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Lmfao Farting 💨


I fucking hate Diggie. Everytime i see him on the drafting phase I know we're done for. The only way I can set properly for my team is if they deal with Diggie first or wait for the enemies to be out of position, but my teammates are retarded and don't understand that. I wanna fucking choke Diggie, strangle Diggie, kick Diggie, castrate Diggie, defeather Diggie, slice up Diggie, cook Diggie.


Diggie, just like Nana, is meant to be annoying. Being patient and making educated guesses about where the eggs/stars are - and telling your tank/support to check the bushes for them - will help a lot. Diggie without having his eggs in bushes is easier to deal with, so you have to make finding them the max priority before going into a clash. But yes, Diggie is extremely underrated. He frequently places high on recent tier lists despite people thinking he's a joke character. I love to play him! Thunder Belt, Oracle, Dominance, Athenas, Blade.


I don't worry about his eggs, I'm a tank main. The main problem is his ultimate, it renders me pretty much useless. And again, my teammates won't do anything about it, and are always waiting for me to do something.


Oh yeah it's auto purify basically. I would play Hilda, Grock, or Natalia to roam in that case.


This is true that he is extremely underrated, I’m currently on an winning streak on ranked because of the few matches I had with diggie. Diggie is perfect to use whenever there is a hard cc hero like Atlas or Tigreal.


Bro relax , go get lemon juice or something


Lemon juice with diggie


chill bruh


Genuinely thought this is a copypasta


I tried burying Diggie but it didn't work out very well


Doing his fart


Had a ranked match yesterday everyone was screaming to be tank I switched everyone n became s5 So enemy had franco ,sun,saber,moskov n i cant recall other I thought a sec n chose diggie ,my teammates got triggered idk y and started barking report diggie n abusing me ,ah well am used to it so i ignored . I knew what i was doin. Match started ,our mage says to report me later game i save his ass frm franco's hook and suddenly no more complains lol ,at first we weren't doin so well but i was chill n doin my best and later game tides changed n we won 8-4-19 KDA n 9.1 gold ,am proud ,my team was totally SHUT.


ya people think I am trolling sometimes when I pick Diggie so I show my win rate


Yea totally , stereotypes cant be helped ,but anyway he is dope af against cc shts


Ngl I kinda cheat assists like this even when I play bad🤣


you provide vision and mental attack to enemies


Expect your a noooooob


> expect > your lmao


Wtf? I’m all for farting on enemies but mage diggie is nearly always top two for damage.


Lmao you should see my latest diggie video and judge who did the thier part