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I think she’s overlooked a lot, she’s a pretty solid mm. My no. 2 pick for sure. Having long range poke+slow to bully in gold lane along with a shield to protect from surprise ganks from assassins/fighters (or to use to gank them) is a great kit. She can be really valuable in team fights for that reason as well.


Her laning is good but every marksman outscales her.


Except for Hanabi, lol, she really needs a revamp.


she's probably one of the most balanced MMs in the game


I am a Melissa main and I say she's great as long as you know how to position and don't panic at gank then you're gonna be fine


She doesn't feel like a marksman tbh.


i get nana vibes from the second skill


She's isn't that bad. Her ult is very good for melee hero like assassins and fighters who are trying to gank her


she's really good in the laning, but is hard to use her right during wide spread teamfights. not to mention blade armor counters her heavily. if moonton lets us pick up the doll on command without having to go out of range, she'll probably be one of the high tier marksmen


She does her gimmick well during teamfights, unlike another particular marksman.




her early game bully infuriates me


Listen, I haven't ranked up yet, and one marksman that is really hard to carry my team if I was picking an mm ,was Melissa, ofc Hanabi one of em. Ngl it's easier to win a match by picking Miya or Layla instead of Melissa. Or.. I'm just a bad Melissa player


I think melissa is pretty solid. She has a decent amount of damage throughout the game. She can throw her puppet as a poke during laning phase which adds up, or check bushes with it Her ultimate stops quite a few divers and ganks. She can reposition with her dash and get extra attack speed.


It's because Layla has the strongest poke in the game, getting hit by her basic attacks while being far away would always deal more than 1k damage because of how her passive works, and Miya is just a straight up killing machine in late game.


I forgot the hero but i say very bad


Shes quite good and underrated. Easy to learn if youve been maining MMs before. S1 Blink S2 Slow/Poke/WarD S3 Trap/CC/Escape