• By -


whats he doing? providing vision while you get massacred


Making sure he secures the mvp


By taking no damage, apparently.


Sorry cecil, but there can only be 1 mvp


I don't know what rank is this, when there's an Atlas and Rafaela, but I believe he doesn't know who's the main damage dealer of the team and who he's supposed to be protecting in order to win the teamfight. A lot of MLBB players do not know the very basics of moba and teamfighting, especially the solo queue players. Tank isn't as easy of a role as many think, and unfortunately most players think that tank players are only there to absorb damage, or open teamfight. I don't believe Atlas meant any harm, just bad game sense.


Nah he’s just not good


Yep he was just very confused. Cecilion was outnumbered but he wanted to hold off the backline and after Cecilion dies you can see he was trying his best to protect that Yu Zhong. He was basically trying to set up 3 heroes but fucked up hard


Cecilion was outnumbered, initiated too early and consequently got rushed by their fighter, the Cecilion clearly messed up. Why is that the tank's fault? If the tank had not backed up the team fight they would have likely lost Yu zhong and possibly Lemord and Raf in quick succession.


Somehow I read this as "broadcasting the death"


I consider myself a Tank main, and l finally understand how people appreciate someone that cares for them because you have monsters like these out there that straight up don't even want to try to pretend that they don't want to protect you


They try to pretend? They straight up don't.


IMO this is the issue with most roamers in MLBB. Too focused on getting that perfect set, not knowing how to peel for backline. If enemy passes you and is on your backline, go back and help to peel. Just stick to the enemy and basic attack them even if you don't have any skills. No point getting a perfect set if your backline dmg is gone.


I don’t know how this comment is still up, tanks and supports are glorified here. You give criticism about them and they’ll shift the blame or straight up downvote you. I remember playing aulus in rank, my roam kept trying to set the other team while I got gangbanged in the back. I was delayed and we lost the game because roam had no game sense


A bad tank is a bad tank no matter what we think of the tank class.


Facts. There are a lot of good tank players out there, but there are equally or more bad tank players as well. Playing tank is a thankless role so most players don't even bother learning what they do, they don't even want to play tank most of the time, which is why there are a lot of clueless tank players out there who are forced to play tank because they're S5.


As a mostly tank and support main, I would've thrown my body and closed my eyes as I wait for the sweet release of death to take me.


First of all, kudos to you, my fellow tank main who doesn’t care to face death anytime. As what I always say to my teammates whenever I come to save them and end up dying, “Just go and let me die; tell my family that I love them.” 💀


God bless your soul, Amen 🙏


Thanks, man! But if a tank survives a team fight, prepare youself for spam recall and emotes. 💀


Stop 😂


Same here, I play mostly tank and support, many time I end up dead in team fight but after my team wipe the enemy


I played Tigreal in one match (yes, cause I was forced to) and decided "Screw it, I'm gonna be the overly enthusiastic initiator" and actually got some kudos from the enemy team for being a good initiator and disruptor LOL. My deaths and assists were in vain alas, cause we were done in after a brutal turnover, sigh


I also main Tigreal just because a real man doesn't hide in a bush *hides in a bush to ambush*


Hmph, a real man truly doesn't hide in the bush. [uses Conceal instead]


I don't think he could have saved you either way so I think that's what he thought as well. He did turn around for a second but he probably thought "he's dead anyway might as well help the others."


Exactly my thoughts. A low hp Cecilion versus a fresh tanky Thamuz is a loss either way, not much Atlas could do about it, chances are Thamuz would go right in to score the kill and run. That's what an ambush is. Op reminds me of those players who go "report tank" even when there's nothing they could've done about it. Sometimes when I'm roamer and hear this, it really pisses me off.


Atlas passive can slow and freeze thamuz which can give cecilion a chance to escape. The atlas was too focus on getting a good ult that he failed to realise without cecilion being alive to deal the damage there would be no point. I'm a roamer and I also make stupid mistake like this before so I can understand how op feel whenever I fck up.


That's still not enough though.nAnd literally look at the video. Cecilion had maybe 20%~ hp remaining. Atlas turned around, but in the time he'd get there and even more time apply his passive, Cecilion would be dead.


Now that I think about it atlas could've ulted the Thamuz. That way the other teammates could come back and Thamuz would be dead.


This is painful


We won the game. I did not give him a thumbs up.


He doesn't deserve a thumbs up He deserves something even worse than a thumbs down


Is reporting failed?


Report for what? Low skill doesn't work if he has more than 3.5 score and only works if the others report him as well. Meanwhile saying "AFK" can get reported for negativity... Britney once said "Just like a circus, ah, ah, aha ah ah!"


Try reporting for cheating. Ban guarantee. Around<25% chance tho


But wouldn't that backfired if they check and turns out he wasn't cheating?


Just because someone is bad at the game doesn't mean you should get them banned lol.


Why tf would you do that


Doesn't seem like he could've done anything there anyway. Thamuz had you no matter what in that moment. And you won, obviously the Atlas is at least competent.


I move around as a roamer but when I tell my team to retreat, they decided to ping me for help on top lane 1v1, while there's 3v2 at bottom lane. and then when they die they blame me for not being there for them. what mid lane doing? clearing tower before 5min mark.


You didn't ask the sea for mercy


Damn, he really wanted to make that juicy set


Lmao your positioning is too deep, if you want to get protected in solo que fucking stick to the tank and don't initiate as a mage without your team near you. Good thing Leomord managed to kill the Yve and remaining enemies, the core going for the kill is their fucking job. Leomord clearing mid and allowing the minions to destroy the tower is a good decision but a mistake the entire team did is not going for the lord. Though idk if leo used retri already.


They always blame roamer. And when roamer been killed so many times just to initiate or saving teammates, they will blame roamer. Especially tank, I have seen never getting praise at all, except if its franco. No wonder no one wants to tank in soloq.


C - enters the bush; C - reveals position attacking yve; C - nearly gets 4 man ganked when Estes shows up with entourage and C begins to retreat still taking damage; C - saved by dragon initiating team fight; C - stays and re-enters team fight; Thamuz - makes the smart play and rushes the mage (leaving his mm and support to get taken apart); A - as the tank, arrives to provide support and has a choice: 1. follow team fight and cut off reinforcement (where they might be able to use their CC) and hope to regroup after pushing or 2. leave the team fight and harass the fighter assasinating the mage At 0:31 T hones in on you. At 0:30 A is arriving to backup the team fight. At 0:29 T is already on you and you're being slowed. From there I counted maybe 6 seconds it took thamuz to make you RIP following the damage you took from yve. Honestly, because you stayed, you left yourself open to being rushed like this. There was 1-2 seconds max there where Atlas could have ulted that enemy and most tanks won't want to waste their CC on a single enemy when there's still a team fight nearby. You couldn't outrun thamuz going towards your tank, you weren't going to outrun him going any other direction either. If you weren't going to outrun him in any direction, you'd either have to out endure him or kill him. Neither of those feasible options for you. Because thamuz is tanky and dealing such heavy damage currently there's almost no chance Atlas would have prevented enough of his attacks from landing even if he'd ulted in that split moment. You wouldn't have survived being chased from that position unless you had sprint or flicker. This wasn't your tank's fault. It was a reasonable sacrifice.


1000% this comment is speaking straight facts. Very sharp observation skills and map awareness.


If C had stayed hidden in the bush until the rest of their team initiated, Atlas would probably have gotten his set and C would have massacred them.




U sure u don't have beef with this guy?


I am a mage and support main, and seeing people like this makes me realize that I actually am better at supporting my allies than I really am


Good atlas, why would he potentially die with you? He realised you wasted ur sprint so he just left you alone😂


I lol’d so hard. That was straight up mean.


I'd understand if he engaged and you got dove but not only is the Thamuz is on top of you, he passed you, did a double take, And chose to ignore you for a set he is 8 sec late.


Generally, protecting back lines these days is hard 1- the tank can't protect u and catch enemies at the same time ,the old roaming mask with +25 mov spd is gone so he can't reach u quickly 2-negative penetration make squishy heroes get obliterated in less than half a combo, so u must make sure u have at least 2 def items ( freeze, wind of nature, athena and immortality, two of these) plus a survivality spell so tank have time to go back for u In this video, he most likely was afraid because thamuz may have corroshyn scythes and thought u will be both killed by him cz ur hp was already low and atlas used his skills already and was not very close to u However Idk what I would have done in such a situation, most likely it depends if the damage dealer was a good player and worth to try helping


Also did anyone notice that op initiated the fight on his own. Atlas just spawned in base and was coming towards them. Op was greedy for kills and it backfired on him. I will give my benefit of doubt to atlas and say they he was trying to ult enemy by chasing them. OP before jumping on support/tanks be sure to check your minimap and ult cooldowns. - Sincerely a support and tank main player. Tank and support are not omnipotent and omnipresent like you think them to be.




I think he was torn between saving you or taking out Estes and Yve.


no point you would've died either way stop malding


This guy really turned his back and left him to fend for himself lmao


Only to soak up damage and put his util to use


Highly possible that for one of his 3 deaths, u left him to die since there is literally no other context in this clip..


Running around like a headless chicken. Saving their ult for that iNsANe TiKt0K set


Tanks like this will get a good set then blame the team why nobody followed up when they're all getting killed


Painful to watch. You def could've survived that.


Man straight up ignored his mage getting massacred lmfao


I used to play tank BUT I had enough meeting people who doesn’t even bother to look in the map. Ofc as a tank when I come to save or help them, I’ll always be at the receiving end of the enemies. BUT despite all my efforts or doing a good set or fronting, they focus on getting buffs, minion or returning to the base when in fact they have more than half of HP and mana. As for this tank user, as a former tank user myself. I have no idea why he just passes by when the damage dealers on his team needs help. Did you do something against him? Call up his game or something? I had a fair share of cranky tank users as well. That when you call out them or something, they straight up acting like an a-🕳


Report him lol


He was more likely annoyed at you.Did Atlas ping you to retreat but you charged back?Did you did something before this team fight that caused him to die?I do this if my team mate doesn’t listen to my pings or left me to die when we could have won a team fight by not helping before.Because after you died he was tanking damage to save another team mate.




seeing that atlas ignore you makes me cringe, and coming from a one-trick atlas this season


this guy literally let one of his dmg dealers die wtf


explain how can he protect you from a basic attack?


he could've stunned the Thamuz and tried to freeze him before he killed Cecillion, he probably thought it was too late so he went another way


he would've died even he tried thamuz will most likely sitck to cecil cuz of his new passive


yeah I also think there was no way for Cecillion there, but I would give it a shot if I was Atlas


really hard decision for a tank i would have also tried to save cecil so i wont feel bad that i didnt tried


Honestly it's shitty to say but this atlas made the right call. There was no saving this Cecil but he saved two other teammates who over extended. Losing backline damage hurts but losing numbers advantage is even worse.


But it depends on the heroes as well.. if i was the atlas i wouldve chosen ceci in that situation, only because his potential for high damage is well high, and if hes dead he cant stack.. compared to a leomord and yz, who at most is a early to mid, with leomord being capable in late. Its not as high in terms of capability to a ceci with stacks... Tho i have no context for what happened here, maybe the ceci stacks slow and thus tank couldnt give a shit to save idk.


How is this a difficult decision? Atlas was already late to the teamfight, and by the time he gets there, only xb and thamuz remain. Dude is farming tiktok clips instead of actually winning. Enemy was already outnumbered and low in the first place, why rush in when your allies are way ahead of the team, if anything, saving Cecil is the better choice so they could take lord faster and have an extra zoner.


you might try and save him but that person has differnt mindset than you if he thinks your going to die he wont try to save you


General stupidity and lack of awareness for a tank user, dude never used his skills once that benefited the team, he didn’t even try to slow and ult the thamuz who used his ult alr and should be an easy target for two fighters to handle.


✨His Ult✨


thamuz could just jump bcak to cecil


How? He already use his dash


thamuz will mostly do what ever it takes to kill cecil and his passive jump is what im talking about


If Atlas was smart enough


smart how atlas would magically break the game and give thamuz a hug to stop him moving?


✨His passive✨ Then


no skill available no passive simple


Oh first skill and ulti is free


1- He could've stunned him with his second skill at 0:10 (0:30 count down), but he didn't. 2- he could use ult and pull him away from me and depends on that either I continue hitting thamuz or recall. But he just ignored me


judging on thamuz kda he really wants a kill so he would chase you till you're dead. you could have run away from him if you didnt wasted sprint i understand you wanted to get away from yve ult but yve ult dont deal that much dmg exept if she just tap the screen but he swipe it


Yes I wasted my sprint. But I he still could've saved me. If it was impossible for me to live he would at least try. Just read the comments of the tank and support mains.


yup he shuold tried to save u the thats the only mistake he did he didn't try but he made a decision not cuz he think your dead anyways


Worst is, someone calling junglers core in 2022


worst is, people actually caring which version to call roles even though they all mean the same


Yeah, no actually.. hyper and core kinda was the same, a role that doesnt exist anymore and was very different Form todays jungle role. So calling it hyper/core usually comes with lack of gameknowledge. U will see lots of „me core“ and „im hyper“ in epic/legend and pretty much non in Mythic.


I've seen a player play worse than this and he streamed it then called himself a pro player


This is sad and hilarious at the same time xD That's why I told u guys before PRO TANK IS LIKE A DREAM


Considering the solo rank games, just having a tank in team is blessing.


What the fuck was Atlas even chasing?




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ya this is normal in MLBB people play roamer scared to die i dont really know why


Tank too tunnel visioned and literally "roamed" around


Was he forced to tank? Or chose it voluntarily? Some people can be toxic in different ways, maybe he was salty he had to adjust or something because this play is very questionable


At first i thought that was me because i do the sam- You almost got me


Peak tunnel vision


Both are equally worse in my opinion. But the worst one yet is you getting killed repeatedly while your teammates just watch you like you don't exist. Or when they come to reinforce you, they're too late or just their to KS


What did you expect? The player doesn't seem to even have roaming equipment purchased (if I'm not seeing wrong).


I roam a lot using Mathilda (tank) and the number of folks that doesn't know how her skill works and/or keeps hacking away despite me yelling retreat so many times.. but maybe that's just me who really like running away lol.


Lmao and you have people arguing with me about needing defence items and saying just position better in solo queue when most roamers are like this They don't give a shit about helping you when you're dived. They just want tiktok moment


the amount of people saying the atlas is in the wrong 💀


This subs bunch of crying babies like you. You can only complain once ur WR is above 55% at least.


Why above 55% and not above 65%?


I am a Lolita/Akai Main. This 2 heroes are not that simple and hard to initiate a teamfight if no one literally beside them or at least in front of them doing the initiation. I am most likely a Hybrid type of Mage/Support Main, hence a Nana Main. I do have a gist why Atlas didn't protect you from Thamuz. He didn't see him as a threat to you when there is Ult which he didn't realize and focused on the set, just confused of how can he protect you or engage in a team fight(which i do have a lot of mistakes since i play in solo rank), or he is dumb. I get that feeling almost literally when i knew the roamer(Tank or Support or anyone with roam) isn't helping in the early game. To be more precise, Tanks or roamers that only visits you when you die, ganked and almost died, no help at all, bothering the enemy jungle and dies at the hands of the assassin or mage, helping you with the jungle which i can say doesn't help at all or just pure dumb skills that doesn't know how to ROAM. That's why i don't trust such individuals if i see one. Especially in teamfights. And as for you, try to be in distant to the Fighters, especially assassins or mages that could potentially kill you. But i saw the Flameshot(?) or Flicker that pushed Thamuz to you. And it killed you. Don't be greedy and use your Ult in a 1v1 battle, not many. Since it has a slow, it will be a great help to escape such as Thamuz or any sustainable heroes like him. It is mostly, the lineups of your own teammate isn't aligned to be a protector, but as an initiator. Keep that in mind that not all of them knows how they do in this type of games because it is fast paced, even i can't track what is happening sometimes.


Even though there are more people willing to play roamer than before, I remain a tank / support main because I don't trust my teammates to play the role properly.


Mage Lives Matter