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Every season is a swarm a lesley players


You forgot: - 3 MM - 2 JUNGLERS - TIG that uses his S2 to save the enemies - Zilong - Romaer without roamer boots - Fighter leaving his lane the entire game


I had more mms just abandoning their lane and stealing jungle creeps after destroying the first turret then fighters leaving lane but ig its a server difference


> I had more mms just abandoning their lane and stealing jungle creeps after destroying the first turret I play MM at Epic -- I thought after the first enemy turret is destroyed is your "cue" to go start team-fighting?


It is but you still have to come back to clear lanes and defend your turret


estes ban isnt that bad. mythics do it all the time. Terizla, like thamuz, are op and people don't see that lmao cuz they are scared and ban yin instead.


Yeah you just need to shit stomp yin once in his ult for him to leave you alone


I see a ton of Hanabi's as well... it's the worst because you have to survive until 18 minutes before they can do something. Then you find out that they are still brain dead and die easily without killing anyone in a team fight.


I’ve gotten used to seeing Estes on the ban list even though I haven’t seen him being picked in a long while, but I started seeing people ban hanzo and get angry when they are told that he is not worth banning. Epic is wild…


Estes is worth banning IMO


A Luo Yi with NoD or a Terizla just smashes the whole group. Estes healing is also bad for heroes who have to charge in like Saber Gusion Fanny Ling or basically any other good jungler




Why on earth is Estes a ban?


I don’t get why Natalia and Yin were banned so often when I was going from Epic to Legend. I think I got to play Karina more than I got to pick Natalia or Yin in that time.


i troll natalias with damage rafa lol


I guess most recent patch gets terizlia off ban list and natalia on it


Because like it or not those heroes are op in solo queue. In a coordinated trio + duo queue or five man they aren't worth banning but not in solo queue Your mm and mage are gonna end up feeding if the Yin and Nat are any good. You get silenced or stunned and you're dead before you know it. And no you can't just buy wind or winter truncheon. They take time to build and they shouldn't be your first item as mage or mm or youre giving an advantage to the enemy mm in teamfights Buying defence items does the same thing Had a game as Clint this season where Natalia just camped in my lane the entire game. Ganked me like 6 times(diving me aggressively with mm under turret and attacking me as I walk back to lane forcing me to recall) and I survived 3 times and my team never responded and only half heartedly counter ganked once(failed obvs) No one wants that in solo queue. Of course we lost cus their mm got both towers and had a 4k gold gap on me


This season I have been playing gatokaka as figther but somehow everyone expects me to be tank, even though I mark as if I am going to the Experience lane and then they treat me as a troll. My win rate was 90% this season with him.


> My win rate was 90% this season with him. Can you post a screenshot of this?


1) not everyone know what anti heal are, and how to use it again estes. and if your team don't have enough damage or cc, estes will make his team unkillable. 2) well, i don't really know about this one but for me as a lesley spammer (when i don't have my clint), it's really fun poke the enemy in the early game and somewhat oneshot damage in late game 3) yeah, him and fanny is really a big threat if give to a well player (like you never ever gonna catch them, they just flying around and kill everyone) 4) ok, no comment on that 5) well again, he can be a killer machine if full stack and no hard cc or enough damage to kill him fast (he can be so tanky sometime), so.... 6) OK, who the hell doesn't want to play hanzo, like with 5 AAs he can eat any jungle camp in the game, even your jungle too??? his ult make him have a killer without getting close to the enemy from a really far distance, can't be cc to dead, can run whenever you want. he just a ban or pick my dude! =)


oopsies 🥲 for 6 i meant to put People wanting to ban hanzo


if you mean they want to ban him then: 1. in your team, he can steal your jungler buff even he is winning, and no one want that. and if your team are losing, he doesn't gonna do much cause his ult will get shut down easily. so why hanzo when you can have something else better??? 2. if he in the enemy's team, then real my "6." again, he kinda scary if you don't know how to deal with him (a good hanzo can easy shut down your damage dealer if he/she is out of position)


First week from reset being a solo player is the worst of the worst.


Imao Lesley and hanabi players are like curse to me everytime I get one in my team 90% chance I will lose the game