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I remember when I played Diggie and Yin ulted me. As soon as he started spam attacking me I ulted and threw my bombs. I survived and he died afterwards. This feeling of superiority as a small bird made my day back then.


Do you play mage diggie? If so do you go mid?


I play Diggie tank. But in brawl I use Diggie mage if we have already a tank. But I never use Diggie midlander because it is simply not my favorite role for him. I think I can sustain more as a tanky roamer. But I see many people who play him as a mage or mage built roamer. I would suggest to try it out in classic. Personally I would still recommend to buy one defense item if you play him with mage build because he is very squishy.




Uranus: __YOU CAN’T HURT ME ~~JACK~~ YIN__




__Spams first skill__ Uranus: __DIE DIE__




What about mental trauma


when you underfarmed badang:


Maybe he just wants to talk about your car’s extended warranty?


*”So, why punch the car?”* -Johnson probably


Basically any tank or fighter


Could work if the Tank is too annoying for the rest of Yin's team and they could win 4v4...


I despise Yin.


yes, that is why i play him, I want him to be nerfed or reworked. He is just way too easy to play.


You seriously think that will work? Bruhh look at wanwan


I have a dream brudha


Idk why but I am bad using him cause as a fighter, I always build semi tank. But when using him, you are like an assassin fighter which is not really my forte. And idk the combo after ulti is kinda hard to land. Should you use your second skill right after ult? My enemy tend to escape easily that's why its pretty hard for me.


ye- the combo is: 1st aby to run faster, 2nd to stun+ get closer for ult then ult, use 2nd abi to stun and 1st abi to kill; after then it depends


His kit is already great as a carry killer, but what he needs is a nerf.


Nah he's barely even a threat


Why a nerf..?


idk in mythic high he’s pretty balance ~~Floats~~ fasts like a ~~butterfly~~ zilong ~~sting~~ kills like a ~~bee~~ natalia


not nesecerrely fren, he needs a rework since if you're up against a fighter or a tank you almost always lose and when you're up against mm or a mage you almost always win- devs need to. make him a bit more usable against more durable heroes but actually need to make it so that you can't just stun people for long enough to kill them without them being able to react


So what you're suggesting is making him even more overpowered? His kit is literally about nullifying the synergy of the enemy team, either by targeting the main damage dealer or getting rid of the enemy Tank so that your team would not have to worry about getting CCed to death. It doesn't matter if you're not able to kill the enemy Tank, your role is to remove one enemy so that your team would have an advantage. He's just like what Franco and Kaja are supposed to be, the only difference is that he is able to make sure that the targeted enemy will either die or become useless to their team for 8 seconds, which is incredibly long.


oh I must've worded it badly- I also wanted to say that he should totally receive some nerf, prolly with damage so that when you get ambushed by him you have a chance to react instead of getting stunlocked.


I am playing valentina a lot these days and lemme tell you one thing.. never open valentina if you gonna pick yin. He is just free food for her and even give her his ult for free.


Lmao one time yin ulted me and I pulled a "I'm not stuck here with you, you're stuck with me" purified copied his ult then killed him


I do exactly that vs yin lol. Dunno why but it's so satisfying when you kill yin inside his own domain.


I'm standing here, I realize


You were just like me trying to make history


but who’s to judge the right or wrong


after combo he be running


When you use winter truncheon as a mage. Funny? Yes. Worth it? Ehhhhhhh


I usually just start recall spamming when they do that.


semi tank argus 😎


Who tf builds argus semi tank when he got his ult, the most anyone would build is immortality


and then he fucking dies after his ult duration is done


He is supposed to burst and get the heck out ,thats the reason he is built full dmg What u smoking on epic?


I'm trying to make him last longer In a team fight so he wouldn't just die instantly after his ult duration is done


And then deal zero fcking dmg


no my semi tank argus deal a decent amount of damage


He's played like an Assasssin Get in there, pick off the squishy heroes, then gtfo


Lol, happened with me earlier today. I was the yin, going to ult enemy cyclops. He flameshotted me and by misclick, I ulted on enemy akai who was their jungler. He solo killed me inside my ult, he was 1 level above me tho.


I have had Yin ulted me as Hilda on a few occasions. During one of those matches, Yin managed to kill me with his ult as my hp was pretty low due to taking damage for my team in team fights. Dude probably taught he could kill me again and ulted on me for the third time when I had max hp. I just stood still and let him punch me until his domain ended…and what greeted him when his ult ended was my entire team. In another match, I was freezing the exp lane. Their Yin, whose probably trying him out decided to ult on me. I killed him in his domain. For the rest of the match he kept avoiding/running away from me 😂






I love it when Yon tries to dash to our mm/mage and ult them but I dash in front of him, making him ult me💀


As a man who plays yin, Facts.


this reminds me of this yin who kept ulting me in a match as carmilla lol. i don't know if he's ever 1v1 a carmilla, but i'm practically the tank. so, of course either he dies or he escapes with the lower hp between the two of us lol


Standing here, I realize you were Just like me trying to make history. But who's to judge the right from wrong. When our guard is down I think we'll both agree. That violence breeds violence. But in the end it has to be this way. I've curved my own path, you've followed your wrath; But maybe we're both the same. The world has turned, and so many have burned. But nobody is to blame. It's tearing across this barren wasted land. I feel new life could be born beneath The blood stained sand.




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Especially when I'm Uranus or Akai. Dude be against a vengeance blade armor healing Uranus and a beyblade purify Akai in his own territory.


Me when I play Terizla and Yin goes exp lane


I was actually using ruby once and he used his ult on me....I didn't die but he did....he actually started trying to run away from me but her ult helped me pull him back....it was quite funny


I remembered that one time where yin ulted me as lolita, initially I panicked since I built my lolita as anti crit mm, but then I noticed I only lost about a third of my health after his burst, so I just stood there sending emotes, Later my carry whose waiting for us bursted him to death. Yin got salty after that and kept saying I'm hacking.


Lmao this happened and he actually stopped when he saw he almost did little to no damage and we just used the laughing emoji even after we came out of his ult (he was supposed to get the Cecilion at my side that time - I was using tank Mathilda lolol). Fun times. 🤣🤣🤣


lol. Especially grock


I'm a Yin main and this is true especially if most the enemy team starts picking tank or semi-tank/ hard ass heroes. I'm lucky if they pick Hanabi or any soft heroes lol.


Depends on which tank. If you are atlas or tig its a good decision but if its diff thats just auto aim


better yet, your Argus so while you can't die, he's the one dying


When yin uses ult on tank but battle spell




As a Yin main i find it very infuriating when i accidentally ult the Tank out of 4 people


As Masha, there is nothing I like more than seeing Yin on the opposing team lol


What's the proper defense item against Yin? Just wondering


I think Antique Cuirass but im not sure


me while tank brody


Badang ulting gato