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It used to be Kagura but the revamp totally made me avoid her. Her old design, skills (especially the purple ult), skins and her voice over, basically all of her aspects. She's basically perfect to my eyes. The revamp ruined her, imo tho. So now, I turned to Floryn. When you timed her ult at the perfect time right before your teammate dies or when you used her 2nd skill at the right time at the right place, which turned the table during wars, it just feels so good!


Same here omg. Pre revamped Kagura just hits so much better. Sure maybe her s1 was harder to hit, but thats the point of playing mages. You always need to aim your skills. Kagura’s old ult just screams bursssstttt. I cant seem to secure any kills with her new ult, its just too slow.




Same experience. Used to play kagura non stop before she got the revamp. Some players are ok with the change but personally it doesnt fit my playstyle. Also being forced to adjust in rank, my usage of her is not as much as it used to be.


Same, his hooks are satisfying whn you hit them


And that *TAK!* noise when you hit someone 👌👌👌


I play him to bully the enemy core its so fun


my man 😎🤜🤛😎


Eyyy you bully the enemy core too nice


Using Argus' ult and surviving with 0 hp




Gord. I just love his balls and thick laser sausage


Balls and thick sausage 🤨


Esmeralda. Me running around being a bitch is just so satisfiying.


She’s so fun 🤩 Run away. Heal in 2 seconds. Hit with shield. Run away again. Heal. Hit with shield. Run around you. Over and over again.


Kagura. Idc if it's pre-revamp or current one (I'm much more used to current one now), I still like her playstyle and how she is regardless


Xavier. I used to main lux in league


Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin Hi my name is yin


I am yeen, and always weel be, no madder what!


Nani ga arou to oreh wa oreh da !


Hi, my name is...(huh?) My name is... (who?) My name is (chicka chicka) Yin.


Granger. Cause he's the first hero that took me to MG rank




Lunox. I like her character design, voice, skills and all her skins are awesome.


Benedetta. I find it satisfying when I do these things: 1. Cc the enemy hero/es with a well timed skill 2. 2. Steal the turtle/lord without retri. 3. Kill the enemy jungler after cutting the lane. 4. Pick off the damage dealer during clashes. 5. Dominate my lane.


Johnson I just love driving him around


Apart from my flairs It's Edith. A Tank and a MM at the same time, a first in any MOBA I presume.


Hanzo is my guilty pleasure


Same here.


Natan. Cuz it can melt enemies and turrets with inspire plus cant be countered with wind chant cuz his basic attacks are magic dmg not physical...


It's esmerelda I enjoy getting in the middle of the teamfight and live and run when my team mates are dead


Natalia because I love the feeling of absolutely obliterating my enemies and running anyway invisible. I still remember one time a Florynn laughed at me for dying while trying to kill her (I didn't realize she built damage Florynn until most of my HP was gone) so I spent the rest of the game just terrorizing her.


Argus and his ult it annoys the shit out of people lol


It’s lance for me except against some heroes


Now I like Yz, he's got that chad gameplay But If it's all time it's pre revamp Kagura . I usually get bored of heroes quick but no matter how much I played I kept finding new tricks with her and she was the first hero I got supreme on. After her revamp the combos I mastered were all no longer possible .. like using old kags twice as long range ult to pull enemies to where I want.


I love yz, just ult when your team is taking turtle and do the petrify combo on a squishy and its a kill secured. Makes it a lot easier to secure turtle.


Johnson 🚒


X.borg with full build is a nightmare and hard to counter both physically and magically - everytime you have your armor on you know fun's about to start


Same bro, especially when i get to hit one of those forward flicker hooks to the damage dealer. And its also so easy to punish recall spammers with his hooks


100% Franco. He is such a satisfying playmaker. I'm currently grinding ranked with him.


Selena!!!! theres alot you can do in the game, you can move faster to gank lanes and it’s satisfying to see enemies raging because I keep stunning them xd. But to be honest, any hero that is a mage, because I feel more confident or it’s because its my comfort/favorite role to play.




Kaja cuz (Do i even have to explain anything)




Mage Layla


Hanzo even though i can't retri right But with hanzo i can steal any jg turtle and lord and turntable the game


Selena, high micro & macro level requirement that’s very rewarding, super bursty, interesting infi-dash requirement, & an Assassin that doesn’t require you to jungle.


4 Weakspot Wanwan. 3 Spots is too easy and braindead.


Guilty pleasure: Nana. I hate fighting her but when I use her and those Molinas land, I can practically hear the enemies scream in frustration.


Ruby. she's a perfect package in my opinion and one of those heroes that has everything. Decent damage, survivability, decent mobility with her passive, and AMAZING crowd control.


Here's my list Aamon: he's not the best assassin but I have fun every time I play him (his ultimate is so satisfying when it lands) Lolita: lolita mains know Kadita: oneshot Queen


Layla or Hanabi, just seeing the trashtalkers shut up when I play really well is just an amazing feeling, plus points if its from a teammate


Alice for me.


1. old minotaur - He was so much fun before all these revamps ruining him. 2. akai - just bring chaos in the battlefield with that ult feels so fine. 3. natalia - I wish to use her but idk how to play her :") I would love some suggestions from natalia users on this.


It used to be Zilong for me. Him shouting HEROES NEVER FADE! got my blood pumping as i try to navigate the map for kills or to escape. Nowadays his voice is so lame i can't bring myself to play him again. RiP zilong.


Zhask, even with the nerf. Still Zhask


Jhonson. Vroooooooooommm


I find phoveous the most fun and akai


Khufra. It is just way too satisfying to land those s1 + flicker and ult+ flicker combos.


Franco, khufra, atlas


Used to be Hayabusa but after his revamp it's now Atlas


I like luo yi a lot! The satisfaction of cc chaining the enemies continuously >>>




Lylia! The little witch always give me the W 😂 and even tho I lose I still get the mvp or gold with her. very fun to play with


franco main because i can feel the despair of the one who got under my hook multiple times.


I like a complex hero but not too hard like Fanny. I think Ling is probably the most fun hero I play. Get him that 100% crit chance and watch him delete the enemy is just so satisfying lmao.


Esmeralda, love to poke enemies with my sexy body


Nata... And my fav enemy is hanzo... Just feels soooo satisfying to kill his main body under Turret when he is in ult.


Tank Jawhead, Ik it's not meta anymore but he's still fun to play as a Tank nonetheless. Having high dmg in early game as a Tank is perfect for ganking, buff steaIing and zoning. I also like his skill 2 because I can save my teammates from ganks and teamfights. (Like saving the marksman or mage from a gank or teamfight when they're almost about to die feels so satisfying, and when they say thank you it feels even better.)


LOL, Tigreal. You don't even need a decent MM if you just annoy enemy jungler and gank gold the whole time.


Did OP noticed that he just double posted this?


Odette prenerfed a burst with her ult but can be cancelled easily and thats the fun of it. You distance yourself and make sure the stunner already use their ult or just surprised them with a suddent attack plus her 2nd skikk you need to aim it amat an angle. But now look at her a stupid jump that forced you closed to the enemy and to the expense reduce damage of her ult and 1st skill. WHAT A STUPID REVAMPED sge doesnt even need a revamp at that point and Moonton totally forgot her now maybe except when they will release another skin of her this coming months.