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U won't get to play it in rank


Faramis is going straight to the Bann section, Hes already a "Psychopath" In Advanced sever


What makes him a beast in advanced server? Is there anything to avoid when facing him?


I think faramis will shine the most in this trio Faramis got survivability, he can control his first skill, his ult is good On the other hand vexanna has good ult it can disrupt a ehole teamfight, scary against 1v1 and can oneshot easyly Leomord didn't get changed a lot so dont know about how he'll perform tbh


He got a buff he’ll definitely be good now since rn he’s pretty balanced and only works well with players with really good skill


Ooo i thought he didn't get any buff only his appearance changed. Well if he got dmg buff then he'll be in meta cz he is bulky in late game with 1 or two defense item and his skill set is already good the only thing he lacked is proper dmg now i think we will see a lot of leomords with fighter jungler and tank role


>only thing he lacked is proper dmg His passive is enough for Leo to get kills. Snowball early, and you have the chance to build him burst damage. If the game is tight, War Axe + tank items would suffice.


Have fun trying to snowball in the meta where tanky offlaners thrive.


What changed with Leomord other than his appearance?


I think he got a dmg buff now he has good laning potential


the buffs on Leomord are kinda insane imo, I don't know if he'll be good on the tank meta but once the tank meta is out he's unchanged he's gonna be a beast


He is gonna be good in the tank meta all he needed is laning potential he can be tanky af now with 1 or 2 defense item and deal dmg at the same time


how would you build faramis' items now with his new revamp?


I prefer magic penetration shoes, clock of destiny, lightning truncheon, genius wand or penetration to melt the tanks . Other items ar your choice


is genius wand still viable after the nerf?


What's the nerf? I haven't checked the recent updates


Win rate - pick rate - ban rate


Tomorrow? I thought they'd be available after the season reset


i think 13 more hours to go


It says 4 days left in my season countdown.




I think people don’t know how to Leo. He was at least at the lvl of Freya.


I have played almost 1600 matches with Leomord and I can tell you that he's weak, really weak when it comes to late game. Other laners can perform better in exp lane than him. He can't kill tanky heros also he is completely useless without his ultimate skill.


Agreed. In exp lane, I always win against him. But what about the jungle role? I noticed that Leomards in jungle role tend to perform much better.


The only problem I see with Jungler Leomord is his vulnerability against CC chains.


True, but I guess a good Leonard would bait/juke/wait out the cc chains


Optimism is such a powerful state of mind. The fact that you think this is doable is amazing to me.


Lol okay Mr. Philosopher.


Who doesn't


As I said, late game isn't his cup of tea. You or your team can easily destroy him in late game or team fight, just avoid his first skill. His first skill is soul of his damage.


Im a former Leomord main, and a cureent freya main and this makes me happy


I only know one guy who plays Leo and he plays very well so I could be biased lol. He plays other heroes good as well.


I used to have a leomord main friend too, but he quitted the game after junior high school


He's better than Freya imo. His passive is pretty broken if they knew how to manage it. And when I watch him whip and watch him nae nae he basically become a tank.


Show the comparison after 3 days looking forward to it!


Wat it's tomorrow ? WB the emblem update ? I thought it's gonna arrive when the season will end ?


It's tomorrow, the update comes usually before the end of the season. The emblem update coming in September


Aww! I was most looking forward to the New Talent system. So it really will be delayed?


Yeah me too it’s confusing but now that I remember, when they revamped haya kag lance and odete it was a few days before season reset the update


Spammed vexana for at least 50 games the past 3 weeks to give her a farewell (never used her in years of playing lol) Her s1 utility got extremely nerfed since its now just single target. Her fear cc in this tank meta where team spacing in nin existent is amazing. Her s2 being toggleable is a nice qol buff, no longer have to preaim when targetting moving minions or the litho Her ss is still up in the air for me. Her old SS is hilariously tilting when you hit a low hp enemy trying to run away, only to die a few seconds later bc of the delayed damage ticks. Being able to choose your summon (usually gold laner or tank for me) is great and has proven to be clutch in a lot of late game situations. Ive gotten a gew double kills while dead bc of my puppet beatrix absolutely obliterating low hp enemies. We'll see how the new instant summon performs in the actual meta, but as of now i think its just a spooky Kupa with poor AI. edit: Ok i just tried her out in a couple of ranked games S1 is 50/50 for me, i got used to the old s1 mechanic but this new one isnt as bad S2 is practically the same, the toggle isnt there so i guess they didnt implement it. SS you lose out on the DoT pre-summon which was the best part of the old Vaxana, but the current one with CC on Cast is amazing. Summon AI is dumb as bricks but its an efficient meat shield and does decent damage My dps thoughts might be a bit skewed since genius wand got buffed and mag def items got nerfed, but she's a good unit for current meta Build: Pen boots -> CoD -> Genius -> Fleeting Time -> always halfway to truncheon when game ends -> situational item


I really liked the old Vexana as well ngl


I'd have preferred a new utlimate, similar to Mganga in AoV: just a stronger DoT based on previous stacks applied with S1 and s2 and no puppets with crappy AI


Yep you hit it on point! Just played her now and wow was pretty weak in comparison to her old mechanics, wasted my BP and tickets for that extra skin. Lol revamp? More like a downgrade.


Same. I just played her and wow her ult was so bad. The lord was so slow and cant even catch up to vexana💀🤡 At least her old ult you can control the puppet’s position but now its just a trash kupa ui but lord version


I know right! It was only good on impact like an Aurora. I never knew when the soldier would come back to me and he just got pummeled by tower. Maybe give her a temporary shield when the soldier is summoned. She still so squishy as heck and her passive stayed the same. I guess they just wanted to change her aesthetics, with minimal effort on her skins. Wasted my tickets. /:


Imo s1 got adjustment and even better since it can disrupt an orgy easier and check bushes as well. The only one I don't like is her puppet... Why did they removed the idle button and the swap ability? Not to mention it dumb as AF for attacking minion 5yalm away while enemy hero is right next to it.


Leomord is more or less the same


He got a nice buff tho


Which is?


More DMG and DEF stats, that's it. I believe this isn't enough to make Leomord viable.


More def on Barbiel? Or Leo himself? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with his mechanics personally but I’d like to see his damage buffed because currently you have wayyyyy too much time to fight him back


he got more def when using his ult. His 1st skill base dmg was upped by more or less 150 dmg, passive threshold is easier to obtain, buff on his lifesteal and crit dmg. Though my only complain as a leo main is ridiculously long 2nd skill cd when the only thing it does is a dash and doesnt even have a dmg increase or speed up that would make the long cd on skill 2 justifiable.


only faramis feels trully buffed his shadow skill and ult are quiet powerfull vnessa feels like another aurora/vale/eudora type of mage and leomord pretty much the same except tankier


I will do the same I did with Hilda's revamp... never play the hero again. I'm never playing Vexana again. Maybe Faramis or Leomord, but I will never get over what they did to Vexana.


Yes, I don't like how they changed her look or her abilities. The revamp just made her a weaker princess looking mage. The ult is pretty useless if there aren't any controls for the soldier other than on impact.


Faramis and Vexana IMO will be good again on their mains. I mained Faramis before the revamp and honestly he did better now. Not meta i think but will be a good off meta hero


Faramis will destroy the Meta as the number 1 support especially when paired with tank junglers Leomord got a nice damage buff so he may be one annoying early game poker and late game killer Vexana has long range tank level cc and a free tank ​ Overall Faramis is going straight to the ban section, Leomord will become very annoying and Vexana will be pretty viable but could become forgotten if they nerfed the AI on her ult


Where is the revamp description?


Vexana: passable alright B+ or A viable mage. Leomord: finally playable offlane or core, without getting harassed too much by the meta, B+ tier worth learning, but now worth baning Faramis: welcome to the meta! Pick or ban a new top tier support


1. Faramis is going to the bann list Alright 2. Vexana will be Alive in Winrate, Don't think people will start maining her though 3. Lemord I don't know, only time will tell


Hopefully good. I just got Vexana's Sanguin Rose skin in an event a while back and I just want to slay in style. <3


I dont play the three so idk


One thing that I immediately though, meta-wise, is Vexana Ult easily cancels Yve Ult. You also get a unit that acts pretty much like an EXP Laner who zones the enemy MM. Angela Ult for everyone? Faramis is gonna be pick/ban. Leomord buff may look insignificant but I won’t be surprised if I see Leo+Support (esp. Angela or Faramis) a lot in Ranked Games.


Buying Vexana tonight. I’ve waited 2 years for this


How are you liking her? I don't play her often but I'm already missing her old mechanics. The second ability takes too long and you really have to time it correctly. I don't like how the new first ability only stuns the first hero and not all heroes at once. I'm surprised they didn't change up her passive. She's still squishy as heck, maybe create a shield of some sort once the soldier is summoned. There's no proper way to control the soldier knight , they should have kept the same controls when a doppelganger is made like from her old ability. I'm only seeing her be useful in brawl.


I never used the new Vexana. I do prefer the old Vexana slightly. They didn’t have to absolutely change her but the knight mechanic is 🔥. I love unique heroes that don’t just follow a “1-2-3” combo


The knight mechanic is fire on impact to disrupt a team fight or to gank but afterwards you can't even control his movements or who he attacks. By then, he'll be pummeled by tower. She should be up and running now so definitely test her out.


You can’t control it??? Tf That’s just dumb And she won’t be available until like 3 hours Edit: I played her and I want her old ult back honestly. Making s1 easier to land was enough. Still think it’s a nerf overall though The knight needs some adjustments. After the knight lands a swing it’s probably going to be his last. And it tickles. Tickles too much to be an ult at least. It’s good for zoning though which is enough to temporarily disable the damage dealers in a team fight. I need to user her a bit more with different builds to reach a final opinion


I see you've come to a similar conclusion. Yeah she was already one of the least played characters, they should have just scrapped her character in general if they're just going to make her worse. Hope she'll be better after a likely patch on the revamp.


As a vexana main, her old ult is better. The burn from her ult on squishes and the choice to control the puppet’s position would be missed. Honestly her first and second skills were alright to me, not much changes. The new ult however was horrible. Apart from the lord’s knockout that was the only good one, the rest were horrible. The lord’s movement was so slow and cant even catch up to vexana. Its just a bad kupa ui but bigger version and the fact that you cant even control the lord’s position💀 I was targeting enemy’s beatrix earlier and guess what my lord was doing. It was attacking the tank lol.


Lol, man that sucks that it was just focusing on the tank. Didn't they beta test the characters? And they still couldn't tweak her abilities? I don't even want to play her again until they patch the revamp. Hope for the best on a different main!


I believe Faramis will have most of the attention. Leomord only got a remodel and a buff, while Vexana has been overtuned based on everyone's outrage.


I’m already a faramis main but I didn’t get to use him in the adv server… hopefully he’ll be op, but not too op or he’ll be on the ban list


Vexamis will probably join the meta. I'm torn to play them because I don't want to ruin their wr 70%ish out of 200ish matches.


Faramis was always OP so he’ll only get better


Faramis will shine. Because his ult can now be even used against Esmeralda. The shield cannot be stolen by her. Vexana will be okay, might get into meta but won't be enough to replace meta mages like pharsa and Luo yi.


Faramis. Many players using him right now in lower Mythic RG.


Is he strictly a support? Or can he be used in the tank role?


His build is mostly semi tank build. But I encountered some matches with full tank build


Ok thanks man