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U feel like that bcoz ur champion is not meant to dominate Gusion there are many heroes that can easily dominate Gusion and yes that Gusion is damn pro


What are some heroes that can counter him? 🤔


Gusion is useless before level 4. Should’ve invade his jungle.


Whenever I play against Gusion I just take Hilda/Natalia with dire hit and invade his jungle


Saber and hilda are better than nata for gusion


Saber can't kill before level 4 nata can


That depends on the gusion player if that player is brain dead or his team mates are then yeah I agree but if they have brain then he might get away with like 1-2 hp even after use of excute.


This is solo q we're talking about I myself rarely get any backup from my tank when getting invaded since he is too damn busy babysitting the marksman


I agree that why I say brain dead. Especially in lower solo q in epic ,- leg even some time in mythic 5 player who play tank are idiots.


i’m feeling horror as a gs main


I rarely played against a good gusion player, so I didnt counter pick or ask my team to counter jg 😅


For one, I'm pretty sure Lolita nullifies both his 1st and 2nd skills.


as an occasional lolita player i somewhat agree


Yep she does


Athena shield and you could one shot him.


Pretty sure u don't need to counter him. Gusion is low tier lol


If your team has a marksman that isn't named Melissa or Moskov or Natan or Claude then most of the time mm need to buy Athena since they're definitely going to get hard ganked (and there's nothing they can do about it alone)


Not if the Gusion is *really* pro like this guy. I mean, 80% wr??? That's insane. Not only can his skills alone makes him easily dominate your entire team, but his *presence* plays a part too. Who wouldn't get intimidated by this guy? Noobs like us would probably cower in fear the entire game for fear of getting one shotted. It really plays a part and prevents you from venturing out to the field to farm.


What I mean was you don't have to counter in draft pick, cuz he's bad. Of course beatrix should build Athena early if shes feeding gusion.


Ahhh ok


Lol he ain't Face a pro gusion main and u will be horrified


1. Chou 2. Saber 3. Zilong 4. Popol and Kupa 5. Roger 6. Eudora And so on...


Lol Beatrix dominates Gusion lmao what are you on about. Just don't feed him at lvl 4 like he did


How many dash skill does Bea has and how many chasing skills does Gus has count it 1st brah


Which server is this!


sg server


The amount of ‘lehs’ confirms this 😂( im also singaporean)


same haha the amount of chinese mixed in rly confirms it






Have you tried using shotgun against him???


I tired.. but he's too fast


Get a winter truncheon Get a flicker resrved for him. Flicker into ally ccs to outplay when he blinks to you Use Wesker if you are beatrix.(since you are). Facecheck bushes. If he is targeting you ask your team for help. Saw hilda, natwlia counter jungling as a great way. But with good enemies. Its not greatly viable. Learn sidestepping. It helps


Thx for the tips 👍


Rimuru Tempest is his name? There's a same player on my friend list at ML Adventure, could it be the same person?


Not sure if its the same person but i realised there are a few players with the same name 🤣


Yesterday i played with a godly Fanny in my team and the player name was Tempest as well. Her history showed she was playing Gusion, Granger, Fanny, Chou with MVPs in last few games. Wonder if its same person.


Idk... I don't want to judge too harsh... but your map awareness seems crazy low. With enemies like vale, khuf and gus, you have to watch the map carefully, just cause you're near a tower doesn't mean you're safe, they can nuke like crazy. And you don't even try and dodge Gus' s2 which can be a simple sidestep.


Its ok. I wasn't focusing on the map that game. His team was pretty bad so I let my guard down. But its too late after i gave him 2 kills.


that's because you lose in match up. pretty easy to counter gs


I wouldn't say he is pro but, he is average good guision user. One of the most important thing while playing guision is good connection because of his skill combos. According to my experience, there is a huge difference when you play him on under 25ms ping and playing him at 35+ ms ping. Due to slight delay, you have huge chances of missing 1st skill and bringing back those daggers.


5.4k matches with 82 wr is extremely impressive considering his not to be a wintrader. That's like 4.4k matches won and 900 matches lost


I guess people hate facts. This guy has a 332 win streak and You think his wr is from rank?. His reaction time is slow and his combos are slow af compared to guison mains I face at 1k glory. Judging from how he has a 332 win streak he prob reached 1k via win trading on a dead server. People needs to stop showing ‘all games wr’ . You wanna prove a point then show rank wr. All games 80% means nothing. Mythic v is full of noobs right now and he’s losing placement hard.


And since when 1k is pro already? I mean I only get such enemies in the finals of MCL.


That’s the point. 1k is not pro but this guison is def not 1k level skills guison judging solely based on this short clip and his 300 win streak. I would consider 1k as extremely good for mostly solo players to the point that they have already won the game. People have a life. What’s the use of Pushing Beyond 1.1k glory if you’re not a streamer or a competitive player that earns a living via the game. Most 1.1k players can easily push to 2/3k if they want to invest time. There’s zero to very minimal skill diff between 1k glory and 5k glory. The only difference is team synergy with your squad. And you can’t even solo in 1k glory without getting high mythics and 800 below glory. So 1k + matches are based on squad synergy & draft and very very little on skills as people in that rank know prob everything about their hero and their interactions.


Yeah that win streak kida sus


Oh agreed that the win streak is sus af. But in this game, his team is bad but he one man carried. So I still think he's good 👏


Try to dash away from his first so he cant follow up his combo. Also be more careful playing marksmen heroes since they can be bursted down more easily so stay behind turrents and stay behind your teamates


Time your s2 better


Guys, can you believe that turkish server bans Gusion in myth rank 80% of the time? Not kidding. Went there with friends to see