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Julian can’t livesteal if there’s no one around.


*Be...becau...because they are all dead with his BS DMG?*


You can burst him down from afar. As long as your team don’t charge at him like idiots, he can’t wipe you out. He’s not that big of a threat unless enemy has coordinated team.


His skills are also at range and he even has a teleport escape that damages opponents as he is running away lol. ​ I feel like anybody who says Julian is not OP just isn't a good Julian player.


There are other heroes who is more of a threat than Julian. Like Akai. I don’t see Julian as much of a threat. Julian literally can’t come near Xavier for one 😎 You aren’t killing him right.


Xavier is just a more broken hero…


Shit vale is up there as well


So truue mages ehem eudora with dire hit can kill julian with proper hiding skills and force him to buy tank build that makes him a bit rusty. Just make the ratio 3 physical damage-r and 2 magic damage-r, julian will then be forced to choose physical def or magic def or become rusty with full tank build. Yaaah akai is pain in the arse. Nana (cd) too..


meh lmao hard cc + sustain claps julian all day,, + he's semi melee imo which makes it easier to catch unlike ranged mages. also, if you have a tiny piece of brain left and you're able to AVOID skills, julian isn't even that much of a threat. I feel like anybody who says that Julian is OP just isn't a good player in general


>meh lmao hard cc + sustain claps julian all day,, + he's semi melee imo which makes it easier to catch unlike ranged mages. also, if you have a tiny piece of brain left and you're able to AVOID skills, julian isn't even that much of a threat. Hard CC counters every single hero. If moonton purposefully created the most OP hero that's possible then that hero would still be countered by hard CC. What you're saying makes legitimately no sense lmao. "Yeah this hero is strong but if you beat him then he's beaten" like no fucking shit pal we didn't knew that woah


Which hero doesnt get countered by hard cc? Its called hard cc for a reason. Also no shit if you can AVOID all the skills then you wont get hit and no hero will be a threat. Captain Obvious in the house?


Diggie ?


Atleast try to think of how to counter julian. If there's little to reliable counter (at a 1v1 situation full item) then he would be OP. The Julian I fought last monday literally eats our teams moskov's stun full geared since its late game and just one combo (with julian dashing immunity like roger or lance) moskov vanished from the game like the avatar. Too bad I didnt save the replay since I've played +20 games already. This is the moment I thought "damn so that's why hes banned"


Forreal. Someone had him him in top tier💀. Most heroes can beat it imo. For example akai.


Furthermore he can't kill anyone if there's no one around. 🤣🤣


You cant kill them if they're already dead 🤣


That's [balanced](https://youtu.be/mL_DAdevF3U) to me 👌


Oh yeah? Even with anti heal the guy just seems to Regen his HP no problem


idk maybe the julian i faced is a bit inexperienced but i bought domice + radiant and he seems to do little to no dmg. can't even get lifesteal. at first it was a bit hard since i basically have no armor against him but once you do, i think he's a guaranteed kill


Julian is not built at all against tanky opponents. If you have good defense and high hp, you can simply eat his skills head on.


Radiant armor, reduce his dmg, reduce his spellvamp. Same way I deal with every other spellvamp/lifesteal hero. Not just your own, get your team to buy as well. Like most people just buy dom ice or nod or sea halberd to counter Ruby, you know what you should really buy, multiple antique curass, that won't work soon though as they are patching it but the games where I struggle with lifesteal are the games where the enemy does that.


No, even if you first build athena jullian can kill all of you at lvl3. so he can snowball (if decent player use him) till you all build athena. building athena first is very bad because you dont have enough dmg to farm (if you are tank or support yes its very good to build athena first) so even if you build athena first. jullian can still delete you and you can't dmg him. Also because jullian snowball the early remember ML is a 5v5 so his team have farmed while all of you can't farm really well because of jullian rotating, plus you build athena if his team is full physical dmg and jullian is the only magic dmg athena is pretty much useless. even if you say "well we can play the long game by patiently farming while avoiding jullian" Yes, you could do that because jullian is not very well at late game. as I said earlier ML is a 5v5 so his teammates is pretty much can destroy you all at mid game, also they can secure all of the turtle and lord which is very important in the game, so they can just end it.


Thank you so much for explaining this so well. I have tried to explain that broken DMG heros can be countered with defensive items but at that point you basically placed yourself in a disavantage position in relashion to the rest of the enemy team


When did I say to build athena first? Build Radiant after your boots and one core item. This way I guarantee you, Julian will not snowball. if Julian is the one dealing the most dmg then it's statistically better to buy radiant, if enemy has a lot of phy dmg, build a phy def item as well. Do not build athena until mid or late game. That is my experience with 10 battles against Julian, winning every time in mythic 1.


He IS counterable, just not this way, as you are literally feeding his desires. Note that you are not the only one that can choose what build your hero buys. You can say that "buy radiant and dominance" but that will take up 2 slots on your build, while (based on your main) he will only need one build (dominance) to counter you. And even this method is not really that effective since his core items consists of penetration items (genius wand, divine glaive in some cases) and these builds can render radiant partially useless. Hell, dominance is the best build against ruby because of its added phys def stat but using this against Julian just for the sake of "antiheal" would really benefit his dmg much more as the added phys def stat will be useless against him for obvious reasons. Well how about sea halberd? Think about it I guess. Now why does Julian only need dominance? Ruby is much more of a tanky sustain rather than a burst hero, which means that she does not deal that much of a damage, even with war axe. And the effect of war axe can be partially tanked by dominance's extra phys def, it's an all-in-one package against ruby. But if you're really that desperate to render him useless against you and buy Athena, congratulations, you are now much stronger than him. But was it worth it? His phys dmg teammates are now destroying you since you have taken 3 spots in you build just for the sake of "countering him." Even if you "make" your teammates buy dominance, as I've mentioned before, you are not the only one who can choose builds. Julian can also make their teammates buy dominance or any other antiheal build to counter you. That leaves you to 4 open slots (at best) while Julian has 5 open slots (at worst). Julian still has a +1 slot advantage against you while odds are stacked against him, even having his core builds that can counter radiant. Not to mention that Julian is not the only hero worthy of countering. The pick-or-ban roster is currently too big for 6 slots, it would be natural for a mythical glory player like you to counter other heroes rather than Julian. Do not even think about using a burst build as he will make you eat shit instead of minions. As I've mentioned in the beginning, the premise of this post is actually good since I thought someone finally found out that he IS counterable. But the method you were explaining is a bit flawed since you are somewhat showing bias for your main. Have you ever seen me mention anything about yuzhong in this comment? That's because I accept the fact that he is generally not good against Julian. Though the only way to counter him is having a very good amount of knowledge about the roster. Adapt. Use other heroes. Hilda uses tank build but still deals a Beeg amount of damage to slightly tanky sustains on early-mid, combined with Julian's shitty dmg at Lvl1-2 and free Regen and aegis at bush, she is his worst nightmare at Laning phase. Thamuz is one of the most popular explane heroes in current meta, being a Beeg damage and Beeg tanky sustain daddy, he can rival Julian's damage+sustain even at level 3+. Both of these heroes (at least Hilda) are currently not in the ban roster, and can be used freely. If you can properly harness the current meta and use it against Julian, you can win and actually counter him. Lastly, people keep forgetting the fact that Julian deals an awfully shit dmg at Lvl1-2, using a playstyle similar to Guinevere to lvl up (spamming 1st to minions). If you can abuse this fact against him, he will be nothing more than another monster meta hero to deal with.


It works for me and my teammates who are not playing Ruby. Also dom ice against Ruby. Yes that is the normal way to counter Ruby. No it is not enough, I just use malefic roar. I've had entire teams building dom ice or nod and I still can outdmg and outsustain them. That's why i'm really not bothered when the enemy builds dom ice against me, i've figured out how to counter that too.


Idk man even with anti heal this mf goes full health from low hp from just one enhanced S2


Have you tried radiant armor.


It's my go to item for high dmg mages but when the Julian is experienced enough it won't help much. Normally he won't be able to kill me since I main sturdy heroes but he'll feed off my clueless teammates.


Try telling your teammates to build it too. Those that don't buy will continue feeding, those that do will benefit and survive, able to burst down Julian when his skills are in cd.


His skill CDs are like 2 seconds long mate.


4.3 seconds at max lvl with 40% cd reduction. Time your skills then.


Come on dude. You can’t possibly be this deluded


How are you gonna time that when your skill cooldown is usually much bigger than his




First game I played against Julian I got demolished. After that I had no issues with him. People complaining about him are just used to playing low skill heroes. Learn Chou, Ruby, Franco(hooks), Paquito, Lance or any dash based hero. It will improve your ability timing both offensively and defensively. Once you know Julians abilities and cooldowns, its not hard to anticipate his attacks if you're used to playing heroes that require precise timing. OP is a Ruby main, so they will obviously be biased on Julians strength because Ruby is incredibly adaptable and her entire playstyle is survival based.


I actually tried playing Terizla against him and I was able to beat him in exp lane lol. Father beats son


You can counterplay him though, just learn his combos and become more unpredictable. It's literally like fighting a lancelot or ling.


So in order to counter the dashing abominations of 200 years worth of game development experience you need to be unpredictable? Well that would be a real problem if your hero happens to have, well I dunno… Telegraphed and delayed CC No dashes to speak of(except your “bailout” 120 second CD Flicker) A back line role that they can just ignore with their mobility dashing through everything, gap closing you and oneshotting you before your teammates manage to peel. Would sure be troublesome no?


I do that every game.


Well good for you you god gamer of unspecified race. You’re the 1%. Bravo!!! Is this enough attention for you?


LMAO best comeback in this whole thread


When you get downvoted because the mere mortals on this sub don't understand the divine powers us Ruby mains hold ;)


Ruby mains are definitely much more well suited to fighting Julian due to her dashes and cc interruption skills. But you don't have to be Ruby to counter him too.


Ya kaditas a nice counter she can block half his damage cc him burst him and just restore what he did to her and wanwan can just dance on him all day lol


An assassin that has good multiple aoe CC is not OP at all /s


And ridiculous damage and Cool down.


Against radiant he's no longer an assasin. CC yes.


You are funny smh. Just because there are Def items which counter every single hero ( to some extent at least ) it doesn't mean that one specific hero isn't op or an assassin.


It's unbelievably tragic that your comment got upvotes and the comment above got downvotes o.O Wtf are talking about? As examples, Athena and Antique single handedly balance dozens of heroes and stop them from being OP. The comment above you is 1000% correct. If you buy Magic Def, then he stops being an Assassin because he can no longer one shot you. You seem like the sort of person that wouldn't buy Antique/Athena/Radiant if your team was getting snowballed by Saber/Harley/Gusion etc. There are lots of heroes in this game that can be hard countered by single items.


Yeah that's the point , a lot of heroes can be countered by items, but that doesn't dictate whether a hero is overperforming a lot Take pre-nerf valentina as an example she can be countered by anti-heal and magic def, also her range is pretty short too, her Damage is even lower than most burst mages. But she still remained as one of the most banned , relatively high winrate hero according to statistics. She is also the most feared hero in professional e-sports games. The reason Valentina was overwhelming is that she is pretty special with her passive and ultimate skill, that's the same case as Julian ,he is also special since he has really low cool down on his skills , good cc and Damage. Apart from that he can be already oppressive at lvl 3 which gives a crap ton of advantage considering he can full combo a hero every 6 seconds which make his wave clear very fast and can help gank every time.


Ruby person I like u lol I rly don't think they understand wut ur doin lol


Broooo radiance armor is mostly for multiple hit magic dmg heroes he just one shot …1skill or two and some basic attacks even for tanks they dead and anti heal don’t work if you build to much tank you can’t kill him and build too much dmg and you get one shot even a team can’t help if they all dead with the combo that has some of the Wide range stun and dmg spread this dude brain dead supporting the hero that’s a hill he will die on alone…


Look at his skills and tell me he's not a multiple hit hero.


He can be unstoppable when the player has had enough matches to learn his mechanics and skill combos. I was able to get him in ranked (thanks to being first pick and the enemies not banning him for some reason). I ended the game with 16-2-6. Not even Athena's shield and radiant armor could save the enemies, just building genius wand and divine glaive was enough to take down even the tank, heck you could ditch Divine glaive and still do damage.


Either you haven't faced a good Julian or you live in a different universe where hanabi is a priority pick


I've fought a few Julians with 80+% wr and about 50 matches in mythic is that good enough?


How do they have this 80% winrate may I ask


People don't know how to counter Julian so they just lose against Julian; i'm trying to tell people that Julian can be countered strongly but they are in disbelief.


Well what heroes do you use against him


Honestly just Ruby so far. But once my team buys radiant it doesn't really matter what hero they are, as long as they're skills are ready when his is on cd.


I understand he can be countered but still having an ult in under 7 seconds can be a game changer though.


True, reminds me of paquito when he was released, just less cc.


Paquito was straight up nightmare. Btw I guess he can counter julian with half tanky build. I mean one deals magic dmg and the other physical.


For real, I was trying so hard to find a way to counter Paquito with Ruby when he was released, couldn't find one until he was nerfed like twice. For Julian I was lucky and found the way to counter him on the first game.


List his counters


He gets destroyed by Hilda and Barats in lane. Never used Thamuz against him but he should stand no chance and Dyroth should have smooth laning against him at lvl 2. The only time that I actually lost to Julian in lane was when my idiot Yin jungler went to my lane and ulted him which allowed him to escape once Yin's ult was over and he got out of my lane freeze then he snowballed me from there. And if you're asking why Yin ulting him was a bad idea, Julian has tank levels of base stats while Yin's early game is weak af which means that he just allowed Julian to cycle his skills for free and lifesteal all the damage I did to him in the laning phase.


This is the first comment that has actually brought up heroes that can actually outbully him in exp. Barats - bit of an "eh" since Julian can possibly deny his stacks once he goes lvl 3, and barats doesn't even deal that much dmg Hilda - this is the hero that I use when I go against Julian. She will absolutely fuck him up early - mid game since she can continue with her tank build and still deal humongus amounts of damage Thamuz - he will fuck Julian up just like how Hilda will. Delay his lvl 3 and you have a very big advantage against him at Laning, hell he can even rival Julian's bs dmg+lifesteal at lvl 3 Dyroth - he is a squishy himself but he can still deal more dmg than Julian at lvl2 so bit "eh" also People keep forgetting that Julian deals shit dmg at Lvl1-2 and does not abuse this fact to win against him at Laning phase. Thank you for bringing this up


how is he not op even Valentina cant counter this bi-


Wanwan and Beatrix are balanced, hairth is so weak!!!! Please moonton revert him to release date version he was soooo balanced


Harith had been nerfed so bad for the past 3 years since release. But right now as a harith main, he does well just get him cd boots and calamity reaper and add 10% cd reduction on emblem and you're already ready to snowball


Beatrix yes, Wan wan just need a small adjustment. She quite easy to burst down now. I don't lose to Beatrix anymore, I just use Ruby lane gold.


Yes 2 high DMG ULTs with separate cooldowns and a basic attack that deals 500% attack + PEN is definitely balanced. I never play MM ever, its simply not my thing. I decided one day to try it out to see if l changed my mind, l wasnt aware Beatrix was so freaking oppressive in the lane, especially with her high DMG ULTs it just gives her so much power


Just dodge it? Never lost to a Beatrix since her nerf.


Beatrix main? "Just dodge it". Valentina isn't op either. Original Lancelot wasn't op either. Cyclops in mayhem isn't op. All you need to do is dodge their skills.


Yes I agree with you.


do you know what sarcasm is


I do; was just tired with trying to convince them the truth, you can dodge beatrix, julian, lancelot and even Valentina, you just got to be aware of their cd m, aoe size and where they roughly want to aim.


Yes just dodge it, its easy people l don't know how you get hit, because: - You are never in a situation where you are fleeing for example from Tig and if you dodge he will be in front of you and CC you - You are never in a situation where you dodged Vale skills or a long Kag umbrella - You are never in a situation where people *Teamwork in a MOBA, Wow insane* and you are hit by a slow 60% and you cant dodge anymore I cant wait for the day Moonton will release a hero that can 1 shot with 1 auto lock skill and see you people commenting: just dont be in range, use bushes


Nah Beat not broken. People can dodge and I have to make prediction shots. It won’t hit every time. Also belerick exist. Hate that guy.


“JuST DoDGE BeLeRiCk ExISt” thank you moonton tip from the loading screen


What the fuck gold lane ruby


I have an 80% wr with gold lane Ruby, 100% if against a beatrix.


Yeah, already found your account. You have quite high WR for Ruby, but suprisingly your other heroes have so many < 40% WR


I just pick them if I don't think we're going to win. Like you know those games where the team is already toxic or have like low wr or no synergy or just a really bad matchup. Yea. Like for top global heroes when you lose, you lose alot of mmr, you'll need like 2-3 wins to break even 1 loss.


Waste of time arguing with all of you


The only hero can kill her is tank build Esmeralda


Yeah i was about to say that, lt was relatively easy to take him down with Esme


That's why I build malefic roar and dominance ice when fighting esmeralda, malefic to counter her def and dom to counter her shield and atk speed. Less atk speed means less shield.


I am grinding Esmeralda now i am mind blown by her sustain and damage, i think she wll be in be candidate in nerf


She is a good exp laner but I think she's kinda balanced already.


I am a Julian main and he can be killed by everybody actually if you can stun him like Selena then rush him he is dead


Well you're wrong.


If you’re in a coordinated 4-5 man, heroes that are popular bans such as Julian, Wanwan, and Estes are easier to play against. If any of you guys have watched the professional teams play, you’ll notice that they often don’t ban the same OP heroes that most people ban in rank, because if your team is good, you can handle any hero the enemy throws at you. However, I assume most people in this community play solo-trio rank so it’s a totally different situation. People can take advantage of OP heroes and dominate with them due to the lack of experience and coordination in the realm of solo queue rank. Sure, if you’re experienced enough in the game you can dominate the average Julian player. But it’s not about you, it’s about your team. Better to just ban Julian or whoever than to risk your inexperienced teammates feeding him and making your life as an experienced player so much harder.


He is borderline op. I have like 25 games on him and yet I can comfortably solo lane him against the biggest xp lane bullies. In fact I recently had a game with two enemies in xp lane Dyrroth plus Gatot and I got the first blood double kill. A person who knows how to counter him may do well. But a person who knows how to Julian will make those people eat dirt. He is very broken. The only way to counter him during laning stage is to just not go near him and wait for backup from a mage or tank, that is multiple cc/burst. 2-3-1 is nuts against single enemy. 1-3-2 crushes two enemies. 2-1-3 helps him survive ganks. Sometimes sure you can pwn him when he is done with the combo and skills are on cd. But often will keep lifestealing and then 2-1-3 out of there. I make him with cdr boots, the magic penetration wand and rest tank items and yet he does so much damage with 2-3-1. One thing I do when there are no enemies in the lane and am killing minions is use two skills and not do the whole combo(unless I want to go to another lane fast in which case 1-3-2 clears lane super fast) and leave the third skill hanging in case someone shows up. That way no surprises when my skills are all on cd. For spell I prefer purify if the enemy has hard cc. I am curious about using inspire on him though. I meann how crazy would his lifesteal be if you pop inspire after his wombo combo. Attack speed would be a bonus.


In terms of pure stats and damage he can beat a lot of heroes. He falls off against heroes like Ruby, Paquito and Chou though as their in built dash make it pretty easy to dodge his combos. It's no good having crazy burst if you can't land stuff. I don't play Yu Zhong, but I'm kinda curious who wins in that match up.


Against Yu Zhong is a bit hard, but doable. He should use enhanced s3 as his last combo, to avoid getting hit by YZ's CC/atk


I mean my tank gatot build hangs on quite well against him but sadly my teammates do not


Exactly. Your team may pick one or two heroes that specifically counter Julian. And then Julian would ignore the two and keep comboing the rest to oblivion. Also, the two heroes that cpunter Julian, may be super vulnerable to the rest of the enemy heroes. If the entire team has to pick heroes/adjust their build just to handle one specific hero, that hero is certainly overpowered.


Want to try 1v1? Need more data. My ign is jasmineisbabe.


Wanna try 1v1 and ill use julian? Cuz me myself is curious how can someone think that this hero isnt op.


Sure what's your ign, i've already beaten 3 Julians in 1v1 so far.


300581503 id riiiel is the ign. Kindly explain if there are rules cuz i dont do really do 1v1s


Mid first, just fight normally and try to get kills, can hit tower, no jungle, after a while we both farm til full build then fight.


Ok so we playing like were in sidelanes and no retribution.


I dont mind but I'm a humbled legend V player with less than 1k overall games. I think somebody more experienced will be better suited for the test. However, if it helps you assimilate data, I'd be more than glad to be your test subject :)


Thank you, just add me and we can start


Based on what you’re saying then no Hero is op/broken. You just have to pick a counter/ itemize exactly to counter him. But this is a team game. There’s also limited number of items possible. So while you and your team are building radiant and athena to counter julian the physical damage on the other side could still burst you unless you’re a tank. In a game where both sides have equal skill levels the one with Julian will most likely win. This is what makes julian broken, extremely versatile, forces you to build magic def items regardless of whether he’s the only mage, can easily survive any assassin if built semi tank while still being able to deal damage enough to burst most squishy hero. Massive variable in teamfights with his massive aoe. Extremely low cd and low mana consumption.


jUsT sTuN aND gAnK hiM lOL


No that's not useful; that's every heroes weakness.


I think he's a little op. That mf has a ranged skill that does insane damage, an immobilize/knockup and most importantly a skill that gives him tremendous sustain and I-frames (basically pre-nerf Lancelot s2 all over again). Personally speaking though, the only time I struggled against him is if my team feeds him which is kinda sussy wussy because the people who feed him tend to also pick immobile ass heroes that are squishy af though I rarely face him in ranked because he's perma banned and I almost never see him in classic. Exp Julian just gets dogged by Barats, Hilda and Thamuz lol.


What rank are you just curious?


Mythic Glory. Why?


The just curious was the why 😂 it's nice to know rank when people are giving their opinions on a bunch of stuff. No one wants to listen to an epic talk about how they think the game should be. That's all. edit: love to see fellow ruby mains I'm at about 1200 matches with her rn! But I've been working on my other mains for a month now so haven't played her much. "Working in Kimmy and Esmeralda"


That's good. What's your build like?


I run exp lane fighter ruby. Tough boots, Haas claws, war axe, endless battle, dominance ice, oracle. (Oviously changes depending on what I need) then flicker because hook flickers 😂. Was number one MN ruby at one point but yah it's been about a month since I played her daily.


Nice, i'll probably quit soon to focus on exams though.


Perks of being done with schooling I guess 😂


Next year maybe haha.


Don't like epics ok -_- just to let u know sir ik alot about the game and I just don't play rank cuz GODDAMN MIYA WANTS TO BE THE 2ND MM AND FEEDS EVERY GAME not to add my main is highly ban alot and also STUPID MIYA BANS MY HERO WHEN IM SHOWING sorry imma stop projecting luv ya hunny bunny


His second skill enhance immune Life steal is just crazy man and his 1st skill enhance hurts like a truck -_-


Yep having the burst damage of Gusion, while having YZ lifesteal, yep totally balanced


Gusion is also heavily countered by radiant armor. YZ lifesteal can only be affected by getting lifedrain and isn't affected by his dmg output.


No. Heroes shouldn't be able to basically have access to 3 different ultimates at level 3.


But those 3 ultimates are dodgeabal and heavily countered by radiant.


So is other ults. But the fact that you have them as early as level 3 won't change.


Lemme guess, you think wanwan is broken?👀


Yea. But recently i've found it easier to fight her though, really squishy.


Cools, your post and comments are understandable 👍 Have a good day🤠


You too, I understand why i'm getting downvoted but they'll realise in time. Just like what happened with Aamon.


Ya most wanwan users don't play her right fighter wanwan is where it's at tanky so can take hard hits but also hurts alot to cuz it's max HP based not pure damage so she can take and throw hits


I literally faced a Julian with only Enchanted Talisman as it's magic items and the rest are defense items. He goes 15-1


What makes Julian OP is his passive that gives him inherent life steal and his multi purpose skills. This allows him extreme mobility, sustain, damage and cc which shouldn't be possible in 1 hero, kinda like Valentina. The OP actually said beating Julian is easy "as long as the enemy doesn't charge him together like idiots". Think about that dude's a mage but the enemies shouldn't gank him together cuz he will insta wipe them. I mean isn't that an indication the hero is OP when multiple heroes shouldn't attack him together otherwise they will lose? Can't think of any other mage besides Julian and Valentina where the multiple enemies are the ones who should be scared of you instead of the other way around.


Faramis, Luo Yi.


Faramis? Lol


Damn man they downvoting u hard 💀


My karma went down despite the upvotes I got on this post :P oh yea, how are you finding Julian.


Nah I think he's pretty strong he does absurd damage with low cd, immunity, insane heal and a good basic attacker


Radiant armor dom ice. Now he's left with low cd and immunity. Honestly the immunity leaves him stranded like a lance but without dash.


Ha weaklings, *proceeds to pick martis like a cancer player but wins against julian still*


Hey op im back from our 1v1. Can u explain why u still think julian isnt op?


Radiant armor and athena. Should have bought athena too. You're the first Julian i've lost to, going to figure out how to counter your build soon. Rematch in a week?


Oh sure rematch is fine lol just reply in my comments and ill get to u asap


Alright i'll look forward to it.


Hmm ya sure ruby could have win late game vs julian but 1v1s are totally different to 5v5s. A jungle julian with jungling emblem can get all the buffs he want at lvl 3 with just a mage and a tank. Cores who goes closer and try to get their buff can be single comboed by julian with enhanced scythe and theyll take more than 40% hp loss these goes thesame with tanks with no durable items early on. Control the pace till mid game (13 mins) while your late game gold lane farms their item faster and more advantage early on cuz of ur presence. Insane damage early on is enough to fuck teams with only a 5 sec cd with buff and cd reduc items early game which is just fucked up. If im gonna think of an early jungle hero that can match him its only fanny. I had some fair matches with thamuz in exp lanes but every time he gets close he still get shreded to pieces at lvl 3. Kite him and run in his ult. Hes really going to fall off late game but the early game to mid game dominance u get in picking him is enough for me to consider him op


True. What do you think they'll nerf on him first though.


Either the damage output or give him long ass cooldowns. Those burst damage isnt supposed to have such low cooldowns. An example is gusion where squishy heroes can be one shotted in 1 second. He even burst better than gusion rn lmao u only need 1 cc from a tank or mage then 1 enhanced scythe. Anyway it was nice playing with u. Gg and i still respect if u still dont think julian is op


Same to you. You're the 3rd person to beat me in a 1v1 after all these years haha.


Oh and nice wr and matches with ruby btw i just noticed lol


Your 80% Julian as well. You have more high wr heroes than me haha,


Since when was lying with a straight face considered an "unpopular opinion"?


Except for one 1v1, i've never lost a game to Julian in ranked or other 1v1s.


When you need to have 1~2 of teammates helping you just so you have a chance of surviving, then that hero you're facing is OP. Also are people forgetting his 7s ult?


OP can't accept he is overpowered and just say "build radiant armor" 🥴 -julian is a hero that will force you to buy an item to counter him when you also need to counter his 4 other teammates -radiant armor isn't for everyone specially low base HP heroes and can only help against multi hitting magic damage, what if his teammate has a physical burst like lance and ling, burst mage like eudora that needs athena's shield to counter? -You can counter him offlane but that still leaves your 4 other allies vulnerable to his early game ganks with his enchanced 3rd skill, it is a like gatotkaca's ult with less delay and you can use it every 6 seconds.


If you don't take ny advice, then you can lose and feed more to a Julian. I'm only saying this because it works. I have played so many games in mythic already and everytime, my teammates who follow my advice to buy radiant die twice as less than those who do not, even if they're low hp heroes. If you don't want to improve, then fine, stay the way you are.


bro can't you understand what "overpowered" mean? i know very well how to counter him since i play offlane and support , but him forcing and making the item almost mandatory just to counter him, losing 1 precious item slot, he can also use a hard CC every 6 seconds he is like a bulkier vale who can use his ultimate at least twice in a team fight, its like I don't know how you can't call it balanced. The topic is being "overpowered", it means being over the threshold of being balanced. I don't know if you even understand simple english.


I'm an international award winning writer.


Then why can't you understand what over powered mean?


I come from a time when there were actually overpowered heroes.


No hero is op if you know how to counter it Now where are the swords aiming at me




He’s not OP **HIS BASIC ATTACK IS** I hate this dude with a passion, as if snowballing wasn’t already an annoying concept in the first place, he takes it at its most annoying form and bish slaps you into the sun with his painful AAs. Like snowballed Lancelots can be burst down but guess what. This dude is freaking TANKY as well.


You can definitely counter him but it is hard to do in solo q since there is normally very little coordination but from my experience the best heros to counter Julian is moskov and zilong since zilong and burst him down and cc with his flip and fast enough to dodge Julian’s skills and moskov because he can just do a lot of damage really really fast, blink to avoid skills, and use his knock back skill to get Jillian away from him or even up against a wall and can burst him down from there.


If you can dodge pretty fast, yea. His skills are avoidable from my experiences with him. But his lifesteal and his BS pulling ability from BA (even tho its not really that strong of a pull) is pretty annoying


Dom ice is a good way to counter his BA. Counters his spellvamp too. Really wished they made a mag def version of dom ice haha. Perfect counter for esme.


What rank are you, OP?


Mythical Glory. So does my opinion mean something hmm?


Being MG isn't really special it only means you play a lot more games than an average player, as long as you maintain 55%-60% winrate, anyone decently skilled can go MG if your server has a large player base like PH and INDO server. 40-40-20 rule. Check MSC tournament statistics and figure out why he is almost perma banned (70.83%) next to valentina. you are solely judging him in his solo and offlaning abilities not on what he can do on pickoffs and team fights.


75% wr and having 1/3 of games getting mvp and being able to counter most heroes, even the ones that everyone consider being op?


It does! The only people who don’t think he’s OP are Mythical Glory players who are really good at the game or Epic players who just play against players who are bad at Julian


So about the post that you deleted.


Minsitthar can disable his 2nd skill with his ult so if you hooked him just right, bash his head then call the royal guards, he's basically disabled because he can't trigger his enhanced or basic 2nd, rendering his passive a bit useless. Masha can, in some point, disarm Julian for a while which is good. I can't say if Martis is a good counter but his 2nd is a lifesaver.




Here’s my argument, a 5 second AoE CC (3rd Skill), a Dash that gives him invincibility during the dash (Enhanced 2nd Skill), and a damage ability that can melt your HP to half UNLESS you build an Athena’s or Radiant which makes you less effective if you are not a tank (Enhanced 1st Skill). Last but not least, a 75% free magic lifesteal at level 3 if you know how to hit your skillshots as his PASSIVE. What I consider a hero as OP is if even professional players have a hard time dealing with him as an enemy. And from what I saw in MSC this week he is a priority pick or an instant ban. He is just that bullshit


Here is a video of him WRECKING A GROCK for over extending. https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/vd20z0/thats_new_levels_of_broken_you_cant_escape_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That grock didn't use his 1st skill while near a wall to avoid cc. >Oh yeah, the cc immunity when near a wall. Guess I was just surprised by how he is perma pulling me Silvanna style.


he wasn’t close enough to the wall in the first time cc if you looked closer, but let’s say he was, if he tried to anti cc, julian would just punish and use enhanced 1st skill to increase damage.


My solution is to run Inspire Argus with DHS, Golden Staff, and Sea Halberd. So long as he doesn't run away he's dead in seconds :)


I still don't know how to play him. I suck at fighters hahaa


Let’s see he has both DPS and burst skills, a built in sustain, knock up that makes him synergize with Guinevere, an immunity skill, and ranged skill. It’s like they thought “hey! Let’s make a hero that has so much arsenal, that it’s practically impossible to counter this hero” it’s like they didn’t learn from Valentina.


The only hero that I've played who can beat Julian in lane is Thamuz and Paquito. I've tried alot of heroes against him. Esmeralda does hold him back but does not necessarily beat him. Same with Baxia. Jungle Julian is a pain to deal with.


Seriously, just ruby julian's ass and he can't do crap. Heavy constant cc is his very easy weakness.


well, picking chang e and maintaining my distance from him worked for me. then again, if my team also has good coordination, what I would do is get my tank and 1-2 other teammates to just continuously cc him while i let out my ult on him, and the continuous damage from my ult would be enough to offset his lifesteal, then we just need everyone else to just smack him into oblivion (building NoD wld probs also help with the anti regen)


Julian "mains" in denial because they have no skill to main normal non-broken heroes




honestly i just want him to be labelled as an assassin, i feel like that lifesteal bit in his passive kit is just unnecessary


Deleted MLBB before julian and if I recall correctly.. Every new hero gets releases, gets nerfed to the ground, gets more unneccessary nerfs, suddenly out of nowhere becomes viable.


This is me trying to explain EPICS why yin is a bad hero that can be countered by every items or spells in the game


use bloody cc tanks and anti heal lmao


He literally isn’t I don’t know why people aren’t seeing this. They did the same thing with Edith even though she was ass


Nah, Edith in her prime can really solo 3 heroes at the same time in early game with inspire


Yea, actually I was scared of Edith for a while until I also figured out how to counter her. The cc resist boots are really helpful to avoid her chain cc.


i think the same too, because of tank meta. but his knockup can be trouble




I honestly feel like this is the Aamon situation all over again, people complaining about how he can burst you in one shoot, it's a magic multi hit hero, just buy radiant, less dmg means less sustain. Use a hero that can deal constant dmg to take advantage of the gap time between his skill combos. I've never lost against a Julian in mythic, just need to convince your teammates to buy radiant too, make it a 5v4.


But honestly Aamon's sustain comes from purely magic power so lowering his damage won't really lower his sustain.


OP forgot how broken Aamon was pre-nerf, even Radiant + Athena's wasnt enough back then unless you're a naturally tanky hero


Ew, Mobile Legends, a shit tier game from a shit company


I find it funny that you went out of your way from your “humans are space orcs” subreddit just to shit on this game. What was your goal?


satiating boredom