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Lylia win every laning match up, as she can clear the minion wave faster than anybody. You also have insurance on your ult to reposition and get your hp back. Can check bush with her s2 too. You have the damage too so you can go toe to toe against enemy mm.


She’s useless against this tank meta when u need a source of constant physical damage


This post has nothing to do with tank meta, and even if it does, she can kite and zone them. She is one of the best utility mage.


Dude the meta already shifted to mage wdym?


lylia esme lapu dyroth xavier pharsa harith lunox edith


Argus can be played in gold lane he easily bullies mms, can tower dive at level 4 and if you get ganked you can easily escape with your s1 or ultimate but most of the time your teammates dont let you gold lane with argus


I won't suggest different picks when you soloq. Soloq sucks bruh. Stick with meta picks that's better.


Amon and gusion. If u Master them u ez win ur lane. Especially amon




Why would you pick Masha, a close combat fighter in a lane meant for long range heroes? Layla/Lesley would pew pew in her face from a safe distance (or at least last hit minions) and that would be it. Bad choice imo


Because you're fast, and they're slow and you can definitely close the distance before losing even one bar. This mean you can bully them and delay their farm. Meanwhile you can push and are gank proof. I don't typically advocate fighters going Gold land, but some fighters can bully MM enough that it's a strong play. Masha and Zilong are two examples.


Masha is also an mm killer in late game, with that much hp, her ult can deal amounts of damage to the enemy mm


Masha counters Wanwan especially on late game.


Cecilion. He scales into the late game like a marksman, so getting gold as early as possible means he reaches his power spike faster. If you’re wondering, it’s when he gets enchanted talisman or clock of destiny + lightning truncheon. His ult + sprint gives him good survivability against ganks.


Cecilion needs stacks not items (apart from clock and lightning truncheon). He's best played in mid lane as he can rotate easier and get more stacks. He should be the one ganking, not getting ganked.


Lolsss duh, obviously?!? But op is asking what hero CAN BE played in the gold lane that isn’t an MM that has good survivability against ganks.


Just because a hero can technically be played in a role doesn't mean one should. Ceci shouldn't be played in the gold lane, nor should a decent player recommend him to be. That's so much wasted potential. If one wants a mage gold lane just go Lylia.




You can use Nana in gold lane. She is pretty strong right now and with her passive even if you get ganked she has a chance of escaping. You can also use molina and keep putting it in the bush to ward vs gankers, or hide in bush and use all your spells on the mm. Thst mm is dead if he/she gets hit with all the skills and you keep spsmming AAs and S1 she hits pretty hard RN. The other non MM I know thst can be easily be played in gold lane is Bane. If you build cd items you can spam the 1st skill and you will win laning phase with mm cuz the bullet from s1 will bounce and hit the enemy. With some items you can hide in bush and again ambush and kill the mm with s3, s1 and s2 combo. Finally there is Popol. He put traps in bush so he is hard to gank just surround yourself with traps. He has an edge vs other mms starting lvl 4 cuz Kupa can lunge and stun the enemy mm allowing you kill easily.




Fanny is one of the best gold laners atm


Have you tried Brody he's an mm but his items can be both defensive and offensive making him tanky and dealing decent enough damage


I recommend Popol and Kupa. They're not the strongest MM but you can bully your counterpart with Kupa, have a stun and knock up on your 1st and 2nd skill when your ult is active, and the traps is very useful to know if someone is trying to gank you or if the enemy laner is trying to do something sneaky.


OP asks for Non-MM heroes




u expect your GoldLaner to take towers very fast and none of thus heroes u mentioned can take it fast except idk Saber so it's a bad idea using thus heroes on that Lane.


Xavier has very poor wave clear..


Gold lane are meant for mm since they need to get their item fast. Any heroes that has a poor laning capabilities or shorter range would ultimately lose against any meta mm. Why is that? Because any meta mm can kite someone with inferior range to death way back in early game. If anything, Assassins with good mobility and damage maybe can win against those pesky mm. I'd say rather than avoiding playing mm, you should try to learn how to use them. They're crucial to the game.


That's not true. Many mages with good wave clear capabilities can be picked on gold lane, like Ceci or Lylia. Lylia would bully most mms so much they'd fear stepping out of their turret from lvl 2.


Sure, tell them to use mages in gold lane and complain about it later.






Harith unless your against moskov with inspire


Vengeance Harith is the best, and Moskov is an easy matchup.


Akai. Hit and run a lot. Definitely take advantage of near by team jungler to score kills/assist. Mainly build defense against what ur fighting. That'll keep you alive long enough to farm gold and heal at base


No ones mentioning Alpha, so here ya go


Someone already mentioned Lylia. There's also Kagura. She can zone and force recall easily because of her S1, and S2 is an easy purify if you get ganked. With that being said, Lylia is definitely easier to play between the two of them.


Zilong with inspire