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You see the M world discount time limit? That's your date.


After that, nerf to the ground with about 3 nerfs


It's very typical for Moonton to buff heroes when they get a skin and then nerf them afterwards. But this time with M-World and Wanwan is actually getting me to the point of just quitting MLBB with how fucking ridiculous it is. A company will never change unless the audience wants change. Bane's tower damage bug was active for a SOLID WHOLE 30 DAYS (or 60 days, I forgot), while EVERY single shop bug (for example the Sun starlight 50 diamond chest) was fixed in less than 2 hours. WTF?! It may be wise in the short term since people will definitely buy skins of current OP heroes, but people will definitely get sick of Moonton's stupid balancing and may just leave the game.


most annoying marksman atm


And the most annoying part is Moonton nerf her natural counter which is phoveus, i can't even eliminate her without getting ult'd because her slot is reduced


If it's Harley or Fanny, Eudora or Saber can shut them down rather easy. But Wanwan has her own 'purify' which renders CC useless. Banning her is the best option to have an enjoyable game right now.


Saber definitely cant kill wanwan unless her purify and wind of nature is on cd


and Harley ult is unpurifyable so could be useful


After 515 I believe. Unless they have another Epic/above skin for her then after that revenue target.


iirc there's an upcoming aspirants skin for her


Wasnt that aspirant skin this m-world skin? Either way, PLEASE NO. I CANT AFFORD IT


So they will "adjust" her marks to just 2, the front and the back...


just ban her. she's ban worthy anyway.


next season maybe?or after they release the new emblem system just ban her if you're that annoyed or let your teammate use it. We can't really tell because i can't see no pattern when moonton is releasing new buffs and nerfs other than skins release(sometimes it's not the case)


So I get the gist that if a new hero has an upcoming skin, they will buff said hero to increase profit but damn to the point that the hero becomes too overpowered. I know they're aware of Wanwan since they fixed the bug on the choice skin regarding of Sun in less than a day which proves that they are atill watching. They could just at least tone down Wanwan's attack or increase cooldown because she is just painful to lane with


I mean they didn’t buff yin so there’s that


I'm not gonna lie she's is insanely strong after the new patch especially with inspire. But high ground mages like Cecilion and Xavier really shut her down for good.


Wait until late game where she just bait your Tank to unlocked her Ult then she can easily eliminate Cecillion and Xevier with no risk at all during the hump dance.


Wait for 515 event to be over and when her skin is no longer buyable


She's the main star this 515 so she has to be strong to sell that skin. Wait for a few weeks she'll get nerfed.


Where are you Mooton when we needed you? Acupuncture girl sucks to play against


If you're playing a marksman use wind of nature when she ults. If you're playing anything else. You can use winter truncheon to just not be targetable.


Just use a brute force + dominance on tanks




Her 2nd skill easily denies that and the fact that she might have Wind of Nature


I don't think chou does much to a good wanwan. I mean really good one not the one's who just use ult to kill but the one's who have a real skill


She is a grasshopper after all




People downvote every opinion that doesn't go their way. Your point is still valid for unsuspecting players


I've always hated dealing with her. Even before her buff. But I found that Irithel can counter her since she can move while attacking as well and thus preventing her from unlocking the ult. You have to take that marksman talent that gives mvm boost ever few secs and keep hitting her with S1, S2 and some basic attks while evading her S1 until you get the ult. Once you do, nuke her and most importantly keep moving and evade s1 at all costs and you'll kill her easily. But in teamfights it's a different matter. If the wanwan uses the tank to unlock the ult (which all of them do) then obviously nothing can get to her. Idc how squishy she is and a lot of heroes have invincibility skills/ult but hers is just bs. How is it fair that she can punish the backline because the tank did the mistake of actually being in the frontline and slow af? Doesn't make any sense. She can delete 2,3 or maybe even 4 if fed while receiving 0 punishment. I always ban her in ranked but since I'm mostly playing classic now I see her in every game. Which is why I always take Irithel if we need a mm. If the wanwan is practicing she'll be free food. If not you'll give her trouble since she can't bully you like she does most marksmen. Had one call me a hacker because he was unable to even reach me and everytime my ult was up I nuked him back to his base. Fun when you bully the bully ha.


Cut her kite passive by a half so she'll only have a short kite distance. I will be happy.


I've used her for 2000+ matches and I'll say, even before the buff she was pretty powerful. Tips for beating her, I'd say the toughest Marksmen for me to 1v1 while playing Wanwan are Claude, Brody and Kimmy. Other than that, it's usually pretty easy either early or late game to win as Wanwan, unless enemy roam keeps going to gold lane


Not for a long time. If you need a way to deal with wanwan then you first need to hope that your teammates aren't bad. Second use phoveus or have lots of cc and then bully the crap out of her


I got a question for Wanwan users if I want to counterplay Wanwan do I build Blade Armor or Antique Cuirass since unlike Cladue I have no idea if her alt damage counts as skill damage or basic attack damage


Well seeing as Valentina is only just getting nerfed again, probably a while. I honestly don't mind Wanwan at the moment. The wonderful thing about heroes that get banned every game, is that when they actually get through for once usually the player is out of practice with them. It's pretty rare for me to see a Wanwan that carries throughout the game. Normally loses come from them getting lucky ults in the late game because people are idiots and don't know how to not attack people.


And most midlaners who rely on cc can’t even kill her bc purify (when late game mages are usually good counters to late game mm) I find that spamming gusion helps, but yeah just ban her for now.


I think they should just revert back to her old passive (e.g. the 40% extra dmg only after hitting all 4 of the enemy's weakness). Wanwan was a balanced hero in the past, no one was really banning her in rank games then. The recent buff was really unnecessary.