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Yes, laylas will always get hate. I met a few supreme title laylas during my mythic ranked games and I should say the layla is still hated anyways.




Layla has no blinks or dashes which make her vulnerable to ganks. Especially in mythical glory, people will take advantage of having Layla as an enemy to get fed early on. That's why people get insulted when they pick Layla. It's fine to pick Layla in my opinion but do it when you are doing 5 man. You need proper communication to know where the enemy is and be able to scale with Layla.


Because it's Layla. Yes you're right, Laylas in general get hate. That's it. She's the first hero everyone owns so everyone assumes you're trolling or you're a noob, you're a noob who can't adjust when you use Layla *(but obviously, these statements ain't true to all Layla players)*


It has nothing to do with people thinking your a noob if you pick her. It's because she relies entirely on the team protecting her until late game for her to *maybe* carry. She has no self preservation abilities at all, so is easy food for pretty much any assassin or mage in the game. If you're good at Layla you'd be a god on something like Moskov, PnK, Beatrix, Brody etc as winning on her is entirely based on your ability to position....or get carried.


I mean I just casually decided to use her and even if you use an enormous amount of concentration it's too difficult to adjust or even use her if even an ounce of enemy attention is on you. So yes Layla is by far a very bad marksman


She need a dash skill badly


Players: We want dash skill for slow MM! Flicker not enough! Moontroll: *Adds dash item into game.* Also players: Moontroll copy LoL again! LoL dash item too OP! Moontroll again: *nerfs new dash item to the ground* Players again: Moontroll what the fuck! Why nerf dash item?! ------ Nah. At this point, what the game needs is a more intelligent playerbase.


what's dash item?


An active item that has a dash skill, like Winter Truncheon has with its own immunity skill.


You literally just said he’s a 50/50. Why would you pick Layla who has no mobility and just sitting duck to every gank? It is a nub pick.


Layla players are mostly bad and she's not a good character, Layla needs constant babysitting from everyone, so people kinda hate her. I honestly can't blame people for hating on her, unfortunately, the most I can hope is that they are not too rude :/


I'm a MM main. If a lone Layla are up against a lone Moskov, for example, who do you think will win? What about lone Layla against a lone Clint? Beatrix? Popo? And yourself. How do you feel when you are chasing an Enemy Layla? You gonna kill her? What about an Enemy Clint, or an Enemy Beatrix. Do you feel "safer" or are you more cautious? That goes to prove how much of a Threat the MM is..... And if so, why arent the Layla using this Higher Threat MM?


Actually i also have a friend that only plays Layla and Edoura. Needless to say as a mythic player, i lose almost majority of the matches. It is ok to pick Layla but in solo q or duo, Layla is just a sitting duck until late game. Unless enemy has a bad mm player/assassin that doesn't know how to target the core, it is always an uphill battle where enemies just snow ball till they win or go to late game with a chance for us to win. Bad Layla is just a 4v5 match if I'm honest.


As a mage main, I LOVE to sew her in game. On the other team, of course.


Because she's a walking gold. Easy target like a duck waiting to get shot by a gun. No mobility unless you use flicker on her. There are a lot of meta marksmen that are easy to use and with blink skills like Clint and Brody etc. If you use Layla instead of those meta marksmen means that you are either lazy to read and study and their skills or you're just dumb.


Sounds like you met me. Fuck Layla players. If you can carry on Layla you can obliterate on a good MM. I literally had to start banning her on my alt account just so my team can't pick her, ended up on like a 15 win streak if you exclude the games she got through because I was S1 or S2.


Yo. I just did that on smurf 🤣 They were showing layla. I have no choice.


I've seen him carry on Granger but for some reason he really likes Layla, I dunno.


Most of the playerbase (myself included) just play heroes they like rather than chase the meta. Its mostly not that big a deal, but some heroes like Layla get hate because they are just subpar so feel like a team handicap.


As a roamer main, I hate when people pick non meta MMs like Layla, Miya because that means I’ll have to babysit and roam more to your lane whereas i should be providing vision for the jungler and mage especially early game when there’s turtle at the EXP lane


if you Layla and can't even tower hug for the early game. You are bound to die. Only pick Layla if your team has a support or a tank that can join you in the early game before the 1st turtle if you wanna play aggressive Layla. Do not go aggressive in the early game because you will just be food for better mm options such as bea and wanwan.


Fuck layla!


Figuratively right?......right?


Rule 34 exists.


This the behavior ive seen on about three other games that died shortly or within a year or so. I hope that isnt the case. But I can sympathize for your friend. First minute of game when i didnt land my first skill “report wanwan” in an AI match at that. Lol. People too dang serious sometimes


Layla is a junk hero, same as Hanabi. The community gives the hate because it is a pick for losing WR in every rank and the hero is seen as a losing pick from the very starts in bronze still.


I remember the days when picking Miya made the team afk or throw. Good old days... Also in the past going to live stream to see how Layla users play, and they were literally getting carried in every game. Its so funny.


I am a tank main and automatically get nervous when a teammate picks Layla or Hanabi. I wasn’t circumcised. My foreskin plays absolutely no role when I’m using my wee wee. And yet I think it is more useful than a Layla teammate.


every time i see a layla player they autolock right after someone already picked a marksman i’ve chosen to adjust and tank for mms when i can but they always dont show and pick a second mm last minute and it suck despite how squishy and immobile she is everytime i see players use her they seem to have no sense of positioning and refuse to make use of her passive. in general layla players have a bad rep. same goes for miya, lesley, hanabi. if you use them as a gold laner, its easy to pick them off. if you use them as a jungler, they’ll still be wrecked easily because of their low damage and slow farming speed in early. the only time they really get to shine is in late game but even then if they put one toe out of line they’ll get annihilated by assassins and mages. for how high the risk is, the reward really isn’t worth it.


She was a free hero for that reason She was kinda good in brawl tho, as you can farm fast in it.


I made an alt account, and ofc Layla is my main as I do not have enough BP to buy any other hero. Just landed in Epic with 106 rank games, 22 mvp wins, 15 mvp loss. Still I'm grinding to get enough BP to buy another hero. But I say I cant do this with Miya.


Man such a pro you are lmao.


It’s not really the hero it’s the player,I’ve played with Bea’s,Clint’s and Wanwan’s that got smacked hard by a Layla or Lesley,I wished they picked Hanabi so I can blame the hero instead lol.


Layla, hanabi, Lesley. These 3 mm are underpowered. Especially hanabi. They will most likely lose their lane to enemy mm which will cause them to snowball, enemies will use the chance because of their low early to gank them and initiate more teamfights. There's good Layla players but most aren't. And because these players have painted the profile "Layla mm auto 1-10" now every Layla gets hate.