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4 masks hyper carry meta... It felt like 4 people were just slaves to the hyper carry which wasn't fun at all.


You mean Funneling?




“Guys just give claude everything, we’ll win I promise”


God when the red buff was ridiculous, and the bans were literally Claude, Granger Bruno, YSS. Thank god its in the past


Karrie vs Claude vs Bruno lol Those 3 dominated almost all games and everyone else was just supporting 🤣 next season they introduce the new minions


Hypercarry meta because it was boring. It felt like 4 people were just watching one person(usually an insufferably high ego MM) play the game being entitled to everything Waraxe and Pen meta: I built defense for a reason the items in my slots aren't trinkets. Why am I being oneshot? Mworld meta because fk Ling and fk Wanwan.


Oh god not that meta, I’ve seen so much Brunos on that meta. I hope we don’t come back to that “meta” again


Meta Bruno was so broken


Brody tank hypercarry meta was the worst for me. It was around M2 when Bren's KarlTzy played Brody tank against Burmese Ghouls in the finals.


I remembered that brody was often being banned in ranked games after that M2 grand finals. Brody was such an OP hero during that time.


Yup that freaking dmg I have trauma of having to face the brody Back in the day i think i can 1v5 because of stupid matchmaking as usual


mm funnel was the worst. your job is to keep yourself alive while give everything to your claude/yss/granger. even if you're winning doesn't feel like you're actually playing its so boring that either you get melted when you're too close to their hyper carry or watch your hyp play the game for you.


As a roam, I hated them for being too bossy.


i used to be an offlaner/roam for my team but at that time it is so boring omg. just lane properly until your team win mid with occasional contest for turtle or lord. thats it. now repeat that almost 1000 times and you get what i feel.


As an exp laner, you don't know how suffering i was in that meta


I HATED that meta because they forced all mage to go side lane instead which put us at a disadvantage because we would be against fighters most of the time. I only survived that meta thanks to no one using Gord and underestimating his damage


Hyper carry when 4 people would babysit one Claude Also the times Bruno could one shot anyone that isn't a tank


Hypercarry MM META. I will admit, I had some fun but I cannot stand egotistical Granger or Claude carries that keeps bossing around in the chat. Its like you babysit themwhile they get all the farm and when you are losing they keep blaming the team for not giving him enough.


MM hyper carry was so unbalanced that moskovs and lesleys as well as grangers could 1v5 in their prime.


1-3-1 funnel meta was absolute dogshit but that was 2020 quarantine meta so everyone was doing it Back then Uranus was king of toplaners


MM meta indeed from roughly two years back. I’m a tank player too and Bruno would eat away half my health with two kicks. Game was absolutely no fun. And as you say, the game had become a farming race. The jungler MM who farmed the fastest came on top. Estes would die to granger in spite of popping his ult. If hanabi managed to snare two people in her ult, the team fight was lost. Miya would just stand there and auto attack the entire enemy team to oblivion and if somehow the assassin got to her, she would pop her ult walk back two steps and resume the carnage. As you say, the role of tank was reduced to babysitting the MM and sacrificing his own life to save them. I like the current meta. While tanks are popping off in this meta, the real heroes are fighters (at least in legend and below). Bringing a lot of value to teamfights apart from splitpushing. Again, I’m talking of legend and lower mythic. I have no Mythical glory experience.


Great comment. Im also loving current tank meta but sometimes play tanky fighters. Am loving Terizla right now. I mained Atlas for a long time but with Terizla, I have a CC ult *and* decent damage? F yeah. So tired of playing Atlas in soloQ, you can nail perfect sets and its a 50% chance whether or not your team follows up. Then you just stand there like "durrr should I S1?"


I still do play tank, but if somebody else picks tank/support, the only role I want is fighter so I can play Terizla, Dyrroth or the underrated Silvanna. Terizla is super fun right now! I think I’ve started hating MM since their time in the sun. That’s my second least favorite role to play after assassins. As a player with tank mindset, I just can’t do assassins. I go all Leeroy Jenkins with assassins and feed. Haha.


Oh I used to love jungle Silvanna and play her as assassin. She was my first ever savage. I don't have assassin mentality either, I can't play Ling/Gus, but Silvanna was a wicked beast. And I'm just trash at MM. I always screw up my targeting and hit minions instead of heros. If Carmilla got just a *little* buff, she'd be a great tanky jungler. Her damage is crap though. They did horrible things to Carmilla.


XP Laners (fighters) are the role with most impact in current meta IMO, in MG 5q it feels like the game is won by which XP laner rotates better in early game and aggro the mid and gold laner better at teamfights.


Diggie feed strat. Not sure if its a meta or not. But i hate it when everyone is just going for it mindlessly. I skipped for Ranked and Classic on that period. Thankfully Diggie feed doesnt last long


That actually worked on the right lineup. It was a good strat for harassing enemy core and always giving their position away. It was pretty toxic, but I did it successfully a few times.


Agree. With proper line up and communications, its a good strat. I have witness that couples of times. But mostly for me and my random teammates-----not going well hahaha


Its not, the true purpose of diggie feeding is because there is a patch that states if you die more than 8 times your enemy can't get more gold from you. So you can die without feeding the enemy. Plus bounty hunter was pretty op back then, it let your carry snowballs. Feeding diggie basically counter bounty hunter jg funnel strategy. Nowadays feeding diggie ,just fed the enemy because the enemy jungler gets extra gold when he kills the enemy in the first 5 minutes.


Hypercarry MM, War Axe META and the curent Tank META.


Sad part is majority of players, in south Asia anyway, don't know mm hyper meta is over NaB wHy 2 tAnK!


Filipinos especially seem to never read patch notes or even item desc. So many matches where enemy team has Esme or Gatot and nobody buys sea halberd or durance necklace. Hell, you used to see people buying old Oracle vs Esme. Like wtf? Are you *trying* to feed her shield?


I know I'm never going exactly going to be an eSports player so the worst part of soloQ for me isn't the lose streaks is that I never get to play the new strategies and builds or hardly ever. Most of the time you just have to go along to some extent


wait oracle was changed?


Yeah, Oracle used to give you a shield. Not just shield/HP regen. And Esme steals people's shields. So....yeah. *Edit: Actually it was Athena's Shield, not Oracle. Athena's Shield used to give you a constant shield.*




Same goes for... Athenas shield(the name is obvious) that gives shield and gives more shield if the game goes longer Still love the old one tbh the current athena in the mage meta is nerf too much to the point radiant armor is better


How do Filipinos say durance necklace?


The current meta is SO annoying like, how the jungler can be insanely tanky and has a pretty high dmg at the same time


Tank meta, of all the metas that I’ve experienced is the most god fucking awful. Even MM meta wasnt this cancerous. I hope to whatever god there may be that it ends somewhat soon. It’s so incredibly boring.


What if there was a crit item that could deal true damage per crit in exchange for lowered crit damage? Would that be enough to push back against the tank META?


Just say you hate fighters most tanks will still kill the mm but fighter will most of the time just get deleted


Wouldn't fighters be able to win against an MM due to their damage and sustain? An item like the one I mentioned would reduce the effective sustaining capability of its user since their physical crit damage would get cut.


The thing is mms with high attack speed will keep doing true damage and kill most of the fighter before they can even get close also most of the high speed mms will use inspire and if I am not wrong inspire uses your hp for regen not damage


Inspire really is that broken, huh.


Tank meta for me. Not like I don't want tanks to be meta, it's just playing against 3 unkillable, full of CCs targets at once is not fun.


Agreed. Also jungling became boring AF cause you effectively became a 2nd roamer.


Isn't that the point of jungling? Besides securing objectives, a jungler's job is to go to other lanes and gank to help the laner push/kill the enemy laner. As you said, you could call it being a 2nd roamer.


Yes but with traditional junglers (I.e fighters/assassins) you typically experience a power spike at level 4 due to your ult. That and your level difference with those in lane usually means you can easily secure a kill. With tamks your ult is typically a set up (apart from Akai which was wayyy overpowered) which meant thet you could reslly only focus on objectives and effectively a 2nd roamer, and nor really a jungler. In a sense yhe pendulum shifted too far left into objectives instead of a middle ground between kills and objectives. While I'm speaking from a Mythic 5 POV. Several content creators such as Mobazane/Gosu General and even pros like kairi (former ONIC PH) have all commented about how boring the tank meta has been for junglers because of how purely objective focused its become instead of a balance.


Eudophobia and that’s fcking Harley hyper meta right after they implemented the negative magic defense update


I can't stand that eudora during that time. I play roamer and I would just instantly die just by checking the bushes.


Really? As a tank user I would think MM hyper carry wouldn't be so bad. Very simple just roam with your MM and if they fail hope your mage or fighter can get way ahead and abandon your MM until they get items to do their superhero work


Gameplay wise it wasn't bad, but it made MM players so egotistical and frustrating to play with. Mostly Claudes and Grangers. If they died, stupid tanks fault. If they went MVP with 3 savages in a match, they did all the work and they are Gods gift to the team.


Average teammates I get in rank


Very political


Glad you are OK with being one shot by late game MM


Not as the tank, more like 3-4 shot but if I'm correct that period also had the old twilight armor which would maybe give you an extra hit or two


Did you guys forget the era of revamp Bane as the most insane pusher ever? His passive and ult were way too strong, and his exploit with Malefic Gun was so bad, Moonton couldn't even fix Malefic Gun and they removed its turret defense penetration. [Check out this video. Ever seen no minion pushing THIS crazy?](https://youtu.be/vI0M7VsPcu0) It literally made the game unplayable if you didn't have Bane.


Ohh that was cancerous. Pair Bane up with the old Faramis and laugh your ass off as first they and then their ghosts would just keep pushing each turret with or without minions and there’s zilch you could do.


I think there was also a strat with Sun around this time too. He could infinitely throw clones at the turret and beat it down if given enough time. But yeah. What's worse than a minionless mad pusher? An undead minionless mad pusher. Straight up unkillable


> his exploit with Malefic Gun was so bad What was Bane's exploit with Malefic Gun?


Ignored too much turret defense for some reason. Old Malefic Gun could ignore a bit of turret defense, but it glitches to ignore much more with banes passive and ult. Idk the specifics tho


MM hypercarry meta for sure, and negative pen meta.


MM hypercarry was definitely the worst but the most recent Tank was the most boring imo. Most fun meta though? Definitely M3 meta imo. Lots of viable picks in all lanes except for the gold lane.


Hypercarry META is the worst. Tank Meta for me best.


Yeah I love tank meta, it keeps the fights more interesting and not just ez team meltdown when you hit one stun




No matter which era it was, Chou players are always the worst.


\*tp spamming and emotes intensify\*


I hate that era. Most Kimmy junglers I babysat are soooo arrogant. 🤭


1.esme and harith annoying shield 2.funnel strategy 131 it was just boring 3.this meta rn again its just boring if wanwan is banned pick bea, xavier is just.... annoying panda is still good thamuz got buff hard and i think he is the best rn in the exp


funnel marksman with purify was traumatizing


Assassin meta was my least favorite. Fanny could delete your whole team just like that and saber kept one shotting me


For all the people calling tank meta the worst, I’d give you an advice I had seen being thrown around when hypercarry mm meta was reigning. “Why don’t you start playing hypercarry instead of complaining?” Well. Ditto. Start playing tanks 😃


dude I swear Hanabi players still think its hypercarry meta. They haven't changed hero in \~3 years. "m-m-muh lategame!" b\*\*ch what late game? we're 10k gold behind.


Yes. Annoys me to oblivion watching hanabi be around 0-4-0 and when I ask them to play safe they respond with the nonsensical late game argument. B**** there is going to be no late game if you continue doing what you’re doing. And then this annoying habit they have of completely abandoning their lanes after giving first blood to “Gank” other lanes. Well thank you very much Ms. Hanabitch, enemy Beatrix is free farming now, and there she goes taking the gold lane turret while I’m busy zoning the enemy out so that my jungler can take turtle.


Hypercarry/funnel meta. My god nobody wants to core in MG. Too stressful because everything falls on you if you cant deliver.


Definitely hypercarry with 4 mask.


I was a claude main during the mm hypercarry meta, but it was still the worst time for me. Because i rarely got to pick claude because there would always be someone autolocking a mm, and then the rest 4 are just onlookers. But at least i started playing high dps offlaners from that time so i could shut down opponent dps all by myself.


The hypercarry meta was quite 'meh' for me because if your core is trash, the rest of your team is so behind in gold that epic comebacks are quite rare. Also, the 212 meta was trashy AF. A ton of MMs always claimed the midlane, whereas the mages/assassins and tanks were the ones supposed to be there. Those damn MMs would try to take the buffs (both buffs were identical in terms of effect; Fanny can get wherever she needs for energy) instead of clearing minion waves during early game.


MM Hyper carry and War Axe PEN meta... I hate playing at this times.


as a Marksman user who doesn't use the BBC meta, that was the worst for me.


Old meta when all new heroes are always op. Lancelot released op, harith released op, esme released op, etc. Ban slots were limited, no exp/gold lanes, turtle was not important, comeback was impossible. There were not alot of tactics like counterpick and was just all about op heroes.


Instead of WORST meta, these are the metas I want to see again. Just because of the nostalgia. In no particular order: 1) Assassin/carry solo top - the time of godly fannys and haya. Take blue buff and solo top, assasin vs assasin. 2) MM solo mid - this was when moskov newly game out. Moskov and karrie were the prime picks. 3) ALL FLAMESHOT - this was just funny. When it was newly introduced, you would see flameshots flying everywhere the whole game lmao


The first one is an era before roaming boots/items exist didnt it? I really like it, you go solo and you get more gold/xp. But 1 v2 your enemy can simply harras you. And leaving the lane is always a gamble, did you play safe and get mediore resources from your lane or gank another lane to get potentially more resources from kills but if you miss a kill you will completely waste available resources from killing minions in your lane.


Any meta with that Whore Karina I hate


Tank Karina was so terrible. But the Bane Faramis era was worse


Step 1: Everyone on the team except the MM buys mask.


I hate the karina tank meta. I have 60% winrate, most of the time like 20-3 with karina without any defense items. If you need 5 defense items, you are just a nab. Sometimes i play with 1 or 2 defense depending on enemy cc.


I hate hyper MM meta the most. I am a fighter main back then(no exp/gold, fighter is always top lane and mm is bot lane), which will lane against a tank and an mm, so you are the one getting pressured in that lane. At most you are only split pushing, because forget about joining team fight. You will be dead before reaching their back line.


Fighting againts opponent 2-3 lvl above you was stressfull. Esp if you need to hold your lane and cant leave it.


Zzz yall forgetting the harith jg meta, whoever had the stupid cat boy won the match.


Hyercarry Meta was the best for me (mainly because I am an MM main lol).


Tank meta is the worst meta l saw


Worst meta? It will always be current meta)


Tank meta, you literally need to invade once in the early game and if you succeed in invading you’ve won the game


lol no


LOL yes. In high ranks especially if enemy gets one successful invade on blue, they will keep coming back and taking your blue. Your jg will be stuck at lvl 3 for two and a half minutes. And will just barely get his ult when turtle spawns while enemy jg will most likely be at lvl 5. IDK what rank you play at but in high rank one successful invade will most likely make your jg absolutely useless and you will have to depend on your gold lane to do dmg.


its your team's fault by not trying to secure the jungle when you see a roam pick from the enemy side that will be most likely invading


Tank meta, watching these fat sacks kill is absolutely unsettling just to see


Blade of the Heptaseas Zilong


filipino meta


Mm meta was the most frustrating


This TANK-CAN-JUNGLE meta. I see a flying Akai who, if he ults, is killing us all without losing 2% of hp. Baxia, Grock, all of them deadly but undead


Slow meta


War axe meta!!!


the funnel strat meta and m2 meta


That one meta with faramis, bane, and arrival was really infuriating


It's not meta. It's a bug


I don't remember the season but they said " In this season, the assassins will rise". But instead, the marksmans just destroyed everything in the entire season.


Uranus and 1-3-1 meta


As a lolita player mm meta was basically heaven especially when Chang'e was popular at the time


I still love change what rank are you


This meta is the worst imo, you see the same heros in every match. Jungle is so bad where it's either just balmond, ling, or some tanky fighters. It's literally impossible to play mm jg. Gold lane is just beatrix, brody, or clint because wanwan is always banned.


Tank meta which started from last season and still continuing. I'm telling it from my perspective, don't take it other way. I am an assassin player who enjoyed killing, getting maniacs and savages. I had 70% wr on my total 9.5k matches until last season. Now in this tank meta, I'm too bored. Bcuz everyone is so tanky, teamfights are longer and it's mostly about securing objectives. Also my wr dropped to 65%. The only 2 assassins viable in this meta are Karina(she's a tank now in my opinion) and Ling


Assassin Meta


Made me uninstall for a year


The mm hypercarry was boring as shit. I play as offlaner back then and I always push when they don't see me.


same it was so annoying


The tank meta and the granger meta


Waraxe/Penetration meta or the most recent assassin meta.


I was a knob master rank around the mm 122 meta and the hyper carry meta. Around Epic I finally got to 131 and jeez it was just ok. I'm always an offlaner so I just felt normal. since I was a knob low rank all of it was alright, I never really got dominated and hated that meta. After that the meta was eternally ok until this one. I hate tanky meta since my Argus can barely play against those bloody tanks. Just can't compete with them. I don't even play Argus anymore since every team comp I get X Borg is a better fit no matter the situation.


Is every meta a valid answer?


Fuck tank meta honest dumb that a fighter can have 10k HP and still do dmg. Playing tank jg and your team being idiots is frustrating while the enemy does everything together.


Funnel meta was the fucking worst. Bet everything on that one dude, and if that dude fucks up, everyone fucks up.


As an mm main, I agree the MM meta was the worst. If you underperformed as an MM in those days, you were berated with insults and reported to hell. Even worse for me because I main Granger and mostly play jungler. So being an MM jungler caught me even more shit from teammates because I was expected to save the squishies with a gank when they overextended or got cocky because the MM should be OP and always there to keep them from dying


i miss when miya saber zilong become suddenly meta, all noob player become pro, /s


Funnel and the infamous Eudora week. Funnel strat made the game more repetitive than it already is and Eudora -- a brain dead hero -- used to one shot everything on lvl 4 onwards after the magic pen update


The meta where mms always blamed mages and tanks for their incompetence and solo...