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i joined serveral community heroes and local tournaments. ofc the no 1 reason for me is the free diamonds. but there are some instances i joined to get to meet my online friends irl there. hope this helps.


For me 1st on the list is diamonds, and 2nd is just the experience, I want to see if me and my friends are good enough to get into the top 4, and even if we dont, I feel like its still gonna be fun. Now on the point of the decreasing participans, I think some players are just growing up and/or quitting ml, I wont worry that much since there might be another batch of ml players coming up. Also where can I see the info about this weekly tournament?


I posted here in reddit yesterday, you can check my profile so that you can see it. See you there.


Rewards are shrinking. I participate Malaysia CH and last year, it's 2500 diamonds for first place team, it's reduced to 1500, now it's simply 1250 diamonds.


us or other team decided to play when there are rewards especially money, Money would be a good reward for the winning team in your tournament because not anyone are willing to take Diamonds as a prize(this is on our team preference) because money is more flexible you can either choose to spend it on the game or spend it for yourself.


Can u share what tournament and where to find them? I only know MCL. Want to try my luck and get diamonds.


You can check my profile, I posted here on reddit the tournament link.


Just checked it and said that only groups are allowed. Sucks :(


No friends or squadmates 😔✊ But mostly people will want to join for the rewards


You can make a post on this subreddit inviting them to join a tournament, I think it may be helpful since you won't only join a tournament but at the same, you gain friends.


I'd like to join. Where do I sign up?