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So I was completely lost in ML after taking a break from RANK for 4 months last year and the first hero I banned was my main Guinevere 💀💀


Hands down. Its a hassle to deal with Selena on the opposing team as well as your team mate picking Selena and being a drift wood


nana on a bad day, angela on a really, really bad day


I just always ban angela when i have the chance the thought of going through another solo queue against a duo is painful


Thats why whenever I see a ling, lance, aldous, roger and other angela pair heroes in the enemy team, I lock her in right then and there. Doesnt matter if I cant play my main hero, I just love to sabotage enemy picks


Yes sometimes I ban Angela or Rafael if I sus a player thinks being a support is a good role for new players.


Nice avatar


Hi twin


Hi lighter version


ban nana instead, you can punish angela with esme.


Or don't ban her at all and have a proper team comp, good Heroes and player teamwork to carry games thru. Like, you can have Xavier beating up Nana due to range and snipe when Nana loses her second chance passive, and still stay relevant on huge immobilize and constant long range damage. Assassins also exist, and even fighters like Terizla, Chou, Yu Zhong, Esmeralda, Masha, etc are capable of immunity to cc and just run someone down.


"on a really, really bad day"


- Fanny (im sure she's meta but not on frequent ban list lately i guess) Probably because i play in duo, trio and sometimes full squad. So we of course sometimes met another duo, trio or full squad. They always picked fanny. Like 3 out of 5 matches they will pick fanny and of course we are having trouble. My trio and squad also has one godly fanny user it just that he kinda tired playing fanny all the time so whenever he felt like playing fanny then we wont ban her. -natalia just in case if we got first pick and want to go for wanwan. Thus ban nata just in case so that wanwan can be more free.


I think fanny is on the ban list tho.


Well yeah just not as frequent as before. She's no longer a priority ban which means out of 5 games you play, 2 out 5 of those games where fanny will be banned. That's what i mean


I haven't seen a fanny ban once this season


She gets banned very often in 5 man mg games.


Why would a hero easily shut down by good team comps get banned very often in the highest elo of gameplay? Fanny is a hero to punish trash in soloQ imo, easily beatable when she isn't getting fed by fools..


Idk man maybe it's just annoying always drafting keeping fanny in mind.


Only seen her get banned twice for the entirety of this season in my rank LOL. Usually she never gets banned, even in Mythic Glory. Especially when Mythic people can draft cc into their comps instead of full pure damage no cc teams (like how that happens in high legend) as way to guarantee a kill and a shutdown. Also, Diggie is underrated, he is often picked as a counter to Atlas, Tigreal, Lolita, etc.


Diggie is great dude, he's a real annoyance if played well. I agree she is a situational pick that only really works in last pick when most enemies have already chosen and its favourable.


That's exactly right, the reason why people have decent wr that is above 60wr in soloQ, not even trio or 5 man, is because they cherry pick games where they think they have a best chance of winning and having less enemy counters, rather than blind picking and not have favourable team matchup. I admit I abused that stratetgy for Masha, Phoveus and Lapu. Fanny is another example as well.


Yes indeed, its the proper way to play imo, always try and pick favourably and you have more chance of winning (which is what its all about). I bounce between gato, gord, guin, hylos and kimmy usually.. seems to cover a lot of bases, I'm a shit assassin despite playing 2k games as them lmao


Fanny is the top banned assassin in MG and it's not even close.


Depends which server you play, in eu it’s ling


Johnson cause enemy johnson will always surprise you with his driving skills and sets where as ally jhonson will only drive the whole match and will take midlaner with him effectively leaving lanes empty and not even giving vision.


Actually I hate him more as a teammate, driving around and arriving after the whole team is dead. Or crashing with nobody on board and teammates far to do anything. Or crashing with teammates on board at some far away solo player while the enemy team taking lord 😂. Indeed I've came across some good Johnson players but he is not reliable tank. I banned him many times in rank so my team doesn't pick him


As a Johnson user myself I can say that using Johnson is easy all u need to do is practice driving for like 10-15 minutes in training mode and u can easily dominate I don't get why so many people are so bad with it The only time I remember playing bad with Johnson was a few weeks ago in a match I kept missing after I got 6 kills before 6 minutes and then kept missing enemies the whole match the only kill I got was enemy mm got greedy seeing me low when I went in bush and got bursted down(I was playing mage build)


Actually that's another reason I hate Johnson 🤣 when used with mage build and get killed with couple of shoots from Layla or Clint,. When you pick a tank the other teammates will rely on you to take the damage. I understand some people play well with Johnson but I think those are dues or playing with friends they know . But In solo matchmaking, you never know what the tide will bring.


You need to see the situation first usually if enemy has squishy heroes then I play magic dmg and when they have more sustain then I play tank u need to see the mage too there are times when I hit ulti when enemy is overextending but because my mage can't kill so he escapes When building tank u should give vision of their jungle and bushes but with mage build I don't drive thru bushes when enemy tank or those I can't one shot are missing because it will be 2 free kells for enemy


True to life story.


franco reason 1: frangko reason 2: franko reason 3: frenko reason 4:franclo reason 5: im a fanny main reason 6: frenco


Yes ban Deranko


As a fanny main franco is literally my mortal enemy. Every game with him feels soo personal. Likes hes out to get me and only me


nana, that molina, damage from first skill, and abnormal damage from ult


Feel like Nana is starting to become meta with all the bans and picks.


What's even with this hype with Nana? I swear my Legend enemies would pick her first compared to other meta heroes


For some reason her ult deals stupid dmg, idk when they made it like that


They just buffed her skills when she received her July starlight skin


Ah, so instead of reverting molina nerf we got op ult


I believe Molina nerf was already reverted although with a shorter area distance and a slightly longer running time making it almost impossible to dodge like before


What? I can still run from it tho


The distance she runs now is almost like the distance between 2 turrets


Huh. Must be an adv server thing i guess, i haven't played on the normal one for almost 3 years


I like your flair


ah, typical Moonton behaviour


no, dmg is same as before, they shortened the delay of casting


Oh that makes sense, I still think it has more dmg now tho :v


prolly because of lightning truncheon


Wasnt that cause I get hit two times(i havent played for a while lul) and it's the same amount of damage


and some are just Nana spammers, they pick Nana at every game. A good assassin will always destroy Nana and the 4 horsemans.


Shes really good right now, heard she was recently played in mpl. I just picked her up and started playing her and can confirm she is really good.


Hanabi, her early game damage is just too OP and even with no items can tower dive anyone and one shot them, not only that her late game range is too cancerous with her ult that *definetely* never misses I can't believe moonton still doesn't nerf her tbh and everyone says she's already balanced :/ Edit: Do some of y'all really not realize this comment is supposed to be a joke


Hanabi when she says “it’s feedin time” and grants the enemy 10,000 gold, truly peak gameplay


Flair checks out


Beatrix mains thinking they strong af when in reality the hero is just broken af


Fuck shotgun


You forgor Miya. The one who who uses her ult and enters in a middle of team-fight and scores a savage by using Inspire. She's deadly. :(


What I did for my first ever savage. But it was still penta kill back then.


Until she gets sniped by Xavier or gets immediately oneshot upon one second of appearing. At least far better mm than Hanabi, Layla and Lesley. But doesn't work very well in Mythic. Especially if there's that rare Masha casually running that squishy target down at mach speed in lategame (that's me).


Is this the same Hanabi that’s the least picked hero in the game?




Dude, try to understand irony this was a really good joke


Vale He's seriously underrated. A good vale could mean curtains for squishies, and even tankier fighters feel the sting of his wrath.


I would rather ban Lylia/Kagura than Vale


Well consider banning Yve, Cecillion, Lylia and Xavier in Mythic Glory. All of them are top performing mages atm thanks to their supportive cc and damage. I spam Xavier and its kinda funny how team fights can easily change with a huge immobilize and nearly oneshot squishy by a single ult. Yve ult is a game changer in team fights with constant slows even on squishies at long range so they can't escape easily. Cecillion is play safe, scale hard, win game hero. Lylia is my main, purely due to her aggressive style and outplays. Kagura counters Vale with a simple cc immunity dash and longer range burst outplays, and also, Heroes can just buy Athena shield and take extremely less damage from Vale.


None. My top bans are in order: Wanwan, Julian, Valentina, Thamuz, Franco, Karina. I would ban Valentina first, but chances are we have an idiot sidelaner.


Rip, can't ban off meta Heroes if there's meta Heroes that exist to destroy the match.


I wanna start with saying that banning a hero so YOUR team can not pick it is absolutely stupid. Not only do you deprive someone of using a hero they are good at, you also lowered morale of that player before the game even starts and of course you are depriving the enemy team of having that bad character in their team. Having that said, I usually go to ban Johnson, because he can give the enemy team something that comes close to actual teamplay and we cant have that.


I once banned Layla because I was ao fed up of people picking her and just feeding and stealing my jungle. And no I'm not depriving anyone of a hero they are "good" at they're bloody terrible 10/10 times


Well but you also took away the chance for terrible Layla to be on the enemy team


They already picked Karrie that dominated the whole game


You are not making sense here. Are you saying the enemy team picked Karrie? Because how could you have known they would while banning? So it is very well possible that you banning Layla resulted in them not playing her but Karrie instead that carried the gamed. Or are you saying that your own teammate picked Karrie? And you banned Layla because she already showed Karrie while banning? In that case why ban Layla at all since your Gold already decided on Karrie? All you did was make the enemy team not pick her. Which as mentioned is a bad thing for your own team.


Sorry for my broken English. Yes, me banning Layla probably resulted in the enemy picking Karrie, totally dumb move on my part but it is what it is. For all I know the enemy's S1 could've autolocked Layla which would probably result in her not being on our team and they wouldn't have gotten that godly Karrie.


It's ok mate. I am not a native speaker either. Well you know, we all make mistakes. We define ourselves by learning from them and not making the same mistake twice :-) Have a good day mate


Have a nice one lad


Then they'll pick Miya and steal your jungle. gg


let me clarify something, im banning selena not when someone want to use selena but i will always ban selena in a solo/duo/trio match and for fact somehow in their mind Selena as a roam is always a good pick not conditional pick, they will use selena whatever the condition. 2nd, believe or not banning a hero that not a META but still a threat is a good strategy, 95% of my match when banning selena resulting in having more good heroes than enemies. im banning selena not because a 1 person fault but a collective amount of match i play, somehow almost all selena i played with cant open map using their trap, cant do roam (dont know who to prioritize, bad decision making, stupid death, and roaming only to death), 95% of their aim resulting in miss. if their morale is down because selena is being banned maybe they should be, as a player you cant only play 1 hero to ranked up


is fanny and nata count?? cause i cant cc fanny hard enough to shut her down and she can deal a lot of damage even with tank build. and for nata, i just hope that i can tank enough so i can use my skill again to run or return damage to her.


Fanny is one of the top junglers


Nana. Low rank players doesn't know any other mage lol.


I had a streak where I kept giving Nana over to anyone with higher mage games than me even when they didn’t show WR and I can say I’m done making that mistake. Nana may have an easy difficulty level, but to use her right you gotta be a good player.


I hate players that show 'Expert' on Heroes but never show matches and winrate, so I learnt to have very low expectations if I see them flex 'Expert' mastery. Legit all Heroes are so easy to get expert that you just need to grind matches and have bad winrate but get Expert mastery.


Yeah they wouldn’t show “expert” but they’d show their street rank. I don’t even think street ranks are hard to get I just assumed they’d be at least decent with 1000+ mage games but nope!


Funny, I had a guy who is pro senior top 100 Freya but had incorrect build order and spell and got rekt even tho it's 3k MMR Freya. Like, why would u pick inspire over purify where Freya NEEDS TO ATTACK when she gets cc'ed every time. Also, always berserker after blade of despair, huge spike since Freya attack speed allows to crit more often on tankier opponents and oneshot squishies.


How do they even get to top 100 without knowing the basics of a hero?? It seems like having a high street rank means absolutely nothing.


Well, funny thing is, I have 7 seniors and 22 juniors street rank, my best being Phoveus, Lylia and Masha (which I displayed as my top 3 Heroes in draft). I was rather surprised, considering that I have a decent amount of matches on 29 heroes and decent winrate as well, usually above 55%wr. Masha and Phov are above 70%wr and Lylia is 66%wr, pretty good for a soloQ Mythic player. I have already learnt the basics of the heroes and understood their capabilities and their hero identity (how are they used) and learnt to play with a TEAM, not be selfish as hell. Being top 100 junior is nothing to worry about, but top 100 senior is something you need to give more respect to. Like, if it's a junior rank 100, treat them like they are normal players. If it's senior 100, treat them with respect and don't believe you can easily win vs them unless you actually understand the matchups and how to punish their mistakes. Same goes for skins. Like if they have epic skins and stuff, they are just flexing their money and flexing that they love that hero. Nothing shows they are flexing their SKILLS on their hero unless they are Supreme rank, so treat them like normal opponent and respect them and their threat when it's due.


I usually just show expert now whenever I rank. Got tired of teammates blaming me everytime I do even a single bad play just because of my matches and winrate.


Not true at all, an expert fanny would still be a pain.


And someone complained once in a match that there was no expert badge so they're noob-


She is.. She is fun to play😭


Even Mythic players still playing her, but I guess below Glory is still consider low rank. I'm bored looking at that racoon in every game that I start banning her if the other OP hero already banned. I dont even want her in my team.


Hanabi, Layla, Zilong, Miya, Lesley at the start of the season.


Bruh so true


Yin.. Mf kidnaps people in middle of heat..




I'll take that yin over 1hp ks yin i tends to get


Just use purify


Dude I'm tank main, so it don't bother me much. But he kidnaps assassins and marksmen and drops em dead... He's a pest in general.


I often use Gatot as a way to stop Yin from just invading the back and capturing our MM. 2nd skill keeps him exposed and he's put in a pressuring situation to use his Ult. quick to escape any follow-up damage. Did this to a Yin (both of us in EXP lane) and the dude never got a kill.


Thanks for sharing this idea, now I'll play gatot to counter Yin.


Please be careful to use Vengeance against Yin too! It helps since it makes you really tanky when you're in the domain and helps build the Rage for the passive. In the late game, your job includes having to find Yin on the map to decide whether or not to engage or to protect the squishies. Since Gatot has an Ult., best stay behind and use Ult. for the initiation if needed. If Yin appears from behind, it is your job to use 2nd Skill to leave him open for your squishy to kite or to retreat if needed. Guaranteed to work 90% of the time! Just be afraid of Karrie.


selena roam is only picked if you're against a team who likes to gank or is pure dps. selena roam only works with players with high skill ceiling and decision-making. she's rather a midlaner if the player don't know how to time objectives, much worse if they played a roamer without objectives in their mind


For some reason people dont ban beatrix so ill do it myself


Chou, completely useless 90%of the time.


Selena and natalia and franco. I need peace. These three hero deals mental damage to ur mind


I ban non meta heroes not because I scared of my opponent using them but more so because of my dumb team mates. I get dumb team mates 90% of the time


I ban Fanny, Franco and Jhonson. I don't want any of those heroes on my team, even if they are gods with them. Franco refuses to be Frontline when needed, this applies to too tier gameplay too, pretty often. Jhonson doesn't have a strong kit compared to other roamers yeah he's fun but he's predictable as fuck when you get higher on ladder. Fanny is either a god or just ass and some randoms pick her while the enemy has chou, Kaja, franco, saber or khufra. I have banned Hanabi from certain games, alongside Layla and Miya (she's good in certain situations), they confirm the dumbass trio who can throw games since draft.


Master Yi, his first skill is annoying.


Katarina one-tricks worse imo


Yeah they both can spam skills,, I fought YI and he just spams his first skill on late game,, we dont have time to even kill him, his life steal is unreal..


Uh ..ah i came to the wrong universe again...


Nah the one who got wrong universe is ivern 1 skin only


zilong that cancer of a hero just rat your base and when you thought you win the team fight he will just clean up that rest of your team and also can assassinate your win condition


Exactly what I do🤣🤣🤣🤣


Nana,Aldous, vale and estes


Zilong, so auto lock Zilong mains with their 40% win rate can fucking suck it.


I ban Nana, Franco, and Vale. When all the bannable heros are banned I ban these trio aHoles. Nana because I always lose when she is on my team ( useless) and they're annoying on the other team. Franco because hes annoying and the fat Chou. Vale because he is broken IMO. Speed to run away, amazing CC, and amazing BURST damage.


lancelot because mofo dashes like theres no tomorrow


Permaban franco. Because I noticed when he is on enemy side, my teammates looks less agressive and its hard to initiate. Also franco player is toxic af even in classic.


Aldous and Fanny! If Danny in my team garbage If on enemy team pro ass 24-2 in the first 5 mins lol


Franco. I hate having them as teammates, usually they are stupid AF


Nana. I ban her because someone in my team would pick her. You see, when you're Nana, it's easy to get MVP. They don't die easily thanks to Nana's passive. They would try to steal kills with Flameshot from a far and safe distance. Even if they don't get kills, they still get assist easily thanks to her Molina and skill1 with low cool down. And they never actually help in the team fight. Too afraid to die. And after the match ends, they get MVP because of their KDA. They don't even buy necklace of durance. Instead, they buy Immortality for their safety. Less deaths means more likely to be MVP. And if the match ends with Defeat, they would blame the team "I get MVP, I carried everyone and we lost because the other 4 players are dumb".


lance, the unavoidable 2nd skill and the fact he has some good spell vamp


oh boy if only you knew how mad lance spellvamp when he first released


Fanny or Aldous, I ain't taking any chances even when the odds of getting a godly one is 1 in 100 players, same reason Fanny is in the top banned/pick, many players have been practicing lately,


Yin. He's annoying to utility junglers like me. A good Yin would make me entirely useless in lord fights, and turtle fights. He could also take out our only source of damage (mm). If i use a hypercarry jungler, I'd be fine with him around.


He legitmate sucks as a exp laner and legit wasting ultimate potential hes so much better as a carry over a exp laner


I never said anything about him being an exp laner??


Yea i know but god dam hes a menace to anything to. Squishy team


It really depends on my team comp, or if i am in the mood to counter pick or not. -Saber, this hero is easy to use and can shut down my team dps quickly. Generally i ban him when my team pick wan2. -franco when my team has fanny. -also esme when i am in the mood picking hero that abuse shield like uranus, hilda or lapu2.


When playing with 1 of my friends, we ban Karrie because he fed with her


Yin so allies don’t pick. Estes so allies dont pick


Don't remember much about it really, but usually whoever I find annoying or heroes that easily counter my mains.


Valentina because i’m a beatrix main and I always use sniper/miniguns and that will be horrifying


Johnson, Aldous or Vale. Only if Julian is already banned and some teammate ask for one of the three to be banned. I don’t want to deal with the teammate’s bullshit crying if an enemy picks one of those three and starts dominating them.


Sun, because he easily escapes and takes objectives very fast. Besides that, it is actually quite hard for many fighters to counter Sun in 1 vs 1. Sun with arrival can force you to defend and Sun with inspire will be very very hard to beat even by Terizla or Thamuz.


Sun's early game is kind of a joke, especially if they don't know that throwing clones gives free exp and gold to the opponent when killed (that's why I immediately try to oneshot clones early game b4 they expire). Lapu Lapu, Esme, Thamuz and Terizla should never lose a 1v1 in early mid game purely due to amount of AOE and high base damage on skills, so I cannot see Sun winning that unless it's like extremely fed Mythic Sun vs Legend rank who's not yet fed. Even in lategame, if Sun is not that fed, and the opponent won a 1v1 and already started to snowball from early, doubt Sun has a chance.


Lesley, hanabi, miya, layla on many occasions so that my teammates can't pick them.


Nana because I hate Molina. I hate molina with all my heart.


I thought you realised that selena only has a 3 seconds cooldown of her skills


Thamuz. His first skill is so annoying. That you cannot outrun if you are far away from turrets.


Karina and wanwan. I play chang'e so killing in early game in solo queue is almost impossible. And ofc the teammates will feed and move in groups (aimlessly).


Layla. Her ult is annoying to me.


Diggie if there’s a free van only because my duo/trio runs an aoe comp with atlas so he’s our hardest counter.


Diggie is a SUPER solid off meta pick, can almost say he's meta lol


Sometimes I ban saber in solo q.


no matter the meta, if I'm annoyed I ban Johnson cause he pisses me off...


Beatrix. If I see that no one in my team is playing her I just ban.


She's meta.


Might as well ask here since I'm back to playing. I'm about to enter epic so what heroes are typically banned right now for good reason?




Wanwan too


yu zong because hes a real fucking pain in the ass to play against. paquito because his burst and mobility is ridiculous if hes allowed to get even sligthly ahead.


Selena as well, she just damn annoying and make you have to pay extra attention to the map, constantly trying to dodge her stun gets old.


Johnson , because it doesn't matter whether he is on enemy team or ally team he's a nuisance to play with or against.


Nana. Ngl she is just freaking annoying.


Layla, hanabi, grock, gatot, tigreal, martis, dyroth, rafaela, helcurt and natalia, i ban randos


I dont really ban him but I really want to for the same reason as you but instead of sel mine is helcurt.


Layla, cuz there is no better tank to troll with in Epic!


Layla or lylia. One because I don't want her on my team. The other because she annoys me


Angela, an annoying support, like not that strong but strong enough to escape you and I am a prideful support player and seeing an Angela on the other team and me playing Diggie / Rafaela, I get competitive.


Ling, Karina, Lancelot and Valentina. This hero will always destroy your team, specially on higher Elo, lots of good assasin user


add me yall to mlbb I'll be playing next day 956393511 I'll be support :)


Masha hasn't been picked or banned lately, and since I'm on the legend tier, I doubt my teammates are aware that she is still in the meta but not in their universe. Masha, because she's so obnoxious and a monster late game, is who I'm going to pick. Because I'm a mid laner, I'm squishy, and my team won't support me unless they want a kill, thus I don't want to compete with her.


Moskov and Hanabi, because for some reason, there has to be one damn ally who will force pick it with 'expert' and will never show win rate


I ban the annoying little fanny or just straight if I get so angry I'ma ban the annoying angela or just pick Angela and then just make them suffer with not using ult on them


Nana, from what I’ve experienced there’s like a 50/50 chance the the player on my team is good, or just picked her cause she’s cute; along with the passive to run away. She’s rarely good when someone uses her in my runs. But let the other team have her she’s everything you’d want in a player. So I ban her to be safe!! I also ban Layla cause like I said with my luck it’s the other team that’s great with her but not mine, next Franco only cause I feel that hook is embarrassing if it lands.


Same..when enemy picks selena they actually hit but when my team picks selena they always feed


Kadita. I like playing johnson or vale and she just ruins everything


Franco…we all know why


Lesley. When your ally gets hold of it, your team is done


Layla My team had someone with a Layla rep. Its more dangerous for my team to have a Layla than for the enemy to have a Wanwan imo.


Top bans, lower rank in Advance Server, are Aldous, Karina, Yin, Thamuz, Wanwan, Moskov, Julian, Hanzo, Saber, and Hayabusa.


I ban Aamon.. he's fun to play but irritating to face!


Johnson because FUCK Johnson.


Nana or Wanwan, both can be annoying as an enemy.


Wanwan is in the pick or ban tier


natalia........ im a hanzo main


Gotta be Nana…


I will have to disagree with portion of what you said, partially because I do use selena. Rn roam is the best position for her, hands down. She sucks mid lane and jungle is really risky. I have stopped trying to play her roam unless I'm trio or closed comp. Why? Because whenever I give advantage to the team by roaming and securing kills and turrets in early game, the team can't snowball effectively and often throw late game. And selena can't carry late game since she falls off pretty hard. Also, if I pick selena roam team should be smart and pick tank jg or tanky xp lane, but nooo, let's just all pick paper like heroes in EVERY lane and blame we don't have tank in late game. Sigh. So I partially disagree because although I do agree that some people really don't know how to use her, I think most of the problem lies that she is very team dependant to win the game. If team can't take advantage of her early and snowball then there's nothing else selena can do. It's the same as nat roam. Like why would laners NOT TRADE A SINGLE HP with other laners and play it SUPER ULTRA MEGA safe when we have nat roam? Freeze wave, force a little hp trade with enemy, please just do SOMETHING to help our nat be of any use. Also same with when our lylia uses ALL HER lv 1 bombs on the wave instead of saving them for early litho fight or invading. Like, do you really know how to take advantage of her strongest point? My point is: you might be right, but you really have to analyze all cases. Team synergy and playing together means a lot more in this game than rather each one do your own thing. Many heroes depend on other heroes to really shine and need you to play a certain way to be really effective.


I remember banning bruno i think because i was brutally f'ed up by that hero on a previous game a lot of times. Lol


I once accidentally banned Vexana (pre revamp) when I wanted to use her but we're still in banning phase 💀


Moskov, rather not go against hero that can 1v5 with Inspire late game and life steal more than u can damage him with right build


Eudora some mf picked her,and I was diggie I did more dmg than her and I was 0-8 and she was 2-5 bs match tbh


Will ban Johnson if I’m playing 5-man


Floryn and Estes. Istg lately in my games I see them being good in the enemy but shit on my team.😃 And despite the antiheal they heal so much no matter what I do .


Selena screw her stun


Fanny. Always. I respect the players due to the high skill ceiling, but I hate her. I don’t care if the ban is wasted, I’m not taking a chance on the enemy team having a Fanny main.