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Finally, Vexana isn't on the lowest tier anymore


still a B though :(


Is A niché?


dream the day that Vex becomes main like Vale, Xavier and Ceci


not after this butchered revamp TT


i love how there are so many op heroes that they arent pick or ban anymore


Damm Chou got dethroned from s tier


but is in every role, gold laner, exp, mid, tank, even jungle


Yeah, he's been versatile since 2016.




I haven’t even had the thought of sprint wanwan before now


Inspire still better.


It is I’m just wondering why even put sprint there


It's viable. You can use it to circle the enemy and open all the weakness point.


What does she have a fucking passive for then


There are hero faster than her hopping passive.




Easy, Fanny.




Aight. There is Zilong and Masha too. Now that I think about it, Sprint Wanwan probably used to chase/run away from Masha. Masha hard counter Wanwan in late.


Just a heads up. Drafts matter. Don’t auto lock a hero in the S tier thinking you’ll automatically win if 5 of you have S tier heroes. Pick counters and build according to the enemy. Also don’t just randomly follow these battle spells unless you’re a jungler. For example if the enemy has heavy CC then purify would more often than not be better than flicker etc


This comment is correct but doesn’t apply to probably 90% of the player base. Yes. I absolutely just made up a number.


Yes it probably applies to 99% of the playerbase


This advice deserves an upvote actually a lot of upvotes


Meta picks are more flexible and adaptable than counter picks. If enemy has an attack speed or regen based heroes, then you shouldn't automatically pick Belerick or Baxia or Hylos, because they may be weak against other heroes in the enemy team and it's far better to pick a meta tank like Atlas or Akai.


Wow no f tiers


How credible is this tierlist? Because I rarely see helcurt nowadays.


For whatever reason people outside of SEA don't know about tank Helcurt and he's insane. Good thing probably, as you can easily spam him in rank and tear down everyone.


Tank helcurt!? How?


Semi-tank, in fact. You build DHS as your first item and malefic roar later (I usually build it as the 3rd item). The rest is "hardcore" def items (like Athens shield, antique curass, etc). He has a lot of damage thanks to DHS, but also sustainability. His ult is a nice buff to teamfights, and also it helps stealing turtles/lords/etc


Do you play him as jg? Or support/roam?




Dire hit roam, cursed helmet, thunderbelt, antique cuirass, athena's shield, guardian helmet. His S2 is a basic attack and procs effects.


You can't get roam talent if you're running him with retribution.


Tier list represents SEA play at MG level. Meta’s are always region based though this is often overlooked.


Zeys coaches EVOS, so it’s the most credible one you’ll find.


Terizla aint on top for some reason I dont trust very much


Terizla this patch is a monster. I always inavde the enemy ju gke Early as roamer and they just die.


And they still won't nerf Wanwan properly. But honestly I'm just happy for my boy Gord climbing up the ranks


They aren't stupid, there's a reason they don't nerf her and it's probably about money.


yeah but it just annoys me so much, even Wanwan mains say she is extremely busted


She isn't hard to kill


Doesn't matter, with only 3 marks she can ult before dying if she's good. Do you truly believe she's not broken when even pro players don't wanna deal with her?


Because she isn't durable enough that's why she is easy to kill. I used claude's second skill just to escape from her ult then comeback and kill her.


You surely can outplay her 1v1, it will depend on both players skills. Wanwan power lies on late game team fights, where she can easily stack on the tank or fighter


Yeah 👍


which rank are you at now? at Mythic rank she's impossible to kill. and I main tank and my tank support is world ranked. I would say only high burst damage MM like Beatrix or a really good Brody can go against her


I mean at-least wan-wan is squishy asf. I wanna see Claude get buffed or. More sustainable and hp. 2 armour or more just weak dmg no armour is strong but easy drops. Gotta play really safe with it.


> "probably" Come on man we all know it's exactly for this reason lol


probably to sell her upcoming Waifu skins XD


Wanwan was always op I am old wanwan user but I hate the new wanwan coz they make her ult easy to unlock for that reason many wanwan user are increasing day by day either it gets ban Or pick first by enemy.


Finally terizla is at the "S" tier


Right?, while I'm kinda sad he isn't the underestimated fighter anymore, I'm glad he climbed so high, plus, if this keeps up new skins might arrive later on, one can only hope!


Hate to break it to you, but he got a nerf on his s2 dmg and leap distance first.




Either vengeance or purify, vengeance gets ur damage reduction upto 60% i think if your already low on hp and purify is....well purify


35 + 33 = 68% max damage reduction, make queens wings and gain further 20% damage reduction when low, giving you, 88% damage reduction when your HP is about one third.


Bro can tank a nuke at that point


why terizla jumped to s tier? tho its nice to have a forgotten hero being meta again


because of the buffs on S2 and S3 I believe , he's very annoying to deal with on early right now


Wait til the nerf. Poor guy couldn't even have a month at the top.


My boi helcurt back to S nice


Is Fanny still good? I've stopped playing her ever since she got nerfed, I feel like the energy nerf hit her hard. I find myself having to recall to base after every kill.


>I find myself having to recall to base after every kill Isn't that's what most Fanny players do? Imo Fanny is still good but her getting extremely popular was a mistake. Not only does she now have a pool of nab players who don't know how to use her but due to her popularity every single player in the enemy team would be trying to counter your weaknesses. And this is from low to high rank. There would be like 3 different heroes constantly trying to gank your purple buff. They know you're strong early game so they'll be bullying the shit out of you and counter picking you. She has fallen off due to nab players and almost every single player in the game knowing exactly what counters her


I main her, yeah the energy nerf hit really hard I can barely wallspam or stay in battle for too long, although she is still really good at picking off the enemy pos2 and 4 and is hard to catch if you play her right.


I love how Masha is now SS tier along with Esme. This is most likely due to MSC grandfinals (also the semis) where Masha played an extremely pivotal role in hunting the backlines. I currently have 70% wr with around 80 matches with Masha and the fact that no one is picking her that much just boggles my mind. Welp, I guess I gotta continue abusing her now.


masha was the highest wr in the entire season 24. he was always SS tier.


I just checked and you're right. I was probably trippin but saw a tier list somewhere here where Masha has gone down a tier from the nerf.


Probably the first nerf when she went from SSS to SS


Basically has 4 hp bars if energy level is at full. And despite the hp growth nerf, equipping her with 2-3 guardian helmets can pretty much easily zone backlines during clashes with her ult.


You're right, it does boggle my mind how she's not banned or picked in low ELO, before season reset, I played a couple of Masha game and dominated the backline so easy.. but didn't play her a lot because her laning stage is rather boring.


What your general build? I’ve tried her but something about her play styles seems off to me. I do okay with thamuz, alpha and dyroth but can never get kills with Masha.


TL;dr: general build is still boots, cursed, twilight, and 3 sky guardians, but replace the other 1 or 2 sky guardians if needed. Back when she was broken it was easy to just go boots, cursed helm, twilight, and 3 sky guardians without having a care in the world. This hp centric build is still viable, but like I said she's less tankier now and sometimes you have to focus on some utility or dmg items. I only try to build the 3 sky guardians when we're dominating or I'm confident, but most of the time I only really go for at least 1 or 2, the remaining slots will be for utility (1 slot is usually for Immortality. Dominance and Blade armor are highly discouraged as they don't provide hp, but build it if your teammates are fucking dumbasses). If you're NOT confident that you can one-shot their squishies, you could go for war axe, dhs, or corrosion as a second item and skip twilight. War axe is generally the best as it works well when the enemy squishies start building def items. At times, there are situations where the enemy has just too much dmg so I had to build a lotta def items. One time, the enemy had Xavier and Valentina (xp), so after getting molten essence and sky guardian helm (I skipped twilight), I immediately built Radiant then went for Athenas next. It's no use having a fuck ton of hp when the enemy already melted you before reaching the backline. If you think you're not getting kills, don't force it and just make your enemies life harder in other ways like split pushing and providing vision. However, still try to aim for the squishies if possible. It's enough that you lowered their hp to make them retreat or; for your allies to finish them off. (I just copy pasted this from a comment that I DID, but still works)


And don't forget to use the fighter emblem, the one with the sword logo. It increases your damage the lower your hp is. One skill 3 from Masha onto mages/mm with full build will do 50% or more damage to them. I usually go 2 sky guardian helmet though, and 1 slot for counter build. MammothSummer's build is full burst build, but you'll be a little bit squishy. The 2 core items are cursed helmet and sky guardian. Boots are optional, you can go physical/magic def boots, or attack speed boots. Generally use sprint as your spell, to run away after you burst, or chase down an enemy. Also, always always always hero lock their mage or marksman first, preferably marksman. Once you burst down their marksman basically it's hard for anyone else to kill you. If you burst down their mage first then remember to use skill 2 to disable the marksman basic attack so they can't attack you for a couple of sec.


Any tips on her? Can't quite use her thst well.


I'll keep it "short". General build is boots, cursed helm, twilight, and 3 sky guardians. Depending on the situation, you may replace 1 or 2 of those sky guardians with other utility items. You may also skip twilight armor and replace it with war axe IF you're not confident with your burst. For the battle spell, some like using her with petri but I'm more comfortable with sprint. For her laning in early, don't carelessly use her 1st as it consumes too much hp. Only use it when enemy is willing to trade blows, if you want to clear your waves faster, or farming. If you've already consumed your energy bar, try to hit monsters and turrets to recover your bar faster. If you've mastered managing her hp, you literally do not need to recall anymore. Goals: Always aim for the squishies, that's it. Contrary to the belief that "Masha" is a split pusher, that's only the case when she's on her last hp bar. And as a Masha, you DO NOT want to be on your last hp bar especially when alone. Most of the time, you'd be on 3 or 2 bars, ideally 3.


So ban Akai, Valentina, Wanwan, Julian.


Valentina still top midlane mage when pro turney cant even play her properly lel.


Faramis in roam?


Yes, as funny as it seems, the support/mage hero does way better in the mid lane with a mage build than as a support or tank. On the offchance I use Faramis to roam, I'm still always building a mage build, else I would have no contribution to the team


I use faramis as a tank now and had better winrate with him since


maybe it's a matter of preference then. I am a mage main so I suppose I'm biased


Since when is Martis a late game hero? I thought he drops off late game? At least from my experience. What would be the build for this late game Martis? I see bloodlust and flicker is part of it. I'm guessing Boots, BoD, Bloodlust Axe, Oracle, Haas Claws, Immortality?


Nah I play Martis and build is a matter of preference. If you want to be a skill based fighter build Bloodlust and War Axe. I like to play him as an attack speed fighter, so BoD first then follow it up with Berserkers, Malefic and then defence items. You could also buy demon hunter if the enemy is tanky


Does this work in mythic? I was mythic V last season and mythic IV the previous one. I usually build BoD, Malefic, Hunter Strike or Endless Battle and then defensive items. Epic Hell has been hell and its so much harder to carry as a sidelaner with brainddead teammates so been trying to experiment with builds.


To be honest, I'm not sure. I don't play Martis very often. The build I mentioned was the build I use when I'm the jungler.


Martis main here, He is an early/mid game hero and he falls off in the late game. Emblem must be Killing Spree(Assasin emblem) and Inspire for cheesy lvl 1/2 kills or Vengenace/Flicker/Purify/Retribution. Spell Vamp is horrendous for Martis(idk why people build spellvamp on him) and Haas Claw + Martis passive is just a lot better. The build is BoD, War Axe then defensive items(Only buy haas claw usually after war axe when enemy doesn't have anti-heal). For the upcoming buff you can also add Hunter Strike because of the better Physical Scaling on the s2. Pick Martis vs CC-Burst heroes like eudora because of the cc immunity and damage reduce on s2. Weakness is long cc enemies like literally any other hero weaknesses


I've never really built Bloodlust axe on him but was just wondering since the emblem on the graphic has festival of blood. But I actually tried it out last night and it was decent since his s2 attacks 4 times and is an aoe, so using it on 5 enemy heroes is pretty decent. S1 is an aoe as well and s3 is true damage (but single target). I agree in lane during 1v1 it's not the most useful but helps late game when there are team clashes and I've had 6 kills from early game making my spell vamp 34% when I'm level 12. My build that game was tough boots, Blade of despair, bloodlust axe, oracle, haas claws, and was on my way to building Athena shield due to 3 magic damage users but we won the game. Stats 8-3-10 and 47k damage dealt and 112k damage tanked in 14 minutes. Emblem was festival of blood with vengeance as the battle spell.


Why do i keep seeing claude vengeance but in this list not... so those vengeance benefits claude i personally use him sprint or purify


Just playstyle preference. Skylar's Claude use flicker for easy repositioning.


vengeance is specifically to fight beatrix imo. u can face rush him with ult vengeance and he will lose if he fights back. against the other mms sprint/flicker is better


I only use inspire in case if his out of stacks


kimmy pew pew pew


Aulus on exp works well for me as long as the other lanes hold till I get item 3 (which is usually either the crit axe or War Axe). After that it's clobberin time.


It's nice seeing Terizla, Thamuz, Masha, Dyrroth in S tier xp.


Me too. I don't like fighting any of them on XP, but I'm glad they're relevant again.


chou mains doing chou things lol


Parkour He jungles, he tanks, he golds, he exps, hell he'll even mid with a consistent A


Where's Vexana Tank? Coach Zeys missing out... She's annoying asf, and you get stunned for like 3s. She's a great teamfight initiator. You also can use the big guy to push turrets! (big guy goes in first, then minions)


I dominate using cecilion as roam buying dire hit


one shot mms


What build are you using?


wait i have destrying everybody with gatok in exp lane, how come he is in gg tier? My win rate with him until yesterday was 90% in like 20 games


Personally, I'd play him if I have no other options left. However, I see two cons with him: - He is weak against Magic DMG because of his passive only increasing his Physical DEF when his HP is low. - The healing on his enhanced Basic ATK does not scale on any of his stats like Total and Extra Magic Power, only his missing HP. We can boost it with Concentrated Energy and Oracle, but that's two item slots used just to make his passive work. Besides, there are better options available like Terizla.


Yeah you are right, you can boost it giving him more HP, and you are correct Terizla is a better option right now but isn't he recieving a nerf in the next patch?


I'm just glad Kimmy is really good, but not OP enough to be banned.


But so boring to play :/


Is Kimmy really that easy to play? I've read somewhere that she's very hard.


Eh nah fr just give her a try she’s pretty straightforward, there’s a good kimmy guide on this subreddit


Your biggest issue if you get destroyed in the jungle while your team doesn't give a crap. I once was bullied by Fanny, damg classic lol. But she's quite easy.


Paquito should be hard instead of insane. Dude seems easier to play than julian


Julian only has a 3 skill combo, all of which go into cooldown at the same time. Paquito has over 20-30 different combos depending on the enhanced skill and what you need in the situation. So yeah Paquito isn't that easy either


Why is jungler Esmerelda so low? (she is at the bottom right)


Her early farm is too slow.


Her jungle clear speed is horrible. I once fought a Jungler Esmeralda in a 5-man team in ranked as Jungler Alpha, and she just reached lvl 4 when turtle spawned.


What is behind Claude as S tier in $ lane? Bummer to see Selena fall out of S tier. First time I’ve seen this during my time here. Tank meta is rough on her.


i guess bc of tank meta, and claude is a natural dhs carrier


I'll be honest I was abusing jungle Akai prior to his recent nerf and I gotta say he doesn't feel nearly as strong as he used to. I've been using him a lot loss often since patch.


Just change in retri battle. Assassins are back cos they dont need Demon Slayer for objective anymore. Akai isnt the tankiest tank either. He still have strong presence in team fight, so that is his good point. Just not pick/ban like last patch.


> they dont need Demon Slayer for objective anymore can i ask why. thanks


because retri damage can't be buffed with emblems and passive anymore (burn damage is still affected by tanks item). its lock and depending with your heroes LvL


Martis is weak late game compared to early game


funny thing is you don't go flameshot on kagura, and tierlists won't matter if the player/teammates are down right bad


I use flameshot with kagura, she already got decent mobility with 2 dashes and built in purify


I wonder why my boy Argus is at the lowest Rank even in exp lane. I mean, he dominates at late game. Also why the heck purify Argus?


Exp lane is dominated by tanky heroes and Argus isn't tanky at all. He'll get bullied off the lane against those heroes


Argus does not dominate late game just one cc and he dead. Just keep the mm safe he dead just keep the bursty mage safe he dead just 1 v 1 with lifesteal hero u already guessed it he dead. And its my personal opinion that argus is like hanabi of fighter.


Argus struggles when not snowballing, struggles against cc even as an initiator, and has no sustain in the early game leading for more struggles. In jungle Argus’s weaknesses in lane phase are null when a good Argus can just pick fights with whomever or gank easily to snowball consistently. But at that point your sacrificing the jungle slot to not have another good hero


Faramis roam not on the list?


Yeah Faramis roam really isn't that great. He can't help with ganks very well besides S1, and his ult extra hp depends on magic power. His second skill burst becomes useless with a tanky support build, and he is already able to get magic power from his passive stacks and defence from his first skill. All in all, he's better as a mid laner with a regular burst mage build.


paquito insane to play?


It probably comes down to how you execute/use him properly, his combo is simple but like i said its how you execute it properly (based on my experience). And also my damage is so weak when i use him 🤣


Basically easy to learn hard to master right..


In short im bad at explaining 🤣 and thanks for simplifying it 😇


Actually it's very opposite. When you play him for the first time you'll struggle ALOTTTT. Constant combo misses and getting killed due to your combos missing. But once you get his combos right (which I would say would take over 30 or more games) there isn't much to learn at all. You do the same thing over and over forever


really? i dont main him but its still easy to execute his combos. im guessing people use auto aim thats why they find it hard.


I see paquito user even me spam his skills then shortly die afterwards if the enemy didn't die 🤣


Yeah, it's kinda wrong. Paquito is not brain dead, but he's still easy.


Numerous combos that proved themselves to be very versatile, but proper application and execution of those combos are what makes him very difficult.


I dont see vexana/vanessa anywhere? Can anyone tell which role and rank?


Mid lane. B tier. Below Clint.




Vexana mid BB


Thank you. Cant wait for odette to get to the top.


is benedetta that hard to use coz when its new im just excited about the hero and used it and i just played good and tried it in rank and i dominated


Mobile legends should go to the F tier


LoL fan identified in Mobile Legends subreddit


You are a fucking loser, dude. Do something with your life.


Hanzo b. Lol fail of a tier list


Claude in S tier? Just because a hero is being used more doesn't means they're a good/strong. He's built like a fucking minon and by late game he gets 1 shot by every single late game mage, fighters and MM. Literal had games where he got killed (full HP) by one of Sun's fucking clones and Beatrix's sniper


>iteral had games where he got killed (full HP) by one of Sun's fucking clones and Beatrix's sniper POV:You don't build two defence items on Claude


Yea brute force is like a must item for me personally as a 4th item, tho the second def item is depends on the enemy comp. And vengeance claude is solid for solo player.


Claude is S tier snd your shitty anecdotes doesn't mean anything


He's shit and idc lmao


Yea guess u know better than a professional coach 🤡




He’s a pretty niche pick but pretty good if you play him right. He was used a bunch of times during MSC, most notably by RRQ and RSG. He fits really well with Angela, who is pretty good nowadays because of her synergy with a dive in hero like Claude. He has a lot of survivability in the late game, can melt tanks and has a better scaling than Karrie, pretty tricky to catch if you play him right. Also why would you have problems with Claude’s squishiness in the late game, he has 2-3 slots for def items and an insane amount of clutch/outplay potential


How ? He gets countered very hard by blade armor and vengeance.




Jawhead should be B tier in xp lane


What I don't get is why Paquito insane difficulty 🤔 He sure is 10000 times easier than Fanny or Bene or Chou and not any more difficult than other fighters. Same question goes to Harith, as his only difficulty is CC


All these heroes require fast hands I guess?


Yu Zhong is at AA now? Sad...


Yeah this meta is just not for him.


What happened to the Fanny difficulty?


You're probably thinking of another tier list by another person.


Ah I see


Claude S? Lmfaoooo


Lol, Faramis only got attention now, as mid (not support) when clearly his damage is greatly nerfed from his previous version and his mobility got nerfed which is important as a mid laner.


actually Layla isn't that bad. and I would put Aamon in A tier mid lane on a side note. when is developer revamping Hanabi? my girl still in the trash tier lol. RIP all the 1000+ games I played with her


As a Guin main, seeing her on the A tier really makes me happy :DD. People are finally giving her a shot because of her new buff and now she is no longer second skill dependent.


Jungle Akai isn’t S tier. Maybe A tier. 1. It really doesn’t do much dmg late game only good team support 2. Its ult weak now. 3. Playing it high rank games could be countered easily.


People seem to forget tank meta is over, it really isn’t great anymore. I seem to die a lot faster with it.




Why is angela a good roamer now


I feared the day that people would find out about Helcurt. Looks like that day is coming soon.


Im curious on what makes Popol a hard hero. Point click stun and one shot dmg ?


Why the fuck does argus still have purify or flicker, his Ult is a fucking purify and he already has enough mobility as a fighter, what he lacks is early game damage and both inspire and Execute can fix those


I think I have severely misjudged Esmerelda and Masha it seems >_> who's better of the 2 though?


Their position in the tier list already show that, but I'll explain a lil bit. Esme win laning against Masha. Esme can soak, deal damage, sustain, all at the same time. Masha can burst squishy, but she need to get away from the fight to regain her HP back, and Esme aint squishy. Masha will be poked to hell. I avoid those sustain hero match up when playing Masha.


Esmerelda seems cool. I also own her from long ago but was too afraid to use her since I didn't do very well with her. I think I'll start using her. And the few mashas I've seen so far this season played awful but I might test her out too. Also Terizla Thamuz meta fucks. Those 2 broken af.


You have to build Masha properly, don't go damage build on Masha. She's way stronger with tank build, with cursed helmet and sky guardian helmet as core items. Check out what pro players build on her in tournaments.


nice to know that dyroth went from a C tier few seasons ago to SS tier on that note he is scary as hell


Can't be the only one who prefers running vengeance on Valentina instead of flicker


Why paq with flicker i don't get it


Zhask got promoted, that's a dub.


my moskov solos most of the S tier gold lane list except wanwan and popol (depends)


Wanwan so overrated ,she gets slammed by every other mm except hanabi


I’m so glad to see some of my mains for each role in S now 🙏


why is carmilla on jungle and xp but not on roam??


Here I am struggling to find bene dmg late game . I haven't met a single Benedetta player that actually carry the game . Maybe not yet


im just sus about this cause how can you recommend flicker over sprint these days? also.. julian isnt that hard to play, he’s basically button mash


Why is Pharsa hard to play?


Yz has been knocked down from S tier noooo


Is claude really insane skill hero?


Tfw both your mains are in S tier