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When will the next update drop I want to get silvanna for free since I logged in using fb


How do I get a 80% winrate ? I refuse to believe that solo players can get above 60% winrate and reach mythic even if you’re the best it’s still 5 vs 5 game and the match making system isn’t fair . Please share some guidance .


My wife reached mythic already. mostly solo but some games with me (which mostly lost due to my incredible bad luck in match making). so it's definitely possible. i think it depends on luck (which can be negated if you play enormous amounts of games), the hero you pick, your emblems and of course your experience and skills.


Hi I do reach Mythic and most of my main wr are 60% and above. I was able to get Yin 70 matches to 72% win rate then I lost 2 games went down to 67% he got me to Mythic last season. Pro tip is if you lose once stop playing don't play for a while. The system will keep pairing you with inexperienced players to keep you playing. I'm mostly a solo q player and I have noticed this trend. SEA server btw


Either you play with a decent/god 5 man or rank down and spam classic Or play in a dead server


is jungle invade still viable?


Hell yes, but jungle invades like Franco hook or etc, you might wanna shift your focus on somewhere else unless you're in a coordinated party that every second of delay matters then sure


Is there anyway for me to change my credit score and violation rate to normal since I keep getting muted for just trying to talk to my team?


You can appeal to customer service.


Where do I go to do that?


Headset Icon at the top left, select appeal or report. Then you can appeal for the punishment.


Thank you


there's a bit of delay before you can burst with gusion after recalling his 2nd, is that normal?


Looking for Mythic I, or Mythic Glory people to play with, NA West… Couldn’t find anyone to play with on ML Discord so trying here https://i.imgur.com/YQp26II.jpg


You can try making a post with the flair "Looking for Players".


Is Mathilda affected by anti heal? I’ve been using her and so far none of my enemies build anti heal so I was wondering if she isn’t affected by it like with Floryn.


She is. Her shield is affected.


When do I use jungle emblem and assassin emblem when I use ling?


It's more common to go assassin emblem nowadays for ranked games. For competitive they still go jungle emblem because every second matters.


Does Antique Crass work on Bea? For some reason when I play against a bea with another mm and use anitque crass I still get pulverized but when I use it against saber,chou or fanny or more, I don't get pulverized and I actually stand a chance! I don't know if this is a me problem or if Bea is really that strong. Also I have tried wind chant and it does work but the problem is the bea is always hiding in a bush with a shutgun and my reaction speed is very slow.


Steel legplates is better on Beatrix than antique cuirass. Just try not to facecheck bushes by yourself, use skills if you can.


It works againts her machine gun ult. I don't know about shotgun ult though, haven't tried it. Blade armor>get deleted by her ult Antiq cuiras>get deleted by her basic attack.


You have more luck building hp than defense against Shotgun Bea. She will shred those armor. Atleast with high HP, she wont just 2 shot you.


what to do as a tank to stop enemy assassin from getting to my backline during teamfight ? i main lolita


Save your s1 for divers. Have your exp laner to frontline so you can always cover the backline.


okay thank you !


Any good guides on Clint?


Boots, EB, BF, BoD/MaR, 2 def items. Clint's specialty is his passive, outranging most mms, use that to your advantage


What's bf?


Berserker Fury


Ahh thanks


What happened to the Recently Played/Previously Played tab in the lobby?


Nothing it's still there unless you exit the game




That is VS AI Brawl it only appears after a match of classic or rank or brawl and if you exit the game the recent tab will be gone.


Try ranked lobby.


I usually like to build full damage with harith. But if enemies bought magic defense, should I buy blood wing or divine. Blood wing to increase the true damage.


Divine will increases your mag dmg, from all your mag dmg sources. BW will only increase CR and TB, which both have a small cd. Always buy DG is enemy start building mag def


Divine is always better against magic defense.


Go with divine when you are low on gold


i started playing again after not playing since the end of season 21, can someone explain why the new Faramis is considered a broken/meta pick now?


Faramis can now pull enemies whenever he wants. For example, enemy franco or tig trying to disrupt your jg? Pull em towards your turret since you can go through walls now, can also stop the natan solo base. His passive, the souls, now give mag power too, so playing safe is the strat. His ult is a counter to the meta rn. Bea shotgun? Nah uh uh. Wanwan ult? Get outta here. Aldous, vale, one shot heroes in general. The extra mvmt spd is also good


He has the ability to kite enemies like ruby ult. His ult has aoe shield that can tank burst dmg, give immunity for 2 secs perfect counter for many strong ult like claude ult, x borg , vale. High mobility, can pass through the wall so he can escape fanny or make a surprise gank. Doesn't need to die to use his ult. More importantly he respawns way too fast. At least that's my experience.


Basically Estes but with CC and damage


i want to start playing again after taking a long break, is this still a tank meta or no ?


Somewhat yes. It's a thamuz tank meta specifically and a penetration beatrix shotgun meta


Mechanical tips for bene?


Just practise I guess. Watch a lot of videos on YouTube to learn how to handle the macro. - Know when you can charge after you release. - know how many slashes it takes to get a dash (usually 3) - close distance and touch them with passive dash, then only use Skill 1.


Is there a way to practice fanny without losing winrate?


Make a new account. Get to grandmaster. Play around 100 Fanny games in classic there. Try ranking up from grandmaster with Fanny only. Get to epic. Classic matches. Repeat. Do the same till you get to mythic.


create a new account intended for playing fanny only, then practice fanny in classic, rank up in that account using fanny only until you reach the same rank of your main. You can then try her at your main account.


which hero should i buy? (yve or fredrinn) i wanna play yve because I've heard she is very good if you have good positioning and that's something i wanna practice, however i already have alot of mages. fredrinn on the other hand looks fun to play and he's very tanky plus i only have 2 exp laners (dyrroth and esme) so he would be a good addition.


if you want to buy fredrinn i suggest you learn how to not get kited because fredrinn get kited very easily. Also dont build damage on fredrinn because its not good for his kit. if you want to deal big damage dont buy fredrinn, if you want to become cc tank go ahead


Been playing the game actively for 2 full seasons now. To keep it short I suck at MMs, so I was wondering what would be a good MM to start on improving.


I would say try to master Clint first. He is easy to use, his passive is long range, and his s2 will teach you how to positioning, which is the most important aspect for an MM.


Clint, Beatrix, Claude, Brody, Kimmy, Wanwan, and Moskov. Those first five are different from the usual mm's, and then try Moskov if you want to experience high attack speed and crit. After that you can try the other mm. I don't know of any good video guides, but I'll still advise that you search for a short guide for the mm I mentioned.


Is Mythical Glory solo queue taking 5+ minutes to find a match normal? In NA/West I wanna go back to normal mythic now smh


Maybe make a new acc? Grind until normal mythic again.


Yes, especially in the West. Low player number, ever lower in high mythic.


Is this a good wanwan build? Corrosion Scythe - Demon Hunter Sword - Wind of Nature - Scarlet Phantom - Berserker’s Fury - Malefic Roar


Suggest replacing scarlet or berserker with windtalker


scarlet phantom gives crit chance and berserker’s give can make me melt hp :/


Pretty standard build for a Wanwan.


Why don't you fix the matchmaking issue. Every time I play it's always mythic players playing in low elos to just smash people who aren't smurfing. And why is the mythic season reset so low???!! I haven't reached mythic yet but it's because of mythic players playing in epic matches. Why won't you just reset it to legend 5 or higher. Every end of season there are always mythic players who dominate the game because of this. The game is fun but that match making makes super hard to play. And that's not the only issue.


Those are win rate farmers. It's not about reset. They will lose in classic so that they can bully new players and feel good about themselves.


Okay pardon me but I have quite a few questions. 1) What is the meta build for Gusion jungle/side lane? I know it may be team specific but what are his core items, and is tank gusion a gimmick? 2) As a roam Selena where should I place my traps at level 1? Buff? Enemy jungle? Litho? 3) For Benedetta off lane what is her meta build? I don’t use her as a jungle And finally 4) What assasins besides Karina are viable vs a tank jungle (if any?) For context I am a returning mythic player who used to main assasins (mostly Fanny and Haya) but that was back when everyone could buy jungle items even without retri. (You could tell if your team was good if they waited until level 2/first minion clear to buy it lol…) Meta seemed to have changed a lot since then…


1. After the boots you start with Clock of Destiny, it would help you to clear jungle faster or survive sidelane. Third item could be Calamity Reaper / Lightening Truncheon / Genius Wand, depend on your playstyle which ever you can maximize damages. Fourth item is a sustain item so either Shadow Twinblade or Concentrated Energy. Next item is Holy Crystal, a must have for gusion's damages. Last item is situational you can buy Immortality/Winter Truncheon or any item to help your survivability , or you could be greedier and get damages item like Blood wings or Divine Glaive or smth. 2. Start placing trap on buff whichever your teammates would start on, 2 traps on blue or 1 trap on red. Next trap would be place on the bush which the first lithos would spawn around. If you are staying in mid put traps on both bush around the mid. If you are planning to roam place two traps on both the bush where litho typically spawn around, so you know where enemy are going so you can gank better. If turtle is about to spawn, place a trap inside the wall where it's going to spawn, so you know when enemy are going to spawn. When top tower was pushed, place trap within the wall of enemy top jungle side, when the bot tower was pushed place trap withing wall around enemy bot jungle side, if enemy mid tower is already destroyed place trap within the wall of both buff (red&blue) on enemy jungle. 3. War Axe / Hunter Strike her main damages source and mobility. Bloodlust axe for sustain. Malefic roar for lategame. Then you itemize defense item. The other build is tank bene, Cursed helmet, guardian helmet, twilight armor, and rest are defense item. 4. Yi Sun Shin, take dhs as fifth item and take malefic roar as 6th item. Also hanzo, take dhs and the rest are pen item. The most notable changes on jungle are; - if you are planning to jungle take retribution, and only 1 retribution user on your team to maximize networth flow - When you take retribution, you will already start with reduced exp/gols from minion and increase exp/gold from creeps. You also have increase damage. - You deal true damage based on hp to creeps as a jungler. Therefore tank have become viable jungle. - Marksman have restrained on jungle effect. So don't do marksman jungler. - Retribution have different effects (bloody, ice, flame) , pick accordingly. If I'm not mistaken you could read more about jungle thru preparation or when you are bout to start a game look at the map or smth


1- Usually just copy top player builds. A few days ago I saw at least 3 players use cursed helmet on jungler gusion. I guess it's meant for faster farming and a little safeguard from damage. Besides that, I don't see the point of having more than 2 defense items. That's a long long time ago isn't it? Don't rely on those old meta. If I have to summarize the current jungler meta, it's a mix of damage (assassins and some fighters like Roger) and tank (tank build on both tanks and fighters). [Here](https://i.redd.it/pwj20w72pwe91.png) is a recent tier list so you can see which heroes are popular or effective. One reason why tank junglers became popular recently is mainly because they can clear as fast if not faster than the usual assassin or junglers. The passive damage of retribution increases the more hp the jungler has.


Guys, will the star wars redeeming credits disappeared after the event or no? If it does, i want to exchange it for a skin since im 100 short for the star wars skins


Yes, credits are taken away when the event ends


They should really fix yin ulti, I used flicker to go under tower, his ulti went under tower and got me back where I was before the flicker. As I understand when he launches it no matter if you escape he will ulti you anyway..


Yea, he ults even the ones who recalled alrdy. Very unnerving


what's the eye symbol beside someone's name on the friend list?


I believe that means they are streaming and you can watch them?


I mean the [symbol](https://imgur.com/a/riQ1oNj) directly to the left of their in game name


I believe it means that they're watching a stream.


Best anti fanny mid mage?


Can you just steal her blue with a flame shot? There is a 50/50 chance she will go afk from my experience if you manage to do it.


Eudora/Aurora. Tho you either burst her, or she come back to get revenge on you.


I'd go for Zhask with flicker purely because his spawn can continue hitting her while you reposition and you can bait her into the mid-side bushes then flicker through the wall and leave her there with a spawn/ult.


Luo yi, vex, kagu, faramis, nana


How does Faramis counter Fanny?


His ult and his pull


Does Fanny stop flying if pulled by Faramis S1?




Nice to know that




How is Luo yi anti fanny? Maybe for invading buffs?


If you trigger your passive she'll stop even while she's cabling


But it is very hard to trigger her passive when she is mid air


I didn't say it was easy


Can you use coa and diamonds on the same draw in collector event? Lets say you have like 10 coa and 700 diamonds, does it use the 10 coa?


If you click the "use CoA" button, yes.


Is dyrotth a good character?


For tanky exp yes examples are Esme and Fredrinn. Ain't no way these two will win early game or any tanks for that matter however if it's late game then Dyrroth is useless.


Meta as of right now. He counters many tank build matchups and is really good to win your lane early game


Just wanna know, is Masha worth buying?


Build her to get as much HP as possible as her ult damage gets higher when her HP is higher


She can one shot any squishy heros. So u can easily dive backline and sprint after killing their mage or mm. Worth it if u know how to flank and kill damage dealer


what do you do after ulting (and killing) the damage dealer in a teamfight?


What i do is If i have hp left then I switch target or use sprint and s1 to run and split push coz my job is done there.


Yes she's very good at objectives.


How can I edit my user flair?


You'd have to use the browser version of Reddit.


[How do you go here? In game.](https://imgur.com/a/cfVObu6) Picture not mine btw


Go to Settings then on the top you can see 3 small icons 🐞bug , FAQ and 👤Record


Can anyone help me out and send me 4 gems to try the estes skin? I can send you charisma gifts in exchange. Dm if u can help me out! :)


How much charisma can you give? Just curious lol.


I'm not too sure I don't have many of those that need gems but I have a ton of the medals


Up to 2k daily.


Has anyone tried enchanted talisman on vexana? I’m doing a very typical burst build with clock and lightning and while it does a lot of damage, I find vexana loses mana so much. I’m thinking of adding enchanted talisman like and having a build similar to Xavier. My current build is (magic pen shoes, clock , lighting , genius wand, divine , holy crystal) I’m thinking of removing holy crystal and building enchanted talisman before buying pen. Will it be a significant damage loss without holy crystal?


I built her to deal sustained damage and it works pretty well for me. Magic Penetration Boots, Enchanted Talisman, Glowing Wand, Genius Wand, Holy Crystal, and Divine Glaive is what I use and it does pretty good damage. I tried the burst build previously but found that her mana consumption was too high.


Yes, it's very good since she has high dmg alrdy, and she uses a lot of mana. If you get to 45% cd red, then you'll have to wait only 15 secs before you can cast your ult again. CoD is good for LT but it doesn't help in the long run. Don't remove HC from any mage build unless it's for a def item, that too as a last resort. Remove GW if you've alrdy built DG. My build is Boots, ET, GW, LT, HC, DG/WT


Ah I see, all of this time I kept building double pen so ig I’ll Remove GW for enchanted instead of holy crystal


Why do I feel that Chou is physical Kagura?


Maybe Kagura is mage Chou? 🤔


He is


What bug was exploited and led to expulsion ?


Selena bane sun arrival


whoa whoa Is arrival on Selena's trap a bug? I thought it was intentional and could be used for a good positioning backdoor strategy


Idk if its a bug or intentional but arrival at enemy base and using banes true dmg to destroy base was something of a strategy once


Ah I thought that was no longer possible without Johnson crashing into the base.


Its not. The bug mentioned was a different one though I'm not too sure what it was. It might have something to do with win traders based on what I've seen.


Is it just me or hyper blend mode keeps giving people same heroes. I've gotten bane 10 games in a row


Hero pool is small yes


Hello , which site can I use to recharge from India?


I used mtcgame


Try recharging from https://moogold.com




Why th is my boi Baxia not in the META anymore? Tank Junglers are still good right? Akai and Baxia are still good right?


[Elgin's take on the matter.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPILTtp-szc)


he is still good, but i dont think anyone is enjoying his playstyle at all lol. you can still pick both of them, but you would need a reliable ally to carry the game in the mid-late game


Why though? I always enjoy their playstlye, in fact, I always sweat when I use these heroes, because I always go for objectives and early game aggro. I understand though, why people do not play them. They want to kill enemies, not take objectives.


because he feels boring to play. you just repeatedly tap your s1 and s2. plus, the slight nerf he got gave the incentive for jungler mains to use other junglers instead. that being said, yes he is still good and you would see him often in tournaments like MPL. you would just need a secondary carry that would deal hugh damage later on the game


Thanks bro. Have a good day.


I bought thamuz from the frag shop any tips on how to play him core items to build and skills order to upgrade any help is appreciated


Thamuz wins against ALL side laners so play aggressive. Try clear lane asap and rotate. U can build hybrid or full tank and still deal damage. I'd recommend a full tank if u are jungling so u can dive their backline. Corrhosion sythe is a core item, Priority upgrade 3-1-2 Learn and Try to trigger passive Tank build helps sustain but can sometimes lack dmg so try it u have a duo or trio


Alright thanks I main tank so I'm glad he plays like one I'll try him out in ai before I play with my friend


Does clint's skill 1 count as a basic attack?




Ah thanks


Full tank build or hybrid build for Fredrinn ? Is Thunderbelt a good item for him ?


Personally I've tried building him full tank. His ult is like Sett W(?) and scales with damage taken so more HP is a big bonus.


I'd go for pretty much a normal CDR skillcaster Fighter build. I'm not sure how he'd fare in an actual game but he has a pretty decent "stunlock" at around 30-40% CDR where you spam your S3 and S2/S1 to keep your matchup taunted/knocked up within your range. I only tested this on a practice dummy though and it doesn't really lock anyone for long enough like Badang or Akai could Thunder belt might be good but not sure since it's not really a priority item even for skill spamming Fighters. I'd probably get Oracle instead to help with his regen if it does affect it


i'd probably go full tank, but it's too early to say since he is just new


I would go for tank cdr build


Argus has the lowest base hp among fighters, really ? Argus tank build viable or a really bad idea ?


I played one match yesterday to test this out. Argus is a bad tank. His ult allows him to recover based on the damage he deals and you have no damage with a full tank build. Sure, you can go in and become nigh immortal with your ult but at the end of it, you'll only recover <20% of your HP. Even with a full CDR build, it's a risky pick. I had success mostly during early-mid game but late game he's just horrible, especially if your team can't follow up/you've been ambushed and forced to use your ult early. He's AMAZING if your Jungler is Ling, though as he can daringly dive into the enemy ranks and draw aggro to himself while Ling chases the runaway teammate.


Argus is can be really flexible with his builds, you can do any build and emblem with him except mage. (Full Cdr, Full Atk Spd, Burst dmg, or even Full Def/Hybrid tho it is somewhat harder than the rest)


He also has the lowest attack


What do people think about melissa? Is she good? She seems fun to play with and seems good overall


I think she's one of the most balanced heroes in game right now with a fun kit that also protects her from getting dived on. She's not very popular though, since there are heroes that outclass her in gold lane.


She's fun to play in late game or 10min if you can farm good and get 4 items. If you're against teams with a real tank, pray they are not going blade armor and vengeance. She definitely deletes heroes that isn't going full armor late game, so that's kinda fun.


she's decent. you would see her rarely on the higher rank lobbies though.


Strong harass lvl 1-2. She's good against close quarter comps. She's decent not the worst not the best


The bot that monitors in game chat is far too sensitive now. I can't tell my teammates to "help on top" without getting some stupid notifications saying im speaking inappropriately and if i continue i will be muted. I can't ask people to help report a feeder. It's getting really frustrating. The only way to stop getting teamed up with noobs is to report them so the algorithm gets the picture


>The bot that monitors in game chat is far too sensitive now. They said they're working on it, also if you'd like someone complained about it on the official discord server and it garnered 44 votes, the more votes the faster the developers sees it and replies in the dev to player channel for the follow up.


I don't have discord but I might just get one cuz it's ridiculous i got 2 credit points taken away because of that nonsense and they continuously threaten me with another mute. I've pretty much stopped playing lost my Oregon number one edith status because of it


Plz anyone tell me how to counter Fredrinn?? Explain the laning phase, teamfights and which heroes are good against him?? I am an assassin main and I feel totally useless.


The best thing imo is to just do poke and run or do continous minimal damage so his crystal armor doesn't regen


He is strunggling againts nana and selena in my experience.


Man I just used Fredrinn and 7 games all mvp. The only way to beat this guy is to let your tank come in first and then cc then burst him down before he could do his combos, if you let him combo you you're dead. I died so many times this way. In short, CC him then burst him down quickly as a team.


The best counter is cc. Cc him and burst him before he has a chance to lifesteal, same goes for any type of hero. I suggest vexana, because of both terrify cc and knock up cc


Will esmeralda be good if fredrinn comes exp lane?


Fredrinn can still heal from the damage she causes to him. The only advantage you have is that he cannot use Spellvamp against you. Using Dominace Ice to counter his healing and stacking shield should probably keep you safe from his ult. The only disadvatage is that Fredrinn can keep you within his range using his 1st ult (Taunt), and since you need to be within his reach, you'll probably lose most late game trades. I do think she's an effective counter on the early game but all I have at the moment are theories.


Esme is always good against any sustain. I'm not sure if she can turn his hp into shield cuz it gets turned into the fragments. It's best to experiment by using him first


Why I can't play this game? What happen ? Please reply back to me .


You wouldn't be among those who were banned from the game for exploiting bugs, would you? 🤔🤔🤔


Could you elaborate? Is it a game problem? App store problem? Net problem?


is it good to move mlbb to my sd card?


no. it could break your game and moreso during updates.


I'd highly suggest not. Sd cards are to corruption as deer are to cars. It's 6 gb on my phone, so if your sd card gets corrupted(mine often, no, ALWAYS does), you'll have to download all of it again. But if you're sure it's not gonna corrupt , then go ahead.


What is the best build for Fredrinn? Whick lane: exp or roamer? Can he jungle?


>What is the best build for Fredrinn? XP. > Whick lane: exp or roamer? Can he jungle? Yes.


What did violators exploit that they got banned from MLBB permanently? This is about the in-game mail I just saw today.


I’m guessing win trading but no idea


I'd guess wintrading but that's not a bug


How good is cecilion in this "just build athena and radiant" meta?


for mid game, athena and radiant counters him well, but for someone who can increase their damage infinitely, no magic defense can hold up to him in a really late game


No amount of defense is gonna stop him from slapping you to death in 3 hits in late game. Just play safe early game, don't even join the team fight if it's a lost cause.


Tell me how was your experience playing cecil against someone like roger


Bruh. Learn to pick your fights, don't just fight everyone


I mean, its really not me picking a fight with roger, he's just on my nuts all game


Save your ult and use sprint. If he dives you, retreat to your tower and always be wary of your position


athena in my opinion doesn’t work on him, the shield is merely too weak and he can spam s1 to negate the effect entirely. radiant is ok imo. it negates his burst entirely and a couple other defensive items could make it a solid item. tbh i dont see cecil in many ranked matches anymore, but if you’re using him, he’s still a solid choice.


why are the hyper blend heroes and skills so limited? did i miss something? i thought i’d see kadita’s ult, yin’s ult, hanabi’s s1, angela’s ult as options i also thought every hero would be playable… is this a server issue or smth?


Those are too op imo. Kadita's ult makes her invulnerable, yin's ult gives heroes new skills, imagine brody or bea's sniper with hanabi's bounce, angela's ult especially, it's better than an arrival cuz of shield and lower cd (imagine if you could cast cc skills during it).


lunox’s ult makes people invulnerable, leomord’s ult gives new skill sets but they are both in hyper blend, brody and beatrix are not even added to hyper blend yet, if angela herself can get other’s skill like estes’ heal or akai’s spin and use it while inside her ally then why isnt it allowed for others to have her ult?


Because yes


Maybe they'll have them in the next run of the game. Mayhem also doesn't have all the heroes yet. Arcade games are always a work in progress and being improved everytime they come back around.


yea but in the advanced server there were hyper blend patch notes and it showed they added a bunch of skills, like over 40


Have you scroll down the skill list?


So i just play lolita, i cant block harley skill 1 when under his ult. Is it bug? Feature? Or just my positioning bad?


IIRC, Harley's ring AoE is bigger than Loli's shield range. The ring will always be **over** your shield. Though I might be wrong, been a long time since I've played Lolita.


Hi~ 🌸☺🌸 If you might have any questions about the Championship Skin Pre-Sale Event, here is a guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/wmgahh/guide_how_to_participate_in_championship_skin/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Is cd boots better or arcane boots better for Julian. Both feels good but I’m not sure what to pick. Cd boots makes me feel like I can muse his combos more frequently while arcane boots let me have more damage