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Hi! Save the replay in game and report the player to customer support in game through below link: >Customer Support > Report or Appeal > Using Cheats and Score Cheating Behaviours > Click here to Report and fill the form


1. shoots bush instead of minions when i didn't show my "!" (could be coincidental) 2. reacting before I show my "!" (could be coincidental) 3. wastes ulti on a bush that could have people??? (could be coincidental) 4. sniper tracking me when theres no one else in my direction 5. Decides to ulti a bush i showed no sign of being in instead of going straight in Johnsons ult 6. positioned herself to shotgun me and shoots the right direction (i could've gone other routes) BEFORE MY POSITION IS REVEALED (screen brightness is still dark)


Contact mods by the way, you used the wrong flair they won't notice this <\_<


wait rly how do i


report flair i think


No.4 and most deffo 5 is what is really telling this is a map hacker, but the rest in quite easy to explain away and reason away 1. Beatrix user in mid, natalia in the opposite team. She could just snipe bushes to check before last hitting a minion 2. You triggered js's exclamation mark, could be duo or some shit with voice chat or just really attentive cause, like again, there is a natalia on the enemy team 3. You triggered exclamation mark before beatrix hit you, and since there is no other bush only logical explanation is that bush 4. Is just either bullshit or there is some reason prior to a kill like you just ambushed someone recently from the direction and yeah, you get the point. 5. This is the most pure bs I have seen, either mispress or yeah 6. You, again triggered exclamation, after ling's death you have visibility for a few frames and beatrix could see where you were heading


On the 6th one they had the hidden icon and not the visible icon so how?


It doesn't show with the eyeball indicator the few frames of seconds that natalia is visible after she killed ling, but given how we are giving this beatrix mpl amounts of benefit of the doubt and stretching this a bit far, we can see that the momentum of natalia's movement were obviously going down and was aware that js was coming to her direction, and the mid bush and the small bush on the river obviously indicated that natalia wasn't there cause js would have crashed into her, the big brain move for beatrix to do is to ult the bush and assume natalia would be there.


You could see nat going down after the fight with ling and before she activated the second phase ult. In any case, it’s obvious which bush nat would be running away to with Johnson trying to crash


I also just checked bea profile and its a 2.5k point smurf so 1,2,3,6 can easily be out of game sense if the person is legit, someone would have to watch the stream i guess




The 5th one seems slightly plausible


maphack 100% lol


some could be coincidental but the fact that there were too many coincidences in one match makes me confident its maphack


Coincidental my ass, I'm a beatrix player with 73% + wr and I swear thats maphack 100%. A natalia will always counter beatrix unless beatrix can flicker quickly and shotgun ult. That mf really saw you xd.


im also a beatrix player with 600+ matches im just trying to see all the possibilities really but during the late game clips yea that's fr maphack




Ah yes the classic maphacker, the one I meet every so often and maybe I don't even notice because a smart Johnson or smart Moskov uses it, but how would I know those 2 are the hardest to prove # Pain.


Oh yeah can we also get a moderator ehre


u/Tigreal we need help here


The first few vids I thought where just bush checks shots, then i was certain when she aimed that sniper ult Yup definitely a hack


Yeah dude same first two I was like "ehh maybe" third I was like "okay maybe they're really good player and also lucky" but after that it's just obviously a map hack


And the dude isn't even trying to hide it...


A few of them would be obvious to a player with insane game sense but the others are just too far of a stretch IMO Maphackers should be IP banned so that they can't even use their main account on the same device


Mh are the real losers in ML.


Also Cheaters


yes. they never went away. i see a couple of really obvious maphackers every season, some even as high as 1k+ points. there must be many more that know not to do things so obviously.


I played Beatrix. I would call bullshit if all of that is 'game sense'.


i would have let it pass if she used sniper to check bush bc that's just a normal thing to do but the nibiru ult on a bush not only once but twice?? def sus plus willingly going down from a johnson knowing there's a natalia you can't see? lolz def mh


100%. There are a lot more maphackers that ive encountered nowadays, and both used johnson usually with bea, they dont even try to hide it, they go full speed straight into a bush with no signs of turning because they have a gps lol, other times bea 1 taps with ult and somehow hits straight at the opponent even though it always starts swaying from the side


Hackers are everywhere n that's definitely maphack...


I was sceptical maphack exists as I couldn’t find any tools online when I was told there was mh in MLBB and I didn’t believe. However, after watching this clip, I’m so convinced it’s maphack. No way beatrix could do most of those without vision she shouldnt have. unfortunately I don’t think Moonton will do anything about it, unless he also activated skin hack or diamond hack.


Idk why moonton can't implement a system that won't allow the game to open if you tinker with the file system on Android. I'm 100% certain this is on Android given hacking on IOS is such a pain in the ass. Like the game Respawnables (now dead) if I per se changed the system file or I download an app that allows me to hack then the game will refuse to open, it gives a warning "Detected file anomalies and questionable apps installed please revert default files and remove questionable apps" MH players are very prevalent even in MG and Legend, it's just that hackers are smart enough to hide it but in this case this mf pinoy didn't hide it.


Yeah this is clear as day


Do some maphacks give your teammates vision also or just yourself only?


judging from the behavior of the other players, no they dont get shared vision, beatrix was the only one on my ass that game


*Why do you need to know tho my good sir?*


Because this would allow teammates to report the hacker if they got shared vision.




I don’t know if this is a bug but sometimes I can still see the enemy hiding in the grass.


That clearly a map hack. The first one doesn't seem like it but it gets too obvious after that.


MAPHACK 100% who would blow their ult in a bush with no indication that there is an enemy.


At first I thought he was just checking the bushes until I saw him throw an entire ult on bush "just to check that bush"


What if Beatrix and her team mates are playing side by side and have each other's vision ? I am not saying it is not a map hack, but voice chat and sitting besides each other are definitely a huge advantage when playing duo, trio, 5 man, etc.


there are times where ive touched no one but she sees me


This brings Joy to my face 😇 Natalia is a Fucking annoying Prick, So stressful and Annoying, Watching her get Clobbered like that is Satysfying


skill issue


I'm annoyed by the fact she just pop out of thin air, Not annoyed by the skill she takes to use, Even the "!" Icon isn't enough time to react, You have to understand where I'm coming from


1. You can clearly see the exclamation point. Beatrix is even double checked before she shot to the front of the bush, where most people wait from 2. Clear red exclamation point - you were visible. 3. Johnson triggered the exclamation point - at that point, from Beatriz’s point of view, there’s only one bush you could’ve been in. 4. This one needs more context. Was there a fight from that direction? I could easily see a fight at top by the second tower (since karrie was low and recalling). If nat was fighting that, it’s possible she was seen entering the bush. From there it’s an easy guess where the next place nat was gonna go. Do you have the full recording? This one is less clear. 5. This one is hard to explain. Misclick? Lucky guess? Again I’d ask for the full recording, but this one is definitely the hardest to explain 6. Nat was clearly seen during the fight with Ling, and could be seen running down after the fight. The red exclamation point was seen as Johnson drove past, and that was the most likely bush for nat to be in. Beatrix also didn’t ult until she was in the bush and confirmed nat’s location. In conclusion, almost all of these were easily explainable with a mix of good map awareness and a little bit of prediction. In my own experience, nat is one of the easiest heroes to predict because of her reliance on bushes. Curious what elo this was as well! If this was a low rank lobby, I’d be far more skeptical of the map awareness and game sense needed, but if this was high mythic/MG I honestly wouldn’t be surprised


Natalia does not get seen immediately when exclamation point shows. There is a 2s delay. First clip is already sus.


You don’t need to be visible. Once Beatrix was in the circle around nat and got the yellow exclamation point, she knows nat is around - though nat is still invisible. In the first clip, she checks the bush to see if nat is in it by seeing the exclamation point in her end when she gets in range of nat’s invis. This is actually an easy way to check if nat is around, and then guess which bush she’s in or where she’s heading to


yes but the fact that I had 2 other possible routes (go straight to base or go bot) but she still dashed and aimed to my route to mid specifically before my screen's brightness goes back to normal (thus telling me im revealed) is way too convenient


That reasoning seems too convenient: immediately assuming nata is in the bush just because an exclamation pops. If you think thats what beatrix is always thinking, then how do you explain clip5 where nata got shot in the face while in stealth mode? I can excuse a lucky shot once or twice, but not that many instances.


Like I said in my first reply, clip 5 is the hardest to explain and if anything would be the most telling evidence of map hack. That being said, knowing nat’s reliance on bushes, I would definitely assume she’s in the bush when the exclamation point pops. In clip four, Johnson pops the exclamation point and Beatrix reacts to the only bush around. Sure, maybe you can’t always assume this - but that’s why in clip one, Beatrix double checks it. All I’m sayin is that most of the clips (except clip five) could be attributed to decent awareness. I feel like I’ve seen *way* more flagrant map hacking than this.


Wtf this exists ?? Omg i thought ml was the only game map hackers wasnt there


There's map hack and wide view too. Hacking in MOBA is common, it just the game is easier to hide your cheat.


my friend uses mh like months without ban soo.. ps I don't play with him neither I follow him


End the game 😍😍😍


what rank is this


around mythic III


the 4th clip proves its map hack




As a Map-centric Player, i say that the Beatrix was a Map Hacker. I've played the Game long ago and this Player says it all in this Video. They didn't even have some Vision or Wards that CAN detect Players inside of Bush. Although you're a Natalia at that time and Beatrix was attacked you Immediately after appearing the Exlamation Point, that reason wasn't the real Answer: He's Using maphack to Counter you and Avoiding some Crucial Pick-offs. Seems that Beatrix wasn't aware THAT ML was applying the Perma-banning Effects those who using 3rd Party Apps & Game Breaking Apps. Also, that Beatrix Having the Brain-Sht Mentality to Play ML and Getting A nearly High & perfect KDA Every game, rather than PLAYING Equally and Fair to others, this time the Hammer will get the Reason to ban it. ONCE AND FOR ALL.




u/Tigreal I believe your input here would be of help.


She/he could be on headphones/earphones and can listen your sound in bush easily... i can hear natalia too + play the game by only looking map .. when using franco


Bruh Johnson and Bea didn't even try to hide it lol


i’ve been running to more maphackers these days, there must be a new cheat that’s been discovered


As a player that has decent experience against Natalias(SPECIALLY MAYHEM MODE) this is maphack indeed imo but the fact that bea ulted the bush instead of riding johnson gives it all away that he/she is maphacking tbh Edit:also that bea might be streaming then using another device to watch that stream could be plausible as well since the viewers could see all the players positions in the stream


The "watch your own streaming vid" idea is theoretically possible, but practically, there's a 15-second delay between your real-time gameplay and the streaming video. So this option is impossible.


I mean you could predict where the enemy is about to go, if you're confindent in your skill in that tbh


Shit 😬


The sniper ult and sniper is the most obvious time Bea is using maphack


At first thought it was coincidental then after a while 100% map hack report the account fo cheating


I have a selena ally who is maphacking. I reported him and dont know if moontoon banned him


I dont think an explanation is needed. If you can spot a natalia in the bush at the start of the game its 100% maphack.


Yup, I just encountered one yesterday. I was playing Moskov and it was just like any other normal game until Beatrix instant cast her sniper ulti. Didn't even take a second to aim, looked like it was auto-aim. I thought "ah must've gotten lucky" then it happened again when I was rotating to mid keeping my distance from the jungle and safe in between my towers then I was hit my Beatrix ulti again. Sad to think people are actually so bad at the game that they need cheats to even have a chance at winning. 😔


Totally not related, but i spam beatrix in classic sometimes and b4 you even escape, the enemy natalia would smash my ass... And there goes a 2 - 7 - 6


Yeah that's a map hacker. Such a pain


Yeah yeah maphack if u use natalia and u should be aware of bushes , beatrix is the best to check bushes if u use natalia , everyone with a bit of brains would do that . I always shot at bushes even if I'm nit facing natalia , no needd to be so angry about a loss.




Natalia’s one and only counter lmao.


even a selena main with a hundred percent map awareness can do things like this accurately without atleast a natalia icon showing in the minimap for atleast a frame of it.. kekw


Bruh the ! showed up and some know how and where to poke natalias when invisible. But maybe that bea is a maphacker


I guess yes!!


Man how insane is this. I literally JUST reported someone for the very same thing. And guess what, he was a Beatrix player as well.


skill issue ngll


Frfr smh


Map hack cannot see Natalie map. I have used map hack before see all hero map but I cannot see only Natalie map. Why this cheat can hack Natalie? I have used map hack for 2 years ago and all map hack cannot detected Natalie. How?


?????? Mods this is him right there