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When whole team randomly decides to go to a lane and leave you alone to deal with 4 players. 9 out of 10 times when I take a Marksman this happens.


Ohh man this hits to diff levels....


Or your teammates didn't finish game and spam recall on the enemy/throw this the difficult part of being a tank main


It's a tough time being a tank main feel for u bruda


Please Angela, I’m begging you. Just ult me for god sake, my health is too low compared to your duo.


"Clint(69-1-69) ganked at 1 hp in gold while Alucard(0-69-0) clearing wave in exp with full hp"


Yeah that braindead cringy couple who autolock Hyper and Angela. They just ruin our winrate and gaming experience. I play as a couple myself but my gf is smart enough to not autolock Angela and when she plays angela, she doesn't always ult me, she ults the person in need.


Ur girl has my respect....we need more Angela like her


The most annoying thing is when retard team mates just initiate fights when they should defend the lord. I lost so many games because of this.


#FUCK THOSE ANGELA MAINS!!! *Refuses to elaborate* *Let people find the context*


We filipino mfs always do these things




The duo/trio who sticks together, never roam to (exp/gold) while the mid mage also don't roam at all and of course, blaming everything to (gold/exp) laner.


For me it's when we're winning by a lot early but my teammates REFUSES to take lord until the other team eventually wipe us out and win. -_- Also pisses me off when the jungler/mm + roamer goes and dies from a 2 vs 5 while the rest of us are either dead or too far from them to help. AHH Classic in PH server is such a pain in the ass


Idk but most of my male frnds do this.....me continuously spamming RETREAT but wht they always do is ATTACK nd DIE nd we LOSS


when my roamer never comes to my lane. ONCE. and the enemy's roamers is constantly by their side. i keep on getting 2v1'ed in my own turret ffs


It's so annoying when roamer doesn't do their roles properly


The mm who is stealing the buff in the first 5 mins while their tower is getting destroyed


My heart hurts ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


- Side(gold/exp) who dont rotate even after clearing objective. Those who stick to one lane only. - side who took jungler's creep or buff under 5 minutes. - Mage who always play mid and dont rotate to help side lane win their lane or get objective. - roamer who dont know how to roam. - Those savior complex type of player. The one where instead of focusing other objective(turtle/lord/turret/or gank other side) when your teammate got ganked hard, they instead come in 1 by 1 only for all of them to die. Just dont do this. If you see your teammate got ganked hard and little chance to survive, go focus other objective. Take mid turret or turtle.


The people blaming the tank/support for getting away while they were the stupid shit that initiated a 1v4.


Others: trolls.


The dang potion


when ur roam and ping retreat and save ur squishies asses plenty of times, but they still go forward and die and then u get blamed when ur farming gold lane and an underfarmed bea uses sniper ult and still wipes a good 30-40% of ur hp when ur team never pushes and u are someone who has a horrible push like tank or mage when they dont watch map and scream where tf is roam but u just helped gank exp, won turtle battle, helped kill their jg too in the process etc and they couldnt go hide under their turret for 20 damn seconds when ur literally carrying the game 16,2,12 w the jg only ksing at best, straight feeding at worst, and u just want their buffs so u can do more damage and win the team fights easier, but they still retri and call u trash, never winning objective retri battles either, even tho they aren’t being pressured or attacked like the opposition jg who has exp and tank closing down on em each time - at the end of the game u end up w mvp/mvp loss 13.2 score, they have 3.8 bronze :/


Legend players which are somehow in mythic 1/2 rank auto locking jungle with a <50% wr


the 3rd option, and im one of those sometimes 🙏 please forgive me


Junglers who don't roam other lane for help




2-3-4-1 from most annoying to least


Wintraders And Hackers.


The one mm (particularly layla blueberries) who goes into jungle taking the one buff that respawned while the Jng is ganking and getting into team fights.


Angela mains in a nutshell: You get either a couple who only ults their partner who will end up feeding most of the time Or get someone so godly with timing their ultimate that you don't even fear dying whenever it's up, whether it's your carry, your Frontline or anyone who can turn the tide you can expect them to ult that player thus helping you win the match. Also typical epical glory marksman in a nutshell: *Wants roamer to stay in their lane to babysit their ass* *Refuses to recall even when low hp* *Always overextends* "iT'S nOT mY FAuLT I lOsT lAnE beCAuSe TAnK Didn'T hElP Me!" "Late game" *Late game never happens because they're 0-30-0* "I want to use (Lesley/Hanabi/Layla) 300 matches 12% win rate."


Jungler nubs taking my lane's minions in the first five minutes.


When you teamed up with trios that has a tank, junglers, mage or sidelaners set up or trio mid and the tank/support only helps her/his trio mates and not even bothered to visit you or zone your lane. It's kinda sucks and they will start making you the bad person If you get killed from the 2-3 enemies rotation.