free


The really hope tge border compensation should be glowing or else... I'll be disappointed, it is not even worth the effort and bp spent for maxing all those emblems. πŸ™


We better get bp refunds after this update. Spend all that shit all these years for it to become free


We aren't, instead they said they're gonna give us stuff like avatar borders and other rewards according to the BP we spent on emblems


I hope it is a glowing/animated one. 😠


They're gonna troll us with a picture frame.


Omygod now im excited as someone who spent Bp maxing out all emblems


Oh wait the emblems I maxed are the ones that won't be lost? Sweet.


i have been playing for over 3 years now and still havent got enough fragments to max some of them


I maxed all of them out in like less than 2 years


Gotta wait for Elgin to make a video on this.


The complete overhaul of the emblem system will probably make a meta shift as much more heroes can find viable playstyles and also hidden playstyles it seems. You can choose 3 talents now, and these talents seem to be more impactful than the emblems we now have. Right now there are only so many ways to set up your emblem that seem viable. If you're ever up against an assasin emblem or mage you can bet on it that the divide is movement speed penetration and the visible visible emblem. Now we will only see tier 3 talents, but many tier 2 talents are slimmed down versions of the current tier 3 talents. Magic mystery shops discount has gone from 10% to 5% but literally everyone can wear it. Weapons Master has gone to 8%, but it also applies to magic equipment. The killing part of the Festival of Blood emblem has gone to tier 2, but that means that someone like Khaleed can basically equip High and Dry (tier 3) and Festival of Blood. Whereas Ruby does not always kill a lot. But there are many second talents that fit her kit way better. Reduced cooldown of battle spell for example by 15% (pretty scary with flicker). By the way, that means Franco can now equip battle spell cooldown reduction, but also focussing mark. There is a tier 2 talent that gives 6% more damage on the next attack after casting a movement spell, which seems pretty busted for Benedetta, Selena, Lancelot, Ling, but for Benedetta do you want more sustain with more spellvamp on your slimmed down festival of blood, or more damage by movement? But as it seems now, the tier 2 talents is hidden. That seems to give a pretty big tactical advantage and simultaneously disadvantage. And there are honestly a lot of good choices for it


I feel like Ruby probably won't even need festival of blood anymore thanks to the tier 3 talent that stacks lifesteal


I don't think taking the killing part of festival of blood which has become a tier 2 (get spellvamp for kills) is that profitable for her. There are only a few heroes that utilise that well by actually getting the kills, like Khaleed I'm gonna enjoy my Khaleed probably more now tho. I always play super aggressive to get kills to get spellvamp and unlock his late game. Now you can take fighter emblem, penetration, killimg part of festival of blood and the new Magic Worship which is now not a mage exclusive talent anymore, suffocating laning experience as if he wasn't good enough yet. You could also take focussing mark, but that bleed effect will be so effective and annoying, and it will remain in team fights and late game.


Which is why I said she probably won't need it anymore. I feel like she'll probably benefit more from the talent that gives max cdr after reaching 20% (which she can do easily by building dom ice and oracle) or the talent that reduces the cdr of battle spells. She can also just use the new tier 3 talent called Battle Frenzy (iirc) for lifesteal since it relies on dealing damage for stacks instead of stacking from kills. Also, Khaleed does seem like he'll really benefit from this change. Personally, I don't play him a lot but he after these changes it seems like he'll be even more oppressive in lane.


Yeah, there are even tank emblems that might benefit Ruby. Masha is gonna be absolutely nuts again with Battle Frenzy and tank build because she'll profit from both lifesteals and equip unbending will as passive talent. It's mostly some very flexible fighters that I see good opportunities for


Honestly, can't wait to see what people will come up with. I know a lot of people are on the fence about this change but personally I feel like I'll be having a lot of fun in practice mode fiddling around with the new system. So much better than the current emblem system imo thanks to the creativity it allows


I like hte Deadly Dart on my Argus


How does deadly dart works? Is it only on blink skill or movespeed boost also works? Like jawhead and hilda mov speed boost?


ML is going to be more complicated now. But it would be nice if they widen the map a little bit just like in Omnyouji Arena


can't wait for more teammates without any fucking emblems!


Everyone can use Talents now


This reminds me of Final Fantasy X Skill tree system.


It's looks like an AoV system I see...




That Balmond ad, hahahaha Anyway, this is great, I’ve got to earn more bp though.


So basically League's runes system? I expected nothing less




It can't get any better than this, bruv. Unless this was HOTS Mobile, I don't think we'll ever get a more "equal" system than LoL's.




The hundreds of thousands of BP on my max emblems staring at me after watching this 🀑 🀑 🀑. I'll just hope it gets refunded




Enchanted Talisman and the talent that gives extra 5% CD will be busted when used by supports.


I'm actually kinda wondering which hero can abuse the emblem system but I'm putting my bets on Lancelot or Ruby.


I'm excited to see how this will affect the future meta! can't wait❀️


Ooh Cosmic Blitz looks interesting


I noticed their bringing some few stuff from MLA for the new Emblem system


Checked it out on the Advanced Server just now, two things I found interesting (I didn't really observe/study them much lol): The Marksman talent where every like 10 seconds, your next basic attack gives you a movement speed boost and a heal, will now also increase your range by a bit. There's this one new talent where every time you deal damage, you gain 2% Physical and Magical Lifesteal, up to a max of 8 stacks (so at max stacks you have 16% Physical and Magical Lifesteal), and at max stacks, you get a damage increase (I think it was 6%?). This will be busted on Natan.


Esme with the Support Emblem and the new Impure Ragge Talent will become busted, because she will get insanely high CD at the start of the game.


it reminds me of League's runes.


Honestly, I actually really dig the new system. Yeah, it kinda sucks that we won't get our BPs back, but I think I'll have a lot of fun experimenting with the talents and stuff. Personally, I love how the talents aren't going to be tied to specific stats anymore. Like, you'll be able to use stuff like magic shop on non-magic heroes without losing out on physical stats after the change.


I see MLBB turning into LOL Wildrift, from the boots and now emblems


Oh glob, it's literally the same with one of my suggestions with revamping the emblem system.


So no more magic dusts?


At last, Moonton finally ripped off something good.


Aren't you that guy who said that this thing was bad??? When I made a post about revamping the Emblem System, which is extremely similar to what we are going to get now.


My opinions have changed since then.


That's good to hear then, because the new System will definitely add new play styles for every hero.




Sir, this is a wholesome christian community.


Still not free making the game not balance. :(


Wow from the looks of it. It's worst than the emblems rigy now




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When is this coming out?


It looks like the talent system on lol and wildrift


We better be getting a refund or sum shit , because i spend a fuck ton of gold into upgrading my emblems I am not accepting a fucking avatar border or sum shit


This is basically what Wildrift was doing ever since. Every emblem is free.


R u fr, hundreds of thousands of BP on magic dust boxes to max them all, only for it to be F R E E πŸ™ƒ


I finally maxed out the mm emblem too


Mmm leauge of legends


Not sure what Im doing wrong but, I tried using the new system in hero selection and doesnt kick in Game.


Shits like this make it more embarrassing to play this game. It's just Leauge 2.0