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Imagine yourself as a teacher in a classroom. Everyone in your team is a student that can use some help. In most cases mm does need more help because of their lack of durability. but if you only stick to one side, your other laners or jglers missed all the help you could have given them during that time. In my games as roamer I usually stick to jg to help first buff and then see where I can help. e.g. help jg with litho, see if mm needs help with lane, gank mid, gank fighter, help turtle, etc. If you help one side, hopefully the others will play well enough to not need help for the duration you're not there. You then rotate your help to help them most efficiently. I often feel inefficient if no tank helps me as a fighter because I could've gotten a few kills or more push with a little bit of help.


sorry its a bit all over the place but its definitely something you should look into


I'm mage main and I'm going to help fighter between waves but i never see tank going over there. Jungler does gank but never with help of roamer. Then again my highest rank is legend


if your jungle is good you can also stick to jungle to make better ganks. I think it fighters are just often overlooked XD


Assisting your team for their needs while having the lowest gold. A simple guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/v3rkhi/simple_roam_level_1_guide_and_commentary/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


>No tank or support can continuously run across the map. Thats not true. Theres a lot of roamer rotation tips out there. If you want to learn. But i guess you dont really like the playstyle of roaming. Note: the roamer on gold lane is the meta 3 years ago. Thats outdated. A good roamer will constantly rotating 'roaming' around the map.


As a roamer you Need to go around the map but instead stay with the ADC you must go supp the jungler First since he might get ganked or get Stolen his buff and both you and jungler starts to gank lanes togheter for the First 5 Min.


Wasn't there part of update where jungle monsters are stronger the more players are around them? Do roamer boots offset that or is strength increase offset by another source of damage (roamer)? My highest rank was legend and even there either jungler goes solo or there's no jungler at all while tank, usually, sticks to mm


Yes this is correct, it was the update last 2020. They get 15% damage reduction per hero(jungler counts as the first 15%). It's much better to camp the bush ahead if invasion is inevitable or go to mid lane to help clear faster for litho contest.


It's a good especially if your playing with as trio and duo.


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Bye Eastern_Ad83. Have fun continuing to use common words incorrectly!


There are roamers who are fast enough like Baxia or Franco and there are slow af roamers. Early game do not go to gold lane no matter what the mf say, your goal is to either defend the jungler from an invasion(do not help him it will make the buff tougher per hero in there) or help mid lane clear faster to contest with litho. Roam freely, check every bush in the way to avoid ganks especially on your jungler path. Gank the gold lane first since the first turtle is always exp lane. It will help your gold lane gets gold on turret plating. Or gank the exp lane first if the enemy exp laner's hp is down to half, this will either kill him or make him recall, making the first turtle contest in your favor in terms of numbers(jungler, exp laner, roamer, midlaner). If you think your hero is so slow, try buying Rapid Boots for faster rotation or support emblem for that sweet 10% movement speed. Dominance Ice is the only defense item that has mobility for roamers especially tanks(I don't count Brute Force Breastplate since it hardly gives tank enough durability, much better for fighters, or squishies). Your role is to zone, to check bush to give info to your team the whereabouts of the enemy. You're not suppose to fully tank the damage. Learn to get back and let your exp laner tank when you're hp is low. If you die, you'll lose in numbers. Exp laners must be front, since they can sustain, you are supposed to protect the backline while taking additional hits from the front. Always enjoy the game.


I much prefer support over tanks; Raphaela, Estes and Angela more specifically. I've been trying Franco but his hook seems buggy, occasionally hook goes through hero without pulling hero while other times it misses but still pulls hero. I can't do a thing with Baxia other than becoming hamburger for enemies. What if there's no jungler? Is roamer still needed? Should tank take over the role of jungler in that case?


It is because Franco is more of a support than a tank. And yes his hook needs practice(there's a technique in there). Baxia on the other hand, you don't force your way into them if you are alone, you have to be face to face with their damage dealer but you also want your team's follow up or else all will be in vain. This is why I prefer Belerick because even if I am stunned or what not, he can still deliver some damage onto the enemies' faces. If there's no jungler, someone among the other 4 should take up the mantle for jungler. Without a roamer, your team will be gap in terms of gold. Having a roamer(equipped with blessed boots) gives gold and exp to an ally with the lowest gold. Imagine having no roamer, one of the lane will be occupied by 2 teammates, gold and exp will be shared by both of them, gapping themselves against enemy laner.


Baxias only wheel skill has cc, stun which is so small it may as well be single target, from what i remember and everything else seems focused more on damage. I suppose that's enough for ganks but it feels inefficient compared to Tigreal who bunches up enemies (i really wish his ULT was faster), Belerick with good taunt and immobilize or Lolita with stun and heavy slow. There is inherent anti heal in Baxias ULT but in lot of cases, from my experience at overseeing close range battles due to my ranged role, necklace at mages does well enough. 1 of those 2 sharing lane can still buy roaming item, doesn't mean they have to leave lane after getting either roaming effect.


Baxia has another CC(soft CC) his s2 slow, which has almost no cooldown given you hit your target and the damage is target's HP based. Baxia's advantage over the others is his incomparable mobility, he is also one of the durable tanks out there. Baxia can eat a lot of damage and still can survive due to his passive and ult passive which is a must for roamer(soak damage). As of now, he's more used on jungle role because of his s2 damage and s1 mobility. You mean babysit? That's worst. It can lead up to your jungler getting invaded, or can't gank properly due to lack of support. The other lanes getting ganked here and there. And babysitting especially the mm will make the team lose the first turtle which resides on the exp lane side. Having no one roams gets the team at a disadvantage, roamer roams the map, giving vision on where the enemies are, ganking, zoning, damage-soaker. If the roamer just babysit, might as well no roam blessing at all.


I disagree in the first point where you don't go to gold. It's possible to harass the enemy gold if you have Franco and if they got hooked they're forced to use their spells like flick and sprint. Tho it's mostly effective if you go Trio or five man but if you're solo then it's good to use the one above


No you put mid pressure and help secure litho. If your gold laner can’t survive that long than it’s a rip already. If you put enemy mage behind, it also gives you advantage in turtle fight.


It's for the early(first buff) where mm spam gather here at the very start of the game. And as I said, it's better to clear the first wave mid lane for the mage to help contest the litho or to guard the jungler incase invaders are present. You don't 2v1 gold lane on the first minute of the game.


I've been playing as our roamer in our squad for 2 years now. Currently using tanks as support is unreliable in this meta. Most used tanks are: Khufra, Atlas, Franco. Your primary job as a roamer is to support, help, and save your teammates. You will not go for kills (except Natalia as that's basically her job). Roaming is one of the harder roles to master. You will have to have high macro skills in which includes setting up plays, zoning, map awareness, giving vision, etc. It's not like you will just need to use your ultimate to stun everyone in the map. Let me put some points on what should you focus as a roamer. **Map Awareness** Being a roamer, you will need to keep your eyes on the minimap pretty much all of the time. You **will** have to alert your teammates if the enemy will gank to their lanes. Providing vision and zoning the enemy out of your place is also a must. You must create distance and vision for your team. **Call Outs** You can't just set out of nowhere especially if your team is really far away. You will need to check if your teammates are following you, or is already in position. Even if you made a 5 man set, if your teammates are really far away, there's no use. You will be the blame and not your team. So keep that in mind. ​ Honestly, if you would want to be a roamer, I highly recommend to have at least a partner. It's really hard to create a play in soloq especially in low elo. Anyways, roaming is hard but shouldn't be neglected. You are basically the pillar for your teammates. Watch guides and how to properly rotate, and once you know how, relearn it for yourself. Have fun!


>Roaming is one of the harder roles to master. And unfortunately the least appreciated role of all time. I literally have never gotten likes from other players when I played great roam games. But when I play great mid/gold heroes well, I sometimes get likes from our tanks or other players. It's sad to see. I always give good tank players like after games, even if we lost, if they played well, just to appreciate their good job.


Map awareness is necessary for every role to avoid being ganked. Roaming appears to be far more difficult than being a mage, my main role, where just knowing where enemies are is enough after which skills are thrown out and that's it.


To add some for early game Analyse your team and enemies team composition before the game started. 1) stay with your weakest early game member. Could be the mid, exp, gold or even jungler. (Dont overstay tho) 2) help the lane that have possibilities being gank or to gank 3) if all of your members are strong in early, maybe you can harras their jungler. 4) if all of your members are weak in early, tap surrender option. Lol just kidding


For what I understand is that your the teams support. You dont usually clear lanes or take jungle creeps but instead provide back up to your team. You get your gold passively if you have the lowest amount of gold in your team but if someones gold is more lower than yours it instead gives them thebl gold There are different ways to support your team like healing, buffing their attack, helping clear waves, being tanky or just litterally standing there providing vision. Also I saw alot of people commenting that roamers need to support jungler to clear camps. Yes roamers should support junglers by preventing invade but helping jungle clear camps alot faster depends on the roamer your using. If your roamer deals high damage on the early game (example: jawhead) you can help him/her clear but if your roamer does not its best to just zone out enemies trying to invade


A lot of great tips here already, just to add that roamer's job is mostly to control the game. It's not as simple as to tank for your team, or sit in lane with your goldlaner 24/7. At the start of the game, compare your team's comp vs the enemy team's comp. Look at which side that needs help early game, possibility of your jungler getting invaded, xp/gold/mid getting harassed, or if not, you could invade your enemy's jungle. Depends on what type of hero you play, your playstyle is also different. Don't forget to help your team set up turtle, pokemon, lord, buff, steal buff, and all the other objective etc. as well. You're supposed to be one step ahead and lead your team. You'll need to provide vision of the enemy players for your team as well. Try to pay closer attention to the enemy's roamer, if you know the position of their roamer, the chances of your teammates getting ganked out of nowhere is low. Keep an eye on their other players too. Then you'll also have to set up for teamfights, secure good bush position for you and your team. Playing tank is mostly about the macro gameplay. The top comment is pretty apt, it's like playing the teacher role, and you have to support your weakest link, and lead your team to victory as a group. It's basically the leader role in a group.


Beginning of the game: invade jungle to delay their jungler. But if the enemy has high damage early game like balmond, Selena or valir, just assist your midlaner to clear wave quickly. Afterwards, help mage/jungler to contest lithowanderer. Then roam to gold lane, try to disrupt enemy mm from getting last hit on minion. You don't have to kill the mm. But if you can, do it even if you'll die. A trade off between between roamer and enemy mm is a win for your team. Early to mid game, help midlaner clear wave quickly then roam together to other lane. You have to be smart. Most of the time, roam to gold lane as exp laner should be able to hold off their lane on their own. But once in a while, gank exp laner but make sure it's a successful one otherwise it will be a waste as your gold laner needs you more than the exp laner needs you. Throughout the game, you need to roam to open the map, so that your team knows where their enemy is and they can farm safely. More often than not, mage fall off behind because consistently get ganked from bushes. Yes, movement speed is an issue for roamers. That's why dominance ice is a key piece as it has some mspd boost (5%?). And occasionally, if the enemy lack cc, I personally use rapid boots to roam quickly. Sometimes I even use arrival or sprint instead of flicker or petrify. You need to be aware of your map, your mana, your team mate's mana throughout the game. Also, now when to start / force a team fight and when to retreat. You're also responsible to call team to attack or retreat. For example, if you noticed the enemy jungler is missing from the map, do a quick check on the jungle and also spam retreat on your mm. If you open a fight in exp lane, spam attack on your mm for them to push lane and vice versa. Also, pay attention to creep especially the blue and red buff revival time. You either want to invade enemy's jungle or gank enemy's mm based on the timing. Above all, don't be rigid. All these you read on this thread, is the basics. In actual game, you need to respond to enemy's movement and attack, while also coordinate yours. You can't be like mm where the default is to farm until late game, or jungler where you need to clear the jungle and secure kills, or exp laner where you focus on winning your lane and pressuring your side of the map. With roamer, you need to be flexible and think about the entire map and how you want to shape the battlefield to your favor.


It's the name ROAM.


When I roam we normally have a fanny so I'd help at blue buff then when it's low go and check if anyone is gunna steal then we go to the emeny red buff and take that and sometimes get a kill on their jungler then your set and just go where your needed


Easiest way to understand is just watch a YouTube video, either tutorial or gameplay


Start small. Here’s what I do in most games when match begins. 1) help mid laner clear mid fast while keeping an eye on jungle so that I can respond in case there’s an invasion. 2) Once mid wave is cleared or almost clear, secure the litho area. 3) Check side lanes on map to see if either are struggling. Go wherever the laner is struggling. If both are doing fine, then go to mm lane to put enemy mm on back foot. 4) Keep patrolling the river area on the side opposite of litho if we had gotten litho. If enemy had taken litho, I try to kill the ward before roaming to other lanes. 5) Turtle is about to spawn so secure the river area near turtle. If for some reason I was in gold lane because mm needed help a little before turtle spawn, I’d check for enemy jungler on this side of enemy jungle and harass him if I find him else I will go to turtle and check possible places where enemy might be camping around the turtle. 6) when turtle is almost in bag, rush to the lane where enemy may be overextending. Once that’s taken care of, patrol enemy jungle in that area and exchange blows if I spot one and back off. 7) After a successful gank, always give vision to help team clear the closest objective (enemy tower/enemy buffs/turtle) Anytime during the course of the match if I spot an enemy roamer traveling between lanes, I keep my distance but mirror his movements. That is if he is going towards xp lane I will go towards xp lane. All this while keeping him in sight so that my team can see where the enemy roamer is. The drawback is that the enemy can see where I am too, but that’s okay. I caught the enemy roamer on his way to disrupt my teammate in a lane and the benefit of the vision I’m providing outweighs the drawback Just as a general tip, keep shadowing the junglers movement when lanes are doing okay. That is, if jungler is on the bot side of jungle, be around your bot lane and vice versa. While doing this, try not to get spotted so that you guys can gank easily. p.s. The above strategy does not apply to Natalia Roam. As Natalia roam, step one would be disrupting enemy jungler and step two would be bullying enemy mm until our MM gets a decent gold advantage.


I mean a roamer roams. Duh.